11 research outputs found

    Demystifying the Future of the Screen

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    Demystifying the Future of the Screen explores the creation of a 3D representation of volumetric display (a graphical display device that produces 3D objects in mid-air), a technology that doesn’t yet exist in the consumer realm, using current technologies. It investigates the conceptual possibilities and technical challenges of prototyping a future, speculative, technology with current available materials. Cultural precedents, technical antecedents, economic challenges, and industry adaptation, all contribute to this thesis proposal. It pedals back to the past to examine the probable widespread integration of this future technology. By employing a detailed horizon scan, analyzing science fiction theories, and extensive user testing, I fabricated a prototype that simulates an immersive volumetric display experience, using a holographic display fan. Its construct was inspired by pre-television optical media like phantasmagoria, Kristian Birkeland’s immersive cathode-ray environments, and NBC’s original news broadcast in the early 1900s. The treatment was influenced by sci-fi film visualizations

    Perceptually Optimized Visualization on Autostereoscopic 3D Displays

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    The family of displays, which aims to visualize a 3D scene with realistic depth, are known as "3D displays". Due to technical limitations and design decisions, such displays create visible distortions, which are interpreted by the human vision as artefacts. In absence of visual reference (e.g. the original scene is not available for comparison) one can improve the perceived quality of the representations by making the distortions less visible. This thesis proposes a number of signal processing techniques for decreasing the visibility of artefacts on 3D displays. The visual perception of depth is discussed, and the properties (depth cues) of a scene which the brain uses for assessing an image in 3D are identified. Following the physiology of vision, a taxonomy of 3D artefacts is proposed. The taxonomy classifies the artefacts based on their origin and on the way they are interpreted by the human visual system. The principles of operation of the most popular types of 3D displays are explained. Based on the display operation principles, 3D displays are modelled as a signal processing channel. The model is used to explain the process of introducing distortions. It also allows one to identify which optical properties of a display are most relevant to the creation of artefacts. A set of optical properties for dual-view and multiview 3D displays are identified, and a methodology for measuring them is introduced. The measurement methodology allows one to derive the angular visibility and crosstalk of each display element without the need for precision measurement equipment. Based on the measurements, a methodology for creating a quality profile of 3D displays is proposed. The quality profile can be either simulated using the angular brightness function or directly measured from a series of photographs. A comparative study introducing the measurement results on the visual quality and position of the sweet-spots of eleven 3D displays of different types is presented. Knowing the sweet-spot position and the quality profile allows for easy comparison between 3D displays. The shape and size of the passband allows depth and textures of a 3D content to be optimized for a given 3D display. Based on knowledge of 3D artefact visibility and an understanding of distortions introduced by 3D displays, a number of signal processing techniques for artefact mitigation are created. A methodology for creating anti-aliasing filters for 3D displays is proposed. For multiview displays, the methodology is extended towards so-called passband optimization which addresses Moiré, fixed-pattern-noise and ghosting artefacts, which are characteristic for such displays. Additionally, design of tuneable anti-aliasing filters is presented, along with a framework which allows the user to select the so-called 3d sharpness parameter according to his or her preferences. Finally, a set of real-time algorithms for view-point-based optimization are presented. These algorithms require active user-tracking, which is implemented as a combination of face and eye-tracking. Once the observer position is known, the image on a stereoscopic display is optimised for the derived observation angle and distance. For multiview displays, the combination of precise light re-direction and less-precise face-tracking is used for extending the head parallax. For some user-tracking algorithms, implementation details are given, regarding execution of the algorithm on a mobile device or on desktop computer with graphical accelerator

    A grammar model and curriculum resource for stereoscopic 3-D film production techniques

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    David Crowe's research was sparked by the lack of a suitable storytelling model for stereoscopic 3-D in cinema. David not only refined a working 3-D curriculum, which is now delivered as a Masters module in Higher Education, but also refined an appropriate 3-D film grammar, for now and the future

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2013

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    Proceedings of the 7th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 11, 2013 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia


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    A roadmap for autostereoscopic multi-viewer domestic tv displays.

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    The paper appeared in the special session 3D-TV: Primed for Success? Our activities in the 3DTV Network of Excellence activities led to the invitation to present this paper. The paper presents an overview of the current technologies and approaches that may lead to a viable and user-acceptable domestic 3D television. It is based on a road-mapping report carried out for the Network of Excellence where the enabling technologies for all types of autostereoscopic display over the next ten years are considered. This work is particularly useful as it puts our research in context and indicates the viability of other approaches

    Advances in Automated Driving Systems

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    Electrification, automation of vehicle control, digitalization and new mobility are the mega-trends in automotive engineering, and they are strongly connected. While many demonstrations for highly automated vehicles have been made worldwide, many challenges remain in bringing automated vehicles to the market for private and commercial use. The main challenges are as follows: reliable machine perception; accepted standards for vehicle-type approval and homologation; verification and validation of the functional safety, especially at SAE level 3+ systems; legal and ethical implications; acceptance of vehicle automation by occupants and society; interaction between automated and human-controlled vehicles in mixed traffic; human–machine interaction and usability; manipulation, misuse and cyber-security; the system costs of hard- and software and development efforts. This Special Issue was prepared in the years 2021 and 2022 and includes 15 papers with original research related to recent advances in the aforementioned challenges. The topics of this Special Issue cover: Machine perception for SAE L3+ driving automation; Trajectory planning and decision-making in complex traffic situations; X-by-Wire system components; Verification and validation of SAE L3+ systems; Misuse, manipulation and cybersecurity; Human–machine interactions, driver monitoring and driver-intention recognition; Road infrastructure measures for the introduction of SAE L3+ systems; Solutions for interactions between human- and machine-controlled vehicles in mixed traffic