4 research outputs found


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    Digital exclusion of elderly citizens is a main contributor for poor uptake of public e-service. The situa-tion is alarming since elderly citizens are a major target for many upcoming services provided by gov-ernments, such as online health care services. Playing an important role in a sustainable society, gov-ernments should always strive towards increased efficiency and effectivity in order for publicly founded resources to be better used. However, sustainable development of public e-services is problematic if the intended receivers of such services are excluded from, or do not want to use them. In order to address this problematic situation we need to know more about elderly citizens’ perceptions of why they are digitally excluded. We add to existing research by providing a large sample of empirical data explain-ing elderly citizens’ own perceptions about why they are digitally excluded. Furthermore, we present how these perceptions can be categorised and also how they relate in between. Such findings may serve as a basis for how to deal with these problems in order to enhance digital inclusion of elderly citizens, which in the long run may enhance their uptake of public e-service


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    Esta revisão narrativa tem como objetivo apresentar e discutir a relevância dos estudos desenvolvidos no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gerontologia da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (PPGGero/UFSCar). Os dados foram coletados na disciplina “Seminários Avançados em Gerontologia”, em que os docentes autores apresentaram suas linhas de pesquisa, as quais foram compiladas pelos discentes autores. Os resultados desta revisão apresentam os estudos realizados em um programa interdisciplinar de mestrado acadêmico que possui duas linhas de pesquisa denominadas: 1) Saúde, Biologia e Envelhecimento; e 2) Gestão, Tecnologia e Inovação em Gerontologia. Os estudos se inserem em diversas temáticas da área do envelhecimento, que se articulam entre ambas as linhas de pesquisa do programa. Na linha 1 destacam-se estudos relacionados à cognição, à demência e suas consequências aos pacientes e cuidadores, bem como a pesquisas relacionadas ao seu diagnóstico e cuidado. Destacam-se também pesquisas epidemiológicas e aquelas relacionadas a condições ou doenças comuns no envelhecimento, como dor crônica, osteoartrite e, mais recentemente, a infecções em idosos, incluindo a COVID-19. Na linha 2 destacam-se pesquisas relacionadas a tecnologias assistivas voltadas aos idosos, bem como estratégias de marketing e políticas de atenção para esse público. É notório que a multidimensionalidade de abordagens das questões do envelhecimento exige enfoque multidisciplinar sobre um contexto de excelência acadêmica. Assim, conclui-se que as pesquisas do PPGGero/UFSCar, ao abrangerem várias áreas do conhecimento – as quais permeiam as ciências humanas, biológicas, sociais e exatas no contexto de tecnologia e inovação –, promovem a formação de mestres e pesquisadores que contribuem para a produção de conhecimento em Gerontologia no país

    A Review of Senescent's Motivation in the Use of Tactile Devices

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    A Review of Senescent's Motivation in the Use of Tactile Devices

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    AbstractResearchers report that people older than 60 years old could benefit from easier access to information by using technologies. However, they have been marginalized from the digital inclusion process. The main reason is that the development of devices and interfaces does not consider particularities that allow its use by this range of senior users. Mobile devices with touch screens have the potential to solve these problems. It is because interactions based on touch are more intuitive, regardless of age. However, the use rate of tactile devices for the elderly is considered low compared to other age groups, because they tend to use their mobile phones for relatively limited purposes. The aim of this study is, through interviews and specific tasks encourage the use of technology by those who have not demonstrated the receptive to the devices, and verify the existence of motivations to use a schedule on a tactile device. The results provide insights for developing a schedule application, and evidence that even the senescent people, who often have hesitation about mobile devices, after the conclusion of a task supported by specialists became receptive to such technology