1,492,534 research outputs found

    Measuring sensory and marketing influences on consumers' choices among food and beverage product brands

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    Advance in food science depends on measuring the factors in human perception that influence eaters' activities with branded products. Assessed samples must include at least two levels of a sensed material characteristic (e.g. sucrose) or conceptual marketing attribute (e.g. “low fat”), minimally confounded by other features. Each feature needs to be measured for its effect on the individual's objective achievement of choosing among the samples for a familiar context of use. These influences interact, consciously and unconsciously. This theory of how a mind works has generated a wide range of scientifically illuminating and commercially practical examples, illustrated in this review

    〔報文〕パッケージの消費者情報処理に与える効果について- 「感性記憶型パッケージング」の事例と仮説モデルの検討-

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    Though its importance has been recognized, there has been too little research on how product package design functions as a medium of communication, and how it affects consumers. An examination of the method known as "Sensibility-to-mind type packaging," developed mainly by cosmetic makers, will shed some light on this issue. In this paper, the authors introduce the `Sensibility-to-mind type packaging\u27 method and explain how it works, reexamine the hypothetical process model of reactions for consumer behavior and decision-making underlying it, and review earlier studies in this area. This study will help to elucidate how to make product packages an effective medium of communication, and thus lays the groundwork for a theoretically-sound understanding of product packaging and how it can be used effectively in marketing mix modeling in the future

    Behavioral Economics and the Effects of Psychology on the Stock Market

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    The purpose of this thesis is to study the contributions behavioral economics and finance have had on the understanding on how the stock market works. The idea that psychology plays a role in influencing the stock market can be dated back to Adam Smith who wrote about individual’s behavior in his work Theory of Moral Sentiments. It wasn’t until the latter half of the 20th century that behavioral economics became accepted as a counter to Eugene Fama’s widely accepted theory of Efficient Market Hypothesis. This paper will analyze the development of behavioral economics, review the main contributors to the field and review main theories as it relates to the psychology of the human mind, and how it can influence the stock market

    Review of 'The Outer Limits of Reason' by Noson Yanofsky 403p (2013) (review revised 2019)

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    I give a detailed review of 'The Outer Limits of Reason' by Noson Yanofsky from a unified perspective of Wittgenstein and evolutionary psychology. I indicate that the difficulty with such issues as paradox in language and math, incompleteness, undecidability, computability, the brain and the universe as computers etc., all arise from the failure to look carefully at our use of language in the appropriate context and hence the failure to separate issues of scientific fact from issues of how language works. I discuss Wittgenstein's views on incompleteness, paraconsistency and undecidability and the work of Wolpert on the limits to computation. To sum it up: The Universe According to Brooklyn---Good Science, Not So Good Philosophy. Those wishing a comprehensive up to date framework for human behavior from the modern two systems view may consult my book ‘The Logical Structure of Philosophy, Psychology, Mind and Language in Ludwig Wittgenstein and John Searle’ 2nd ed (2019). Those interested in more of my writings may see ‘Talking Monkeys--Philosophy, Psychology, Science, Religion and Politics on a Doomed Planet--Articles and Reviews 2006-2019 3rd ed (2019) and Suicidal Utopian Delusions in the 21st Century 4th ed (2019

    Vygotsky and Marxism

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    To cut off Vygotsky from Marx is to look at him fragmentally and to separate his work from its theoretical basis. The very act is anti-dialectical materialism, the fundamental principle guiding Vygotsky\u27s research and shaping his analysis. A discussion of Vygotsky in the context of Marxism will help us reach an understanding of the theoretic framework of Vygotsky\u27s thinking. This understanding will lead us to a more profound interpretation of Vygotsky\u27s theory and approach. Hopefully this discussion will also help readers understand Marxist theory and methodology in some way. In this article, based on two of Vygotsky\u27s most known works among American educators: Thought and Language and Mind in Society (they are referred as Thought and Mind in the text), I will examine how Vygotsky applied Marxist principles to his study of human psychological development and present in what way he was a Marxist. In doing so, first of all, we have to review Marxist principles

    Art: the Beautiful, Relieving Agent for Mental Illness

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    Art: the Beautiful, Revealing Agent for Mental Illness is aimed to present a thorough analysis of the relationship between art and mental illness. With this proposal, I show the hidden meanings behind some art works, The Starry Night and Kaleidoscope Cat V11, and how the importance of creation gives to others. Creation allows people with mental illness to express their personal experiences liberally on a medium, to potentially release their tension they may hold inside their mind. As my research proposal demonstrates, art provides individuals with a sense of unattachment from reality, by allowing them to freely express their mental instability without fear of judgement from outsiders. This proposal walks through the necessary background, methodology, and literature review with a creative lens in mind. One key argument my proposal suggests is that traditional therapy is not always realistic for all people. As a whole, my research contributes towards the bigger conversation between mental illness and available options for people who may not have access to traditional therapy. Art therapy creates a realistic bridge to cross for those people

    Affect and Cognition in Managerial Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroscience Evidence

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    How do affect and cognition interact in managerial decision making? Over the last decades, scholars have investigated how managers make decisions. However, what remains largely unknown is the interplay of affective states and cognition during the decision-making process. We offer a systematization of the contributions produced on the role of affect and cognition in managerial decision making by considering the recent cross-fertilization of management studies with the neuroscience domain. We implement a Systematic Literature Review of 23 selected contributions dealing with the role of affect and cognition in managerial decisions that adopted neuroscience techniques/points of view. Collected papers have been analyzed by considering the so-called reflexive (X-) and reflective (C-) systems in social cognitive neuroscience and the type of decisions investigated in the literature. Results obtained help to support an emerging “unified” mind processing theory for which the two systems of our mind are not in conflict and for which affective states have a driving role toward cognition. A research agenda for future studies is provided to scholars who are interested in advancing the investigation of affect and cognition in managerial decision making, also through neuroscience techniques – with the consideration that these works should be at the service of the behavioral strategy field

    Learning and Power Relations on Collaborative Knowledge Building Cyber- Discourse

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    This paper is mainly composed of two sections. Section (I) provides a review of Carl Bereiter’s and Marlene Scardamalia’s theories of knowledge, learning and mind in education. Firstly, to examine how they apply Karl Popper’s 3–world schema for collaborative knowledge building discourse with a brief evaluation of their ontological, pedagogical, scientific and technological justifications. Secondly, to mention the educational significance of inter-world interactions for cyber-based teaching and learning context for evolutionary growth of human knowledge. In Section (II), one power-cohesive domain in a collaborative knowledge building research community is brought out, apart from the affective and (meta)-cognitive ones, reflected from Bereiter’s and Marlene’s research works. In particular, by using M. Foucault’s concept of ‘panopticism’, an in-depth discourse analysis is carried out to explore how power-relationships among some IT educational staff members in the Faculty of Education at the University of Hong Kong affect their perception of potential impacts of cyber-forum upon the overall research community. Lastly, a conceptual review of ‘cyber-based collaborative learning’ is offered and further research agendas are implied for enhancing collaborative learning and researching communities in Hong Kong.published_or_final_versionCentre for Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kon

    Tourist Literature and the Architecture of Travel in Olga Tokarczuk and Patti Smith

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    This chapter analyses two travel narratives within the scope of literature and tourism studies, aiming to explore the motivations to undertake journeying and the experience of (literary) pilgrims. The first is the novel Flights, by Olga Tokarczuk (2007), and the second is “How the Mind Works,” by Patti Smith (2017). This chapter defines the umbrella concept of “tourist literature” and takes a cross-disciplinary perspective combining the hermeneutics process with findings from the literature review on tourism studies. The analysis of Flights reveals the touring identity and experience of a pilgrim and reflections about airports, travel guides, tourists, and their syndromes. The analysis of Patti Smith’s short story uncovers the touring identity and experience of a literary pilgrim who is strongly motivated to undertake literary-inspired trips towards the authors’ places.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio