16 research outputs found

    A Machine-Independent Debugger--Revisited

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    Most debuggers are notoriously machine-dependent, but some recent research prototypes achieve varying degrees of machine-independence with novel designs. Cdb, a simple source-level debugger for C, is completely independent of its target architecture. This independence is achieved by embedding symbol tables and debugging code in the target program, which costs both time and space. This paper describes a revised design and implementation of cdb that reduces the space cost by nearly one-half and the time cost by 13% by storing symbol tables in external files. A symbol table is defined by a 31-line grammar in the Abstract Syntax Description Language (ASDL). ASDL is a domain-specific language for specifying tree data structures. The ASDL tools accept an ASDL grammar and generate code to construct, read, and write these data structures. Using ASDL automates implementing parts of the debugger, and the grammar documents the symbol table concisely. Using ASDL also suggested simplifications to the interface between the debugger and the target program. Perhaps most important, ASDL emphasizes that symbol tables are data structures, not file formats. Many of the pitfalls of working with low-level file formats can be avoided by focusing instead on high-level data structures and automating the implementation details.Comment: 12 pages; 6 figures; 3 table

    Usage of a DWARF Format in Debugger for Generic Microprocessor Simulators

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    Práce poskytuje základní seznámení s laděním na úrovni zdrojového kódu, formátem DWARF a jeho možným použitím. Dále představuje čtenáři s projektem Lissom, v jehož rámci práce vznikla. Náplní práce dále bylo využití získaných poznatků při rozšíření funkcí debuggeru v projektu Lissom.This paper gives basic introduction to source-level debugging, DWARF debugging information format and it is possible applications. Further it presents the Lissom project to the reader. The goal of this paper was also to draw on gained knowledge in order to extend Lissom's debugger.

    Extending programs with debug-related features, with application to hardware development

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    The capacity and programmability of reconfigurable hardware such as FPGAs has improved steadily over the years, but they do not readily provide any mechanisms for monitoring or debugging running programs. Such mechanisms need to be written into the program itself. This is done using ad hoc methods and primitive tools when compared to CPU programming. This complicates the programming and debugging of reconfigurable hardware. We introduce Program-hosted Directability (PhD), the extension of programs to interpret direction commands at runtime to enable debugging, monitoring and profiling. Normally in hardware development such features are fixed at compile time. We present a language of directing commands, specify its semantics in terms of a simple controller that is embedded with programs, and implement a prototype for directing network programs running in hardware. We show that this approach affords significant flexibility with low impact on hardware utilisation and performance.This work has received funding from the EPSRC NaaS grant EP/K034723/1, European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme 2014-2018 under the SSICLOPS (grant agreement No. 644866), the Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship ECF-2016-289 and the Newton Trust

    Geração automática de ferramentas de inspeção de código para processadores especificados em ADL

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação.Um sistema embarcado pode ter todos os seus componentes eletrônicos implementados em um único circuito integrado, dando origem ao assim chamado System-on-a-Chip (SoC). Um SoC é composto de uma ou mais CPUs e por componentes não programáveis, tais como memória(s), barramento(s) e periférico(s). A CPU escolhida pode ser um processador dedicado, denominado Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processor (ASIP). O projeto de SoCs requer ferramentas para a inspeção de código, a fim de se explorar a corretude do software embarcado a ser executado em cada CPU. Isto pode ser feito através da geração automática de ferramentas a partir de um modelo formal de CPU, cujas características podem ser descritas através do uso de Linguagens de Descrição de Arquiteturas (Architecture Description Language - ADLs). Como o redirecionamento manual das ferramentas para cada CPU explorada seria inviável devido à pressão do time-to-market, o redirecionamento automático é mandatório. Esta dissertação contribui com a expansão do módulo de geração de ferramentas de manipulação de código binário associado à ADL ArchC, através da geração automática de desmontadores e depuradores de código. As ferramentas de desmontagem e depuração de código foram validadas por meio de comparação com ferramentas nativas congêneres para modelos de arquiteturas RISC e CISC (i8051, MIPS, SPARC e PowerPC). Para fins de experimentação, foram usados os benchmarks MiBench e Dalton, evidenciando a corretude e a robustez das ferramentas. Além disso, mostra-se a integração do gerador de desmontadores no âmbito de um tradutor binário, proposto como resultado de trabalho cooperativo (também reportado em outras duas dissertações correlatas)

    A program visualisation meta language

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    The principle motivation of this work is to define an open PV architecture that will enable a variety of visualisation schemes to interoperate and that will encourage the generation of PV systems and research into their efficacy. Ultimately this may lead to more effective pedagogy in the field of computer programming and hence remove a barrier to students entering the profession.Doctorate of Philosoph

    Source level debugging of dynamically translated programs

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    The capability to debug a program at the source level is useful and often indispensable. Debuggers usesophisticated techniques to provide a source view of a program, even though what is executing on the hard-ware is machine code. Debugging techniques evolve with significant changes in programming languagesand execution environments. Recently, software dynamic translation (SDT) has emerged as a new execu-tion mechanism. SDT inserts a run-time software layer between the program and the host machine, provid-ing flexibility in execution and program monitoring. Increasingly popular technologies that use thismechanism include dynamic optimization, dynamic instrumentation, security checking, binary translation,and host machine virtualization. However, the run-time program modifications in a SDT environment posesignificant challenges to a source level debugger. Currently debugging techniques do not exist for softwaredynamic translators. This thesis is the first to provide techniques for source level debugging of dynamically translatedprograms. The thesis proposes a novel debugging framework, called Tdb, that addresses the difficult chal-lenge of maintaining and providing source level information for programs whose binary code changes asthe program executes. The proposed framework has a number of important features. First, it does notrequire or induce changes in the program being debugged. In other words, programs are debugged is theirdeployment environment. Second, the framework is portable and can be applied to virtually any SDT sys-tem. The framework requires minimal changes to an SDT implementation, usually just a few lines of code.Third, the framework can be integrated with existing debuggers, such as Gdb, and does not require changesto these debuggers. This improves usability and adoption, eliminating the learning curve associated with anew debugging environment. Finally, the proposed techniques are efficient. The runtime overhead of thedebugged programs is low and comparable to that of existing debuggers. Tdb's techniques have been implemented for three different dynamic translators, on two differenthardware platforms. The experimental results demonstrate that source level debugging of dynamicallytranslated programs is feasible, and our implemented systems are portable, usable, and efficient

    Estudo e desenvolvimento de sistemas de geração de back-ends do processo de compilação

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    O back-end de um compilador agrupa todo um conjunto de tarefas cuja implementação é intrinsecamente dependente das características do processador para o qual se pretende gerar código. A rápida evolução da industria dos processadores e microcontroladores levou esta área de desenvolvimento de software a realizar fortes investimentos na pesquisa de meios que permitissem dar uma resposta rápida e de qualidade à procura verificada. É dentro deste contexto que surge o tema e o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo desta tese de mestrado, que pretende de alguma forma sintetizar o que já se encontra feito e propor algumas soluções, que apesar de individualmente não serem originais permitem, quando em conjunto, vislumbrar alternativas aos sistemas já concebidos e avançar um pouco mais na área de investigação dos geradores de código final e optimizadores. O trabalho aqui descrito é extremamente abrangente para uma qualquer tese, cobrindo todas as áreas do processo de compilação a partir da análise semântica até à geração do código máquina, passando pela apresentação de modelos de compiladores, representação da informação, sistemas de análise de fluxo de controlo e de dados, alocação de registos local e global, selecção de instruções e geração de selectores, optimização de código a vários níveis, etc. É ainda de referir que do trabalho desenvolvido resultou o Back-End Development System, que como o nome indica é um sistema de apoio ao desenvolvimento das tarefas de back-end de um compilador. The back-end of a compiler gathers a group of tasks, whose implementation is directly dependent on the features of the processor for which machine code is intended to be generated. The fast evolution of processors and micro-controllers industry lead this area of software development to perform strong investments in the research of means, which would give a fast and proper answer to the demand. It is within this context that the theme and the work carried on through this thesis emerges. The aim of this work is to synthesise what has already been done and to give some solutions which, although individually not original, when put together, they allow alternatives to the pre-established systems and move on a little further in the research of generators of final code and optimisers. This work is extremely wide-ranging, covering all areas of the compiling process, going from the semantic analyses till the generation of machine code. It also contains the presentation of models of compilers, representation of information, control and data flow analysis, local and global registers allocation, instructions selection and generation of selectors, code optimisation at several levels, etc. It is also important to refer that from the development work emerged the Back-End Development System, which, as the name itself indicates, is a software system to support development of back-end tasks of a compiler