436 research outputs found

    Architectural and mobility management designs in internet-based infrastructure wireless mesh networks

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    Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have recently emerged to be a cost-effective solution to support large-scale wireless Internet access. They have numerous ap- plications, such as broadband Internet access, building automation, and intelligent transportation systems. One research challenge for Internet-based WMNs is to design efficient mobility management techniques for mobile users to achieve seamless roam- ing. Mobility management includes handoff management and location management. The objective of this research is to design new handoff and location management techniques for Internet-based infrastructure WMNs. Handoff management enables a wireless network to maintain active connections as mobile users move into new service areas. Previous solutions on handoff manage- ment in infrastructure WMNs mainly focus on intra-gateway mobility. New handoff issues involved in inter-gateway mobility in WMNs have not been properly addressed. Hence, a new architectural design is proposed to facilitate inter-gateway handoff man- agement in infrastructure WMNs. The proposed architecture is designed to specifi- cally address the special handoff design challenges in Internet-based WMNs. It can facilitate parallel executions of handoffs from multiple layers, in conjunction with a data caching mechanism which guarantees minimum packet loss during handoffs. Based on the proposed architecture, a Quality of Service (QoS) handoff mechanism is also proposed to achieve QoS requirements for both handoff and existing traffic before and after handoffs in the inter-gateway WMN environment. Location management in wireless networks serves the purpose of tracking mobile users and locating them prior to establishing new communications. Existing location management solutions proposed for single-hop wireless networks cannot be directly applied to Internet-based WMNs. Hence, a dynamic location management framework in Internet-based WMNs is proposed that can guarantee the location management performance and also minimize the protocol overhead. In addition, a novel resilient location area design in Internet-based WMNs is also proposed. The formation of the location areas can adapt to the changes of both paging load and service load so that the tradeoff between paging overhead and mobile device power consumption can be balanced, and at the same time, the required QoS performance of existing traffic is maintained. Therefore, together with the proposed handoff management design, efficient mobility management can be realized in Internet-based infrastructure WMNs

    Energy efficiency in short and wide-area IoT technologies—A survey

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    In the last years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a key application context in the design and evolution of technologies in the transition toward a 5G ecosystem. More and more IoT technologies have entered the market and represent important enablers in the deployment of networks of interconnected devices. As network and spatial device densities grow, energy efficiency and consumption are becoming an important aspect in analyzing the performance and suitability of different technologies. In this framework, this survey presents an extensive review of IoT technologies, including both Low-Power Short-Area Networks (LPSANs) and Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs), from the perspective of energy efficiency and power consumption. Existing consumption models and energy efficiency mechanisms are categorized, analyzed and discussed, in order to highlight the main trends proposed in literature and standards toward achieving energy-efficient IoT networks. Current limitations and open challenges are also discussed, aiming at highlighting new possible research directions

    Design of implicit routing protocols for large scale mobile wireless sensor networks

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    Strathclyde theses - ask staff. Thesis no. : T13189Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives.Most developments in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) routing protocols address static network scenarios. Schemes developed to manage mobility in other mobile networking implementations do not translate effectively to WSNs as the system design parameters are markedly different. Thus this research focuses on the issues of mobility and scalability in order to enable the full potential of WSNs to self-organise and co-operate and in so doing, meet the requirements of a rich mix of applications. In the goal of designing efficient, reliable routing protocols for large scale mobile WSN applications, this work lays the foundation by firstly presenting a strong case supported by extensive simulations, for the use of implicit connections. Then two novel implicit routing protocols - Virtual Grid Paging (VGP) and Virtual Zone Registration and Paging (VZRP) - that treat packet routing from node mobility and network scalability viewpoints are designed and analysed. Implicit routing exploits the connection availability and diversity in the underlying network to provide benefits such as fault tolerance, overhead control and improvement in QoS (Quality of Service) such as delay. Analysis and simulation results show that the proposed protocols guarantee significant improvement, delivering a more reliable, more efficient and better network performance compared with alternatives


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    Self-configuring wireless ad hoc networks have attracted considerable attention in the last few years due to their valuable civil and military applications. One aspect of such networks that has been studied insufficiently is the energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is crucial to prolong the network lifetime and thus make the network more survivable.Nodes in wireless ad hoc networks are most likely to be driven by battery and hence operate on an extremely frugal energy budget. Conventional ad hoc routing protocols are focused on handling the mobility instead of energy efficiency. Energy efficient routing strategies proposed in literature either do not take advantage of sleep modes to conserve energy more efficiently, or incur much overhead in terms of control message and computing complexity to schedule sleep modes and thus are not scalable.In this dissertation, a novel strategy is proposed to manage the sleep of the nodes in the network so that energy can be conserved and network connectivity can be kept. The novelty of the strategy is its extreme simplicity. The idea is derived from the results of the percolation theory, typically called gossiping. Gossiping is a convenient and effective approach and has been successfully applied to several areas of the networking. In the proposed work, we will developa sleep management protocol from gossiping for both static and mobile wireless ad hoc networks. Then the protocol will be extended to the asynchronous network, where nodes manage their own states independently. Analysis and simulations will be conducted to show thecorrectness, effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed work. The comparison between analytical and simulation results will justify them for each other. We will investigate the most important performance aspects concerning the proposed strategy, including the effect ofparameter tuning and the impacts of routing protocols. Furthermore, multiple extensions will be developed to improve the performance and make the proposed strategy apply to different network scenarios

    Future RAN Architecture: SD-RAN Through a General-Purpose Processing Platform

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    In this article, we identify and study the potential of an integrated deployment solution for energy-efficient cellular networks combining the strengths of two very active current research themes: 1) software-defined radio access networks (SD-RANs) and 2) decoupled signaling and data transmissions, or beyond cellular green generation (BCG2) architecture, for enhanced energy efficiency. While SD-RAN envisions a decoupled centralized control plane and data-forwarding plane for flexible control, the BCG2 architecture calls for decoupling coverage from the capacity and coverage provided through an always-on low-power signaling node for a larger geographical area; the capacity is catered by various on-demand data nodes for maximum energy efficiency. In this article, we show that a combined approach that brings both specifications together can not only achieve greater benefits but also facilitate faster realization of both technologies. We propose the idea and design of a signaling controller that acts as a signaling node to provide always-on coverage, consuming low power, and at the same time host the control plane functions for the SDRAN through a general-purpose processing platform. The phantom cell concept is also a similar idea where a normal macrocell provides interference control to densely deployed small cells, although our initial results show that the integrated architecture has a much greater potential for energy savings than phantom cells

    Traffic and mobility management in large-scale networks of small cells

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    The growth in user demand for higher mobile data rates is driving Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and network infrastructure vendors towards the adoption of innovative solutions in areas that span from physical layer techniques (e.g., carrier aggregation, massive MIMO, etc.) to the Radio Access Network and the Evolved Packet Core, amongst other. In terms of network capacity, out of a millionfold increase since 1957, the use of wider spectrum (25x increase), the division of spectrum into smaller resources (5x), and the introduction of advanced modulation and coding schemes (5x) have played a less significant role than the improvements in system capacity due to cell size reduction (1600x). This justifies the academic and industrial interest in short-range, low-power cellular base stations, such as small cells. The shift from traditional macrocell-based deployments towards heterogeneous cellular networks raises the need for new architectural and procedural frameworks capable of providing a seamless integration of massive deployments of small cells into the existing cellular network infrastructure. This is particularly challenging for large-scale, all-wireless networks of small cells (NoS), where connectivity amongst base stations is provided via a wireless multi-hop backhaul. Networks of small cells are a cost-effective solution for improving network coverage and capacity in high user-density scenarios, such as transportation hubs, sports venues, convention centres, dense urban areas, shopping malls, corporate premises, university campuses, theme parks, etc. This Ph.D. Thesis provides an answer to the following research question: What is the architectural and procedural framework needed to support efficient traffic and mobility management mechanisms in massive deployments of all-wireless 3GPP Long-Term Evolution networks of small cells? In order to do so, we address three key research challenges in NoS. First, we present a 3GPP network architecture capable of supporting large-scale, all-wireless NoS deployments in the Evolved Packet System. This involves delegating core network functions onto new functional entities in the network of small cells, as well as adapting Transport Network Layer functionalities to the characteristics of a NoS in order to support key cellular services. Secondly, we address the issue of local location management, i.e., determining the approximate location of a mobile terminal in the NoS upon arrival of an incoming connection from the core network. This entails the design, implementation, and evaluation of efficient paging and Tracking Area Update mechanisms that can keep track of mobile terminals in the complex scenario of an all-wireless NoS whilst mitigating the impact on signalling traffic throughout the local NoS domain and towards the core network. Finally, we deal with the issue of traffic management in large-scale networks of small cells. On the one hand, we propose new 3GPP network procedures to support direct unicast communication between LTE terminals camped on the same NoS with minimal involvement from functional entities in the Evolved Packet Core. On the other hand, we define a set of extensions to the standard 3GPP Multicast/Broadcast Multimedia Service (MBMS) in order to improve the quality of experience of multicast/broadcast traffic services in high user-density scenarios.El crecimiento de la demanda de tasas de transmisión más altas está empujando a los operadores de redes móviles y a los fabricantes de equipos de red a la adopción de soluciones innovadoras en áreas que se extienden desde técnicas avanzadas de capa física (agregación de portadoras, esquemas MIMO masivos, etc.) hasta la red de acceso radio y troncal, entre otras. Desde 1957 la capacidad de las redes celulares se ha multiplicado por un millón. La utilización de mayor espectro radioeléctrico (incremento en factor 25), la división de dicho espectro en recursos más pequeños (factor 5) y la introducción de esquemas avanzados de modulación y codificación (factor 5) han desempeñado un papel menos significativo que las mejoras en la capacidad del sistema debidas a la reducción del tamaño de las celdas (factor 1600). Este hecho justifica el interés del mundo académico y de la industria en estaciones base de corto alcance y baja potencia, conocidas comúnmente como small cells. La transición de despliegues tradicionales de redes celulares basados en macroceldas hacia redes heterogéneas pone de manifiesto la necesidad de adoptar esquemas arquitecturales y de procedimientos capaces de proporcionar una integración transparente de despliegues masivos de small cells en la actual infraestructura de red celular. Este aspecto es particularmente complejo en el caso de despliegues a gran escala de redes inalámbricas de small cells (NoS, en sus siglas en inglés), donde la conectividad entre estaciones base se proporciona a través de una conexión troncal inalámbrica multi-salto. En general, las redes de small cells son una solución eficiente para mejorar la cobertura y la capacidad de la red celular en entornos de alta densidad de usuarios, como núcleos de transporte, sedes de eventos deportivos, palacios de congresos, áreas urbanas densas, centros comerciales, edificios corporativos, campus universitarios, parques temáticos, etc. El objetivo de esta Tesis de Doctorado es proporcionar una respuesta a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuál es el esquema arquitectural y de procedimientos de red necesario para soportar mecanismos eficientes de gestión de tráfico y movilidad en despliegues masivos de redes inalámbricas de small cells LTE? Para responder a esta pregunta nos centramos en tres desafíos clave en NoS. En primer lugar, presentamos una arquitectura de red 3GPP capaz de soportar despliegues a gran escala de redes inalámbricas de small cells en el Evolved Packet System, esto es, el sistema global de comunicaciones celulares LTE. Esto implica delegar funciones de red troncal en nuevas entidades funcionales desplegadas en la red de small cells, así como adaptar funcionalidades de la red de transporte a las características de una NoS para soportar servicios celulares clave. En segundo lugar, nos centramos en el problema de la gestión de movilidad local, es decir, determinar la localización aproximada de un terminal móvil en la NoS a la llegada de una solicitud de conexión desde la red troncal. Esto incluye el diseño, la implementación y la evaluación de mecanismos eficientes de paging y Tracking Area Update capaces de monitorizar terminales móviles en el complejo escenario de redes de small cells inalámbricas que, a la vez, mitiguen el impacto sobre el tráfico de señalización en el dominio local de la NoS y hacia la red troncal. Finalmente, estudiamos el problema de gestión de tráfico en despliegues a gran escala de redes inalámbricas de small cells. Por un lado, proponemos nuevos procedimientos de red 3GPP para soportar comunicaciones unicast directas entre terminales LTE registrados en la misma NoS con mínima intervención por parte de entidades funcionales en la red troncal. Por otro lado, definimos un conjunto de extensiones para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia del servicio estándar 3GPP de transmisión multicast/broadcast de tráfico multimedia (MBMS, en sus siglas en inglés) en entornos de alta densidad de usuarios