1,026 research outputs found

    Rural industrial convergence, urbanization development, and farmers’ income growth – evidence from the Chinese experience

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    Farmers’ income growth is a significant social problem, which has a bearing on the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. The convergence of rural industries based on agricultural development has become a meaningful way to solve the problem. The convergence of rural industries cannot be separated from the construction of urbanisation because the aggregation of population resources and the optimisation of industrial structures need the support of urbanisation. Based on the panel data of 29 provinces in China from 2004 to 2020, this paper makes an empirical study on the interaction between rural industrial agglomeration, urbanisation level, and farmers’ income using the theories of “intermediate role” and “threshold effect.” The results show that rural industrial agglomeration significantly affects farmers’ economic development, among which the eastern, western, and central regions have the most substantial positive effect. The level of urbanisation development is the mediating variable of the impact of rural industrial convergence on farmers’ income growth, which indirectly promotes farmers’ income growth, and the mediating effect is significant. Lastly, the level of urbanisation development is the threshold variable for the impact of rural industrial convergence on farmers’ income growth, and the coefficient of rural industrial convergence on farmers’ income growth is highest when the level of urbanisation is between 0.7960 and 0.8500. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable growth in farmers’ operating income, wage income and financial transfer income, the country should give full play to the advantages of rural industrial integration, build a modernised industrial system for agriculture, expand the functions of agriculture in the secondary and tertiary sectors, and make good use of the policies that benefit the people in rural industrial development. At the same time, with the opportunity of county urbanisation, a rural industrial development system with the county as the centre of development has been established, guiding the rational flow and effective integration of urban and rural industrial resource elements and realising the integrated development of urbanisation and rural industry. Given the differences in industrial development in the eastern, central and western regions, the State should also promote rural industrial integration policies by stage, region and strategy to raise the level of farmers’ income

    Research on grid challenges and smart grid development: the case of Sichuan grid

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    As the most important driving force of modern social development and a significant symbol of modern civilization, electric power is in booming demand. Furthermore, electric power is a complex system which integrates power generation, power transmission, power distribution and power utilization together and achieves generation, transmission, distribution and utilization instantaneously at the same time. It notably features with network industry and network economy. Power grid is a hub which links electricity production and electricity consumption in the power system. On the basis of basic theories of network industry and network economy, this thesis discusses the development of smart grid from the aspects of “network challenges”, resources and energy challenges and new energy access challenges encountered and counter-measures in the development of modern grid. Based on the development environment of China power, especially the Sichuan power grid, and spatial mismatching of power supply and demand (including new energy resources and distribution), this thesis analyzes and explains China (Sichuan) smart grid is strong smart grid which has UHV power grid as the backbone frame, and features information technology, and automation.Devido ao facto de ser uma força impulsionadora do desenvolvimento económico e um simbolo muito importante da civilização moderna, a procura de electricidade tem aumentado consideravelmente nas últimas décadas. Contudo, a energia elétrica é um sistema complexo que integra geração, transmissão, distribuição e implica que a oferta e a procura sejam simultâneas. A indústria da electricidade tem muitas características da economia em rede. A rede elétrica deve ser vista como um “hub” que liga a produção de electricidade ao seu consumo. Tendo por base, as teorias da indústria em rede e da economia em rede, esta tese discute o desenvolvimento das redes elétricas segundo as perspectivas dos “desafios que se colocam às redes”, dos desafios em termos de recursos e dos desafios que se colocam ao desenvolvimento da rede elétrica moderna. Esta tese estuda de uma forma detalhada os problemas relacionados com a construção de uma rede elétrica inteligente na província de Sichuan, China

    Factors that influence users to take part in WeChat marketing activities

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    JEL Classification M3 M31With the penetration of smart phones and mobile Internet, Instant Message Tool is one of the important channels that was developed in order to meet the communication need. Diven by the strong demand, WeChat is the fastest growing Instant Message Tool, and gradually replace the others such as QQ, Weibo, becomes the most popular one in China. Since WeChat has been released new version with functions for busniess, WeChat marketing has started to become a hot topic which concerned by many enterprises. Enterprises push information and hold activities by using WeChat functions such as “Subscription Account”, “QR Code”, in order to obtain more attention and reach more sales. The purpose of this dissertation was to study factors that will influence users’ partipation in WeChat Marketing. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model, marketing features and social characteristics are also considered in the research model. After running Factor Analysis, Usage Performance, Privacy Concern, Perecived Entertainment, Perceived Interactive, Subjective Norm, Perceived Behavioral Control were the new independent variables; Attitude as the immediate variable; Behavior Intention as the dependent variable. Final result shows that Usage Performance has significant positive impact on Attitude and Behavior Intention. Perecived Entertainment and Perceived Interactive have significant positive impact on Attitude. However, Privacy Concern has not significantly influence on Attitude. Subjective Norm has significant impact on Attitude and Behavior Intention, while Perceived Behavioral Control has not significantly influence on Attitude and Behavior Intention.Com a penetração de smartphones e Internet móvel, Ferramentas de Mensagens Instantâneas tornam-se num dos mais importantes canais desenvolvidos de forma a satisfazer a necessidade de comunicação. Derivado pela forte procura, WeChat é a ferramenta de mensagens instantâneas com maior crescimento, gradualmente substituindo outras plataformas como QQ e Weibo, tornando-se num dos mais populares na China. Desde o surgimento do WeChat com novas funções para os negócios, o seu marketing tem começado a ser um importante tópico de análise por muitas empresas. As empresas enviam informação e mantêm actividades usando a opção de “Registar Conta” e “código QR”, de forma a obter maior atenção e obter mais vendas. O objectivo desta dissertação consiste em estudar os factores que influenciam a participação dos usuários no marketing do WeChat. Com base no Modelo de Aceitação Tecnológica, recursos de marketing e características sociais também são considerados no modelo de pesquisa. Depois de executar uma análise factorial, as variáveis independentes foram Desempenho de Uso, Preocupação com a Privacidade, Entreternimento Percebido, Interactividade Percebida, Norma Subjectiva, Controlo Comportamental Percebido; tendo como variável imediata Atitudes, e Intenção de Comportamento como variável dependente. Os resultados finais mostram que o Desempenho de Uso tem um impacto positivo significativo nas Atitudes e Intenção de Comportamento. Entertenimento Percebido e Interactividade Percebida têm um impacto positivo significativo nas Atitudes. No entanto, a Preocupação com a Privacidade não tem influência significativa nas Atitudes. Normas Subjectivas têm um impacto significativo nas Atitudes e Intenção de Comportamento, enquanto que o Controlo Comportamental Percebido não tem influência significativa nas Atitudes e Intenção de Comportamento


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    One of the main trends of modern economic relations is the transition of priorities from the producer market to the buyer market.In this regard, the ability to combine production, the planning system with individual purchasing preferences is becoming a decisive factor in competition and the economy of the future. As a result, rapid changes in buyers' preferences, their requests for quality of delivery lead to the need to reduce delivery times and volumes, and to reduce reserve stocks of time and materials. Perhaps the second feature is the strengthening of integration processes among countries, particularly in the context of the expansion of the WTO, with the possibility of placing production in countries with cheaper labor and lower tax rates, and the development of international trade has opened up access to cheaper resources.One of the main trends of modern economic relations is the transition of priorities from the producer market to the buyer market.In this regard, the ability to combine production, the planning system with individual purchasing preferences is becoming a decisive factor in competition and the economy of the future. As a result, rapid changes in buyers' preferences, their requests for quality of delivery lead to the need to reduce delivery times and volumes, and to reduce reserve stocks of time and materials. Perhaps the second feature is the strengthening of integration processes among countries, particularly in the context of the expansion of the WTO, with the possibility of placing production in countries with cheaper labor and lower tax rates, and the development of international trade has opened up access to cheaper resources

    Examining Narratives of Place: Representations of Xinjiang in Tourism and Geography Education

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    This thesis examines how Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, located in northwest China, is represented in tourism and geographic education literature. The research demonstrates the limited and distorted place narratives of Xinjiang that are promoted by the government-backed tourist enterprise in China for consumption by English language speakers; as well as, the inadequate and uncritical representations of the region currently available to students in the United States. Qualitative content analysis methodology is employed to investigate the narrative representations of Xinjiang contained within tourist brochures, geography textbooks, and regionally appropriate curricular guides. The thesis includes a body of geographic lesson plans pertaining to Xinjiang I created that are informed by the research results. The purpose of this thesis is to move toward a more nuanced understanding of Xinjiang as a dynamic region of global significance, challenge prevailing stereotypes of the region, and strengthen geography literacy, particularly among school aged students
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