1,334 research outputs found

    Healthiness from Duality

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    Healthiness is a good old question in program logics that dates back to Dijkstra. It asks for an intrinsic characterization of those predicate transformers which arise as the (backward) interpretation of a certain class of programs. There are several results known for healthiness conditions: for deterministic programs, nondeterministic ones, probabilistic ones, etc. Building upon our previous works on so-called state-and-effect triangles, we contribute a unified categorical framework for investigating healthiness conditions. We find the framework to be centered around a dual adjunction induced by a dualizing object, together with our notion of relative Eilenberg-Moore algebra playing fundamental roles too. The latter notion seems interesting in its own right in the context of monads, Lawvere theories and enriched categories.Comment: 13 pages, Extended version with appendices of a paper accepted to LICS 201

    Synthesis of Strategies Using the Hoare Logic of Angelic and Demonic Nondeterminism

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    We study a propositional variant of Hoare logic that can be used for reasoning about programs that exhibit both angelic and demonic nondeterminism. We work in an uninterpreted setting, where the meaning of the atomic actions is specified axiomatically using hypotheses of a certain form. Our logical formalism is entirely compositional and it subsumes the non-compositional formalism of safety games on finite graphs. We present sound and complete Hoare-style calculi that are useful for establishing partial-correctness assertions, as well as for synthesizing implementations. The computational complexity of the Hoare theory of dual nondeterminism is investigated using operational models, and it is shown that the theory is complete for exponential time

    Symbolic execution proofs for higher order store programs

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    Higher order store programs are programs which store, manipulate and invoke code at runtime. Important examples of higher order store programs include operating system kernels which dynamically load and unload kernel modules. Yet conventional Hoare logics, which provide no means of representing changes to code at runtime, are not applicable to such programs. Recently, however, new logics using nested Hoare triples have addressed this shortcoming. In this paper we describe, from top to bottom, a sound semi-automated verification system for higher order store programs. We give a programming language with higher order store features, define an assertion language with nested triples for specifying such programs, and provide reasoning rules for proving programs correct. We then present in full our algorithms for automatically constructing correctness proofs. In contrast to earlier work, the language also includes ordinary (fixed) procedures and mutable local variables, making it easy to model programs which perform dynamic loading and other higher order store operations. We give an operational semantics for programs and a step-indexed interpretation of assertions, and use these to show soundness of our reasoning rules, which include a deep frame rule which allows more modular proofs. Our automated reasoning algorithms include a scheme for separation logic based symbolic execution of programs, and automated provers for solving various kinds of entailment problems. The latter are presented in the form of sets of derived proof rules which are constrained enough to be read as a proof search algorithm

    Experimental Evaluation of Formal Software Development Using Dependently Typed Languages

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    We will evaluate three dependently typed languages, and their supporting tools and libraries, by implementing the same tasks in each language. One task will demonstrate the basic dependent type support of each language, the other task will show how to do basic imperative programming combined with theorem proving, to ensure both resource safety and functional correctness.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Propositional logic with short-circuit evaluation: a non-commutative and a commutative variant

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    Short-circuit evaluation denotes the semantics of propositional connectives in which the second argument is evaluated only if the first argument does not suffice to determine the value of the expression. Short-circuit evaluation is widely used in programming, with sequential conjunction and disjunction as primitive connectives. We study the question which logical laws axiomatize short-circuit evaluation under the following assumptions: compound statements are evaluated from left to right, each atom (propositional variable) evaluates to either true or false, and atomic evaluations can cause a side effect. The answer to this question depends on the kind of atomic side effects that can occur and leads to different "short-circuit logics". The basic case is FSCL (free short-circuit logic), which characterizes the setting in which each atomic evaluation can cause a side effect. We recall some main results and then relate FSCL to MSCL (memorizing short-circuit logic), where in the evaluation of a compound statement, the first evaluation result of each atom is memorized. MSCL can be seen as a sequential variant of propositional logic: atomic evaluations cannot cause a side effect and the sequential connectives are not commutative. Then we relate MSCL to SSCL (static short-circuit logic), the variant of propositional logic that prescribes short-circuit evaluation with commutative sequential connectives. We present evaluation trees as an intuitive semantics for short-circuit evaluation, and simple equational axiomatizations for the short-circuit logics mentioned that use negation and the sequential connectives only.Comment: 34 pages, 6 tables. Considerable parts of the text below stem from arXiv:1206.1936, arXiv:1010.3674, and arXiv:1707.05718. Together with arXiv:1707.05718, this paper subsumes most of arXiv:1010.367

    Shoggoth: A Formal Foundation for Strategic Rewriting

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    Rewriting is a versatile and powerful technique used in many domains. Strategic rewriting allows programmers to control the application of rewrite rules by composing individual rewrite rules into complex rewrite strategies. These strategies are semantically complex, as they may be nondeterministic, they may raise errors that trigger backtracking, and they may not terminate.Given such semantic complexity, it is necessary to establish a formal understanding of rewrite strategies and to enable reasoning about them in order to answer questions like: How do we know that a rewrite strategy terminates? How do we know that a rewrite strategy does not fail because we compose two incompatible rewrites? How do we know that a desired property holds after applying a rewrite strategy?In this paper, we introduce Shoggoth: a formal foundation for understanding, analysing and reasoning about strategic rewriting that is capable of answering these questions. We provide a denotational semantics of System S, a core language for strategic rewriting, and prove its equivalence to our big-step operational semantics, which extends existing work by explicitly accounting for divergence. We further define a location-based weakest precondition calculus to enable formal reasoning about rewriting strategies, and we prove this calculus sound with respect to the denotational semantics. We show how this calculus can be used in practice to reason about properties of rewriting strategies, including termination, that they are well-composed, and that desired postconditions hold. The semantics and calculus are formalised in Isabelle/HOL and all proofs are mechanised

    Monads with merging

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    Monoids are one of the simplest theories in which we can compose elements of a set. Similarly, monads have been used extensively to treat composition of effectful code and its denotational semantics. During the last forty years the theory of monoids has been extended with diverse merge-like operators. In this article, we replicate several of these extensions at the level of monads. Building on a well-known relation between monads and monoids, we introduce monads with additional structure that account for merging. We show how monads with merging generalise and relate to models for well-known algebraic theories for concurrency such as classic process algebras and the more recent concurrent monoids. With these results, we aim to facilitate the generalisation and comparison of different approaches to concurrency

    Graded Hoare Logic and its Categorical Semantics

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    Deductive verification techniques based on program logics (i.e., the family of Floyd-Hoare logics) are a powerful approach for program reasoning. Recently, there has been a trend of increasing the expressive power of such logics by augmenting their rules with additional information to reason about program side-effects. For example, general program logics have been augmented with cost analyses, logics for probabilistic computations have been augmented with estimate measures, and logics for differential privacy with indistinguishability bounds. In this work, we unify these various approaches via the paradigm of grading, adapted from the world of functional calculi and semantics. We propose Graded Hoare Logic (GHL), a parameterisable framework for augmenting program logics with a preordered monoidal analysis. We develop a semantic framework for modelling GHL such that grading, logical assertions (pre- and post-conditions) and the underlying effectful semantics of an imperative language can be integrated together. Central to our framework is the notion of a graded category which we extend here, introducing graded Freyd categories which provide a semantics that can interpret many examples of augmented program logics from the literature. We leverage coherent fibrations to model the base assertion language, and thus the overall setting is also fibrational
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