163 research outputs found

    Classification of EEG signals of user states in gaming using machine learning

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    In this research, brain activity of user states was analyzed using machine learning algorithms. When a user interacts with a computer-based system including playing computer games like Tetris, he or she may experience user states such as boredom, flow, and anxiety. The purpose of this research is to apply machine learning models to Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals of three user states -- boredom, flow and anxiety -- to identify and classify the EEG correlates for these user states. We focus on three research questions: (i) How well do machine learning models like support vector machine, random forests, multinomial logistic regression, and k-nearest neighbor classify the three user states -- Boredom, Flow, and Anxiety? (ii) Can we distinguish the flow state from other user states using machine learning models? (iii) What are the essential components of EEG signals for classifying the three user states? To extract the critical components of EEG signals, a feature selection method known as minimum redundancy and maximum relevance method was implemented. An average accuracy of 85 % is achieved for classifying the three user states by using the support vector machine classifier --Abstract, page iii

    Machine Learning with a Reject Option: A survey

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    Machine learning models always make a prediction, even when it is likely to be inaccurate. This behavior should be avoided in many decision support applications, where mistakes can have severe consequences. Albeit already studied in 1970, machine learning with rejection recently gained interest. This machine learning subfield enables machine learning models to abstain from making a prediction when likely to make a mistake. This survey aims to provide an overview on machine learning with rejection. We introduce the conditions leading to two types of rejection, ambiguity and novelty rejection, which we carefully formalize. Moreover, we review and categorize strategies to evaluate a model's predictive and rejective quality. Additionally, we define the existing architectures for models with rejection and describe the standard techniques for learning such models. Finally, we provide examples of relevant application domains and show how machine learning with rejection relates to other machine learning research areas

    Ensemble of classifiers based data fusion of EEG and MRI for diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders

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    The prevalence of Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), Parkinson\u27s disease (PD), and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are rising at an alarming rate as the average age of the population increases, especially in developing nations. The efficacy of the new medical treatments critically depends on the ability to diagnose these diseases at the earliest stages. To facilitate the availability of early diagnosis in community hospitals, an accurate, inexpensive, and noninvasive diagnostic tool must be made available. As biomarkers, the event related potentials (ERP) of the electroencephalogram (EEG) - which has previously shown promise in automated diagnosis - in addition to volumetric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), are relatively low cost and readily available tools that can be used as an automated diagnosis tool. 16-electrode EEG data were collected from 175 subjects afflicted with Alzheimer\u27s disease, Parkinson\u27s disease, mild cognitive impairment, as well as non-disease (normal control) subjects. T2 weighted MRI volumetric data were also collected from 161 of these subjects. Feature extraction methods were used to separate diagnostic information from the raw data. The EEG signals were decomposed using the discrete wavelet transform in order to isolate informative frequency bands. The MR images were processed through segmentation software to provide volumetric data of various brain regions in order to quantize potential brain tissue atrophy. Both of these data sources were utilized in a pattern recognition based classification algorithm to serve as a diagnostic tool for Alzheimer\u27s and Parkinson\u27s disease. Support vector machine and multilayer perceptron classifiers were used to create a classification algorithm trained with the EEG and MRI data. Extracted features were used to train individual classifiers, each learning a particular subset of the training data, whose decisions were combined using decision level fusion. Additionally, a severity analysis was performed to diagnose between various stages of AD as well as a cognitively normal state. The study found that EEG and MRI data hold complimentary information for the diagnosis of AD as well as PD. The use of both data types with a decision level fusion improves diagnostic accuracy over the diagnostic accuracy of each individual data source. In the case of AD only diagnosis, ERP data only provided a 78% diagnostic performance, MRI alone was 89% and ERP and MRI combined was 94%. For PD only diagnosis, ERP only performance was 67%, MRI only was 70%, and combined performance was 78%. MCI only diagnosis exhibited a similar effect with a 71% ERP performance, 82% MRI performance, and 85% combined performance. Diagnosis among three subject groups showed the same trend. For PD, AD, and normal diagnosis ERP only performance was 43%, MRI only was 66%, and combined performance was 71%. The severity analysis for mild AD, severe AD, and normal subjects showed the same combined effect

    Solving the linear interval tolerance problem for weight initialization of neural networks

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    Determining good initial conditions for an algorithm used to train a neural network is considered a parameter estimation problem dealing with uncertainty about the initial weights. Interval Analysis approaches model uncertainty in parameter estimation problems using intervals and formulating tolerance problems. Solving a tolerance problem is defining lower and upper bounds of the intervals so that the system functionality is guaranteed within predefined limits. The aim of this paper is to show how the problem of determining the initial weight intervals of a neural network can be defined in terms of solving a linear interval tolerance problem. The proposed Linear Interval Tolerance Approach copes with uncertainty about the initial weights without any previous knowledge or specific assumptions on the input data as required by approaches such as fuzzy sets or rough sets. The proposed method is tested on a number of well known benchmarks for neural networks trained with the back-propagation family of algorithms. Its efficiency is evaluated with regards to standard performance measures and the results obtained are compared against results of a number of well known and established initialization methods. These results provide credible evidence that the proposed method outperforms classical weight initialization methods

    Nature of the learning algorithms for feedforward neural networks

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    The neural network model (NN) comprised of relatively simple computing elements, operating in parallel, offers an attractive and versatile framework for exploring a variety of learning structures and processes for intelligent systems. Due to the amount of research developed in the area many types of networks have been defined. The one of interest here is the multi-layer perceptron as it is one of the simplest and it is considered a powerful representation tool whose complete potential has not been adequately exploited and whose limitations need yet to be specified in a formal and coherent framework. This dissertation addresses the theory of generalisation performance and architecture selection for the multi-layer perceptron; a subsidiary aim is to compare and integrate this model with existing data analysis techniques and exploit its potential by combining it with certain constructs from computational geometry creating a reliable, coherent network design process which conforms to the characteristics of a generative learning algorithm, ie. one including mechanisms for manipulating the connections and/or units that comprise the architecture in addition to the procedure for updating the weights of the connections. This means that it is unnecessary to provide an initial network as input to the complete training process.After discussing in general terms the motivation for this study, the multi-layer perceptron model is introduced and reviewed, along with the relevant supervised training algorithm, ie. backpropagation. More particularly, it is argued that a network developed employing this model can in general be trained and designed in a much better way by extracting more information about the domains of interest through the application of certain geometric constructs in a preprocessing stage, specifically by generating the Voronoi Diagram and Delaunav Triangulation [Okabe et al. 92] of the set of points comprising the training set and once a final architecture which performs appropriately on it has been obtained, Principal Component Analysis [Jolliffe 86] is applied to the outputs produced by the units in the network's hidden layer to eliminate the redundant dimensions of this space

    Combining Model-based and Discriminative Approaches in a Modular Two-stage Classification System: Application to Isolated Handwritten Digit Recognition

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    The motivation of this work is based on two key observations. First, the classification algorithms can be separated into two main categories: discriminative and model-based approaches. Second, two types of patterns can generate problems: ambiguous patterns and outliers. While, the first approach tries to minimize the first type of error, but cannot deal effectively with outliers, the second approach, which is based on the development of a model for each class, make the outlier detection possible, but are not sufficiently discriminant. Thus, we propose to combine these two different approaches in a modular two-stage classification system embedded in a probabilistic framework. In the first stage we pre-estimate the posterior probabilities with a model-based approach and we re-estimate only the highest probabilities with appropriate Support Vector Classifiers (SVC) in the second stage. Another advantage of this combination is to reduce the principal burden of SVC, the processing time necessary to make a decision and to open the way to use SVC in classification problem with a large number of classes. Finally, the first experiments on the benchmark database MNIST have shown that our dynamic classification process allows to maintain the accuracy of SVCs, while decreasing complexity by a factor 8.7 and making the outlier rejection available
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