12 research outputs found

    A general theorem in spectral extremal graph theory

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    The extremal graphs EX(n,F)\mathrm{EX}(n,\mathcal F) and spectral extremal graphs SPEX(n,F)\mathrm{SPEX}(n,\mathcal F) are the sets of graphs on nn vertices with maximum number of edges and maximum spectral radius, respectively, with no subgraph in F\mathcal F. We prove a general theorem which allows us to characterize the spectral extremal graphs for a wide range of forbidden families F\mathcal F and implies several new and existing results. In particular, whenever EX(n,F)\mathrm{EX}(n,\mathcal F) contains the complete bipartite graph Kk,n−kK_{k,n-k} (or certain similar graphs) then SPEX(n,F)\mathrm{SPEX}(n,\mathcal F) contains the same graph when nn is sufficiently large. We prove a similar theorem which relates SPEX(n,F)\mathrm{SPEX}(n,\mathcal F) and SPEXα(n,F)\mathrm{SPEX}_\alpha(n,\mathcal F), the set of F\mathcal F-free graphs which maximize the spectral radius of the matrix Aα=αD+(1−α)AA_\alpha=\alpha D+(1-\alpha)A, where AA is the adjacency matrix and DD is the diagonal degree matrix

    Conditions for ß-perfectness

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    A ß-perfect graph is a simple graph G such that ¿(G') = ß(G') for every induced subgraph G' of G, where ¿(G') is the chromatic number of G', and ß(G') is defined as the maximum over all induced subgraphs H of G' of the minimum vertex degree in H plus 1 (i.e., d(H)+1). The vertices of a ß-perfect graph G can be coloured with ¿(G) colours in polynomial time (greedily). The main purpose of this paper is to give necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of forbidden induced subgraphs, for a graph to be ß-perfect. We give new sufficient conditions and make improvements to sufficient conditions previously given by others. We also mention a necessary condition which generalizes the fact that no ß-perfect graph contains an even hole

    (4, 2)-Choosability of Planar Graphs with Forbidden Structures

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    All planar graphs are 4-colorable and 5-choosable, while some planar graphs are not 4-choosable. Determining which properties guarantee that a planar graph can be colored using lists of size four has received significant attention. In terms of constraining the structure of the graph, for any ℓ ∈ {3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, a planar graph is 4-choosable if it is ℓ-cycle-free. In terms of constraining the list assignment, one refinement of k-choosability is choosability with separation. A graph is (k, s)-choosable if the graph is colorable from lists of size k where adjacent vertices have at most s common colors in their lists. Every planar graph is (4, 1)-choosable, but there exist planar graphs that are not (4, 3)-choosable. It is an open question whether planar graphs are always (4, 2)-choosable. A chorded ℓ-cycle is an ℓ-cycle with one additional edge. We demonstrate for each ℓ ∈ {5, 6, 7} that a planar graph is (4, 2)-choosable if it does not contain chorded ℓ-cycles

    Discrepancy Inequalities in Graphs and Their Applications

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    Spectral graph theory, which is the use of eigenvalues of matrices associated with graphs, is a modern technique that has expanded our understanding of graphs and their structure. A particularly useful tool in spectral graph theory is the Expander Mixing Lemma, also known as the discrepancy inequality, which bounds the edge distribution between two sets based on the spectral gap. More specifically, it states that a small spectral gap of a graph implies that the edge distribution is close to random. This dissertation uses this tool to study two problems in extremal graph theory, then produces similar discrepancy inequalities based not on the spectral gap of a graph, but rather a different tool with motivations in Riemannian geometry. The first problem explored in this dissertation is motivated by parallel computing and other communication networks. Consider a connected graph G, with a pebble placed on each vertex of G. The routing number, rt(G), of G is the minimum number of steps needed to route any permutation on the vertices of G, where a step consists of selecting a matching in the graph and swapping the pebbles on the endpoints of each edge. Alon, Chung, and Graham introduced this parameter, and (among other results) gave a bound based on the spectral gap for general graphs. The bound they obtain is polylogarithmic for graphs with a sufficiently strong spectral gap. In this dissertation, we use the Expander Mixing Lemma, the probablistic method, and other extremal tools to investigate when this upper bound can be improved to be constant depending on the gap and the vertex degrees. The second problem examined in this dissertation has motivations in a question of Erdõs and Pósa, who conjectured that every sufficiently dense graph on n vertices, where n is divisible by 3, decomposes into triangles. While Corradi and Hajnal proved this result true for graphs with minimum degree at least (2/3)n, their result spawned a series of similar questions about the number of vertex-disjoint subgraphs of a certain class that a graph with some degree condition must contain. While this problem is well-studied for dense graphs, many results give significantly worse bounds for less dense graphs. Using spectral graph theory, we show that every graph with some weak density and spectral conditions contains O(sqrt(nd)) vertex-disjoint cycles. Furthermore, even if we require these cycles to contain a certain number of chords, a graph satisfying these conditions will still contain O(sqrt(nd)) such vertex-disjoint cycles. In both cases, we show this bound to be best possible. Finally, we conclude by obtaining local version of a discrepancy inequality. An oversimplification of the Expander Mixing Lemma states that a graph with a strong spectral condition must have nice edge distribution. We seek to mimic that idea, but by using discrete curvature instead of a spectral condition. Discrete curvature, inspired by its counterpart in Riemannian geometry, measures the local volume growth at a vertex. Thus, given a vertex x, our result uses curvature to quantify the edge distribution between vertices that are a distance one from x and vertices that are a distance two from x. In doing this, we are able to study the number of 3-cycles and 4-cycles containing a particular edge

    Extremal problems on cycle structure and colorings of graphs

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    In this Thesis, we consider two main themes: conditions that guarantee diverse cycle structure within a graph, and the existence of strong edge-colorings for a specific family of graphs. In Chapter 2 we consider a question closely related to the Matthews-Sumner conjecture, which states that every 4-connected claw-free graph is Hamiltonian. Since there exists an infinite family of 4-connected claw-free graphs that are not pancyclic, Gould posed the problem of characterizing the pairs of graphs, {X,Y}, such that every 4-connected {X,Y}-free graph is pancyclic. In this chapter we describe a family of pairs of graphs such that if every 4-connected {X,Y}-free graph is pancyclic, then {X,Y} is in this family. Furthermore, we show that every 4-connected {K_(1,3),N(4,1,1)}-free graph is pancyclic. This result, together with several others, completes a characterization of the family of subgraphs, F such that for all H in ∈, every 4-connected {K_(1,3), H}-free graph is pancyclic. In Chapters and 4 we consider refinements of results on cycles and chorded cycles. In 1963, Corrádi and Hajnal proved a conjecture of Erdös, showing that every graph G on at least 3k vertices with minimum degree at least 2k contains k disjoint cycles. This result was extended by Enomoto and Wang, who independently proved that graphs on at least 3kvertices with minimum degree-sum at least 4k - 1 also contain k disjoint cycles. Both results are best possible, and recently, Kierstead, Kostochka, Molla, and Yeager characterized their sharpness examples. A chorded cycle analogue to the result of Corrádi and Hajnal was proved by Finkel, and a similar analogue to the result of Enomoto and Wang was proved by Chiba, Fujita, Gao, and Li. In Chapter 3 we characterize the sharpness examples to these statements, which provides a chorded cycle analogue to the characterization of Kierstead et al. In Chapter 4 we consider another result of Chiba et al., which states that for all integers r and s with r + s ≥ 1, every graph G on at least 3r + 4s vertices with ẟ(G) ≥ 2r+3s contains r disjoint cycles and s disjoint chorded cycles. We provide a characterization of the sharpness examples to this result, which yields a transition between the characterization of Kierstead et al. and the main result of Chapter 3. In Chapter 5 we move to the topic of edge-colorings, considering a variation known as strong edge-coloring. In 1990, Faudree, Gyárfás, Schelp, and Tuza posed several conjectures regarding strong edge-colorings of subcubic graphs. In particular, they conjectured that every subcubic planar graph has a strong edge-coloring using at most nine colors. We prove a slightly stronger form of this conjecture, showing that it holds for all subcubic planar loopless multigraphs

    Towards a Combinatorial Proof Theory

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    International audienceThe main part of a classical combinatorial proof is a skew fi-bration, which precisely captures the behavior of weakening and contraction. Relaxing the presence of these two rules leads to certain substruc-tural logics and substructural proof theory. In this paper we investigate what happens if we replace the skew fibration by other kinds of graph homomorphism. This leads us to new logics and proof systems that we call combinatorial

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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