146,815 research outputs found

    Instruction sequence processing operators

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    Instruction sequence is a key concept in practice, but it has as yet not come prominently into the picture in theoretical circles. This paper concerns instruction sequences, the behaviours produced by them under execution, the interaction between these behaviours and components of the execution environment, and two issues relating to computability theory. Positioning Turing's result regarding the undecidability of the halting problem as a result about programs rather than machines, and taking instruction sequences as programs, we analyse the autosolvability requirement that a program of a certain kind must solve the halting problem for all programs of that kind. We present novel results concerning this autosolvability requirement. The analysis is streamlined by using the notion of a functional unit, which is an abstract state-based model of a machine. In the case where the behaviours exhibited by a component of an execution environment can be viewed as the behaviours of a machine in its different states, the behaviours concerned are completely determined by a functional unit. The above-mentioned analysis involves functional units whose possible states represent the possible contents of the tapes of Turing machines with a particular tape alphabet. We also investigate functional units whose possible states are the natural numbers. This investigation yields a novel computability result, viz. the existence of a universal computable functional unit for natural numbers.Comment: 37 pages; missing equations in table 3 added; combined with arXiv:0911.1851 [cs.PL] and arXiv:0911.5018 [cs.LO]; introduction and concluding remarks rewritten; remarks and examples added; minor error in proof of theorem 4 correcte

    A thread calculus with molecular dynamics

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    We present a theory of threads, interleaving of threads, and interaction between threads and services with features of molecular dynamics, a model of computation that bears on computations in which dynamic data structures are involved. Threads can interact with services of which the states consist of structured data objects and computations take place by means of actions which may change the structure of the data objects. The features introduced include restriction of the scope of names used in threads to refer to data objects. Because that feature makes it troublesome to provide a model based on structural operational semantics and bisimulation, we construct a projective limit model for the theory.Comment: 47 pages; examples and results added, phrasing improved, references replace

    Further Results on the Power of Generating APCol Systems

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    In this paper we continue our investigations in APCol systems (Automatonlike P colonies), variants of P colonies where the environment of the agents is given by a string and the functioning of the system resembles to the functioning of standard nite automaton. We rst deal with the concept of determinism in these systems and compare deterministic APCol systems with deterministic register machines. Then we focus on generating non-deterministic APCol systems with only one agent. We show that these systems are as powerful as 0-type grammars, i.e., generate any recursively enumerable language. If the APCol system is non-erasing, then any context-sensitive language can be generated by a non-deterministic APCol systems with only one agent

    On the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution

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    We study several aspects of the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution in the setting of the algebraic theory of processes known as ACP. We use ACP to describe the behaviours produced by instruction sequences under execution and to describe two protocols implementing these behaviours in the case where the processing of instructions takes place remotely. We also show that all finite-state behaviours considered in ACP can be produced by instruction sequences under execution.Comment: 36 pages, consolidates material from arXiv:0811.0436 [cs.PL], arXiv:0902.2859 [cs.PL], and arXiv:0905.2257 [cs.PL]; abstract and introduction rewritten, examples and proofs adde

    Entanglement in Valence-Bond-Solid States

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    This article reviews the quantum entanglement in Valence-Bond-Solid (VBS) states defined on a lattice or a graph. The subject is presented in a self-contained and pedagogical way. The VBS state was first introduced in the celebrated paper by I. Affleck, T. Kennedy, E. H. Lieb and H. Tasaki (abbreviation AKLT is widely used). It became essential in condensed matter physics and quantum information (measurement-based quantum computation). Many publications have been devoted to the subject. Recently entanglement was studied in the VBS state. In this review we start with the definition of a general AKLT spin chain and the construction of VBS ground state. In order to study entanglement, a block subsystem is introduced and described by the density matrix. Density matrices of 1-dimensional models are diagonalized and the entanglement entropies (the von Neumann entropy and Renyi entropy) are calculated. In the large block limit, the entropies also approach finite limits. Study of the spectrum of the density matrix led to the discovery that the density matrix is proportional to a projector.Comment: Published version, 80 pages, 8 figures; references update

    Towards composition of verified hardware devices

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    Computers are being used where no affordable level of testing is adequate. Safety and life critical systems must find a replacement for exhaustive testing to guarantee their correctness. Through a mathematical proof, hardware verification research has focused on device verification and has largely ignored system composition verification. To address these deficiencies, we examine how the current hardware verification methodology can be extended to verify complete systems