293 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Methods for Detection and Tracking of Particles in Fluorescence Microscopy Images

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    Studying the dynamics of sub-cellular structures such as receptors, filaments, and vesicles is a prerequisite for investigating cellular processes at the molecular level. In addition, it is important to characterize the dynamic behavior of virus structures to gain a better understanding of infection mechanisms and to develop novel drugs. To investigate the dynamics of fluorescently labeled sub-cellular and viral structures, time-lapse fluorescence microscopy is the most often used imaging technique. Due to the limited spatial resolution of microscopes caused by diffraction, these very small structures appear as bright, blurred spots, denoted as particles, in microscopy images. To draw statistically meaningful biological conclusions, a large number of such particles need to be analyzed. However, since manual analysis of fluorescent particles is very time consuming, fully automated computer-based methods are indispensable. We introduce novel deep learning methods for detection and tracking of multiple particles in fluorescence microscopy images. We propose a particle detection method based on a convolutional neural network which performs image-to-image mapping by density map regression and uses the adaptive wing loss. For particle tracking, we present a recurrent neural network that exploits past and future information in both forward and backward direction. Assignment probabilities across multiple detections as well as the probabilities for missing detections are computed jointly. To resolve tracking ambiguities using future information, several track hypotheses are propagated to later time points. In addition, we developed a novel probabilistic deep learning method for particle tracking, which is based on a recurrent neural network mimicking classical Bayesian filtering. The method includes both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, and provides valuable information about the reliability of the computed trajectories. Short and long-term temporal dependencies of individual object dynamics are exploited for state prediction, and assigned detections are used to update the predicted states. Moreover, we developed a convolutional Long Short-Term Memory neural network for combined particle tracking and colocalization analysis in two-channel microscopy image sequences. The network determines colocalization probabilities, and colocalization information is exploited to improve tracking. Short and long-term temporal dependencies of object motion as well as image intensities are taken into account to compute assignment probabilities jointly across multiple detections. We also introduce a deep learning method for probabilistic particle detection and tracking. For particle detection, temporal information is integrated to regress a density map and determine sub-pixel particle positions. For tracking, a fully Bayesian neural network is presented that mimics classical Bayesian filtering and takes into account both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. Uncertainty information of individual particle detections is considered. Network training for the developed deep learning-based particle tracking methods relies only on synthetic data, avoiding the need of time-consuming manual annotation. We performed an extensive evaluation of our methods based on image data of the Particle Tracking Challenge as well as on fluorescence microscopy images displaying virus proteins of HCV and HIV, chromatin structures, and cell-surface receptors. It turned out that the methods outperform previous methods

    Deep Learning for Detection and Segmentation in High-Content Microscopy Images

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    High-content microscopy led to many advances in biology and medicine. This fast emerging technology is transforming cell biology into a big data driven science. Computer vision methods are used to automate the analysis of microscopy image data. In recent years, deep learning became popular and had major success in computer vision. Most of the available methods are developed to process natural images. Compared to natural images, microscopy images pose domain specific challenges such as small training datasets, clustered objects, and class imbalance. In this thesis, new deep learning methods for object detection and cell segmentation in microscopy images are introduced. For particle detection in fluorescence microscopy images, a deep learning method based on a domain-adapted Deconvolution Network is presented. In addition, a method for mitotic cell detection in heterogeneous histopathology images is proposed, which combines a deep residual network with Hough voting. The method is used for grading of whole-slide histology images of breast carcinoma. Moreover, a method for both particle detection and cell detection based on object centroids is introduced, which is trainable end-to-end. It comprises a novel Centroid Proposal Network, a layer for ensembling detection hypotheses over image scales and anchors, an anchor regularization scheme which favours prior anchors over regressed locations, and an improved algorithm for Non-Maximum Suppression. Furthermore, a novel loss function based on Normalized Mutual Information is proposed which can cope with strong class imbalance and is derived within a Bayesian framework. For cell segmentation, a deep neural network with increased receptive field to capture rich semantic information is introduced. Moreover, a deep neural network which combines both paradigms of multi-scale feature aggregation of Convolutional Neural Networks and iterative refinement of Recurrent Neural Networks is proposed. To increase the robustness of the training and improve segmentation, a novel focal loss function is presented. In addition, a framework for black-box hyperparameter optimization for biomedical image analysis pipelines is proposed. The framework has a modular architecture that separates hyperparameter sampling and hyperparameter optimization. A visualization of the loss function based on infimum projections is suggested to obtain further insights into the optimization problem. Also, a transfer learning approach is presented, which uses only one color channel for pre-training and performs fine-tuning on more color channels. Furthermore, an approach for unsupervised domain adaptation for histopathological slides is presented. Finally, Galaxy Image Analysis is presented, a platform for web-based microscopy image analysis. Galaxy Image Analysis workflows for cell segmentation in cell cultures, particle detection in mice brain tissue, and MALDI/H&E image registration have been developed. The proposed methods were applied to challenging synthetic as well as real microscopy image data from various microscopy modalities. It turned out that the proposed methods yield state-of-the-art or improved results. The methods were benchmarked in international image analysis challenges and used in various cooperation projects with biomedical researchers

    Deep learning for intracellular particle tracking and motion analysis

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    Deep learning for intracellular particle tracking and motion analysis

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    Combinatorial Optimization Algorithms for Hypergraph Matching with Application to Posture Identification in Embryonic Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Point-set matching defines the task in computer vision of identifying a one-to-one alignment between two sets of points. Existing techniques rely on simple relationships between point-sets in order to efficiently find optimal correspondences between larger sets. Modern methodology precludes application to more challenging point-set matching tasks which benefit from interdependent modeling. This thesis addresses a gap in combinatorial optimization literature by enhancing leading methods in both graph matching and multiple object tracking (MOT) to more flexibly use data-driven point-set matching models. Presented contributions are inspired by Caenorhabditis elegans, a transparent free-living roundworm frequently studied in developmental biology and neurobiology. The C. elegans embryo, containing around 550 cells at hatch, can be used for cell tracking studies to understand how cell movement drives the development of specific embryonic tissues and organ functions. The development of muscle cells complicates analyses during late-stage development, as embryos begin twitching due to muscular activity. The sporadic twitches cause cells to move violently and unpredictably, invalidating traditional cell tracking approaches. The embryo possesses seam cells, a set of 20 cells which together act as fiducial markers to approximate the coiled embryo's body. Novel optimization algorithms and data-driven hypergraphical models leveraging the correlated movement among seam cells are used to forward research on C. elegans embryogenesis. We contribute two optimization algorithms applicable in differing conditions to interdependent point-set matching. The first algorithm, Exact Hypergraph Matching (EHGM), exactly solves the n-adic assignment problem by casting the problem as hypergraph matching. The algorithm obtains solutions to highly interdependent seam cell identification models. The second optimization algorithm, Multiple Hypothesis Hypergraph Tracking (MHHT), adapts traditional multiple hypothesis tracking with hypergraphical data association. Results from both studies highlight improved performance over established methods while providing adaptable optimization tools for multiple academic communities. The canonical point-set matching task is solved efficiently under strict assumptions of frame-to-frame transformations. Challenging situations arising from non-rigid displacements between frames will complicate established methods. Particularly, limitations in fluorescence microscopy paired with muscular twitching in late-stage embryonic C. elegans yield adversarial point-set matching tasks. Seam cell identification is cast as an assignment problem; detected cells in images are uniquely identified through a combinatorial optimization algorithm. Existing graph matching methods are underequipped to contextualize the coiled embryonic position in sparsely imaged samples. Both the lack of an effective point-set matching model and an efficient algorithm for solving the resulting optimization problem limit computationally driven solutions to identify seam cells in acquired image volumes. We cast the n-adic problem as hypergraph matching and present an exact algorithm to solve the resulting optimization problem. EHGM adapts the branch-and-bound paradigm to dynamically identify a globally optimal correspondence; it is the first algorithm capable of solving the underlying optimization problem. Our algorithm and accompanying data-driven hypergraphical models identify seam cells more accurately than established point-set matching methods. The final hours of embryogenesis encompass the moments in which C. elegans assumes motor control and begins exhibiting behavior. Rapid imaging of the seam cells provides insight into the embryo’s movement as a proxy for behavior. However, seam cell tracking is especially challenging due to both muscular twitching and the low dose required to gently image the embryo without perturbing development. Current methods in MOT rely on independent object trajectories undergoing smooth motion to effectively track large numbers of objects. Multiple Hypothesis Tracking (MHT) is the foremost method for challenging MOT tasks, yet the method cannot model correlated object movements. We contribute Multiple Hypothesis Hypergraph Tracking (MHHT) as an extension of MHT, which performs interdependent object tracking by jointly representing objects as a hypergraph. We apply MHHT to track seam cell nuclei during late-stage embryogenesis. Data-driven hypergraphical models more accurately track seam cells than traditional MHT based approaches. Analysis of time-lapse embryonic postures and behavioral motifs reveal a stereotyped developmental progression in C. elegans. Further analysis uncovers late-stage motility defects in unc-13 mutants

    Scalable Inference for Multi-Target Tracking of Proliferating Cells

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    With the continuous advancements in microscopy techniques such as improved image quality, faster acquisition and reduced photo-toxicity, the amount of data recorded in the life sciences is rapidly growing. Clearly, the size of the data renders manual analysis intractable, calling for automated cell tracking methods. Cell tracking – in contrast to other tracking scenarios – exhibits several difficulties: low signal to noise ratio in the images, high cell density and sometimes cell clusters, radical morphology changes, but most importantly cells divide – which is often the focus of the experiment. These peculiarities have been targeted by tracking-byassignment methods that first extract a set of detection hypotheses and then track those over time. Improving the general quality of these cell tracking methods is difficult, because every cell type, surrounding medium, and microscopy setting leads to recordings with specific properties and problems. This unfortunately implies that automated approaches will not become perfect any time soon but manual proof reading by experts will remain necessary for the time being. In this thesis we focus on two different aspects, firstly on scaling previous and developing new solvers to deal with longer videos and more cells, and secondly on developing a specialized pipeline for detecting and tracking tuberculosis bacteria. The most powerful tracking-by-assignment methods are formulated as probabilistic graphical models and solved as integer linear programs. Because those integer linear programs are in general NP-hard, increasing the problem size will lead to an explosion of computational cost. We begin by reformulating one of these models in terms of a constrained network flow, and show that it can be solved more efficiently. Building on the successful application of network flow algorithms in the pedestrian tracking literature, we develop a heuristic to integrate constraints – here for divisions – into such a network flow method. This allows us to obtain high quality approximations to the tracking solution while providing a polynomial runtime guarantee. Our experiments confirm this much better scaling behavior to larger problems. However, this approach is single threaded and does not utilize available resources of multi-core machines yet. To parallelize the tracking problem we present a simple yet effective way of splitting long videos into intervals that can be tracked independently, followed by a sparse global stitching step that resolves disagreements at the cuts. Going one step further, we propose a microservices based software design for ilastik that allows to distribute all required computation for segmentation, object feature extraction, object classification and tracking across the nodes of a cluster or in the cloud. Finally, we discuss the use case of detecting and tracking tuberculosis bacteria in more detail, because no satisfying automated method to this important problem existed before. One peculiarity of these elongated cells is that they build dense clusters in which it is hard to outline individuals. To cope with that we employ a tracking-by-assignment model that allows competing detection hypotheses and selects the best set of detections while considering the temporal context during tracking. To obtain these hypotheses, we develop a novel algorithm that finds diverseM- best solutions of tree-shaped graphical models by dynamic programming. First experiments with the pipeline indicate that it can greatly reduce the required amount of human intervention for analyzing tuberculosis treatment

    Exploring space situational awareness using neuromorphic event-based cameras

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    The orbits around earth are a limited natural resource and one that hosts a vast range of vital space-based systems that support international systems use by both commercial industries, civil organisations, and national defence. The availability of this space resource is rapidly depleting due to the ever-growing presence of space debris and rampant overcrowding, especially in the limited and highly desirable slots in geosynchronous orbit. The field of Space Situational Awareness encompasses tasks aimed at mitigating these hazards to on-orbit systems through the monitoring of satellite traffic. Essential to this task is the collection of accurate and timely observation data. This thesis explores the use of a novel sensor paradigm to optically collect and process sensor data to enhance and improve space situational awareness tasks. Solving this issue is critical to ensure that we can continue to utilise the space environment in a sustainable way. However, these tasks pose significant engineering challenges that involve the detection and characterisation of faint, highly distant, and high-speed targets. Recent advances in neuromorphic engineering have led to the availability of high-quality neuromorphic event-based cameras that provide a promising alternative to the conventional cameras used in space imaging. These cameras offer the potential to improve the capabilities of existing space tracking systems and have been shown to detect and track satellites or ‘Resident Space Objects’ at low data rates, high temporal resolutions, and in conditions typically unsuitable for conventional optical cameras. This thesis presents a thorough exploration of neuromorphic event-based cameras for space situational awareness tasks and establishes a rigorous foundation for event-based space imaging. The work conducted in this project demonstrates how to enable event-based space imaging systems that serve the goals of space situational awareness by providing accurate and timely information on the space domain. By developing and implementing event-based processing techniques, the asynchronous operation, high temporal resolution, and dynamic range of these novel sensors are leveraged to provide low latency target acquisition and rapid reaction to challenging satellite tracking scenarios. The algorithms and experiments developed in this thesis successfully study the properties and trade-offs of event-based space imaging and provide comparisons with traditional observing methods and conventional frame-based sensors. The outcomes of this thesis demonstrate the viability of event-based cameras for use in tracking and space imaging tasks and therefore contribute to the growing efforts of the international space situational awareness community and the development of the event-based technology in astronomy and space science applications

    A Primal-Dual Solver for Large-Scale Tracking-by-Assignment

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    We propose a fast approximate solver for the combinatorial problem known as tracking-by-assignment, which we apply to cell tracking. The latter plays a key role in discovery in many life sciences, especially in cell and developmental biology. So far, in the most general setting this problem was addressed by off-the-shelf solvers like Gurobi, whose run time and memory requirements rapidly grow with the size of the input. In contrast, for our method this growth is nearly linear. Our contribution consists of a new (1) decomposable compact representation of the problem; (2) dual block-coordinate ascent method for optimizing the decomposition-based dual; and (3) primal heuristics that reconstructs a feasible integer solution based on the dual information. Compared to solving the problem with Gurobi, we observe an up to~60~times speed-up, while reducing the memory footprint significantly. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on real-world tracking problems.Comment: 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 202
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