24 research outputs found

    A Survey Study of the Current Challenges and Opportunities of Deploying the ECG Biometric Authentication Method in IoT and 5G Environments

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    The environment prototype of the Internet of Things (IoT) has opened the horizon for researchers to utilize such environments in deploying useful new techniques and methods in different fields and areas. The deployment process takes place when numerous IoT devices are utilized in the implementation phase for new techniques and methods. With the wide use of IoT devices in our daily lives in many fields, personal identification is becoming increasingly important for our society. This survey aims to demonstrate various aspects related to the implementation of biometric authentication in healthcare monitoring systems based on acquiring vital ECG signals via designated wearable devices that are compatible with 5G technology. The nature of ECG signals and current ongoing research related to ECG authentication are investigated in this survey along with the factors that may affect the signal acquisition process. In addition, the survey addresses the psycho-physiological factors that pose a challenge to the usage of ECG signals as a biometric trait in biometric authentication systems along with other challenges that must be addressed and resolved in any future related research.

    Electrocardiograph signal recognition using wavelet transform based on optimized neural network

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    Due to the growing number of cardiac patients, an automatic detection that detects various heart abnormalities has been developed to relieve and share physicians’ workload. Many of the depolarization of ventricles complex waves (QRS) detection algorithms with multiple properties have recently been presented; nevertheless, real-time implementations in low-cost systems remain a challenge due to limited hardware resources. The proposed algorithm finds a solution for the delay in processing by minimizing the input vector’s dimension and, as a result, the classifier’s complexity. In this paper, the wavelet transform is employed for feature extraction. The optimized neural network is used for classification with 8-classes for the electrocardiogram (ECG) signal this data is taken from two ECG signals (ST-T and MIT-BIH database). The wavelet transform coefficients are used for the artificial neural network’s training process and optimized by using the invasive weed optimization (IWO) algorithm. The suggested system has a sensitivity of over 70%, a specificity of over 94%, a positive predictive of over 65%, a negative predictive of more than 93%, and a classification accuracy of more than 80%. The performance of the classifier improves when the number of neurons in the hidden layer is increased

    Verification and comparison of MIT-BIH arrhythmia database based on number of beats

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    The ECG signal processing methods are tested and evaluated based on many databases. The most ECG database used for many researchers is the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. The QRS-detection algorithms are essential for ECG analyses to detect the beats for the ECG signal. There is no standard number of beats for this database that are used from numerous researches. Different beat numbers are calculated for the researchers depending on the difference in understanding the annotation file. In this paper, the beat numbers for existing methods are studied and compared to find the correct beat number that should be used. We propose a simple function to standardize the beats number for any ECG PhysioNet database to improve the waveform database toolbox (WFDB) for the MATLAB program. This function is based on the annotation's description from the databases and can be added to the Toolbox. The function is removed the non-beats annotation without any errors. The results show a high percentage of 71% from the reviewed methods used an incorrect number of beats for this database

    A Mobile Cloud-Based eHealth Scheme

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    Mobile cloud computing is an emerging field that is gaining popularity across borders at a rapid pace. Similarly, the field of health informatics is also considered as an extremely important field. This work observes the collaboration between these two fields to solve the traditional problem of extracting Electrocardiogram signals from trace reports and then performing analysis. The developed system has two front ends, the first dedicated for the user to perform the photographing of the trace report. Once the photographing is complete, mobile computing is used to extract the signal. Once the signal is extracted, it is uploaded into the server and further analysis is performed on the signal in the cloud. Once this is done, the second interface, intended for the use of the physician, can download and view the trace from the cloud. The data is securely held using a password-based authentication method. The system presented here is one of the first attempts at delivering the total solution, and after further upgrades, it will be possible to deploy the system in a commercial setting.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Low-Power Wireless Medical Systems and Circuits for Invasive and Non-Invasive Applications

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    Approximately 75% of the health care yearly budget of public health systems around the world is spent on the treatment of patients with chronic diseases. This, along with advances on the medical and technological fields has given rise to the use of preventive medicine, resulting on a high demand of wireless medical systems (WMS) for patient monitoring and drug safety research. In this dissertation, the main design challenges and solutions for designing a WMS are addressed from system-level, using off-the-shell components, to circuit implementation. Two low-power oriented WMS aiming to monitor blood pressure of small laboratory animals (implantable) and cardiac-activity (12-lead electrocardiogram) of patients with chronic diseases (wearable) are presented. A power consumption vs. lifetime analysis to estimate the monitoring unit lifetime for each application is included. For the invasive/non-invasive WMS, in-vitro test benches are used to verify their functionality showing successful communication up to 2.1 m/35 m with the monitoring unit consuming 0.572 mA/33 mA from a 3 V/4.5 V power supply, allowing a two-year/ 88-hour lifetime in periodic/continuous operation. This results in an improvement of more than 50% compared with the lifetime commercial products. Additionally, this dissertation proposes transistor-level implementations of an ultra-low-noise/low-power biopotential amplifier and the baseband section of a wireless receiver, consisting of a channel selection filter (CSF) and a variable gain amplifier (VGA). The proposed biopotential amplifier is intended for electrocardiogram (ECG)/ electroencephalogram (EEG)/ electromyogram (EMG) monitoring applications and its architecture was designed focused on improving its noise/power efficiency. It was implemented using the ON-SEMI 0.5 µm standard process with an effective area of 360 µm2. Experimental results show a pass-band gain of 40.2 dB (240 mHz - 170 Hz), input referred noise of 0.47 Vrms, minimum CMRR of 84.3 dBm, NEF of 1.88 and a power dissipation of 3.5 µW. The CSF was implemented using an active-RC 4th order inverse-chebyshev topology. The VGA provides 30 gain steps and includes a DC-cancellation loop to avoid saturation on the sub-sequent analog-to-digital converter block. Measurement results show a power consumption of 18.75 mW, IIP3 of 27.1 dBm, channel rejection better than 50 dB, gain variation of 0-60dB, cut-off frequency tuning of 1.1-2.29 MHz and noise figure of 33.25 dB. The circuit was implemented in the standard IBM 0.18 µm CMOS process with a total area of 1.45 x 1.4 mm^(2). The presented WMS can integrate the proposed biopotential amplifier and baseband section with small modifications depending on the target signal while using the low-power-oriented algorithm to obtain further power optimization

    Sistema portátil de aquisição, filtragem programável e visualização de sinais de eletrocardiografia

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2018.Diferentes tipos de equipamentos comerciais que realizam a aquisição de sinais de eletrocardiografia (ECG) possuem preço elevado e são em geral pouco portáteis, fatores que podem impedir o acesso ao sinal coletado pelo equipamento em diversas situações. Além disso em geral não permitem aplicação de técnicas de processamento sem uso de um computador externo. Este trabalho propõe o desenvolvimento de um protótipo capaz de realizar a aquisição de sinais de ECG com um hardware portátil, possibilitar a visualização em tempo real e apresentar um conteúdo didático aos conceitos de processamento de sinais, com a possibilidade de filtrar os sinais adquiridos e detecção de picos do complexo QRS. Utilizando de um hardware com um preço inferior aos eletrocardiógrafos comerciais foi desenvolvido um protótipo capaz de realizar aquisições de um canal de ECG, com uma taxa adequada ao sinal, sendo possível através do software embarcado aplicar filtros aos sinais adquiridos e visualizar os efeitos ao sinal. Os sinais coletados são filtrados em modo online, para redução de ruído, e podem ser visualizados em uma tela de alta resolução presente no protótipo ou através de um computador. Para as aquisições realizadas são gerados dois arquivos, um para o sinal original e outro do sinal adquirido e filtrado, a partir destes arquivos é possível carregá-los com a utilização da interface gráfica aplicando outros filtros, visualizar o espectro do sinal original e filtrado além da possibilidade de visualizar os picos do complexo QRS.Differente types of eletrocardiography (ECG) equipments are usually expensive and not portable, factors that can prevent the access to signals collected by this equipment in different conditions. Besides, they usually do not allow one to apply processing methods without the use of an external computer. This work proposed the development of a prototype, which aims to perform the acquisition of ECG signals with a portable hardware, allowing real time visualization and showing a didatic content to the signal processing concepts with the possibility of filtering the acquired signals and detect the QRS complex peaks. Utilizing a hardware more inexpensive than the comercials electrocardiographs, a prototype able to acquire one channel of ECG signal with the correct rate for the signal (possible through the use of embedded software), applly filters and visualize their effects was developed. The collected signals are filtered in real time to eliminate noise and can be visualized on a high resolution screen, present on the prototype, or on a computer. For the acquistions two files are generated. One of original acquired data and other of acquired and filtered data. From those files it is possible to load them with the graphical interface and applly other filters, visualize the original and filtered espectrum of signal, besides the possibility of view the QRS complex peaks

    Cardiac Arrhythmias

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    The most intimate mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias are still quite unknown to scientists. Genetic studies on ionic alterations, the electrocardiographic features of cardiac rhythm and an arsenal of diagnostic tests have done more in the last five years than in all the history of cardiology. Similarly, therapy to prevent or cure such diseases is growing rapidly day by day. In this book the reader will be able to see with brighter light some of these intimate mechanisms of production, as well as cutting-edge therapies to date. Genetic studies, electrophysiological and electrocardiographyc features, ion channel alterations, heart diseases still unknown , and even the relationship between the psychic sphere and the heart have been exposed in this book. It deserves to be read

    Modern Telemetry

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    Telemetry is based on knowledge of various disciplines like Electronics, Measurement, Control and Communication along with their combination. This fact leads to a need of studying and understanding of these principles before the usage of Telemetry on selected problem solving. Spending time is however many times returned in form of obtained data or knowledge which telemetry system can provide. Usage of telemetry can be found in many areas from military through biomedical to real medical applications. Modern way to create a wireless sensors remotely connected to central system with artificial intelligence provide many new, sometimes unusual ways to get a knowledge about remote objects behaviour. This book is intended to present some new up to date accesses to telemetry problems solving by use of new sensors conceptions, new wireless transfer or communication techniques, data collection or processing techniques as well as several real use case scenarios describing model examples. Most of book chapters deals with many real cases of telemetry issues which can be used as a cookbooks for your own telemetry related problems