72 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Resource Allocation for Embedded Systems

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    Das Hauptthema ist die dynamische Ressourcenverwaltung in eingebetteten Systemen, insbesondere die Verwaltung von Rechenzeit und Netzwerkverkehr auf einem MPSoC. Die Idee besteht darin, eine Pipeline für die Verarbeitung von Mobiler Kommunikation auf dem Chip dynamisch zu schedulen, um die Effizienz der Hardwareressourcen zu verbessern, ohne den Ressourcenverbrauch des dynamischen Schedulings dramatisch zu erhöhen. Sowohl Software- als auch Hardwaremodule werden auf Hotspots im Ressourcenverbrauch untersucht und optimiert, um diese zu entfernen. Da Applikationen im Bereich der Signalverarbeitung normalerweise mit Hilfe von SDF-Diagrammen beschrieben werden können, wird deren dynamisches Scheduling optimiert, um den Ressourcenverbrauch gegenüber dem üblicherweise verwendeten statischen Scheduling zu verbessern. Es wird ein hybrider dynamischer Scheduler vorgestellt, der die Vorteile von Processing-Networks und der Planung von Task-Graphen kombiniert. Es ermöglicht dem Scheduler, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Parallelisierung der Berechnung und der Zunahme des dynamischen Scheduling-Aufands optimal abzuwägen. Der resultierende dynamisch erstellte Schedule reduziert den Ressourcenverbrauch um etwa 50%, wobei die Laufzeit im Vergleich zu einem statischen Schedule nur um 20% erhöht wird. Zusätzlich wird ein verteilter dynamischer SDF-Scheduler vorgeschlagen, der das Scheduling in verschiedene Teile zerlegt, die dann zu einer Pipeline verbunden werden, um mehrere parallele Prozessoren einzubeziehen. Jeder Scheduling-Teil wird zu einem Cluster mit Load-Balancing erweitert, um die Anzahl der parallel laufenden Scheduling-Jobs weiter zu erhöhen. Auf diese Weise wird dem vorhandene Engpass bei dem dynamischen Scheduling eines zentralisierten Schedulers entgegengewirkt, sodass 7x mehr Prozessoren mit dem Pipelined-Clustered-Dynamic-Scheduler für eine typische Signalverarbeitungsanwendung verwendet werden können. Das neue dynamische Scheduling-System setzt das Vorhandensein von drei verschiedenen Kommunikationsmodi zwischen den Verarbeitungskernen voraus. Bei der Emulation auf Basis des häufig verwendeten RDMA-Protokolls treten Leistungsprobleme auf. Sehr gut kann RDMA für einmalige Punkt-zu-Punkt-Datenübertragungen verwendet werden, wie sie bei der Ausführung von Task-Graphen verwendet werden. Process-Networks verwenden normalerweise Datenströme mit hohem Volumen und hoher Bandbreite. Es wird eine FIFO-basierte Kommunikationslösung vorgestellt, die einen zyklischen Puffer sowohl im Sender als auch im Empfänger implementiert, um diesen Bedarf zu decken. Die Pufferbehandlung und die Datenübertragung zwischen ihnen erfolgen ausschließlich in Hardware, um den Software-Overhead aus der Anwendung zu entfernen. Die Implementierung verbessert die Zugriffsverwaltung mehrerer Nutzer auf flächen-effiziente Single-Port Speichermodule. Es werden 0,8 der theoretisch möglichen Bandbreite, die normalerweise nur mit flächenmäßig teureren Dual-Port-Speichern erreicht wird. Der dritte Kommunikationsmodus definiert eine einfache Message-Passing-Implementierung, die ohne einen Verbindungszustand auskommt. Dieser Modus wird für eine effiziente prozessübergreifende Kommunikation des verteilten Scheduling-Systems und der engen Ansteuerung der restlichen Prozessoren benötigt. Eine Flusskontrolle in Hardware stellt sicher, dass eine große Anzahl von Sendern Nachrichten an denselben Empfänger senden kann. Dabei wird garantiert, dass alle Nachrichten korrekt empfangen werden, ohne dass eine Verbindung hergestellt werden muss und die Nachrichtenlaufzeit gering bleibt. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Optimierung des Codesigns von Hardware und Software, um die kompromisslose Ressourceneffizienz der dynamischen SDF-Graphen-Planung zu erhöhen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Abhängigkeiten zwischen den Ebenen eines verteilten Scheduling-Systems gelegt, das auf der Verfügbarkeit spezifischer hardwarebeschleunigter Kommunikationsmethoden beruht.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 The Multiprocessor System on Chip Architecture 1.3 Concrete MPSoC Architecture 1.4 Representing LTE/5G baseband processing as Static Data Flow 1.5 Compuation Stack 1.6 Performance Hotspots Addressed 1.7 State of the Art 1.8 Overview of the Work 2 Hybrid SDF Execution 2.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 2.2 State of the Art 2.3 Static Data Flow Graphs 2.4 Runtime Environment 2.5 Overhead of Deloying Tasks to a MPSoC 2.6 Interpretation of SDF Graphs as Task Graphs 2.7 Interpreting SDF Graphs as Process Networks 2.8 Hybrid Interpretation 2.9 Graph Topology Considerations 2.10 Theoretic Impact of Hybrid Interpretation 2.11 Simulating Hybrid Execution 2.12 Pipeline SDF Graph Example 2.13 Random SDF Graphs 2.14 LTE-like SDF Graph 2.15 Key Lernings 3 Distribution of Management 3.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 3.2 State of the Art 3.3 Revising Deployment Overhead 3.4 Distribution of Overhead 3.5 Impact of Management Distribution to Resource Utilization 3.6 Reconfigurability 3.7 Key Lernings 4 Sliced FIFO Hardware 4.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 4.2 State of the Art 4.3 System Environment 4.4 Sliced Windowed FIFO buffer 4.5 Single FIFO Evaluation 4.6 Multiple FIFO Evalutaion 4.7 Hardware Implementation 4.8 Key Lernings 5 Message Passing Hardware 5.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 5.2 State of the Art 5.3 Message Passing Regarded as Queueing 5.4 A Remote Direct Memory Access Based Implementation 5.5 Hardware Implementation Concept 5.6 Evalutation of Performance 5.7 Key Lernings 6 SummaryThe main topic is the dynamic resource allocation in embedded systems, especially the allocation of computing time and network traffic on an multi processor system on chip (MPSoC). The idea is to dynamically schedule a mobile communication signal processing pipeline on the chip to improve hardware resource efficiency while not dramatically improve resource consumption because of dynamic scheduling overhead. Both software and hardware modules are examined for resource consumption hotspots and optimized to remove them. Since signal processing can usually be described with the help of static data flow (SDF) graphs, the dynamic handling of those is optimized to improve resource consumption over the commonly used static scheduling approach. A hybrid dynamic scheduler is presented that combines benefits from both processing networks and task graph scheduling. It allows the scheduler to optimally balance parallelization of computation and addition of dynamic scheduling overhead. The resulting dynamically created schedule reduces resource consumption by about 50%, with a runtime increase of only 20% compared to a static schedule. Additionally, a distributed dynamic SDF scheduler is proposed that splits the scheduling into different parts, which are then connected to a scheduling pipeli ne to incorporate multiple parallel working processors. Each scheduling stage is reworked into a load-balanced cluster to increase the number of parallel scheduling jobs further. This way, the still existing dynamic scheduling bottleneck of a centralized scheduler is widened, allowing handling 7x more processors with the pipelined, clustered dynamic scheduler for a typical signal processing application. The presented dynamic scheduling system assumes the presence of three different communication modes between the processing cores. When emulated on top of the commonly used remote direct memory access (RDMA) protocol, performance issues are encountered. Firstly, RDMA can neatly be used for single-shot point-to-point data transfers, like used in task graph scheduling. Process networks usually make use of high-volume and high-bandwidth data streams. A first in first out (FIFO) communication solution is presented that implements a cyclic buffer on both sender and receiver to serve this need. The buffer handling and data transfer between them are done purely in hardware to remove software overhead from the application. The implementation improves the multi-user access to area-efficient single port on-chip memory modules. It achieves 0.8 of the theoretically possible bandwidth, usually only achieved with area expensive dual-port memories. The third communication mode defines a lightweight message passing (MP) implementation that is truly connectionless. It is needed for efficient inter-process communication of the distributed and clustered scheduling system and the worker processing units’ tight coupling. A hardware flow control assures that an arbitrary number of senders can spontaneously start sending messages to the same receiver. Yet, all messages are guaranteed to be correctly received while eliminating the need for connection establishment and keeping a low message delay. The work focuses on the hardware-software codesign optimization to increase the uncompromised resource efficiency of dynamic SDF graph scheduling. Special attention is paid to the inter-level dependencies in developing a distributed scheduling system, which relies on the availability of specific hardwareaccelerated communication methods.:1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation 1.2 The Multiprocessor System on Chip Architecture 1.3 Concrete MPSoC Architecture 1.4 Representing LTE/5G baseband processing as Static Data Flow 1.5 Compuation Stack 1.6 Performance Hotspots Addressed 1.7 State of the Art 1.8 Overview of the Work 2 Hybrid SDF Execution 2.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 2.2 State of the Art 2.3 Static Data Flow Graphs 2.4 Runtime Environment 2.5 Overhead of Deloying Tasks to a MPSoC 2.6 Interpretation of SDF Graphs as Task Graphs 2.7 Interpreting SDF Graphs as Process Networks 2.8 Hybrid Interpretation 2.9 Graph Topology Considerations 2.10 Theoretic Impact of Hybrid Interpretation 2.11 Simulating Hybrid Execution 2.12 Pipeline SDF Graph Example 2.13 Random SDF Graphs 2.14 LTE-like SDF Graph 2.15 Key Lernings 3 Distribution of Management 3.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 3.2 State of the Art 3.3 Revising Deployment Overhead 3.4 Distribution of Overhead 3.5 Impact of Management Distribution to Resource Utilization 3.6 Reconfigurability 3.7 Key Lernings 4 Sliced FIFO Hardware 4.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 4.2 State of the Art 4.3 System Environment 4.4 Sliced Windowed FIFO buffer 4.5 Single FIFO Evaluation 4.6 Multiple FIFO Evalutaion 4.7 Hardware Implementation 4.8 Key Lernings 5 Message Passing Hardware 5.1 Addressed Performance Hotspot 5.2 State of the Art 5.3 Message Passing Regarded as Queueing 5.4 A Remote Direct Memory Access Based Implementation 5.5 Hardware Implementation Concept 5.6 Evalutation of Performance 5.7 Key Lernings 6 Summar

    Advances in Reinforcement Learning

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a very dynamic area in terms of theory and application. This book brings together many different aspects of the current research on several fields associated to RL which has been growing rapidly, producing a wide variety of learning algorithms for different applications. Based on 24 Chapters, it covers a very broad variety of topics in RL and their application in autonomous systems. A set of chapters in this book provide a general overview of RL while other chapters focus mostly on the applications of RL paradigms: Game Theory, Multi-Agent Theory, Robotic, Networking Technologies, Vehicular Navigation, Medicine and Industrial Logistic

    Unauthorized Access

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    Going beyond current books on privacy and security, this book proposes specific solutions to public policy issues pertaining to online privacy and security. Requiring no technical or legal expertise, it provides a practical framework to address ethical and legal issues. The authors explore the well-established connection between social norms, privacy, security, and technological structure. They also discuss how rapid technological developments have created novel situations that lack relevant norms and present ways to develop these norms for protecting informational privacy and ensuring sufficient information security

    Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Being infrastructure-less and without central administration control, wireless ad-hoc networking is playing a more and more important role in extending the coverage of traditional wireless infrastructure (cellular networks, wireless LAN, etc). This book includes state-of the-art techniques and solutions for wireless ad-hoc networks. It focuses on the following topics in ad-hoc networks: vehicular ad-hoc networks, security and caching, TCP in ad-hoc networks and emerging applications. It is targeted to provide network engineers and researchers with design guidelines for large scale wireless ad hoc networks

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Computer Science & Technology Series : XXI Argentine Congress of Computer Science. Selected papers

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    CACIC’15 was the 21thCongress in the CACIC series. It was organized by the School of Technology at the UNNOBA (North-West of Buenos Aires National University) in Junín, Buenos Aires. The Congress included 13 Workshops with 131 accepted papers, 4 Conferences, 2 invited tutorials, different meetings related with Computer Science Education (Professors, PhD students, Curricula) and an International School with 6 courses. CACIC 2015 was organized following the traditional Congress format, with 13 Workshops covering a diversity of dimensions of Computer Science Research. Each topic was supervised by a committee of 3-5 chairs of different Universities. The call for papers attracted a total of 202 submissions. An average of 2.5 review reports werecollected for each paper, for a grand total of 495 review reports that involved about 191 different reviewers. A total of 131 full papers, involving 404 authors and 75 Universities, were accepted and 24 of them were selected for this book.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Copyright, Mass Use and Exclusivity : On the Industry Initiated Limitations to Copyright Exclusivity, Especially Regarding Sound Recording and Broadcasting

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    The study concentrates on the introduction and background motive of technology related change of copyright law as reflected mainly in the Berne Convention due to the technological and economic necessities experienced in the early 20th century. The purpose of this study is to understand a development which has led to the adaptation of licensing regimes that are not based on traditional exclusivity approach. Voice recording, broadcasting, rebroadcasting, and photocopying serve as main examples of the development. Also the impact of internet and mobile technologies are discussed. The method is based on institutional theory of law, and makes broad use of both economic analysis and historical documentation. The problem of the legislator's choice on how to structure copyright law between the two alternatives, exclusive property or liability approach, has risen constantly throughout the 20th century. The main conflict of interest seems to be between the exclusive right of the copyright holder, and the interests of users, that is, both the commercial and end users. The secondary use of copyright material is a rapidly growing form of copyright use. This creates controversies arising in that particular field of commercial use. Exclusivity is often regarded as the essence of copyright. However, the development of communication technology has allowed new forms of use that are not as well directly controllable by the relevant parties as was the publishing and sale of books. The new technology-enabled phenomenon is mass use in its different forms. Mass use means use of copyright protected works in large quantities in a manner that is either impossible or prohibitively costly to trace, identify and bill. This development which is common to practically all technological innovations of the 20th century questions the accuracy of the exclusivity approach to copyright. This study explores technology related change of the copyright institution, and how copyright is developing from a system based on exclusivity towards a system of compensation increasingly adopting elements of compulsory - that is, involuntary - licensing and its variants. Secondly, on a more general level, the study attempts to formulate a conclusion concerning the impact of technological change on copyright. Exclusivity remains the theoretical and logical starting point of copyright legislation and nearly any analysis of copyright, scientific or within legal practice. Anyhow, the 20th century development has introduced a new set of regulations attempting to limit overly powerful legal positions and thus to protect interests relating to development of new technologies and businesses. This has largely taken place by some form of compulsory licensing. The broad use of platform fees is an illustration of this development in its extreme. The origin of this development is in the belief to scientific progress and innovation in the early 20th century (the development motive). The study suggests that a more coherent approach towards copyright may be reached by studying copyright as a system of compensation, rather than a system of full control of the use of copyright protected matter. This also corresponds to the evolving set of beliefs of the copyright ideology. Exclusivity has not disappeared from the overall picture, but shall be reserved to those forms of use where it is applicable. That is, where copyright is directly controllable by the author or other copyright holder without prohibitive overall consequences as to other right holders, users, businesses, or the society.Tutkimus keskittyy teknologisen muutoksen ja tekijänoikeuden vuorovaikutukseen pääasiassa sellaisena kuin se heijastuu Bernin konvention muutoksissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää kehitystä, joka on johtanut muiden kuin perinteisten yksinoikeuspohjaisten lisensiointijärjestelmien kehitykseen. Äänilevy, yleisradiotoiminta, edelleen lähettäminen ja valokopiointi ovat keskeisiä esimerkkejä tästä kehityksestä. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan myös internet - ja mobiiliteknologioiden merkitystä tekijänoikeusjärjestelmän kehityksen kannalta. Metodi perustuu institutionaaliseen oikeusteoriaan, ja hyödyntää sekä taloudellista että historiallista analyysia. Lainsäätäjän valinta kahden pääasiallisen vaihtoehdon, yksinoikeusmallin tai korvausoikeuden välillä, on noussut 1900-luvulla esiin lukuisia kertoja. Merkittäväin intressikonflikti on syntynyt oikeudenhaltijoiden ja suojatun materiaalin käyttäjien välille, jolla tarkoitetaan myös tekijänoikeudellisesti suojatun materiaalin kaupallisia käyttäjiä. Tekijänoikeudellisesti suojatun materiaalin toissijainen käyttö on myös kasvamassa. Yksinoikeutta pidetään usein tekijänoikeuden ytimenä. On kuitenkin ilmeistä että viestintäteknologian kehitys on tuonut mukanaan sellaisia käyttömuotoja, joita oikeudenhaltijoiden on ollut vaikeata kontrolloida, toisin kuin perinteistä kirjan kustannussopimusta. On kehittynyt tekijänoikeudellisesti suojatun materiaalin massakäyttö eri muodoissaan. Massakäytöllä tarkoitetaan tutkimuksessa tekijänoikeudellisesti suojatun materiaalin käyttöä niin, että yksittäisiä käyttötapahtumia on joko mahdotonta tai kustannusten vuoksi tehotonta jäljittää, tunnistaa ja laskuttaa. Tämä kehitys on ollut niin tavanomaista ja leimaa lähes kaikkia viestintätekniikan innovaatioita 1900-luvulla, että voidaan perustellusti esittää kysymys tekijänoikeuden yksinoikeusluonteen muuttumisesta. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään teknologian aiheuttamaa tekijänoikeusinstituution muutosta, ja miten tekijänoikeus on kehittynyt yksinoikeusjärjestelmästä kohti korvausoikeutta erilaisten ei-vapaaehtoisten pakkolisenssijärjestelmien kehittymisen myötä. Toiseksi, ja yleisemmällä tasolla, haetaan vastausta siihen, voidaanko teknologian vaikutusta tekijänoikeuteen luonnehtia yleisluontoisilla johtopäätöksillä. Yksinoikeus pysyy teoreettisena ja loogisena lähtökohtana tekijänoikeuslainsäädännössä ja tekijänoikeuden tieteellisessä ja käytännöllisessä analyysissa. Kuitenkin 1900-luvun kehitys on tuonut mukaan uusia tapoja rajoittaa liian vahvoiksi koettuja oikeusasemia ja tällä tavoin suojata muita tärkeiksi koettuja intressejä, kuten uusien teknologioiden ja niihin perustuvien liiketoimintojen kehitystä. Keskeisenä ratkaisumallina on ollut pakkolisensiointi eri muodoissaan. Laaja teknisiin alustoihin sidottujen laitemaksujen käyttö on ääriesimerkki tästä. Kehitys on saanut alkunsa 1900-luvun alun voimakkaasta uskosta tieteelliseen ja tekniseen kehitykseen, josta tutkimuksessa käytetään nimitystä kehitysmotiivi (development motive). Tutkimuksessa ehdotetaan tekijänoikeusjärjestelmän kuvaamisen yksinkertaistamiseksi sen lähestymistä korvausjärjestelmänä, jossa yksinoikeus on tiettyihin tilanteisiin soveltuva poikkeus. Nämä ovat tilanteita, joissa tekijänoikeuden haltija kykenee välittömästi kontrolloimaan tekijänoikeuden käyttöä ilman liiallisia rajoittavia vaikutuksia muiden oikeudenhaltijoiden, käyttäjien, taloudellisten hyödyntäjien tai yhteiskunnan näkökulmasta


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    Campus networks have recently experienced a proliferation of devices ranging from personal use devices (e.g. smartphones, laptops, tablets), to special-purpose network equipment (e.g. firewalls, network address translation boxes, network caches, load balancers, virtual private network servers, and authentication servers), as well as special-purpose systems (badge readers, IP phones, cameras, location trackers, etc.). To establish directives and regulations regarding the ways in which these heterogeneous systems are allowed to interact with each other and the network infrastructure, organizations typically appoint policy writing committees (PWCs) to create acceptable use policy (AUP) documents describing the rules and behavioral guidelines that all campus network interactions must abide by. While users are the audience for AUP documents produced by an organization\u27s PWC, network administrators are the responsible party enforcing the contents of such policies using low-level CLI instructions and configuration files that are typically difficult to understand and are almost impossible to show that they do, in fact, enforce the AUPs. In other words, mapping the contents of imprecise unstructured sentences into technical configurations is a challenging task that relies on the interpretation and expertise of the network operator carrying out the policy enforcement. Moreover, there are multiple places where policy enforcement can take place. For example, policies governing servers (e.g., web, mail, and file servers) are often encoded into the server\u27s configuration files. However, from a security perspective, conflating policy enforcement with server configuration is a dangerous practice because minor server misconfigurations could open up avenues for security exploits. On the other hand, policies that are enforced in the network tend to rarely change over time and are often based on one-size-fits-all policies that can severely limit the fast-paced dynamics of emerging research workflows found in campus networks. This dissertation addresses the above problems by leveraging recent advances in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) to support systems that enable novel in-network approaches developed to support an organization\u27s network security policies. Namely, we introduce PoLanCO, a human-readable yet technically-precise policy language that serves as a middle-ground between the imprecise statements found in AUPs and the technical low-level mechanisms used to implement them. Real-world examples show that PoLanCO is capable of implementing a wide range of policies found in campus networks. In addition, we also present the concept of Network Security Caps, an enforcement layer that separates server/device functionality from policy enforcement. A Network Security Cap intercepts packets coming from, and going to, servers and ensures policy compliance before allowing network devices to process packets using the traditional forwarding mechanisms. Lastly, we propose the on-demand security exceptions model to cope with the dynamics of emerging research workflows that are not suited for a one-size-fits-all security approach. In the proposed model, network users and providers establish trust relationships that can be used to temporarily bypass the policy compliance checks applied to general-purpose traffic -- typically by network appliances that perform Deep Packet Inspection, thereby creating network bottlenecks. We describe the components of a prototype exception system as well as experiments showing that through short-lived exceptions researchers can realize significant improvements for their special-purpose traffic

    Co-design of Security Aware Power System Distribution Architecture as Cyber Physical System

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    The modern smart grid would involve deep integration between measurement nodes, communication systems, artificial intelligence, power electronics and distributed resources. On one hand, this type of integration can dramatically improve the grid performance and efficiency, but on the other, it can also introduce new types of vulnerabilities to the grid. To obtain the best performance, while minimizing the risk of vulnerabilities, the physical power system must be designed as a security aware system. In this dissertation, an interoperability and communication framework for microgrid control and Cyber Physical system enhancements is designed and implemented taking into account cyber and physical security aspects. The proposed data-centric interoperability layer provides a common data bus and a resilient control network for seamless integration of distributed energy resources. In addition, a synchronized measurement network and advanced metering infrastructure were developed to provide real-time monitoring for active distribution networks. A hybrid hardware/software testbed environment was developed to represent the smart grid as a cyber-physical system through hardware and software in the loop simulation methods. In addition it provides a flexible interface for remote integration and experimentation of attack scenarios. The work in this dissertation utilizes communication technologies to enhance the performance of the DC microgrids and distribution networks by extending the application of the GPS synchronization to the DC Networks. GPS synchronization allows the operation of distributed DC-DC converters as an interleaved converters system. Along with the GPS synchronization, carrier extraction synchronization technique was developed to improve the system’s security and reliability in the case of GPS signal spoofing or jamming. To improve the integration of the microgrid with the utility system, new synchronization and islanding detection algorithms were developed. The developed algorithms overcome the problem of SCADA and PMU based islanding detection methods such as communication failure and frequency stability. In addition, a real-time energy management system with online optimization was developed to manage the energy resources within the microgrid. The security and privacy were also addressed in both the cyber and physical levels. For the physical design, two techniques were developed to address the physical privacy issues by changing the current and electromagnetic signature. For the cyber level, a security mechanism for IEC 61850 GOOSE messages was developed to address the security shortcomings in the standard