8 research outputs found

    Health Website Evaluation - An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspective: Assessing Quality and Cultrability of Health Websites in a Covid-19 Pandemic: A Literature Review.

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    Introduction Health Websites have been used to improve the health and wellbeing of people since the internet was widely available to the world’s populations. The development of websites by health practitioners, hospitals, and governments has continued to grow over the past 20 years. Due to the restriction of movement and gatherings for populations globally caused by Covid-19, there has been a reliance on health information being disseminated via health websites. However, there has been little investigation into the appropriateness of health websites for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Aim Review literature on digital resources and evaluate health websites based on functionality, navigation, and usability. Assess the cultrability of the website design from an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspective and develop some evidence-based principles that can be used when designing and developing health websites for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Method The literature review explores essential website evaluation criteria and frameworks for assessing design, functionality, navigation, and usability. In addition, literature search for website evaluations of global Indigenous cultural appropriate design and content. The literature search accessed several databases i.e., Emerald, EBSCOhost, Medline Ovid, CINHAL and Google Scholar. Additional searches using Clinical Knowledge Networks Federation accessed through the Townsville Hospital Health Library. The search produced a total of 534 articles, and 14 were deemed relevant for inclusion. Discussion The thematic analysis identified that Indigenous global presence on the Internet has been extensive, and the most successful examples were developed in collaboration with Indigenous Peoples. A comprehensive evaluation of website content is paramount in validating the appropriateness of communication and engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. A customer/end user model of evaluation is the recommended type of evaluation for websites intending to target Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. There are significant challenges for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People navigating digital technology and websites, especially families living in rural and remote areas. These difficulties are not being addressed by services or governments to alleviate these barriers. Conclusion Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are actively involved in digital technology and websites, however their experience on the internet has been challenging and disempowering. The evidence provided alluded to negative experiences and constant challenges to have a growing presence in the digital space. The studies showed no evidence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s experience of website design, or development, which demonstrated positive outcomes or future developments in this area. Improving health, health literacy and health services will take a collaborative effort across all areas of health and education. Indigenous knowledges in all its forms must be protected and respected through intellectual property and reciprocity with websites and digital resources

    بررسی شاخص های کیفی لازم در وب سایت های بیمارستانی

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    مقدمه: وب سایت اطلاع رسانی بیمارستانی سیستمی مناسب برای تبادل اطلاعات بین بیمار، بیمارستان و کادر درمانی و جلب مشتریان بیشتر توسط بیمارستانها محسوب می شود.این مطالعه با هدف تعیین شاخص های کیفی وب سایتهای بیمارستانی انجام شد. روش پژوهش: مطالعه ایی مروری با جستجو در بانکهای اطلاعاتی google scholar, PMC, PubMed, ProQuest, Ovid, science direct, Magiran, SID, Scopus, و پایگاه های الکترونیکی فارسی(Iranmedex،Magiran ، SID وIran.doc) با کلید واژه های کیفیت(quality)، وب سایتهای بیمارستانی(hospital website) انجام شد. مقالات فارسی و انگلیسی تمام متن در بازه زمانی2001 تا 2014 مرور شدند، معیار انتخاب مقالات موضوع آنها درباره کیفیت وب سایت های بیمارستانی و سایر وب سایتهای سلامتی مرتبط بود که تعداد 85 مقاله یافت شد که با توجه به نیاز مطالعه و معیار انتخاب 45 مقاله مورد استفاده قرار گرفتند. یافته ها: از شاخص های یافت شده در متون، می توان به موارد زیر اشاره کرد: رتبه آلکسا، رتبه صفحه در گوگل، نوع وب سایت، محتوای فنی وب سایت، امکانات و اطلاعات بیمارستانی، خدمات پذیرش و پزشکی، خدمات تعاملی آنلاین، فعالیتهای علمی تحقیقاتی، قابلیت دسترسی، سرعت وب سایت، نقشه جامع وب سایت، حفظ داده های شخصی کاربران، زبان وب سایت، رضایت کاربران، امکان گشتن در وب سایت، ایمیل وب سایت، بی طرفی را نام برد. نتیجه گیری: امروزه با توجه به اهمیت کیفیت وب سایتهای بیمارستانی و بحث بیوتوریسم، هدف این است که وب سایتهای بیمارستانی را کارا، مفید، سود آور، موثق، ایمن، و قابل دسترس سازیم، تا موجب رضایت مشتریان و جلب آنان شود

    Review of accessibility and usability guidelines for website design for the elderly people

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    O crescimento da população idosa na Colômbia em 2050 é estimado em 10% e, com isto, uma maior demanda de serviços especiais (como serviços de saúde) para idosos. Isto justifica a exploração de conteúdos digitais de saúde como uma importante fonte de informação para essa população. As diretrizes de acessibilidade e usabilidade para o criação de websites - por exemplo, TAW e WACG - não possuem diretrizes específicas para mitigar as deficiências motoras, cognitivas ou visuais características do envelhecimento, que se tornam uma barreira para que este grupo consulte as informações necessárias sobre os processos administrativos que envolvem sua saúde.  É apresentada esta revisão das diretrizes de acessibilidade e usabilidade, facilitando o consumo de conteúdos específicos e gerando melhores interações com esses sistemas, o que levará à construção de diretrizes baseadas em recomendações existentes que permitam o desenvolvimento de aspectos relacionados à interação, legibilidade e usabilidade em conteúdos digitais para a população idosa.Para el 2050 se estima en 10% el crecimiento de la población mayor en Colombia y con ello una mayor demanda de servicios especiales (como los de salud) para la tercera edad. Esto justifica que se exploren contenidos digitales de salud como una fuente importante de información para dicha población. Los lineamientos de accesibilidad y usabilidad para el diseño de sitios web –e.g., TAW y WACG– no poseen lineamientos específicos para mitigar las discapacidades motrices, cognitivas o visuales, propias del envejecimiento, que se convierten en una barrera para que este grupo consulte información necesaria para los procesos administrativos que involucran su salud. Se presenta esta revisión de lineamientos de accesibilidad y usabilidad, que facilitan el consumo de contenidos específicos y generan mejores interacciones con dichos sistemas, lo que propiciará la construcción de lineamientos basados en recomendaciones ya existentes que permitan desarrollar aspectos relacionados con la interacción, legibilidad y usabilidad en contenidos digitales para personas de la tercera edad.By 2050, the growth of the elderly population in Colombia is estimated at 10% and thus a greater demand for special services (such as health services) for the elderly. This justifies the exploration of digital health content as an important source of information for this population. The accessibility and usability guidelines for website design –e.g., TAW and WACG– do not have specific guidelines to mitigate the motor, cognitive or visual disabilities characteristic of aging, which become a barrier for this group to consult necessary information for administrative processes that involve health. This review of accessibility and usability guidelines is presented, facilitating the consumption of specific contents and generating better interactions with such systems, which will lead to the construction of guidelines based on existing recommendations that allow the development of aspects related to interaction, legibility and usability in digital content for the elderly

    An electronic service quality transactional model of attraction, trust and loyalty for interactive healthcare portal

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    Interactive Health Portals (IHPs) are portals of healthcare providers which offer e-services for patients to assist them in obtaining required health information, communicate easily and access all services offered. The quality of e-services provided by the IHP is a critical concern since it serves as a gateway to patients to interact with a respective healthcare provider. IHPs are well developed in US and Europe, but developing countries such as Malaysia are still lagging behind this trend. IHPs are very important for private hospitals whose aim include servicing patients from other countries. Previous studies have investigated how to attract patients, to increase their trust and to make them loyal to IHPs within developing countries, however they were studied in a segregate manner. The relationship among them have yet been explored in the context of healthcare and as a transaction model for patients’ loyalty on IHP is not studied yet. The aim of this study is to identify the e-service quality (e-SQ) factors that may influence attraction, trust and loyalty on IHP and thus propose an e-SQ transactional model of attraction, trust and loyalty for IHP. A survey method was employed to examine the influence of the identified e-SQ factors on three components of attraction, trust and loyalty in the proposed model. Questionnaires were distributed targeting patients at three private hospitals who had experience in using e-services in which two hundred and three patients responded to the survey. Collected data were analysed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) technique. The results showed that e-SQ factors of usability, information quality, virtual training, IHP services, and cost savings positively influenced patients’ attraction. Trust of patients was positively influenced by security, privacy, reliability, and policy of IHPs. Finally, the e-SQ factors of compensation, responsiveness and hospitality affected patient loyalty in a positive manner. The Importance-Performance Matrix Analysis indicated that the top priority to be addressed to attract patients are IHP services and cost saving. Next, attraction, reliability and privacy are the most important factors to gain patients’ trust, while hospitality and trust are most significant to make patients loyal. The e-SQ transactional model as an outcome of this study is hoped to assist Malaysian IHP providers to better understand patients’ demands and allow them to design more patient-centric portals. This study is especially beneficial to private hospitals which receive no governmental financial aids and are in close competition with other private hospitals

    Professional identity and the advanced nurse practitioner in primary care: A qualitative study

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    Abstract Background: Health professional roles are being adapted in response to increased demand and declining medical workforces, both in England and internationally. This is exemplified by advanced nurse practitioners (ANP) in primary care. However, evidence suggests ANP practice may lack acceptability and understanding, leading to underutilisation. Professional identity (how colleagues are perceived by themselves and others) may influence how professionals work together to utilise such roles. Previous research has explored ANP professional identity during transition and in isolation from workplace cultures. Less is known about relationships between professional identity and established ANP practice within primary healthcare teams, or how ANP practice is affected by workplace cultures. Wider societal level influences have not been fully explored. This study aimed to explore the relationship between professional identity and ANP practice in a context where ANP practice was established. Methods: The study consisted of a qualitative cross-sectional study which explored professional identity of ANPs on a sample of general practice websites. Then the relationship between professional identity and ANP practice was explored, in-depth, in an ethnographic study of two general practices in England. Findings: ANPs lacked visibility on general practice websites. Both studies found ANPs were framed within a traditional nursing identity. This impacted on ANP practice and has implications for how professionals and the wider public understand ANP roles. Individual characteristics and interactional relationships were central to acceptance and utilisation of ANPs within the workplace, but were limited by broader societal level understanding of professional identities. ANPs negotiated their place within the workforce by utilising established understanding of professional identity. Intra-professional tensions were identified between ANPs and nursing. Conclusions: Professional identity is a useful framework within which to develop contextual understanding of ANP practice. Primary healthcare team members utilised shared understanding of professional identity to shape ANP roles, which both supported and inhibited ANP utilisation

    Presença das instituições de saúde portuguesas na Internet: análise comparativa das páginas oficiais das instituições de saúde portuguesas

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoO trabalho de investigação relatado neste relatório de dissertação teve como objetivo avaliar a presença das instituições de saúde portuguesas na Internet, procedendo a uma análise comparativa dos websites de hospitais oficiais (públicos e não-públicos), privados, bem como de centros hospitalares e unidades locais de saúde. De acordo com a categorização proposta pelo INE (INE, 2015a) hospitais oficiais são hospitais geridos pelo Estado, neles se enquadrando os hospitais públicos ou não-públicos, estes últimos subdividindo-se em hospitais militares, paramilitares e prisionais. Já os hospitais privados pertencem a entidades privadas, com ou sem fins lucrativos. A avaliação dos websites foi efetuada recorrendo a uma grelha de avaliação identificada com base num processo exaustivo de revisão de literatura. A grelha utilizada engloba um conjunto diversificado de itens relacionados com as características técnicas dos sites, informações sobre o hospital, admissões e serviços médicos, serviços online e atividades externas. A avaliação conduzida, para além de permitir caracterizar de forma detalhada a presença de cada instituição de saúde na Internet, possibilitou igualmente efetuar uma análise comparativa dos vários websites e assim identificar as diferenças mais relevantes existentes entre eles. Para além disso, com as informações obtidas, foi possível identificar as características da região onde se localizam as instituições de saúde portuguesas com melhor presença na Internet. Uma das conclusões a que se chegou foi o facto de as instituições de saúde com um website de melhor qualidade se localizarem, essencialmente, na região de Portugal onde a população é mais rica. Outras análises foram efetuadas de forma a verificar se o acesso a serviços hospitalares online é, ou não, idêntico para todos os cidadãos portugueses, independentemente da sua zona de residência e estatuto socioeconómico.This work aims to evaluate the presence of portuguese health institutions on the Internet by making a comparative analysis of some hospitals’ websites, official (public and non-public), private, as well as hospital groups and local health units. According to the classification proposed by INE (INE, 2015a) official hospitals are hospitals managed by the state which can be public or non-public hospitals. The last ones can be military, paramilitary and prison hospitals. The private hospitals belong to private entities, with or without profit. The websites’ evaluation was made using an evaluation grid identified based on an exhaustive process of literature review. This grid can cover a diverse set of items related to the technical characteristics of sites, hospitals’ information, admissions and medical services, online services and external activities online medical services and other services. This evaluation allowed characterize in detail the presence of each health institution on the Internet and also make a comparative analysis of the various websites which let us to identify the most relevant differences between them. In addition, with this information, it was possible to identify the regions’ characteristics where portuguese health institutions with better results are settled in. One of the conclusions was that health institutions with a higher quality website are located in Portugal’s region where the population is richer. Other analysis were conducted in order to verify if access to hospital online services is it, or not, identical for all portuguese citizens, regardless of their area of residence and socioeconomic status