789 research outputs found

    Utility-Aware Scheduling of Stochastic Real-Time Systems

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    Time utility functions offer a reasonably general way to describe the complex timing constraints of real-time and cyber-physical systems. However, utility-aware scheduling policy design is an open research problem. In particular, scheduling policies that optimize expected utility accrual are needed for real-time and cyber-physical domains. This dissertation addresses the problem of utility-aware scheduling for systems with periodic real-time task sets and stochastic non-preemptive execution intervals. We model these systems as Markov Decision Processes. This model provides an evaluation framework by which different scheduling policies can be compared. By solving the Markov Decision Process we can derive value-optimal scheduling policies for moderate sized problems. However, the time and memory complexity of computing and storing value-optimal scheduling policies also necessitates the exploration of other more scalable solutions. We consider heuristic schedulers, including a generalization we have developed for the existing Utility Accrual Packet Scheduling Algorithm. We compare several heuristics under soft and hard real-time conditions, different load conditions, and different classes of time utility functions. Based on these evaluations we present guidelines for which heuristics are best suited to particular scheduling criteria. Finally, we address the memory complexity of value-optimal scheduling, and examine trade-offs between optimality and memory complexity. We show that it is possible to derive good low complexity scheduling decision functions based on a synthesis of heuristics and reduced-memory approximations of the value-optimal scheduling policy

    Towards QoS-Based Embedded Machine Learning

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    Due to various breakthroughs and advancements in machine learning and computer architectures, machine learning models are beginning to proliferate through embedded platforms. Some of these machine learning models cover a range of applications including computer vision, speech recognition, healthcare efficiency, industrial IoT, robotics and many more. However, there is a critical limitation in implementing ML algorithms efficiently on embedded platforms: the computational and memory expense of many machine learning models can make them unsuitable in resource-constrained environments. Therefore, to efficiently implement these memory-intensive and computationally expensive algorithms in an embedded computing environment, innovative resource management techniques are required at the hardware, software and system levels. To this end, we present a novel quality-of-service based resource allocation scheme that uses feedback control to adjust compute resources dynamically to cope with the varying and unpredictable workloads of ML applications while still maintaining an acceptable level of service to the user. To evaluate the feasibility of our approach we implemented a feedback control scheduling simulator that was used to analyze our framework under various simulated workloads. We also implemented our framework as a Linux kernel module running on a virtual machine as well as a Raspberry Pi 4 single board computer. Results illustrate that our approach was able to maintain a sufficient level of service without overloading the processor as well as providing an energy savings of almost 20% as compared to the native resource management in Linux

    Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling for Real-Time Media Streaming

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    This paper describes an algorithm for scheduling packets in real-time multimedia data streams. Common to these classes of data streams are service constraints in terms of bandwidth and delay. However, it is typical for real-time multimedia streams to tolerate bounded delay variations and, in some cases, finite losses of packets. We have therefore developed a scheduling algorithm that assumes streams have window-constraints on groups of consecutive packet deadlines. A window-constraint defines the number of packet deadlines that can be missed in a window of deadlines for consecutive packets in a stream. Our algorithm, called Dynamic Window-Constrained Scheduling (DWCS), attempts to guarantee no more than x out of a window of y deadlines are missed for consecutive packets in real-time and multimedia streams. Using DWCS, the delay of service to real-time streams is bounded even when the scheduler is overloaded. Moreover, DWCS is capable of ensuring independent delay bounds on streams, while at the same time guaranteeing minimum bandwidth utilizations over tunable and finite windows of time. We show the conditions under which the total demand for link bandwidth by a set of real-time (i.e., window-constrained) streams can exceed 100% and still ensure all window-constraints are met. In fact, we show how it is possible to guarantee worst-case per-stream bandwidth and delay constraints while utilizing all available link capacity. Finally, we show how best-effort packets can be serviced with fast response time, in the presence of window-constrained traffic

    Experiences in Implementing an Energy-Driven Task Scheduler in RT-Linux

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    Dynamic voltage scaling (DVS) is being increasingly used for power management in embedded systems. Energy is a scarce resource in embedded real-time systems and energy consumption must be carefully balanced against realtime responsiveness. We describe our experiences in implementing an energy driven task scheduler in RT-Linux. We attempt to minimize the energy consumed by a taskset while guaranteeing that all task deadlines are met. Our algorithm, which we call LEDF, follows a greedy approach and schedules as many tasks as possible at a low CPU speed in a power-aware manner. We present simulation results on energy savings using LEDF, and we validate our approach using the RT-Linux testbed on the AMD Athlon 4 processor. Power measurements taken on the testbed closely match the power estimates obtained using simulation. Our results show that DVS results in significant energy savings for practical real-life task sets. We also show that when CPU speeds are restricted to only a few discrete values, this approach saves more energy than currently existing methods

    Real-time operating system support for multicore applications

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Automação e Sistemas, Florianópolis, 2014Plataformas multiprocessadas atuais possuem diversos níveis da memória cache entre o processador e a memória principal para esconder a latência da hierarquia de memória. O principal objetivo da hierarquia de memória é melhorar o tempo médio de execução, ao custo da previsibilidade. O uso não controlado da hierarquia da cache pelas tarefas de tempo real impacta a estimativa dos seus piores tempos de execução, especialmente quando as tarefas de tempo real acessam os níveis da cache compartilhados. Tal acesso causa uma disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e aumenta o tempo de execução das aplicações. Além disso, essa disputa na cache compartilhada pode causar a perda de prazos, o que é intolerável em sistemas de tempo real críticos. O particionamento da memória cache compartilhada é uma técnica bastante utilizada em sistemas de tempo real multiprocessados para isolar as tarefas e melhorar a previsibilidade do sistema. Atualmente, os estudos que avaliam o particionamento da memória cache em multiprocessadores carecem de dois pontos fundamentais. Primeiro, o mecanismo de particionamento da cache é tipicamente implementado em um ambiente simulado ou em um sistema operacional de propósito geral. Consequentemente, o impacto das atividades realizados pelo núcleo do sistema operacional, tais como o tratamento de interrupções e troca de contexto, no particionamento das tarefas tende a ser negligenciado. Segundo, a avaliação é restrita a um escalonador global ou particionado, e assim não comparando o desempenho do particionamento da cache em diferentes estratégias de escalonamento. Ademais, trabalhos recentes confirmaram que aspectos da implementação do SO, tal como a estrutura de dados usada no escalonamento e os mecanismos de tratamento de interrupções, impactam a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real tanto quanto os aspectos teóricos. Entretanto, tais estudos também usaram sistemas operacionais de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real, que afetamos sobre custos de tempo de execução observados e a escalonabilidade das tarefas de tempo real. Adicionalmente, os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real para multiprocessadores atuais não consideram cenários onde tarefas de tempo real acessam as mesmas linhas da cache, o que dificulta a estimativa do pior tempo de execução. Esta pesquisa aborda os problemas supracitados com as estratégias de particionamento da cache e com os algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real multiprocessados da seguinte forma. Primeiro, uma infraestrutura de tempo real para multiprocessadores é projetada e implementada em um sistema operacional embarcado. A infraestrutura consiste em diversos algoritmos de escalonamento tempo real, tais como o EDF global e particionado, e um mecanismo de particionamento da cache usando a técnica de coloração de páginas. Segundo, é apresentada uma comparação em termos da taxa de escalonabilidade considerando o sobre custo de tempo de execução da infraestrutura criada e de um sistema operacional de propósito geral com extensões de tempo real. Em alguns casos, o EDF global considerando o sobre custo do sistema operacional embarcado possui uma melhor taxa de escalonabilidade do que o EDF particionado com o sobre custo do sistema operacional de propósito geral, mostrando claramente como diferentes sistemas operacionais influenciam os escalonadores de tempo real críticos em multiprocessadores. Terceiro, é realizada uma avaliação do impacto do particionamento da memória cache em diversos escalonadores de tempo real multiprocessados. Os resultados desta avaliação indicam que um sistema operacional "leve" não compromete as garantias de tempo real e que o particionamento da cache tem diferentes comportamentos dependendo do escalonador e do tamanho do conjunto de trabalho das tarefas. Quarto, é proposto um algoritmo de particionamento de tarefas que atribui as tarefas que compartilham partições ao mesmo processador. Os resultados mostram que essa técnica de particionamento de tarefas reduz a disputa pelas linhas da cache compartilhadas e provê garantias de tempo real para sistemas críticos. Finalmente, é proposto um escalonador de tempo real de duas fases para multiprocessadores. O escalonador usa informações coletadas durante o tempo de execução das tarefas através dos contadores de desempenho em hardware. Com base nos valores dos contadores, o escalonador detecta quando tarefas de melhor esforço o interferem com tarefas de tempo real na cache. Assim é possível impedir que tarefas de melhor esforço acessem as mesmas linhas da cache que tarefas de tempo real. O resultado desta estratégia de escalonamento é o atendimento dos prazos críticos e não críticos das tarefas de tempo real.Abstracts: Modern multicore platforms feature multiple levels of cache memory placed between the processor and main memory to hide the latency of ordinary memory systems. The primary goal of this cache hierarchy is to improve average execution time (at the cost of predictability). The uncontrolled use of the cache hierarchy by realtime tasks may impact the estimation of their worst-case execution times (WCET), specially when real-time tasks access a shared cache level, causing a contention for shared cache lines and increasing the application execution time. This contention in the shared cache may leadto deadline losses, which is intolerable particularly for hard real-time (HRT) systems. Shared cache partitioning is a well-known technique used in multicore real-time systems to isolate task workloads and to improve system predictability. Presently, the state-of-the-art studies that evaluate shared cache partitioning on multicore processors lack two key issues. First, the cache partitioning mechanism is typically implemented either in a simulated environment or in a general-purpose OS (GPOS), and so the impact of kernel activities, such as interrupt handlers and context switching, on the task partitions tend to be overlooked. Second, the evaluation is typically restricted to either a global or partitioned scheduler, thereby by falling to compare the performance of cache partitioning when tasks are scheduled by different schedulers. Furthermore, recent works have confirmed that OS implementation aspects, such as the choice of scheduling data structures and interrupt handling mechanisms, impact real-time schedulability as much as scheduling theoretic aspects. However, these studies also used real-time patches applied into GPOSes, which affects the run-time overhead observed in these works and consequently the schedulability of real-time tasks. Additionally, current multicore scheduling algorithms do not consider scenarios where real-time tasks access the same cache lines due to true or false sharing, which also impacts the WCET. This thesis addresses these aforementioned problems with cache partitioning techniques and multicore real-time scheduling algorithms as following. First, a real-time multicore support is designed and implemented on top of an embedded operating system designed from scratch. This support consists of several multicore real-time scheduling algorithms, such as global and partitioned EDF, and a cache partitioning mechanism based on page coloring. Second, it is presented a comparison in terms of schedulability ratio considering the run-time overhead of the implemented RTOS and a GPOS patched with real-time extensions. In some cases, Global-EDF considering the overhead of the RTOS is superior to Partitioned-EDF considering the overhead of the patched GPOS, which clearly shows how different OSs impact hard realtime schedulers. Third, an evaluation of the cache partitioning impacton partitioned, clustered, and global real-time schedulers is performed.The results indicate that a lightweight RTOS does not impact real-time tasks, and shared cache partitioning has different behavior depending on the scheduler and the task's working set size. Fourth, a task partitioning algorithm that assigns tasks to cores respecting their usage of cache partitions is proposed. The results show that by simply assigning tasks that shared cache partitions to the same processor, it is possible to reduce the contention for shared cache lines and to provideHRT guarantees. Finally, a two-phase multicore scheduler that provides HRT and soft real-time (SRT) guarantees is proposed. It is shown that by using information from hardware performance counters at run-time, the RTOS can detect when best-effort tasks interfere with real-time tasks in the shared cache. Then, the RTOS can prevent best effort tasks from interfering with real-time tasks. The results also show that the assignment of exclusive partitions to HRT tasks together with the two-phase multicore scheduler provides HRT and SRT guarantees, even when best-effort tasks share partitions with real-time tasks


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    Energy consumption is increasingly affecting battery life and cooling for real- time systems. Dynamic Voltage and frequency Scaling (DVS) has been shown to substantially reduce the energy consumption of uniprocessor real-time systems. It is worthwhile to extend the efficient DVS scheduling algorithms to distributed system with dependent tasks. The dissertation describes how to extend several effective uniprocessor DVS schedul- ing algorithms to distributed system with dependent task set. Task assignment and deadline assignment heuristics are proposed and compared with existing heuristics concerning energy-conserving performance. An admission test and a deadline com- putation algorithm are presented in the dissertation for dynamic task set to accept the arriving task in a DVS scheduled real-time system. Simulations show that an effective distributed DVS scheduling is capable of saving as much as 89% of energy that would be consumed without using DVS scheduling. It is also shown that task assignment and deadline assignment affect the energy- conserving performance of DVS scheduling algorithms. For some aggressive DVS scheduling algorithms, however, the effect of task assignment is negligible. The ad- mission test accept over 80% of tasks that can be accepted by a non-DVS scheduler to a DVS scheduled real-time system

    Scheduling of real time embedded systems for resource and energy minimization by voltage scaling

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    The aspects of real-time embedded computing are explored with the focus on novel real-time scheduling policies, which would be appropriate for low-power devices. To consider real-time deadlines with pre-emptive scheduling policies will require the investigation of intelligent scheduling heuristics. These aspects for various other RTES models like Multiple processor system, Dynamic Voltage Scaling and Dynamic scheduling are the focus of this thesis. Deadline based scheduling of task graphs representative of real time systems is performed on a multiprocessor system; A set of aperiodic, dependent tasks in the form of a task graph are taken as the input and all the required task parameters are calculated. All the tasks are then partitioned into two or more clusters allowing them to be run at different voltages. Each cluster, thus voltage scaled results in the overall minimization of the power utilized by the system. With the mapping of each task to a particular voltage done, the tasks are scheduled on a multiprocessor system consisting of processors that can run at different voltages and frequencies, in such a way that all the timing constraints are satisfied

    The Control Server Model for Co-Design of Real-Time Control Systems

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    The paper presents the control server, a real-time scheduling mechanism tailored to control and signal processing applications. A control server creates the abstraction of a control task with a specified period and a fixed input-output latency shorter than the period. Individual tasks can be combined into more complex components without loss of their individual guaranteed fixed-latency properties. I/O occurs at fixed predefined points in time, at which inputs are read or controller outputs become visible. The control server model is especially suited for codesign of real-time control systems. The single parameter linking the scheduling design and the controller design is the task utilization factor. The proposed server is an extension of the constant bandwidth server, which is based on the earliest-deadline-first scheduling algorithm. The server has been implemented in a real-time kernel and has also been validated in control experiments on a ball and beam process

    Adaptive Resource Management for Uncertain Execution Platforms

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    Embedded systems are becoming increasingly complex. At the same time, the components that make up the system grow more uncertain in their properties. For example, current developments in CPU design focuses on optimizing for average performance rather than better worst case performance. This, combined with presence of 3rd party software components with unknown properties, makes resource management using prior knowledge less and less feasible. This thesis presents results on how to model software components so that resource allocation decisions can be made on-line. Both the single and multiple resource case is considered as well as extending the models to include resource constraints based on hardware dynam- ics. Techniques for estimating component parameters on-line are presented. Also presented is an algorithm for computing an optimal allocation based on a set of convex utility functions. The algorithm is designed to be computationally efficient and to use simple mathematical expres- sions that are suitable for fixed point arithmetics. An implementation of the algorithm and results from experiments is presented, showing that an adaptive strategy using both estimation and optimization can outperform a static approach in cases where uncertainty is high

    MCFlow: Middleware for Mixed-Criticality Distributed Real-Time Systems

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    Traditional fixed-priority scheduling analysis for periodic/sporadic task sets is based on the assumption that all tasks are equally critical to the correct operation of the system. Therefore, every task has to be schedulable under the scheduling policy, and estimates of tasks\u27 worst case execution times must be conservative in case a task runs longer than is usual. To address the significant under-utilization of a system\u27s resources under normal operating conditions that can arise from these assumptions, several \emph{mixed-criticality scheduling} approaches have been proposed. However, to date there has been no quantitative comparison of system schedulability or run-time overhead for the different approaches. In this dissertation, we present what is to our knowledge the first side-by-side implementation and evaluation of those approaches, for periodic and sporadic mixed-criticality tasks on uniprocessor or distributed systems, under a mixed-criticality scheduling model that is common to all these approaches. To make a fair evaluation of mixed-criticality scheduling, we also address some previously open issues and propose modifications to improve schedulability and correctness of particular approaches. To facilitate the development and evaluation of mixed-criticality applications, we have designed and developed a distributed real-time middleware, called MCFlow, for mixed-criticality end-to-end tasks running on multi-core platforms. The research presented in this dissertation provides the following contributions to the state of the art in real-time middleware: (1) an efficient component model through which dependent subtask graphs can be configured flexibly for execution within a single core, across cores of a common host, or spanning multiple hosts; (2) support for optimizations to inter-component communication to reduce data copying without sacrificing the ability to execute subtasks in parallel; (3) a strict separation of timing and functional concerns so that they can be configured independently; (4) an event dispatching architecture that uses lock free algorithms where possible to reduce memory contention, CPU context switching, and priority inversion; and (5) empirical evaluations of MCFlow itself and of different mixed criticality scheduling approaches both with a single host and end-to-end across multiple hosts. The results of our evaluation show that in terms of basic distributed real-time behavior MCFlow performs comparably to the state of the art TAO real-time object request broker when only one core is used and outperforms TAO when multiple cores are involved. We also identify and categorize different use cases under which different mixed criticality scheduling approaches are preferable
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