395,675 research outputs found

    Prototype Development of Research And Community Service Web Based Information System (SIM-PPM) of LPPM Unimed

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    The development of SIMPPM is indispensable for the development of an information system for the Research and Community Service Institute. Information system development will be developed through the web. Currently, LPPM has made the system which will continue to be developed according to the needs and will be integrated with the system at the University. The research object is the LPPM Unimed information system. The research method used was ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), the first thing to do was to conduct a needs analysis about the research and service process that switched from manual to IT-based. After finding out what are the requirements for the process of proposal, assessment, monitoring and evaluation to the final report, a model is designed in the system to address the needs of the research and community service implementation process. Then the initial design, a storyboard is developed so that researchers, reviewers and admins can carry out all the processes in the SIMPPM page. The implementation of the system is conducted by researchers/lecturers, by conducting trials and making improvements to the results of the main trials to involve a wider audience. From the test results, the evaluation of user satisfaction is improving than the conventional way. The results of this study resulted a website in the form of SIMPPM which is intended for prospective researchers and civil servants, operators and reviewers who will carry out the process of receiving proposals, selection to reporting. This study provides an innovation in the LPPM information system. This study makes the development of an information system web based so that it can be used independently and anywhere

    Revitalisasi Sastra Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Melalui Pelatihan Usaha Tas Jinjing Kata Untuk Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Tahun 2023

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    One of the goals of entrepreneurship education at the tertiary level is to mold students into someone who is good at finding business opportunities according to the field they are in. As well as making this opportunity a new job field. However, the problem faced by students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, FKIP, UPR is the lack of skills and creative ideas related to self-development towards independent entrepreneurship. Learning in the Entrepreneurship course is limited to theory and developing theory into a design or design of entrepreneurial activities in the form of a proposal. Therefore, real practice is needed which involves students directly in related entrepreneurship (management and production processes) of a business. The purpose of this service activity is; 1) to increase the interest of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program in entrepreneurship, 2) to increase the understanding of students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program regarding the management of the Tas Jinjing Kata business, and 3) to maintain literature based on Central Kalimantan local wisdom by students Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program in entrepreneurship.The method used in this community service activity is a process method which includes three stages, namely; 1) preparation, 2) implementation and 3) evaluation. The results of this community service activity are: 1) Implementation of entrepreneurship socialization activities for students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, 2) implementation of training and mentoring activities for the Word Tote Bag business through structured stages, 3) Tas Jinjing Kata products, and 4) media accounts social media as a means of product publication. Based on the results of the activity, it can be concluded that entrepreneurship training and mentoring activities are able to develop students\u27 creative ideas and provide basic knowledge about the management of a business produc


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    The largest shipbuilding company in Indonesia has a business in the development and design capabilities of Warships and Commercial Ships; construction and maintenance, repair and Overhaul (MRO) of Submarines, Warships, Commercial Ships; and maritime products such as General Engineering, energy and electrification products, and Technology Development. It has several divisions, one of which is the supply chain division. The business processes applied to the supply chain division is service procurement department for the ship maintenance and repair business which are still running less effectively. The problem that is often experienced in this business process is the mismatch between the business process flowchart and the reality on the ground which causes delays in the issuance of service procurement contracts. To analyze the service procurement process in the ship maintenance and repair business, this study uses the Quality Evaluation Framework (QEF) method. From the results of quality factors that are  still not in accordance with the company's target, a root cause will be carried out using Root Cause Analysis (RCA), namely fishbone analysis. After finding the root of the problem, this research produces a proposal for improving business processes using Business Process Improvement (BPI). The results of the business process analysis of the issuance of service procurement contracts resulted in the calculation of three quality factors that did not match the target and realization, the three quality factors were Resource Efficiency of 90%, Availableness of 50%, and Cycle Time of 29 days

    Evaluation by Foster Parents of Services Received from The Children’s Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto

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    The problem area is evaluation of service by foster parents. My concern with this problem stems first from a general concern for what recipients of service value or devalue in that service. There is sparse available data in this area. John E. Mayer and Noel Timms state that “For many years caseworkers have experimented with different ways of helping people. Curiously, the resultant innovations have stemmed not from the client’s perception of what is helpful, but from the practitioner’s. Moreover, with few exceptions, the effectiveness of help has been judged by the persons offering, not receiving, help. In a word the client has rarely been asked what kind of help he wants or what he thinks of the help that has been given.” (Mayer, p. 32). Secondly, my concern stems from the fact that of many foster homes recruited and licensed, many are soon lost without clear reason from the agency’s point of view. It is hoped that if foster parents are encouraged to evaluate the service they expect or receive, new ideas for service and/or its differential use in foster homes might result in better maintenance of foster care for all concerned

    Outsourcing and acquisition models comparison related to IT supplier selection decision analysis

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    This paper presents a comparison of acquisition models related to decision analysis of IT supplier selection. The main standards are: Capability Maturity Model Integration for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ), ISO / IEC 12207 Information Technology / Software Life Cycle Processes, IEEE 1062 Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition, the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) guide. The objective of this paper is to compare the previous models to find the advantages and disadvantages of them for the future development of a decision model for IT supplier selection

    A Method for Establishing Outdoor Recreation Project Priorities in Alaska

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    The authors thank Theodore Smith, Edward Kramer and Nat Goodhue of the Division of Parks for information and comments supplied during this study, and Frank Orth, Charles Marsh, Ed Kramer, C.E. Logsdon, and Frank Wooding for reviewing the manuscript. Thanks is also due the Department of Business Administration, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Dale Swanson, Head, for their cooperation in this research project.The objectives of this study are to define outdoor recreation benefits to the public and to develop a priority ranking method for proposed outdoor recreation projects. A careful analysis of the benefits which people derive from outdoor recreation provides a frame of reference for evaluating a recreational facility. A project should supply those benefits which are most highly demanded by the public. Fifteen benefits of recreation are defined and discussed. They are divided into two major categories; those which accrue to recreational participants and those which accrue to non-participants.This research was supported by a grant from the Division of Parks, State of Alaska

    Eco Global Evaluation: Cross Benefits of Economic and Ecological Evaluation

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    This paper highlights the complementarities of cost and environmental evaluation in a sustainable approach. Starting with the needs and limits for whole product lifecycle evaluation, this paper begins with the modeling, data capture and performance indicator aspects. In a second step, the information issue, regarding the whole lifecycle of the product is addressed. In order to go further than the economical evaluations/assessment, the value concept (for a product or a service) is discussed. Value could combine functional requirements, cost objectives and environmental impact. Finally, knowledge issues which address the complexity of integrating multi-disciplinary expertise to the whole lifecycle of a product are discussing.EcoSD NetworkEcoSD networ

    Assessing risk in infrastructure public private partnerships

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