648 research outputs found

    Cross Sections Fall 2008

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    Bard Observer, Vol. 1, No. 6 (October 11, 1984)

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    Serving the Bard College Communityhttps://digitalcommons.bard.edu/observer/1231/thumbnail.jp

    Cross Sections Spring 2004

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    From Ideas to Practice, Pilots to Strategy: Practical Solutions and Actionable Insights on How to Do Impact Investing

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    This report is the second publication in the World Economic Forum's Mainstreaming Impact Investing Initiative. The report takes a deeper look at why and how asset owners began to include impact investing in their portfolios and continue to do so today, and how they overcame operational and cultural constraints affecting capital flow. Given that impact investing expertise is spread among dozens if not hundreds of practitioners and academics, the report is a curation of some -- but certainly not all -- of those leading voices. The 15 articles are meant to provide investors, intermediaries and policy-makers with actionable insights on how to incorporate impact investing into their work.The report's goals are to show how mainstream investors and intermediaries have overcome the challenges in the impact investment sector, and to democratize the insights and expertise for anyone and everyone interested in the field. Divided into four main sections, the report contains lessons learned from practitioner's experience, and showcases best practices, organizational structures and innovative instruments that asset owners, asset managers, financial institutions and impact investors have successfully implemented

    Cross Sections Fall 2013/Winter 2014

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    Self-study on Kyoto University's Academic Activities in ASEAN --Sustainable Fieldwork with Partners--

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    京都大学は自由の学風のもと、1960年代から現在まで東南アジアにてフィールドワークや対話に基づいた学術活動を牽引してきた。文部科学省の世界展開力強化事業等で、域内協定校との交流やダブルデイグリープログラムは発展したものの、補助金支援期間終了後の活動に必要なリソースの確保は課題である。本報告書では、学内外の資金や大学連合・産官学連携コンソーシアムを活用して、国際プログラムを存続・発展させている具体事例を紹介し考察する。次に、ASEAN拠点ネットワーク会議や全学海外拠点が両輪となり、複数部局が連携・情報共有して学内の国際化や共同研究を推進する例を紹介する。最後に、新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大の影響を受けた国際活動やフィールド実習を補うデジタル補助教材の可能性について触れる。指定国立大学の高度化に関し、ASEAN拠点関係スタッフが複数部局のニーズを聞き取り試作したデジタル教材を基にした予算申請が正式に2020~2021年度分が認められるなど、本学は先駆的な活動を行っている。実際に現地を訪問した際の会得には及ばないものの、野外演習を模したVR映像やオンラインでの短期留学の体験は、試用した学生から学習意欲や関心が高まったとの感想が寄せられている。関係教員からは、ASEAN域との短期国際交流プログラムへのデジタル教材の導入や、この点での優れた支援人材の配置について期待の声が寄せられている。このように本学が強みとする「自学自習・フィールドワークに基づいた創造的な学問」の魅力を伝えるコンテンツづくりは、在学生の海外渡航への動機づけに加えて、本学に留学を検討している学生の獲得、更には協定校との友好関係の深化や本学のASEAN域での存在感維持にも資すると考える。海外渡航制限の緩和後、本学がASEAN現地での教育・研究活動を安全に再開することを期待している。これに備えて、従来の国際プログラムの好事例の再評価を行い、オンラインを含めたハイブリッド型プログラムの試行・実践・見直しを繰り返すことで、本学の特色ある取り組みに付加価値を与え、今後の国際戦略・指定国立法人の高度化を目指す一助としたい。0. Executive Summary in Japanese [2]1. KU: Introduction and departmental activities in ASEAN [3]1.1 Self-reliant learning and self-governing departments [3]1.2 Pioneers in fieldwork and interdisciplinary approaches [4]1.3 Large-scale government programmes to reform and internationalise universities [5]1.4 How to make the programmes sustainable after the government subsidies end? [6]1.4.1 ASEAN University Network (AUN)-Kyoto University Student Mobility Programme towards Human Security Development [6]1.4.2 International Program on Resilient Society Development under Changing Climate (RSDC) [9]1.5 Kyoto University ASEAN Center Network Committee [17]2. ASEAN Center and other top-down initiatives [18]2.1 Kyoto University ASEAN Center [18]2.2 Japan-ASEAN Science, Technology and Innovation Platform (JASTIP): Promotion of Sustainable Development Research [19]2.3 Nationwide and campus wide initiatives to improve academic activities [21]3. Future prospects [23]3.1 Prototype of a hybrid programme for fieldwork and international exchange [23]3.2 Studentʼs virtual experience of other cultures [26]3.3 Future prospects and conclusion [28]Overseas partner institutions in ASEAN (as of August 2020) [31]University-level student exchange partners in ASEAN (as of April 2020) [32]List of double degree programs with ASEAN universities (as of April 2020) [33]The number of students who joined KU double degree programs since FY2015 [35

    Biology News, Winter 2012

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    Inside this issue: -- Greetings from the Biology Department-- Focus on UNI Biology Alumni-- Let us hear from you...-- Science Teacher Pays it Forward-- Reconnect with the Department of Biology-- Taiwan exchange program - year one a success!-- Dr. Steve O\u27Kane and Dr. John Ophus receive Dean\u27s Awards-- Field Research in the Northern Gulf of Mexico-- Biology receives grant from Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust-- Dr. Peter Berendzen receives State Wildlife Grant-- Seed Grants from the UNI-Office of Sponsored Research-- Focus on UNI Biology Students-- Pre-Med Club-- Student Nature Society Award-- New Faculty/Staff-- New Biology Undergraduate Research Fund-- Swanson Award Supports Research, New Scholarships-- New Funding-- You Can Make a Difference!-- Scholarships and Funding-- Support for students or departmenthttps://scholarworks.uni.edu/bionews/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Corporate social responsibility and college sports fans’ online donations

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    © 2020, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: This study examined how a US college athletic department’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives influenced fans’ online donation intentions. Design/methodology/approach: Data were collected from 490 fans of a Division I intercollegiate athletic program and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings: Results indicated that the quality of CSR information positively affected e-satisfaction with CSR initiatives, which, in turn, predicted fans’ online donation intentions, university attachment, and fan–athletic department identification. Moreover, the relationship between e-satisfaction with CSR initiatives and online donation intentions was mediated by fan–athletic department identification. Research limitations/implications: This study has a limitation in terms of generalizability. The current focus on a single athletic department does not apply the results to athletic programs at other US universities and colleges. Future research should confirm the generalizability of the study’s findings by collecting data from fans of other athletic departments. Originality/value: It is important to understand the impact of CSR activities on online donor intentions because marketing these activities could serve as an effective fundraising tool for athletic departments. The findings from this study inform athletic administrators of factors they might consider when promoting CSR initiatives through online media to encourage fans’ donations

    Differentiator factors in the implementation of social network sites

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    Estágio realizado na Business Analyst da Documento Crítico - Desenvolvimento de Software, S. A. (Cardmobili) e orientado pelo Eng.ª Catarina MaiaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200