5 research outputs found

    A Framework for Efficient Execution of Logic Programs.

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    The focus of this dissertation is to develop an efficient framework for sequential execution of logic programs. Within this framework the logic programs are executed by pruning the goal-search tree whenever applicable. Three new concepts for pruning of computation during execution of logic programs are introduced. (1) Failure-binding. A Failure-binding for a literal is a binding which when applied to the literal fails the goal obtained from the literal. Failure-bindings for a literal are identified by analyzing the goal-tree of a goal which is obtained from the literal. The failure-bindings for a literal are used for intelligent backtracking based on the generator-consumer approach. Intelligent backtracking based on failure-bindings prune the computation of search space which lead to late detection of failure. (2) Failure-solution. A Failure-solution of a goal is unacceptable to some other subgoal in the forward execution. Failure-solutions of a goal are identified by analyzing the history of computation, during execution. Failure-solutions of the goals are used for intelligent forward execution. Intelligent forward execution prunes the computation of search space which leads to repeated failure resulting from repeated successes of a goal. (3) Forward jumping. Forward jumping is a method to avoid reexecution of some subgoals after backtracking (instead of naive forward execution after backtracking). Forward jumping is based on the dynamic subgoal dependencies in a rule. Such jumping prunes the computation of the search spaces which leads to the same sequences of successes of subgoals after backtracking. To facilitate the implementation of these concepts a new data structure, called segmented-stack, is defined. The space complexity of a segmented stack is linear in the number of nodes in the stack. Depth-first search as well as breadth-first search are very easily implemented on a segmented-stack during execution of logic programs. Execution of logic programs on a segmented-stack allows association of the search space, as well as the solutions, of a goal with the frame of the goal. This enables implementation of intelligent backtracking, intelligent forward execution and forward jumping. The search based on each of these paradigms is proved to be sound and complete. It is also shown that the implementation of these paradigms preserves the order of results obtained by Prolog. The effects of the non-logical operators, in Prolog, on the paradigms are studied. The search based on the these paradigms is compared individually, and collectively, with the standard search by Prolog

    Algorithms and Implementation

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    In the past few years Tabling has emerged as a powerful logic programming model. The integration of concurrent features into the implementation of Tabling systems is demanded by need to use recently developed tabling applications within distributed systems, where a process has to respond concurrently to several requests. The support for sharing of tables among the concurrent threads of a Tabling process is a desirable feature, to allow one of Tabling’s virtues, the re-use of computations by other threads and to allow efficient usage of available memory. However, the incremental completion of tables which are evaluated concurrently is not a trivial problem. In this dissertation we describe the integration of concurrency mechanisms, by the way of multi-threading, in a state of the art Tabling and Prolog system, XSB. We begin by reviewing the main concepts for a formal description of tabled computations, called SLG resolution and for the implementation of Tabling under the SLG-WAM, the abstract machine supported by XSB. We describe the different scheduling strategies provided by XSB and introduce some new properties of local scheduling, a scheduling strategy for SLG resolution. We proceed to describe our implementation work by describing the process of integrating multi-threading in a Prolog system supporting Tabling, without addressing the problem of shared tables. We describe the trade-offs and implementation decisions involved. We then describe an optimistic algorithm for the concurrent sharing of completed tables, Shared Completed Tables, which allows the sharing of tables without incurring in deadlocks, under local scheduling. This method relies on the execution properties of local scheduling and includes full support for negation. We provide a theoretical framework and discuss the implementation’s correctness and complexity. After that, we describe amethod for the sharing of tables among threads that allows parallelism in the computation of inter-dependent subgoals, which we name Concurrent Completion. We informally argue for the correctness of Concurrent Completion. We give detailed performance measurements of the multi-threaded XSB systems over a variety of machines and operating systems, for both the Shared Completed Tables and the Concurrent Completion implementations. We focus our measurements inthe overhead over the sequential engine and the scalability of the system. We finish with a comparison of XSB with other multi-threaded Prolog systems and we compare our approach to concurrent tabling with parallel and distributed methods for the evaluation of tabling. Finally, we identify future research directions

    The generation of concurrent code for declarative languages

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis presents an approach to the implementation of declarative languages on a simple, general purpose concurrent architecture. The safe exploitation of the available concurrency is managed by relatively sophisticated code generation techniques to transform programs into an intermediate concurrent machine code. Compilation techniques are discussed for 1'-HYBRID, a strongly typed applicative language, and for 'c-HYBRID, a concurrent, nondeterministic logic language. An approach is presented for 1'- HYBRID whereby the style of programming influences the concurrency utilised when a program executes. Code transformation techniques are presented which generalise tail-recursion optimisation, allowing many recursive functions to be modelled by perpetual processes. A scheme is also presented to allow parallelism to be increased by the use of local declarations, and constrained by the use of special forms of identity function. In order to preserve determinism in the language, a novel fault handling mechanism is used, whereby exceptions generated at run-time are treated as a special class of values within the language. A description is given of ,C-HYBRID, a dialect of the nondeterministic logic language Concurrent Prolog. The language is embedded within the applicative language 1'-HYBRID, yielding a combined applicative and logic programming language. Various cross-calling techniques are described, including the use of applicative scoping rules to allow local logical assertions. A description is given of a polymorphic typechecking algorithm for logic programs, which allows different instances of clauses to unify objects of different types. The concept of a method is derived to allow unification Information to be passed as an implicit argument to clauses which require it. In addition, the typechecking algorithm permits higher-order objects such as functions to be passed within arguments to clauses. Using Concurrent Prolog's model of concurrency, techniques are described which permit compilation of 'c-HYBRID programs to abstract machine code derived from that used for the applicative language. The use of methods allows polymorphic logic programs to execute without the need for run-time type information in data structures.The Science and Engineering Research Council

    Micro-intelligence for the IoT: logic-based models and technologies

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    Computing is moving towards pervasive, ubiquitous environments in which devices, software agents and services are all expected to seamlessly integrate and cooperate in support of human objectives. An important next step for pervasive computing is the integration of intelligent agents that employ knowledge and reasoning to understand the local context and share this information in support of intelligent applications and interfaces. Such scenarios, characterised by "computation everywhere around us", require on the one hand software components with intelligent behaviour in terms of objectives and context, and on the other their integration so as to produce social intelligence. Logic Programming (LP) has been recognised as a natural paradigm for addressing the needs of distributed intelligence. Yet, the development of novel architectures, in particular in the context Internet of Things (IoT), and the emergence of new domains and potential applications, are creating new research opportunities where LP could be exploited, when suitably coupled with agent technologies and methods so that it can fully develop its potential in the new context. In particular, the LP and its extensions can act as micro-intelligence sources for the IoT world, both at the individual and the social level, provided that they are reconsidered in a renewed architectural vision. Such micro-intelligence sources could deal with the local knowledge of the devices taking into account the domain specificity of each environment. The goal of this thesis is to re-contextualise LP and its extensions in these new domains as a source of micro-intelligence for the IoT world, envisioning a large number of small computational units distributed and situated in the environment, thus promoting the local exploitation of symbolic languages with inference capabilities. The topic is explored in depth and the effectiveness of novel LP models and architectures -and of the corresponding technology- expressing the concept of micro-intelligence is tested

    Multi-Prolog: een bordgebaseerde parallelle logische programmeertaal

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