8 research outputs found

    A Profunctorial Scott Semantics

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    In this paper, we study the bicategory of profunctors with the free finite coproduct pseudo-comonad and show that it constitutes a model of linear logic that generalizes the Scott model. We formalize the connection between the two models as a change of base for enriched categories which induces a pseudo-functor that preserves all the linear logic structure. We prove that morphisms in the co-Kleisli bicategory correspond to the concept of strongly finitary functors (sifted colimits preserving functors) between presheaf categories. We further show that this model provides solutions of recursive type equations which provides 2-dimensional models of the pure lambda calculus and we also exhibit a fixed point operator on terms

    Two-dimensional Kripke Semantics II:Stability and Completeness

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    We revisit the duality between Kripke and algebraic semantics of intuitionistic and intuitionistic modal logic. We find that there is a certain mismatch between the two semantics, which means that not all algebraic models can be embedded into a Kripke model. This leads to an alternative proposal for a relational semantics, the stable semantics. Instead of an arbitrary partial order, the stable semantics requires a distributive lattice of worlds. We constructively show that the stable semantics is exactly as complete as the algebraic semantics. Categorifying these results leads to a 2-duality between two-dimensional stable semantics and categories of product-preserving presheaves, i.e. models of algebraic theories in the style of Lawvere

    Promonads and String Diagrams for Effectful Categories

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    Premonoidal and Freyd categories are both generalized by non-cartesian Freyd categories: effectful categories. We construct string diagrams for effectful categories in terms of the string diagrams for a monoidal category with a freely added object. We show that effectful categories are pseudomonoids in a monoidal bicategory of promonads with a suitable tensor product.Comment: In Proceedings ACT 2022, arXiv:2307.1551

    A Bicategorical Model for Finite Nondeterminism

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    Finiteness spaces were introduced by Ehrhard as a refinement of the relational model of linear logic. A finiteness space is a set equipped with a class of finitary subsets which can be thought of being subsets that behave like finite sets. A morphism between finiteness spaces is a relation that preserves the finitary structure. This model provided a semantics for finite non-determism and it gave a semantical motivation for differential linear logic and the syntactic notion of Taylor expansion. In this paper, we present a bicategorical extension of this construction where the relational model is replaced with the model of generalized species of structures introduced by Fiore et al. and the finiteness property now relies on finite presentability

    Taylor subsumes Scott, Berry, Kahn and Plotkin

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    The speculative ambition of replacing the old theory of program approximation based on syntactic continuity with the theory of resource consumption based on Taylor expansion and originating from the differential γ-calculus is nowadays at hand. Using this resource sensitive theory, we provide simple proofs of important results in γ-calculus that are usually demonstrated by exploiting Scott's continuity, Berry's stability or Kahn and Plotkin's sequentiality theory. A paradigmatic example is given by the Perpendicular Lines Lemma for the Böhm tree semantics, which is proved here simply by induction, but relying on the main properties of resource approximants: strong normalization, confluence and linearity

    Strong pseudomonads and premonoidal bicategories

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    Strong monads and premonoidal categories play a central role in clarifying the denotational semantics of effectful programming languages. Unfortunately, this theory excludes many modern semantic models in which the associativity and unit laws only hold up to coherent isomorphism: for instance, because composition is defined using a universal property. This paper remedies the situation. We define premonoidal bicategories and a notion of strength for pseudomonads, and show that the Kleisli bicategory of a strong pseudomonad is premonoidal. As often in 2-dimensional category theory, the main difficulty is to find the correct coherence axioms on 2-cells. We therefore justify our definitions with numerous examples and by proving a correspondence theorem between actions and strengths, generalizing a well-known category-theoretic result.Comment: Comments and feedback welcome

    Implicit automata in typed λ\lambda-calculi II: streaming transducers vs categorical semantics

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    We characterize regular string transductions as programs in a linear λ\lambda-calculus with additives. One direction of this equivalence is proved by encoding copyless streaming string transducers (SSTs), which compute regular functions, into our λ\lambda-calculus. For the converse, we consider a categorical framework for defining automata and transducers over words, which allows us to relate register updates in SSTs to the semantics of the linear λ\lambda-calculus in a suitable monoidal closed category. To illustrate the relevance of monoidal closure to automata theory, we also leverage this notion to give abstract generalizations of the arguments showing that copyless SSTs may be determinized and that the composition of two regular functions may be implemented by a copyless SST. Our main result is then generalized from strings to trees using a similar approach. In doing so, we exhibit a connection between a feature of streaming tree transducers and the multiplicative/additive distinction of linear logic. Keywords: MSO transductions, implicit complexity, Dialectica categories, Church encodingsComment: 105 pages, 24 figure