11 research outputs found

    On Selkow's bound on the independence number of graphs

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    For a graph G with vertex set V (G) and independence number α(G), Selkow [A Probabilistic lower bound on the independence number of graphs, Discrete Math. 132 (1994) 363–365] established the famous lower bound ∑v∈V(G)1d(v)+1(1+max{d(v)d(v)+1-∑u∈N(v)1d(u)+1,0})vV(G)1d(v)+1(1+max{d(v)d(v)+1uN(v)1d(u)+1,0})\sum {_{v \in V(G)}{1 \over {d(v) + 1}}} \left( {1 + \max \left\{ {{{d(v)} \over {d(v) + 1}} - \sum {_{u \in N(v)}{1 \over {d(u) + 1}},0} } \right\}} \right) on α (G), where N(v) and d(v) = |N(v)| denote the neighborhood and the degree of a vertex v ∈ V (G), respectively. However, Selkow’s original proof of this result is incorrect. We give a new probabilistic proof of Selkow’s bound here

    New bounds on domination and independence in graphs

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    We propose new bounds on the domination number and on the independence number of a graph and show that our bounds compare favorably to recent ones. Our bounds are obtained by using the Bhatia-Davis inequality linking the variance, the expected value, the minimum, and the maximum of a random variable with bounded distribution

    On vertex independence number of uniform hypergraphs

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    Abstract Let H be an r-uniform hypergraph with r ≥ 2 and let α(H) be its vertex independence number. In the paper bounds of α(H) are given for different uniform hypergraphs: if H has no isolated vertex, then in terms of the degrees, and for triangle-free linear H in terms of the order and average degree.</jats:p

    Algorithms for the Maximum Independent Set Problem

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    This thesis focuses mainly on the Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem. Some related graph theoretical combinatorial problems are also considered. As these problems are generally NP-hard, we study their complexity in hereditary graph classes, i.e. graph classes defined by a set F of forbidden induced subgraphs. We revise the literature about the issue, for example complexity results, applications, and techniques tackling the problem. Through considering some general approach, we exhibit several cases where the problem admits a polynomial-time solution. More specifically, we present polynomial-time algorithms for the MIS problem in: + some subclasses of S2;j;kS_{2;j;k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical result for S1;2;kS_{1;2;k}-free graphs); + some subclasses of treektree_{k}-free graphs (thus generalizing the classical results for subclasses of P5-free graphs); + some subclasses of P7P_{7}-free graphs and S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs; and various subclasses of graphs of bounded maximum degree, for example subcubic graphs. Our algorithms are based on various approaches. In particular, we characterize augmenting graphs in a subclass of S2;k;kS_{2;k;k}-free graphs and a subclass of S2;2;5S_{2;2;5}-free graphs. These characterizations are partly based on extensions of the concept of redundant set [125]. We also propose methods finding augmenting chains, an extension of the method in [99], and finding augmenting trees, an extension of the methods in [125]. We apply the augmenting vertex technique, originally used for P5P_{5}-free graphs or banner-free graphs, for some more general graph classes. We consider a general graph theoretical combinatorial problem, the so-called Maximum -Set problem. Two special cases of this problem, the so-called Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph and Maximum F-Induced Subgraph, where F is a connected graph set, are considered. The complexity of the Maximum F-(Strongly) Independent Subgraph problem is revised and the NP-hardness of the Maximum F-Induced Subgraph problem is proved. We also extend the augmenting approach to apply it for the general Maximum Π -Set problem. We revise on classical graph transformations and give two unified views based on pseudo-boolean functions and αff-redundant vertex. We also make extensive uses of α-redundant vertices, originally mainly used for P5P_{5}-free graphs, to give polynomial solutions for some subclasses of S2;2;2S_{2;2;2}-free graphs and treektree_{k}-free graphs. We consider some classical sequential greedy heuristic methods. We also combine classical algorithms with αff-redundant vertices to have new strategies of choosing the next vertex in greedy methods. Some aspects of the algorithms, for example forbidden induced subgraph sets and worst case results, are also considered. Finally, we restrict our attention on graphs of bounded maximum degree and subcubic graphs. Then by using some techniques, for example ff-redundant vertex, clique separator, and arguments based on distance, we general these results for some subclasses of Si;j;kS_{i;j;k}-free subcubic graphs

    Problems in extremal and combinatorial geometry

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    This thesis deals with three families of optimization problems: (1) Euclidean optimization problems on random point sets; (2) independent sets in hypergraphs; and (3) packings in point lattices. First, we consider bounds on several monochromatic and bichromatic optimization problems including minimum matching, minimum spanning trees, and the travelling salesman problem. Many of these problems lend themselves to representations in terms of hierarchically separated trees | trees with uniform branching factor and depth, and having edge weights exponential in the depth of the edge in the tree. In the second part, we consider the independent set problem on uniform hypergraphs, in anticipation of applying it to the third part, packing problems on point lattices. In these problems we wish to select a subset of points from an n n ::: n grid avoiding particular patterns. We also study several generalizations of these problems that have not been handled previously.M.S., Computer Science -- Drexel University, 201

    Graph theoretic generalizations of clique: optimization and extensions

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    This dissertation considers graph theoretic generalizations of the maximum clique problem. Models that were originally proposed in social network analysis literature, are investigated from a mathematical programming perspective for the first time. A social network is usually represented by a graph, and cliques were the first models of "tightly knit groups" in social networks, referred to as cohesive subgroups. Cliques are idealized models and their overly restrictive nature motivated the development of clique relaxations that relax different aspects of a clique. Identifying large cohesive subgroups in social networks has traditionally been used in criminal network analysis to study organized crimes such as terrorism, narcotics and money laundering. More recent applications are in clustering and data mining wireless networks, biological networks as well as graph models of databases and the internet. This research has the potential to impact homeland security, bioinformatics, internet research and telecommunication industry among others. The focus of this dissertation is a degree-based relaxation called k-plex. A distance-based relaxation called k-clique and a diameter-based relaxation called k-club are also investigated in this dissertation. We present the first systematic study of the complexity aspects of these problems and application of mathematical programming techniques in solving them. Graph theoretic properties of the models are identified and used in the development of theory and algorithms. Optimization problems associated with the three models are formulated as binary integer programs and the properties of the associated polytopes are investigated. Facets and valid inequalities are identified based on combinatorial arguments. A branch-and-cut framework is designed and implemented to solve the optimization problems exactly. Specialized preprocessing techniques are developed that, in conjunction with the branch-and-cut algorithm, optimally solve the problems on real-life power law graphs, which is a general class of graphs that include social and biological networks. Computational experiments are performed to study the effectiveness of the proposed solution procedures on benchmark instances and real-life instances. The relationship of these models to the classical maximum clique problem is studied, leading to several interesting observations including a new compact integer programming formulation. We also prove new continuous non-linear formulations for the classical maximum independent set problem which maximize continuous functions over the unit hypercube, and characterize its local and global maxima. Finally, clustering and network design extensions of the clique relaxation models are explored

    Cliques, Degrees, and Coloring: Expanding the ω, Δ, χ paradigm

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    Many of the most celebrated and influential results in graph coloring, such as Brooks' Theorem and Vizing's Theorem, relate a graph's chromatic number to its clique number or maximum degree. Currently, several of the most important and enticing open problems in coloring, such as Reed's ω,Δ,χ\omega, \Delta, \chi Conjecture, follow this theme. This thesis both broadens and deepens this classical paradigm. In Part~1, we tackle list-coloring problems in which the number of colors available to each vertex vv depends on its degree, denoted d(v)d(v), and the size of the largest clique containing it, denoted ω(v)\omega(v). We make extensive use of the probabilistic method in this part. We conjecture the ``list-local version'' of Reed's Conjecture, that is every graph is LL-colorable if LL is a list-assignment such that L(v)(1ε)(d(v)+1)+εω(v))|L(v)| \geq \lceil (1 - \varepsilon)(d(v) + 1) + \varepsilon\omega(v))\rceil for each vertex vv and ε1/2\varepsilon \leq 1/2, and we prove this for ε1/330\varepsilon \leq 1/330 under some mild additional assumptions. We also conjecture the ``mad\mathrm{mad} version'' of Reed's Conjecture, even for list-coloring. That is, for ε1/2\varepsilon \leq 1/2, every graph GG satisfies \chi_\ell(G) \leq \lceil (1 - \varepsilon)(\mad(G) + 1) + \varepsilon\omega(G)\rceil, where mad(G)\mathrm{mad}(G) is the maximum average degree of GG. We prove this conjecture for small values of ε\varepsilon, assuming ω(G)mad(G)log10mad(G)\omega(G) \leq \mathrm{mad}(G) - \log^{10}\mathrm{mad}(G). We actually prove a stronger result that improves bounds on the density of critical graphs without large cliques, a long-standing problem, answering a question of Kostochka and Yancey. In the proof, we use a novel application of the discharging method to find a set of vertices for which any precoloring can be extended to the remainder of the graph using the probabilistic method. Our result also makes progress towards Hadwiger's Conjecture: we improve the best known bound on the chromatic number of KtK_t-minor free graphs by a constant factor. We provide a unified treatment of coloring graphs with small clique number. We prove that for Δ\Delta sufficiently large, if GG is a graph of maximum degree at most Δ\Delta with list-assignment LL such that for each vertex vV(G)v\in V(G), L(v)72d(v)min{ln(ω(v))ln(d(v)),ω(v)ln(ln(d(v)))ln(d(v)),log2(χ(G[N(v)])+1)ln(d(v))}|L(v)| \geq 72\cdot d(v)\min\left\{\sqrt{\frac{\ln(\omega(v))}{\ln(d(v))}}, \frac{\omega(v)\ln(\ln(d(v)))}{\ln(d(v))}, \frac{\log_2(\chi(G[N(v)]) + 1)}{\ln(d(v))}\right\} and d(v)ln2Δd(v) \geq \ln^2\Delta, then GG is LL-colorable. This result simultaneously implies three famous results of Johansson from the 90s, as well as the following new bound on the chromatic number of any graph GG with ω(G)ω\omega(G)\leq \omega and Δ(G)Δ\Delta(G)\leq \Delta for Δ\Delta sufficiently large: χ(G)72ΔlnωlnΔ.\chi(G) \leq 72\Delta\sqrt{\frac{\ln\omega}{\ln\Delta}}. In Part~2, we introduce and develop the theory of fractional coloring with local demands. A fractional coloring of a graph is an assignment of measurable subsets of the [0,1][0, 1]-interval to each vertex such that adjacent vertices receive disjoint sets, and we think of vertices ``demanding'' to receive a set of color of comparatively large measure. We prove and conjecture ``local demands versions'' of various well-known coloring results in the ω,Δ,χ\omega, \Delta, \chi paradigm, including Vizing's Theorem and Molloy's recent breakthrough bound on the chromatic number of triangle-free graphs. The highlight of this part is the ``local demands version'' of Brooks' Theorem. Namely, we prove that if GG is a graph and f:V(G)[0,1]f : V(G) \rightarrow [0, 1] such that every clique KK in GG satisfies vKf(v)1\sum_{v\in K}f(v) \leq 1 and every vertex vV(G)v\in V(G) demands f(v)1/(d(v)+1/2)f(v) \leq 1/(d(v) + 1/2), then GG has a fractional coloring ϕ\phi in which the measure of ϕ(v)\phi(v) for each vertex vV(G)v\in V(G) is at least f(v)f(v). This result generalizes the Caro-Wei Theorem and improves its bound on the independence number, and it is tight for the 5-cycle