505 research outputs found

    Analysis and optimization of film cooling effectiveness

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    In the first part, an optimization strategy is described that combines high-fidelity simu- lations with response surface construction, and is applied to pulsed film cooling for turbine blades. The response surface is constructed for the film cooling effectiveness as a function of duty cycle, in the range of DC between 0.05 and 1, and pulsation frequency St in the range of 0.2-2, using a pseudo-spectral projection method. The jet is fully modulated and the blowing ratio, when the jet is on, is 1.5 in all cases. Overall 73 direct numerical sim- ulations (DNS) using spectral element method were performed to sample the film cooling effectiveness on a Clenshaw-Curtis grid in the design space. It is observed that in the parameter space explored a global optimum exists, and in the present study, the best film cooling effectiveness is found at DC = 0.14 and St = 1.03. In the same range of DC and St, four other local optimums were found. The gradient-based optimization algorithms are argued to be unsuitable for the current problem due to the non-convexity of the objective function. In the second part, the effect of randomness of blowing ratio on film cooling performance is investigated by combining direct numerical simulations with a stochastic collocation ap- proach. The blowing ratio variations are assumed to have a truncated Gaussian distribution with mean of 0.3 and the standard variation of approximately 0.1. The parametric space is discretized using Multi-Element general Polynomial Chaos (ME-gPC) with five elements where general polynomial chaos of order 3 is used in each element. Direct numerical simula- tions were carried out using spectral/hp element method to sample the governing equations in space and time. The probability density function of the film cooling effectiveness was obtained and the standard deviation of the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness on the blade surface was calculated. A maximum standard deviation of 15% was observed in the region within a four-jet-diameter distance downstream of the exit hole. The spatially-averaged adiabatic film cooling effectiveness was 0.23 0.02. The calculation of all the statistical properties were carried out as off-line post-processing. Overall the computational strategy is shown to be very effective with the total computational cost being equivalent to solving twenty independent direct numerical simulations that are performed concurrently. In the third part, an accurate and efficient finite difference method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on curvilinear grids is developed. This method combines the favorable features of the staggered grid and semi-staggered grid approaches. A novel symmetric finite difference discretization of the Poisson-Neumann problem on curvilinear grids is also presented. The validity of the method is demonstrated on four benchmark problems. The Taylor-Green vortex problem is solved on a curvilinear grid with highly skewed cells and a second-order convergence in .-norm is observed. The mixed convection in a lid-driven cavity is solved on a highly curvilinear grid and excellent agreement with literature is obtained. The results for flow past a cylinder are compared with the existing experimental data in the literature. As the fourth case, three dimensional time-dependent incompressible flow in a curved tube is solved. The predictions agree well with the measured data, and validate the approach used

    Neural networks : analog VLSI implementation and learning algorithms

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    Development and analysis of the Software Implemented Fault-Tolerance (SIFT) computer

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    SIFT (Software Implemented Fault Tolerance) is an experimental, fault-tolerant computer system designed to meet the extreme reliability requirements for safety-critical functions in advanced aircraft. Errors are masked by performing a majority voting operation over the results of identical computations, and faulty processors are removed from service by reassigning computations to the nonfaulty processors. This scheme has been implemented in a special architecture using a set of standard Bendix BDX930 processors, augmented by a special asynchronous-broadcast communication interface that provides direct, processor to processor communication among all processors. Fault isolation is accomplished in hardware; all other fault-tolerance functions, together with scheduling and synchronization are implemented exclusively by executive system software. The system reliability is predicted by a Markov model. Mathematical consistency of the system software with respect to the reliability model has been partially verified, using recently developed tools for machine-aided proof of program correctness

    Computer model of hybrid compensator of fast varying loads

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    A computer model of the hybrid compensator of fast varying loads was developed in this dissertation. The computer model was implemented in MFC Visual C++ compiler version 6.0. The classification of fast varying loads and effects of their operation in distribution systems were described in this dissertation. The power properties of fast varying loads were expressed in terms of the Currents\u27 Physical Components Theory. Therefore, the Currents\u27 Physical Components Theory was applied to systems with non-periodic voltages and currents. The supply current of the fast varying loads was decomposed into the useful and the useless components using an algorithm based in the Currents\u27 Physical Components Theory. The current components resulting from this decomposition were used to generate the reference signals for compensator control. The systems of equations that modeled the integrated operation of the distribution system, the fast varying load and the hybrid compensator were developed in detail. The computer model was developed with sequential subroutines that allowed both the analytical solution of the compensation of fast varying loads and the incorporation of the hybrid compensator in the compensation of fast varying loads. The performance of the computer model was verified by comparison between the analytical results with the results obtained with the effect of the hybrid compensator. Finally, the computer model provided reduction of the active and reactive power variation and reduction of the distorted component of the supply current of the fast varying loads tested

    Analysis and design of a capsule landing system and surface vehicle control system for Mars exploration

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    Problems related to an unmanned exploration of the planet Mars by means of an autonomous roving planetary vehicle are investigated. These problems include: design, construction and evaluation of the vehicle itself and its control and operating systems. More specifically, vehicle configuration, dynamics, control, propulsion, hazard detection systems, terrain sensing and modelling, obstacle detection concepts, path selection, decision-making systems, and chemical analyses of samples are studied. Emphasis is placed on development of a vehicle capable of gathering specimens and data for an Augmented Viking Mission or to provide the basis for a Sample Return Mission

    Solar cell radiation handbook

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    The handbook to predict the degradation of solar cell electrical performance in any given space radiation environment is presented. Solar cell theory, cell manufacturing and how they are modeled mathematically are described. The interaction of energetic charged particles radiation with solar cells is discussed and the concept of 1 MeV equivalent electron fluence is introduced. The space radiation environment is described and methods of calculating equivalent fluences for the space environment are developed. A computer program was written to perform the equivalent fluence calculations and a FORTRAN listing of the program is included. Data detailing the degradation of solar cell electrical parameters as a function of 1 MeV electron fluence are presented

    Numerical Simulations

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    This book will interest researchers, scientists, engineers and graduate students in many disciplines, who make use of mathematical modeling and computer simulation. Although it represents only a small sample of the research activity on numerical simulations, the book will certainly serve as a valuable tool for researchers interested in getting involved in this multidisciplinary field. It will be useful to encourage further experimental and theoretical researches in the above mentioned areas of numerical simulation

    1992 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    For the 28th consecutive year, a NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program was conducted at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). The program was conducted by the University of Alabama and MSFC during the period June 1, 1992 through August 7, 1992. Operated under the auspices of the American Society for Engineering Education, the MSFC program, was well as those at other centers, was sponsored by the Office of Educational Affairs, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC. The basic objectives of the programs, which are the 29th year of operation nationally, are (1) to further the professional knowledge of qualified engineering and science faculty members; (2) to stimulate and exchange ideas between participants and NASA; (3) to enrich and refresh the research and teaching activities of the participants' institutions; and (4) to contribute to the research objectives of the NASA centers


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    In this book some recent advances in development of photodetectors and photodetection systems for specific applications are included. In the first section of the book nine different types of photodetectors and their characteristics are presented. Next, some theoretical aspects and simulations are discussed. The last eight chapters are devoted to the development of photodetection systems for imaging, particle size analysis, transfers of time, measurement of vibrations, magnetic field, polarization of light, and particle energy. The book is addressed to students, engineers, and researchers working in the field of photonics and advanced technologies

    Application of advanced on-board processing concepts to future satellite communications systems: Bibliography

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    Abstracts are presented of a literature survey of reports concerning the application of signal processing concepts. Approximately 300 references are included