4 research outputs found

    Landmine detection using semi-supervised learning.

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    Landmine detection is imperative for the preservation of both military and civilian lives. While landmines are easy to place, they are relatively difficult to remove. The classic method of detecting landmines was by using metal-detectors. However, many present-day landmines are composed of little to no metal, necessitating the use of additional technologies. One of the most successful and widely employed technologies is Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). In order to maximize efficiency of GPR-based landmine detection and minimize wasted effort caused by false alarms, intelligent detection methods such as machine learning are used. Many sophisticated algorithms are developed and employed to accomplish this. One such successful algorithm is K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classification. Most of these algorithms, including KNN, are based on supervised learning, which requires labeling of known data. This process can be tedious. Semi-supervised learning leverages both labeled and unlabeled data in the training process, alleviating over-dependency on labeling. Semi-supervised learning has several advantages over supervised learning. For example, it applies well to large datasets because it uses the topology of unlabeled data to classify test data. Also, by allowing unlabeled data to influence classification, one set of training data can be adopted into varying test environments. In this thesis, we explore a graph-based learning method known as Label Propagation as an alternative classifier to KNN classification, and validate its use on vehicle-mounted and handheld GPR systems

    Non-Gaussian data modeling with hidden Markov models

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    In 2015, 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were daily generated worldwide of which 90% were unstructured data that do not follow any pre-defined model. These data can be found in a great variety of formats among them are texts, images, audio tracks, or videos. With appropriate techniques, this massive amount of data is a goldmine from which one can extract a variety of meaningful embedded information. Among those techniques, machine learning algorithms allow multiple processing possibilities from compact data representation, to data clustering, classification, analysis, and synthesis, to the detection of outliers. Data modeling is the first step for performing any of these tasks and the accuracy and reliability of this initial step is thus crucial for subsequently building up a complete data processing framework. The principal motivation behind my work is the over-use of the Gaussian assumption for data modeling in the literature. Though this assumption is probably the best to make when no information about the data to be modeled is available, in most cases studying a few data properties would make other distributions a better assumption. In this thesis, I focus on proportional data that are most commonly known in the form of histograms and that naturally arise in a number of situations such as in bag-of-words methods. These data are non-Gaussian and their modeling with distributions belonging the Dirichlet family, that have common properties, is expected to be more accurate. The models I focus on are the hidden Markov models, well-known for their capabilities to easily handle dynamic ordered multivariate data. They have been shown to be very effective in numerous fields for various applications for the last 30 years and especially became a corner stone in speech processing. Despite their extensive use in almost all computer vision areas, they are still mainly suited for Gaussian data modeling. I propose here to theoretically derive different approaches for learning and applying to real-world situations hidden Markov models based on mixtures of Dirichlet, generalized Dirichlet, Beta-Liouville distributions, and mixed data. Expectation-Maximization and variational learning approaches are studied and compared over several data sets, specifically for the task of detecting and localizing unusual events. Hybrid HMMs are proposed to model mixed data with the goal of detecting changes in satellite images corrupted by different noises. Finally, several parametric distances for comparing Dirichlet and generalized Dirichlet-based HMMs are proposed and extensively tested for assessing their robustness. My experimental results show situations in which such models are worthy to be used, but also unravel their strength and limitations

    A model for mobile, context-aware in-car communication systems to reduce driver distractions

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    Driver distraction remains a matter of concern throughout the world as the number of car accidents caused by distracted driving is still unacceptably high. Industry and academia are working intensively to design new techniques that will address all types of driver distraction including visual, manual, auditory and cognitive distraction. This research focuses on an existing technology, namely in-car communication systems (ICCS). ICCS allow drivers to interact with their mobile phones without touching or looking at them. Previous research suggests that ICCS have reduced visual and manual distraction. Two problems were identified in this research: existing ICCS are still expensive and only available in limited models of car. As a result of that, only a small number of drivers can obtain a car equipped with an ICCS, especially in developing countries. The second problem is that existing ICCS are not aware of the driving context, which plays a role in distracting drivers. This research project was based on the following thesis statement: A mobile, context-aware model can be designed to reduce driver distraction caused by the use of ICCS. A mobile ICCS is portable and can be used in any car, addressing the first problem. Context-awareness will be used to detect possible situations that contribute to distracting drivers and the interaction with the mobile ICCS will be adapted so as to avert calls and text messages. This will address the second problem. As the driving context is dynamic, drivers may have to deal with critical safety-related tasks while they are using an existing ICCS. The following steps were taken in order to validate the thesis statement. An investigation was conducted into the causes and consequences of driver distraction. A review of literature was conducted on context-aware techniques that could potentially be used. The design of a model was proposed, called the Multimodal Interface for Mobile Info-communication with Context (MIMIC) and a preliminary usability evaluation was conducted in order to assess the feasibility of a speech-based, mobile ICCS. Despite some problems with the speech recognition, the results were satisfying and showed that the proposed model for mobile ICCS was feasible. Experiments were conducted in order to collect data to perform supervised learning to determine the driving context. The aim was to select the most effective machine learning techniques to determine the driving context. Decision tree and instance-based algorithms were found to be the best performing algorithms. Variables such as speed, acceleration and linear acceleration were found to be the most important variables according to an analysis of the decision tree. The initial MIMIC model was updated to include several adaptation effects and the resulting model was implemented as a prototype mobile application, called MIMIC-Prototype

    Nonlinear state and parameter estimation of spatially distributed systems

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    In this thesis two probabilistic model-based estimators are introduced that allow the reconstruction and identification of space-time continuous physical systems. The Sliced Gaussian Mixture Filter (SGMF) exploits linear substructures in mixed linear/nonlinear systems, and thus is well-suited for identifying various model parameters. The Covariance Bounds Filter (CBF) allows the efficient estimation of widely distributed systems in a decentralized fashion