3,430 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Extraction of Representative Concepts from Scientific Literature

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    This paper studies the automated categorization and extraction of scientific concepts from titles of scientific articles, in order to gain a deeper understanding of their key contributions and facilitate the construction of a generic academic knowledgebase. Towards this goal, we propose an unsupervised, domain-independent, and scalable two-phase algorithm to type and extract key concept mentions into aspects of interest (e.g., Techniques, Applications, etc.). In the first phase of our algorithm we propose PhraseType, a probabilistic generative model which exploits textual features and limited POS tags to broadly segment text snippets into aspect-typed phrases. We extend this model to simultaneously learn aspect-specific features and identify academic domains in multi-domain corpora, since the two tasks mutually enhance each other. In the second phase, we propose an approach based on adaptor grammars to extract fine grained concept mentions from the aspect-typed phrases without the need for any external resources or human effort, in a purely data-driven manner. We apply our technique to study literature from diverse scientific domains and show significant gains over state-of-the-art concept extraction techniques. We also present a qualitative analysis of the results obtained.Comment: Published as a conference paper at CIKM 201

    Automatic extraction of paraphrastic phrases from medium size corpora

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    This paper presents a versatile system intended to acquire paraphrastic phrases from a representative corpus. In order to decrease the time spent on the elaboration of resources for NLP system (for example Information Extraction, IE hereafter), we suggest to use a machine learning system that helps defining new templates and associated resources. This knowledge is automatically derived from the text collection, in interaction with a large semantic network

    Knowledge Base Population using Semantic Label Propagation

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    A crucial aspect of a knowledge base population system that extracts new facts from text corpora, is the generation of training data for its relation extractors. In this paper, we present a method that maximizes the effectiveness of newly trained relation extractors at a minimal annotation cost. Manual labeling can be significantly reduced by Distant Supervision, which is a method to construct training data automatically by aligning a large text corpus with an existing knowledge base of known facts. For example, all sentences mentioning both 'Barack Obama' and 'US' may serve as positive training instances for the relation born_in(subject,object). However, distant supervision typically results in a highly noisy training set: many training sentences do not really express the intended relation. We propose to combine distant supervision with minimal manual supervision in a technique called feature labeling, to eliminate noise from the large and noisy initial training set, resulting in a significant increase of precision. We further improve on this approach by introducing the Semantic Label Propagation method, which uses the similarity between low-dimensional representations of candidate training instances, to extend the training set in order to increase recall while maintaining high precision. Our proposed strategy for generating training data is studied and evaluated on an established test collection designed for knowledge base population tasks. The experimental results show that the Semantic Label Propagation strategy leads to substantial performance gains when compared to existing approaches, while requiring an almost negligible manual annotation effort.Comment: Submitted to Knowledge Based Systems, special issue on Knowledge Bases for Natural Language Processin

    Lightly supervised acquisition of named entities and linguistic patterns for multilingual text mining

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    Named Entity Recognition and Classification (NERC) is an important component of applications like Opinion Tracking, Information Extraction, or Question Answering. When these applications require to work in several languages, NERC becomes a bottleneck because its development requires language-specific tools and resources like lists of names or annotated corpora. This paper presents a lightly supervised system that acquires lists of names and linguistic patterns from large raw text collections in western languages and starting with only a few seeds per class selected by a human expert. Experiments have been carried out with English and Spanish news collections and with the Spanish Wikipedia. Evaluation of NE classification on standard datasets shows that NE lists achieve high precision and reveals that contextual patterns increase recall significantly. Therefore, it would be helpful for applications where annotated NERC data are not available such as those that have to deal with several western languages or information from different domains.This researchwork has been supported by the Regional Government of Madrid under the Research Network MA2VICMR (S2009/TIC-1542), by the Spanish Ministry of Education under the project MULTIMEDICA (TIN2010-20644-C03-01) and by the Spanish Center for Industry Technological Development (CDTI, Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade), through the BUSCAMEDIA Project (CEN-20091026)