894 research outputs found

    Web Application Framework in Erasmus

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    This thesis introduces a new framework in Erasmus which is specially designed for web application. Erasmus, as a typical process oriented language, developed by Peter Grogono at Concordia University, Canada and Brian Shearing at The Software Factory, UK, is based on communicating processes. Erasmus can easily and clearly depict multi-process scenarios based on new concepts: protocol, port, cell and processes. In this thesis, we gave detail of the language Erasmus and explained the new concepts: Cell, Process, Protocol and Port which is introduced by Erasmus. Then, we introduced the Broker which is a proxy to communicate between the processes on different machines and listen for HTTP requests. Next, we depicted the architecture and the resource management of the Erasmus Web application including database access and dynamic process creating. At the end, we gave an example of a simple web application with simple Erasmus language and with an Erasmus MVC framework. As a conclusion, Erasmus is a potential excellent Web development language which can improves the performance of the web services and also helps developers to be more productive in developing web applications

    Forecasting in Finance (ERP)

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    Cílem této práce bylo navrhnout a vyvinout webovou aplikaci pro datového specialistu, která umožňuje import dat z databáze, kontrolu validity datové sady pro klasifikaci a vytvoření (naučení) klasifikátoru, který lze dále použít pro klasifikaci nově příchozích dat. Využili jsme skutečné údaje z výrobních firem (příkazy k výrobě).\\ Aplikace je implementována pomocí Java EE a frameworku Spring. Aplikace je navržena tak, aby mohla být provozována online. Aplikace umožňuje vizualizovat data (verifikace datové sady), trénovat více klasifikátorů na celé datové sadě (nebo na podmnožině). Nejvhodnější (vybraný) klasifikátor lze exportovat a předat k použití v produkčním prostředí.\\ Aplikace byla testována na třech reálných datových sadách a byla vyvíjena pod dohledem společnosti, která vyvíjí ERP systémy (a která poskytla reálná data).The aim of this thesis was to design and develop a web application for data specialist to import data from database, check the suitability of a dataset for classification and to generate a valid classifier that can be further used to classify incoming data. We have used real data from manufacturing companies (manufacture orders).\\ The application is implemented using Java EE and Spring framework and is designed to be run online. It is able to visualize data (to verify the data), train multiple classifiers on the whole dataset (or a subset). The best (selected) classifier can be exported and handed to the production team.\\ The application has been tested on three real datasets and was developed under a supervision of a commercial company that develops ERP systems

    Trabajo de investigación una revisión de los patrones de diseño de software aplicado a las aplicaciones web

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    Las páginas web son cada vez más complejas al diseñar y construir debido a las nuevas exigencias de diseño y funcionalidad requeridas por los usuarios. Por lo que ha dado lugar a la aparición de la Ingeniería Web como una subdisciplina de la Ingeniería de Software el cual nos permite crear sistemas interactivos web de alta calidad. El saber más sobre la Web nos lleva a conocer como está construida o cuál es su arquitectura. Al hablar de la arquitectura de la web nos encontraremos con los Patrones de Diseño, que son patrones reutilizables, es decir describen la experiencia comprobada y documentada de un problema repetido y poder así resolverlo en el área de desarrollo de software. Reutilizar estos patrones de diseño nos ayudara a no cometer los mismos errores que cometieron los diseñadores debido a que a estos errores ya se encontraron respuestas. Esta revisión tiene como fin recopilar los documentos de los patrones de diseño de software, de tal manera que nos facilitara la reducción de errores en la definición, diferentes tipos de patrones de diseño, y así lograr una alta calidad al desarrollar un software web. Este material nos ha permitido brindar aportes a los diseñadores y programadores de software al momento de realizar proyectos de software.Trabajo de investigació

    Monikieliohjelmointi Web-sovelluskehityksessä

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    Different programming languages are used to solve different problem domains. Front-end code standards and best practices are used to separate presentation, content and behavior. Architectural approaches like three-tier client-server architecture present user interface, business logic and data access as independent modules to develop and maintain. The idea of polyglot programming is to combine and utilize the best solutions from different programming languages and paradigms. Therefore, polyglot programming has the potential to improve web development in various areas. Web development has always been polyglot. Polyglot system has two essential aspects, the platform used for the integration and the programming languages supported. The recent rise of non-Java programming languages running on the Java Virtual Machine has created a favorable environment for polyglot programming. The possibility to use more expressive and succinct programming languages with existing solutions has proven to be essential in web development. An example web project was implemented to study the observations in practice. The project was implemented in both Java and Groovy as a server-side web application and also with Vert.x and AngularJS as a client-side single-page application. Also an additional Groovy implementation with Java legacy domain model was implemented to study programming language interoperability on the Java Virtual Machine. The results were evaluated against related work consisting two project implementations and three case study projects presented also in the context of polyglot programming in web development. Polyglot programming can enhance web development, because different programming languages and frameworks promise an increase in productivity, reduced amount of code and improved code quality that together promote better maintainability. Although polyglot programming has a steep learning curve that affects on required knowledge, maintainability, and tool support.Erilaisia ongelma-alueita pyritään ratkaisemaan käyttäen eri ohjelmointikieliä. Esimerkiksi Frontend-ohjelmointikäytäntöjä noudattamalla voidaan erottaa esitys-, sisältö ja toimintalogiikka toisistaan. Lisäksi arkkitehtuuriratkaisut, kuten kolmikerrosarkkitehtuuri, jakavat käyttöliittymän, toimintalogiikan ja tietovarastojen käytön itsenäisiksi, mahdollisesti toisistaan erillään kehitettäviksi ja ylläpidettäviksi moduuleiksi. Monikieliohjelmoinnin ideana on yhdistää ja hyödyntää ohjelmointikielten ja ohjelmointiparadigmojen parhaat ratkaisut. Tästä syystä monikieliohjelmointi voi mahdollisesti parantaa Web-sovelluskehitystä useilla eri osa-alueilla. Monikielisyys on aina ollut osa Web-sovelluskehitystä. Monikielisessä järjestelmässä on kaksi olennaista ominaisuutta, käytettävissä oleva sovelluskehitysalusta sekä käytettävissä olevat ohjelmointikielet. Viimeaikainen kehitys ohjelmointikielissä Java-virtuaalikoneella on luonut suotuisan ympäristön monikieliohjelmoinnille. Mahdollisuus käyttää kuvaavampia ja ytimekkäämpiä ohjelmointikieliä olemassa olevien ratkaisujen tukena on osoittautunut tärkeäksi. Työn yhteydessä toteutettua esimerkkiprojektia käytettiin tarkastelemaan tehtyjä havaintoja käytännössä. Projekti toteutettiin sekä Java- että Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä palvelinpuolen Web-sovelluksena sekä Vert.x ja AngularJS Web-sovelluskehyksiä hyödyntäen asiakaspuolen yhden sivun Web-sovelluksena. Lisäksi ohjelmointikielten yhteentoimivuutta tutkittiin tekemällä Groovy-ohjelmointikielellä toteutus, joka hyödynsi valmista Java-toteutuksen toimialueen mallinnusta. Monikieliohjelmointi voi tehdä Web-sovelluskehityksestä kannattavampaa. Eri ohjelmointikielet ja ohjelmistokehykset lupaavat lisätä tuottavuutta, vähentää tarvittavan koodin määrää, sekä parantaa koodin laatua, parantaen näin samalla ylläpidettävyyttä. On kuitenkin tärkeää huomata se, että monikieliohjelmointi kasvattaa tarvittavan tiedon määrä, mikä vaikuttaa suoraan ylläpidettävyyteen sekä tarvittavaan työkalutukeen


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    Las páginas web son cada vez más complejas al diseñar y construir debido a las nuevas exigencias de diseño y funcionalidad requeridas por los usuarios. Por lo que ha dado lugar a la aparición de la Ingeniería Web como una subdisciplina de la Ingeniería de Software el cual nos permite crear sistemas interactivos web de alta calidad. El saber más sobre la Web nos lleva a conocer como está construida o cuál es su arquitectura. Al hablar de la arquitectura de la web nos encontraremos con los Patrones de Diseño, que son patrones reutilizables, es decir describen la experiencia comprobada y documentada de un problema repetido y poder así resolverlo en el área de desarrollo de software. Reutilizar estos patrones de diseño nos ayudara a no cometer los mismos errores que cometieron los diseñadores debido a que a estos errores ya se encontraron respuestas. Esta revisión tiene como fin recopilar los documentos de los patrones de diseño de software, de tal manera que nos facilitara la reducción de errores en la definición, diferentes tipos de patrones de diseño, y así lograr una alta calidad al desarrollar un software web. Este material nos ha permitido brindar aportes a los diseñadores y programadores de software al momento de realizar proyectos de software.Trabajo de investigació

    N-Screen Application Framework

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    Smartphones and tablets with advanced computing ability and connectivity have already become indispensable in our daily lives. As operating systems of these computer-like handheld devices are getting more mature and stable, many users want physically separated devices to interact with one another and with shared resources in real time. Those devices may have the same type of operating systems, such as sharing between android smartphone and tablets. However, sometimes the sharing occurs among different operating systems. A user may want to use a smartphone to control the menu while the image presentation is displaying on the Internet Protocol television (IPTV), as well as the audio on a personal computer. This scenario brings about the motivation of this thesis. This thesis proposes an architecture that allows for sharing resources among many devices with separated screens at real-time. Compared with traditional mobile application framework, instead of the user experience on a specific device, the consistent user experience across multiple devices becomes the key concern. This research introduces a novel approach to implement the classical Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework in a distributed manner with a multi-layered distributed controller. To ensure consistent user experiences across multiple devices with di erent platforms, this research also adopts a channel-based Publish/Subscribe with effective server push state synchronization. The experiments evaluate the portability, message travelling latency improvement and bandwidth optimization. The results of those experiments prove the advantages of the n-Screen Application Framework (NSAF) both in portability that allows deployment on multiple devices from different manufacturers and performance improvement (both in latency and bandwidth consumption) while comparing with traditional data dissemination scenarios

    Scrum friend: a web application for agile project manager

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2016, Director: Oscar Amorós HuguetIn recent years, the complexity of software applications has evolved a lot. As a consequence, building quality products requires agile methods. Agile methods grew out of the real-life project experiences of leading software professionals who had experienced the challenges and limitations of traditional waterfall development on project after project. The approach promoted by agile development is in direct response to the issue associated with traditional software development, both in terms of overall philosophy as well as specific processes. Agile development, in its simplest form, offers a lightweight framework for helping teams, given a constantly evolving functional and technical landscape, maintain a focus on the rapid delivery of business value. As a result of this focus, the benefits of agile software development are that organizations are capable of significantly reducing the overall risk associated with software development. To handle the management of agile development process, any team needs a proper tool. Nowadays, there are plenty of project management applications that help teams to easily follow an agile development process

    Designing Web sites with knowledge of technologies, users, and visual communication

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    Web site design is a new and dynamically growing area in visual communication design. Graphic design discipline was generated with the development of visual communication technologies and continuously reshaped by it. Applying graphic design principles in designing Web site will help establishing an effective visual communication. In this thesis, the author studied the technology of Internet and World Wide Web as well as the needs and behavior of Web users. With these in mind, the design principles and guidelines for Web site design were proposed based on the knowledge of graphic design. It is suggested that simplicity and consistency are the major characteristics of a good Web site design. To achieve this, the information should be grouped and placed into a hierarchical information structure.;The utilization of contrast, reduction, repetition, and metaphor are particularly important in the visualization of the conveying information. The author further supported her points with practical design examples. The designs of two existing Web sites are critiqued. The author also designed one Web site following the design guidelines suggested in this thesis. Major design considerations and decision-makings are explained step by step