28 research outputs found

    Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice: The Agile Research Network

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    We report an action research-oriented approach to investigating agile project management methods which aims to bridge the gap between academic research and agile practice. We have set up a research network of academics from two universities, through which we run focussed project-based research into agile methods. Organisations are invited to suggest an ‘agile challenge’ and we work closely with them to investigate how challenge affects them. Our approach is both academic and practical. We use appropriate research methods such as interviews, observation and discussion to clarify and explore the nature of the challenge. We then undertake a detailed literature review to identify practical approaches that may be appropriate for adoption, and report our findings. If the organisation introduces new practices or approaches as a result of our work, we conduct an academic evaluation. Alternatively, if we uncover an under-researched area, we propose undertaking some basic research. As befits the topic, we work iteratively and incrementally and produce regular outputs. In this paper we introduce our approach, overview research methods used in the agile research literature, describe our research model, outline a case study, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our approach. We discuss the importance of producing outputs that are accessible to practitioners as well as researchers. Findings suggest that by investigating the challenges that organisations propose, we uncover problems that are of real relevance to the agile community and obtain rich insights into the facilitators and barriers that organisations face when using agile methods. Additionally, we find that practitioners are interested in research results as long as publications are relevant to their needs and are written accessibly. We are satisfied with the basic structure of our approach, but we anticipate that the method will evolve as we continue to work with collaborators

    Bridging the gap between research and agile practice: an evolutionary model

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    There is wide acceptance in the software engineering field that industry and research can gain significantly from each other and there have been several initiatives to encourage collaboration between the two. However there are some often-quoted challenges in this kind of collaboration. For example, that the timescales of research and practice are incompatible, that research is not seen as relevant for practice, and that research demands a different kind of rigour than practice supports. These are complex challenges that are not always easy to overcome. Since the beginning of 2013 we have been using an approach designed to address some of these challenges and to bridge the gap between research and practice, specifically in the agile software development arena. So far we have collaborated successfully with three partners and have investigated three practitioner-driven challenges with agile. The model of collaboration that we adopted has evolved with the lessons learned in the first two collaborations and been modified for the third. In this paper we introduce the collaboration model, discuss how it addresses the collaboration challenges between research and practice and how it has evolved, and describe the lessons learned from our experience


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    In the last several years there has been a noticeable focus shift of agile methods from eXtreme Programming (XP) and Scrum to Lean approaches, which is indicated as “from agile to lean”. However our understanding of the driving factors behind this focus shift is very limited. The study proposed in this paper attempts to investigate the shift through a content analysis of two major agile mailing lists. The expected result is a set of driving factors behind the shift from agile to lean, which can contribute to a better understanding of if and why Lean software development is “the next wave of software process”

    Mapping CMMI Level 2 to Scrum Practices: An Experience Report

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    CMMI has been adopted advantageously in large companies for improvements in software quality, budget fulfilling, and customer satisfaction. However SPI strategies based on CMMI-DEV require heavy software development processes and large investments in terms of cost and time that medium/small companies do not deal with. The so-called light software development processes, such as Agile Software Development (ASD), deal with these challenges. ASD welcomes changing requirements and stresses the importance of adaptive planning, simplicity and continuous delivery of valuable software by short time-framed iterations. ASD is becoming convenient in a more and more global, and changing software market. It would be greatly useful to be able to introduce agile methods such as Scrum in compliance with CMMI process model. This paper intends to increase the understanding of the relationship between ASD and CMMI-DEV reporting empirical results that confirm theoretical comparisons between ASD practices and CMMI level

    Model of Critical Factors for Outsourcing Agile Development

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    Companies are beginning to combine outsourcing with Agile software engineering techniques with the goal of receiving the benefits of both – faster time to market, greater quality, and smaller costs. Since Agile was originally developed to work principally with small collocated teams, scalability of Agile to the enterprise, and simultaneous use of Agile and outsourcing are questions concerning applicability of Agile techniques to global business environments. This paper first summarizes current experience studies and research in Agile, enterprise Agile and Agile outsourcing, to identify factors likely to affect success on Agile projects. It then extends a model originally developed by Chow and Cao (2007) to account for these factors. Finally it outlines an experiment whose goal is to determine which of these factors drives successful projects that use both Agile and outsourcing

    Agile Based Development Methodology for Mobile Commerce Applications

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    There are several system development methodologies including traditional and agile methodologies which are being utilized in current systems development. However, it could be argued that existing methodologies may not be suitable for the development of mobile commerce applications as these applications are utilized in different contexts from conventional fixed e-commerce applications such as they are displayed on a small screen device, they are utilized in an unstable or movable environment and they need to be used in a secured environment to deliver financial transactions over mobile network. This study aimed to construct an agile based development methodology for mobile commerce applications. In order to achieve this aim, three objectives have been proposed including identification of essential issues for developing m-commerce applications, construction of a predictable agile based methodology used for developing m-commerce applications and evaluation for its applicability and practicality. The research methodology used in the study is the design research, which include the steps of awareness of problems, suggestion, development, evaluation and conclusion. The research methods used to assist the mentioned research methodology include literature analysis, industry visits, semi-structured interview, survey, formulative research and experimental evaluation. The methodology constructed contains the integration of essential factors in each phase of systems development life cycle as well as guidelines to follow for conducting activities in the application development, including specific models, tools, and techniques. From the evaluation of the constructed methodology, the results showed two essential outcomes. Firstly, the constructed methodology is applicable as it can be used to build the intended system, mobile commerce applications in this case. Secondly, for practicality, it showed that the constructed methodology is practical as when comparing to the traditional waterfall development by using the eleven measurements specified, it exposed more benefits to the development process

    Agile challenges in practice: a thematic analysis

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    As agile is maturing and becoming more widely adopted, it is important that researchers are aware of the real-world challenges faced by practitioners and organisations. We undertook a thematic analysis of 193 agile challenges collected at a series of agile conferences and events during 2013 and 2014. Participants were mainly practitioners and business representatives along with some academics. The challenges were thematically analysed by separate authors, synthesised, and a list of seven themes and twenty-seven sub-themes was agreed. Themes were Organisation, Sustainability, Culture, Teams, Scale, Value and Misconceptions and shortcomings. We compare our findings against previous attempts to identify and categorise agile challenges. While most themes have persisted we found a shift of focus towards issues related to sustainability, business engagement and transformation, as well as misconceptions and shortcomings. We identify areas for further research and a need for more innovative methods of conveying academic research to industry and industrial problems to academi

    Toward an Understanding of Preference for Agile Software Development Methods from a Personality Theory Perspective

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    This paper presents the results of an exploratory research study that investigates factors contributing to preference for the agile software development approaches. The initial exploration revolves around the Five Factor Model of personality and the premise that these personality factors provide a partial explanation of preference for an agile approach. A survey instrument for measuring the preference for agile methods was developed and validated. The results from the quantitative data collected from the survey study indicate that three out of the five personality factors from the Five Factor Model show a correlation with above average preference for agile methods. These factors are extra version, openness and neuroticism. The first two have a positive relationship with agile preference while neuroticism (emotional instability) has a negative relationship with agile methodology preference. To further investigate the results, an exploratory factor analysis was performed on the data, which identified three factors that may also contribute to a preference for agile methods

    UX design in agile: a DSDM case study

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    Integrating User Experience (UX) design with agile development continues to be the subject of academic studies and practitioner discussions. Most of the existing literature focuses on SCRUM and XP, but in this paper we investigate a technical company who use DSDM. Unlike other agile methods, DSDM provides a configurable framework and a set of roles that covers the whole software development process. While elements of the UX design integration experience were similar to those reported with other agile methods, working practices to mitigate the challenges were identified using DSDM’s standard elements. Specifically, communication challenges were mitigated by extending two of DSDM’s standard roles. In addition, a change of focus between a design-led phase and a development-led phase of the project changed the communication challenges. Agile teams need to be aware that this change of focus can happen and the implications that it has for their work