48 research outputs found

    A Practical-Time Attack on the A5/3 Cryptosystem Used in Third Generation GSM Telephony

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    The privacy of most GSM phone conversations is currently protected by the 20+ years old A5/1 and A5/2 stream ciphers, which were repeatedly shown to be cryptographically weak. They will soon be replaced in third generation networks by a new A5/3 block cipher called KASUMI, which is a modified version of the MISTY cryptosystem. In this paper we describe a new type of attack called a sandwich attack, and use it to construct a simple distinguisher for 7 of the 8 rounds of KASUMI with an amazingly high probability of 2142^{ -14}. By using this distinguisher and analyzing the single remaining round, we can derive the complete 128 bit key of the full KASUMI by using only 4 related keys, 2262^{26} data, 2302^{30} bytes of memory, and 2322^{32} time. These complexities are so small that we have actually simulated the attack in less than two hours on a single PC, and experimentally verified its correctness and complexity. Interestingly, neither our technique nor any other published attack can break MISTY in less than the 21282^{128} complexity of exhaustive search, which indicates that the changes made by the GSM Association in moving from MISTY to KASUMI resulted in a much weaker cryptosystem

    Performance and Statistical Analysis of Stream ciphers in GSM Communications

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    For a stream cipher to be secure, the keystream generated by it should be uniformly random with parameter 1/2.Statistical tests check whether the given sequence follow a certain probability distribution. In this paper, we perform a detailed statistical analysis of various stream ciphers used in GSM 2G,3G, 4G and 5G communications. The sequences output by these ciphers are checked for randomness using the statistical tests defined by the NIST Test Suite. It should also be not possible to derive any information about secret key and the initial state ofthe cipher from the keystream. Therefore, additional statistical tests based on properties like Correlation between Keystreamand Key, and Correlation between Keystream and IV are also performed. Performance analysis of the ciphers also has been done and the results tabulated. Almost all the ciphers pass the tests in the NIST test suite with 99% confidence level. For A5/3stream cipher, the correlation between the keystream and key is high and correlation between the keystream and IV is low when compared to other ciphers in the A5 family

    Eavesdropping on GSM: state-of-affairs

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    In the almost 20 years since GSM was deployed several security problems have been found, both in the protocols and in the - originally secret - cryptography. However, practical exploits of these weaknesses are complicated because of all the signal processing involved and have not been seen much outside of their use by law enforcement agencies. This could change due to recently developed open-source equipment and software that can capture and digitize signals from the GSM frequencies. This might make practical attacks against GSM much simpler to perform. Indeed, several claims have recently appeared in the media on successfully eavesdropping on GSM. When looking at these claims in depth the conclusion is often that more is claimed than what they are actually capable of. However, it is undeniable that these claims herald the possibilities to eavesdrop on GSM using publicly available equipment. This paper evaluates the claims and practical possibilities when it comes to eavesdropping on GSM, using relatively cheap hardware and open source initiatives which have generated many headlines over the past year. The basis of the paper is extensive experiments with the USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) and software projects for this hardware.Comment: 5th Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security (WISSec 2010), November 201


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    Voice has significant place in mobile communication networks. Though data applications have extensively gained in importance over the years but voice is still a major source of revenue for mobile operators. It is obvious that voice will remain an important application even in the era of Long Term Evolution (LTE). Basically LTE is an all-IP data-only transport technology using packet switching. Therefore, it introduces challenges to satisfy quality of service expectations for circuit-switched mobile telephony and SMS for LTE capable smartphones, while being served on the LTE network. Since 2013, mobile operators have been busy deploying Voice Over LTE (VoLTE). They are relying on a VoLTE technology called Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) for seamless handover between packet-switch domain to circuit-switch domain or vice versa. The aim of thesis is to review and identify the security measurement during SRVCC and verify test data for ciphering and integrity algorithm.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format


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    Voice has significant place in mobile communication networks. Though data applications have extensively gained in importance over the years but voice is still a major source of revenue for mobile operators. It is obvious that voice will remain an important application even in the era of Long Term Evolution (LTE). Basically LTE is an all-IP data-only transport technology using packet switching. Therefore, it introduces challenges to satisfy quality of service expectations for circuit-switched mobile telephony and SMS for LTE capable smartphones, while being served on the LTE network. Since 2013, mobile operators have been busy deploying Voice Over LTE (VoLTE). They are relying on a VoLTE technology called Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) for seamless handover between packet-switch domain to circuit-switch domain or vice versa. The aim of thesis is to review and identify the security measurement during SRVCC and verify test data for ciphering and integrity algorithm.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Evaluation of mobile network security in Ghana

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    Applied project submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, April 2015Mobile technology is one of the most successful technologies on the African continent. Personal and professional communication as well as critical services like banking and remittances are widely made through mobile networks and platforms in Ghana. However, little is known about the security of the underlying infrastructure and devices consumers use to interact with the mobile network. The focus of this project is to determine if the core systems of the mobile network operators, the technology infrastructure, and the 2G/3G dongles have exploitable security vulnerabilities, demonstrate some of those exploits, and make recommendations on how to mitigate or eliminate the risk of exploitation.Ashesi University Colleg