42 research outputs found

    Intelligent intrusion detection in low power IoTs

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    Security and privacy of data are one of the prime concerns in today’s Internet of Things (IoT). Conventional security techniques like signature-based detection of malware and regular updates of a signature database are not feasible solutions as they cannot secure such systems effectively, having limited resources. Programming languages permitting immediate memory accesses through pointers often result in applications having memory-related errors, which may lead to unpredictable failures and security vulnerabilities. Furthermore, energy efficient IoT devices running on batteries cannot afford the implementation of cryptography algorithms as such techniques have significant impact on the system power consumption. Therefore, in order to operate IoT in a secure manner, the system must be able to detect and prevent any kind of intrusions before the network (i.e., sensor nodes and base station) is destabilised by the attackers. In this article, we have presented an intrusion detection and prevention mechanism by implementing an intelligent security architecture using random neural networks (RNNs). The application’s source code is also instrumented at compile time in order to detect out-of-bound memory accesses. It is based on creating tags, to be coupled with each memory allocation and then placing additional tag checking instructions for each access made to the memory. To validate the feasibility of the proposed security solution, it is implemented for an existing IoT system and its functionality is practically demonstrated by successfully detecting the presence of any suspicious sensor node within the system operating range and anomalous activity in the base station with an accuracy of 97.23%. Overall, the proposed security solution has presented a minimal performance overhead.</jats:p

    Survival Techniques for Computer Programs

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    Programs developed with standard techniques often fail when they encounter any of a variety of internal errors. We present a set of techniques that prevent programs from failing and instead enable them to continue to execute even after they encounter otherwise fatal internal errors. Our results indicate that even though the techniques may take the program outside of its anticipated execution envelope, the continued execution often enables the program to provide acceptable results to their users. These techniques may therefore play an important role in making software systems more resilient and reliable in the face or errors.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Failure-Oblivious Computing and Boundless Memory Blocks

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    Memory errors are a common cause of incorrect software execution and security vulnerabilities. We have developed two new techniques that help software continue to execute successfully through memory errors: failure-oblivious computing and boundless memory blocks. The foundation of both techniques is a compiler that generates code that checks accesses via pointers to detect out of bounds accesses. Instead of terminating or throwing an exception, the generated code takes another action that keeps the program executing without memory corruption. Failure-oblivious code simply discards invalid writes and manufactures values to return for invalid reads, enabling the program to continue its normal execution path. Code that implements boundless memory blocks stores invalid writes away in a hash table to return as the values for corresponding out of bounds reads. he net effect is to (conceptually) give each allocated memory block unbounded size and to eliminate out of bounds accesses as a programming error. We have implemented both techniques and acquired several widely used open source servers (Apache, Sendmail, Pine, Mutt, and Midnight Commander).With standard compilers, all of these servers are vulnerable to buffer overflow attacks as documented at security tracking web sites. Both failure-oblivious computing and boundless memory blocks eliminate these security vulnerabilities (as well as other memory errors). Our results show that our compiler enables the servers to execute successfully through buffer overflow attacks to continue to correctly service user requests without security vulnerabilities.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Everything You Want to Know About Pointer-Based Checking

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    Lack of memory safety in C/C++ has resulted in numerous security vulnerabilities and serious bugs in large software systems. This paper highlights the challenges in enforcing memory safety for C/C++ programs and progress made as part of the SoftBoundCETS project. We have been exploring memory safety enforcement at various levels - in hardware, in the compiler, and as a hardware-compiler hybrid - in this project. Our research has identified that maintaining metadata with pointers in a disjoint metadata space and performing bounds and use-after-free checking can provide comprehensive memory safety. We describe the rationale behind the design decisions and its ramifications on various dimensions, our experience with the various variants that we explored in this project, and the lessons learned in the process. We also describe and analyze the forthcoming Intel Memory Protection Extensions (MPX) that provides hardware acceleration for disjoint metadata and pointer checking in mainstream hardware, which is expected to be available later this year

    Using Execution Transactions To Recover From Buffer Overflow Attacks

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    We examine the problem of containing buffer overflow attacks in a safe and efficient manner. Briefly, we automatically augment source code to dynamically catch stack and heap-based buffer overflow and underflow attacks, and recover from them by allowing the program to continue execution. Our hypothesis is that we can treat each code function as a transaction that can be aborted when an attack is detected, without affecting the application's ability to correctly execute. Our approach allows us to selectively enable or disable components of this defensive mechanism in response to external events, allowing for a direct tradeoff between security and performance. We combine our defensive mechanism with a honeypot-like configuration to detect previously unknown attacks and automatically adapt an application's defensive posture at a negligible performance cost, as well as help determine a worm's signature. The main benefits of our scheme are its low impact on application performance, its ability to respond to attacks without human intervention, its capacity to handle previously unknown vulnerabilities, and the preservation of service availability. We implemented a stand-alone tool, DYBOC, which we use to instrument a number of vulnerable applications. Our performance benchmarks indicate a slow-down of 20% for Apache in full-protection mode, and 1.2% with partial protection. We validate our transactional hypothesis via two experiments: first, by applying our scheme to 17 vulnerable applications, successfully fixing 14 of them; second, by examining the behavior of Apache when each of 154 potentially vulnerable routines are made to fail, resulting in correct behavior in 139 of cases

    Implementing SoftBound on Binary Executables

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    Though languages like C and C++ are known to be memory unsafe, they are still used widely in industry because of their memory management features, low level nature and performance benefits. Also, as most of the systems software has been written using these languages, replacing them with memory safe languages altogether is currently impossible. Memory safety violations are commonplace, despite the fact that that there have been numerous attempts made to conquer them using source code, compiler and post compilation based approaches. SoftBound is a compiler-based technique that enforces spatial memory safety for C/C++ programs. However, SoftBound needs and depends on program information available in the high-level source code. The goal of our work is to develop a mechanism to efficiently and effectively implement a technique, like SoftBound, to provide spatial memory safety for binary executables. Our approach employs a combination of static-time analysis (using Ghidra) and dynamic-time instrumentation checks (using PIN). Softbound is a pointer based approach, which stores base and bound information per pointer. Our implementation determines the array and pointer access patterns statically using reverse engineering techniques in Ghidra. This static information is used by the Pin dynamic binary instrumentation tool to check the correctness of each load and store instruction at run-time. Our technique works without any source code support and no hardware or compiler alterations are needed. We evaluate the effectiveness, limitations, and performance of our implementation. Our tool detects spatial memory errors in about 57% of the test cases and induces about 6% average overhead over that caused by a minimal Pintool

    Tag-Protector: An Effective and Dynamic Detection of Illegal Memory Accesses Through Compile-time Code Instrumentation

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    Programming languages permitting immediate memory accesses through pointers often result in applications having memory-related errors, which may lead to unpredictable failures and security vulnerabilities. A lightweight solution is presented in this paper to tackle such illegal memory accesses dynamically in C/C++ based applications. We propose a new and effective method of instrumenting an application’s source code at compile time in order to detect illegal spatial and temporal memory accesses. It is based on creating tags to be coupled with each memory allocation and then placing additional tag checking instructions for each access made to the memory. The proposed solution is evaluated by instrumenting applications from the BugBench benchmark suite and publicly available benchmark software, run-time intrusion prevention evaluator (RIPE), detecting all the bugs successfully. The performance and memory overheads are further analyzed by instrumenting and executing real-world applications from various renowned benchmark suites. In addition, the proposed solution is also tested to analyze the performance overhead for multithreaded applications in multicore environments. Overall our technique can detect a wide range of memory bugs and attacks with reduced performance overhead and higher detection rate as compared to the similar existing countermeasures when tested under the same experimental setup