3,289 research outputs found

    A High TCMRR, Inherently Charge Balanced Bidirectional Front-End for Multichannel Closed-Loop Neuromodulation

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    This paper describes a multichannel bidirectional front-end for implantable closed-loop neuromodulation. Stimulation artefacts are reduced by way of a 4-channel H-bridge current source sharing stimulator front-end that minimizes residual charge drops in the electrodes via topology-inherent charge balancing. A 4-channel chopper front-end is capable of multichannel recording in the presence of artefacts as a result of its high total common-mode rejection ratio (TCMRR) that accounts for CMRR degradation due to electrode mismatch. Experimental verification of a prototype fabricated in a standard 180 nm process shows a stimulator front-end with 0.059% charge balance and 0.275 nA DC current error. The recording front-end consumes 3.24 µW, tolerates common-mode interference up to 1 Vpp and shows a TCMRR > 66 dB for 500 mVpp inputs.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-80923-POffice of Naval Research (USA) N00014111031

    Advances in Microelectronics for Implantable Medical Devices

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    Implantable medical devices provide therapy to treat numerous health conditions as well as monitoring and diagnosis. Over the years, the development of these devices has seen remarkable progress thanks to tremendous advances in microelectronics, electrode technology, packaging and signal processing techniques. Many of today’s implantable devices use wireless technology to supply power and provide communication. There are many challenges when creating an implantable device. Issues such as reliable and fast bidirectional data communication, efficient power delivery to the implantable circuits, low noise and low power for the recording part of the system, and delivery of safe stimulation to avoid tissue and electrode damage are some of the challenges faced by the microelectronics circuit designer. This paper provides a review of advances in microelectronics over the last decade or so for implantable medical devices and systems. The focus is on neural recording and stimulation circuits suitable for fabrication in modern silicon process technologies and biotelemetry methods for power and data transfer, with particular emphasis on methods employing radio frequency inductive coupling. The paper concludes by highlighting some of the issues that will drive future research in the field

    Wireless integrated circuit for 100-channel charge-balanced neural stimulation

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    Journal ArticleThe authors present the design of an integrated circuit for wireless neural stimulation, along with benchtop and in-vivo experimental results. The chip has the ability to drive 100 individual stimulation electrodes with constant-current pulses of varying amplitude, duration, interphasic delay, and repetition rate. The stimulation is performed by using a biphasic (cathodic and anodic) current source, injecting and retracting charge from the nervous system. Wireless communication and power are delivered over a 2.765-MHz inductive link. Only three off-chip components are needed to operate the stimulator: a 10-nF capacitor to aid in power-supply regulation, a small capacitor (100 pF) for tuning the coil to resonance, and a coil for power and command reception. The chip was fabricated in a commercially available 0.6- m 2P3M BiCMOS process. The chip was able to activate motor fibers to produce muscle twitches via a Utah Slanted Electrode Array implanted in cat sciatic nerve, and to activate sensory fibers to recruit evoked potentials in somatosensory cortex

    Neurostimulator with Waveforms Inspired by Nature for Wearable Electro-Acupuncture

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    The work presented here has 3 goals: establish the need for novel neurostimulation waveform solutions through a literature review, develop a neurostimulation pulse generator, and verify the operation of the device for neurostimulation applications. The literature review discusses the importance of stimulation waveforms on the outcomes of neurostimulation, and proposes new directions for neurostimulation research that would help in improving the reproducibility and comparability between studies. The pulse generator circuit is then described that generates signals inspired by the shape of excitatory or inhibitory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP, IPSP). The circuit analytical equations are presented, and the effects of the circuit design components are discussed. The circuit is also analyzed with a capacitive load using a simplified Randles model to represent the electrode-electrolyte interface, and the output is measured in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution as the load with acupuncture needles as electrodes. The circuit is designed to be used in different types of neurostimulators depending on the needs of the application, and to study the effects of varying neurostimulation waveforms. The circuit is used to develop a remote-controlled wearable veterinary electro-acupuncture machine. The device has a small form-factor and 3D printed enclosure, and has a weight of 75 g with leads attached. The device is powered by a 500 mAh lithium polymer battery, and was tested to last 6 hours. The device is tested in an electro-acupuncture animal study on cats performed at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, where it showed expected electro-acupuncture effects. Then, a 2-channel implementation of the device is presented, and tested to show independent output amplitude, frequency, and stimulation duration per channel. Finally, the software and hardware requirements for control of the wearable veterinary electro-acupuncture machine are detailed. The number of output channels is limited to the number of hardware PWM timers available for use. The Arduino software implements PWM control for the output amplitude and frequency. The stimulation duration control is provided using software timers. The communications protocol between the microcontroller board and Android App are described, and communications are performed via Bluetooth

    Wireless Simultaneous Stimulation-and-Recording Device (SRD) to Train Cortical Circuits in Rat Somatosensory Cortex

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    The primary goal of this project is to develop a wireless system for simultaneous recording-and-stimulation (SRD) to deliver low amplitude current pulses to the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of rats to activate and enhance an interhemispheric cortical pathway. Despite the existence of an interhemispheric connection between similar forelimb representations of SI cortices, forelimb cortical neurons respond only to input from the contralateral (opposite side) forelimb and not to input from the ipsilateral (same side) forelimb. Given the existence of this interhemispheric pathway we have been able to strengthen/enhance the pathway through chronic intracortical microstimulation (ICMS) in previous acute experiments of anesthetized rats. In these acute experiments strengthening the interhemispheric pathway also brings about functional reorganization whereby cortical neurons in forelimb cortex respond to new input from the ipsilateral forelimb. Having the ability to modify cortical circuitry will have important applications in stroke patients and could serve to rescue and/or enhance responsiveness in surviving cells around the stroke region. Also, the ability to induce functional reorganization within the deafferented cortical map, which follows limb amputation, will also provide a vehicle for modulating maladaptive cortical reorganization often associated with phantom limb pain leading to reduced pain. In order to increase our understanding of the observed functional reorganization and enhanced pathway, we need to be able to test these observations in awake and behaving animals and eventually study how these changes persist over a prolonged period of time. To accomplish this a system was needed to allow simultaneous recording and stimulation in awake rats. However, no such commercial or research system exists that meets all requirements for such an experiment. In this project we describe the (1) system design, (2) system testing, (3) system evaluation, and (4) system implementation of a wireless simultaneous stimulation-and-recording device (SRD) to be used to modulate cortical circuits in an awake rodent animal model

    Towards dynamical network biomarkers in neuromodulation of episodic migraine

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    Computational methods have complemented experimental and clinical neursciences and led to improvements in our understanding of the nervous systems in health and disease. In parallel, neuromodulation in form of electric and magnetic stimulation is gaining increasing acceptance in chronic and intractable diseases. In this paper, we firstly explore the relevant state of the art in fusion of both developments towards translational computational neuroscience. Then, we propose a strategy to employ the new theoretical concept of dynamical network biomarkers (DNB) in episodic manifestations of chronic disorders. In particular, as a first example, we introduce the use of computational models in migraine and illustrate on the basis of this example the potential of DNB as early-warning signals for neuromodulation in episodic migraine.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Design and Implementation of a Passive Neurostimulator with Wireless Resonance-Coupled Power Delivery and Demonstration on Frog Sciatic Nerve and Gastrocnemius Muscle

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    The thesis presented has four goals: to perform a comprehensive literature review on current neurostimulator technology; to outline the current issues with the state-of-the-art; to provide a neurostimulator design that solves these issues, and to characterize the design and demonstrate its neurostimulation features. The literature review describes the physiology of a neuron, and then proceeds to outline neural interfaces and neurostimulators. The neurostimulator design process is then outlined and current requirements in the field are described. The novel neurostimulator circuit that implements a solution that has wireless capability, passive control, and small size is outlined and characterized. The circuit is demonstrated to operate wirelessly with a resonance-coupled multi-channel implementation, and is shown powering LEDs. The circuit was then fabricated in a miniature implementation which utilized a 10 x 20 x 3 mm&179 antenna, and occupied a volume approximating 1 cm&179. This miniature circuit is used to stimulate frog sciatic nerve and gastrocnemius muscle in vitro. These demonstrations and characterization show the device is capable of neurostimulation, can operate wirelessly, is controlled passively, and can be implemented in a small size, thus solving the aforementioned neurostimulator requirements. Further work in this area is focused on developing an extensive characterization of the device and the wireless power delivery system, optimizing the circuit design, and performing in vivo experiments with restoration of motor control in injured animals. This device shows promise to provide a comprehensive solution to many application-specific problems in neurostimulation, and be a modular addition to larger neural interface systems

    Development of power recovery circuit for bio-implantable stimulator

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    This paper presents a modified design of low power recovery circuit in micro-system implanted device to stimulate the human nerve and muscle. The amplitude shift keying ASK was used to modulate data by using operating frequency 6.78MHz ISM industrial scientific medical band to be less invasive to tissue. The proposed system consists of an external part which has ASK modulator and class-E power amplifier with 94.5% efficiency. The internal part has half wave rectifier and voltage regulator to generate very stable 1.8VDC using 0.35um CMOS technology. The Orcad pspice 16.6 and MULTISIM 11 software were used to simulate the design of power recovery and class-E power amplifier respectively. The regulated voltage utilised to power the sub-electronic device implanted inside human body with very stable voltage even change implanted load resistance. The proposed system has 12.5%modulation index and low power consumption