6,874 research outputs found


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    As a partial fulfillment of Final Year Project, the main aim of this project is to develop an accurate, fast and very efficient portable attendance system using fingerprint verification technique. This portable fingerprint attendance management system is specially designed and implemented for university student. This system is based on biometrics, software and database technique to solve the problem of spurious attendance and any else made by the students and others. The current product of fingerprint attendance systems offers minimal, nonflexible and costly system. With an increasing awareness of efficiency of fingerprint attendance system, the implementation of portable fingerprint attendance system has gain interest. The implementation is achieved using a combination of hardware and software development. A Motorola handphone model Atrix 4G is being used as a hardware device while software development is based on the Android operating system. Software called Eclipse is used for the development of android application which based on the Java script language. In this paper, the result of the system were shown sequentially, demonstrating that the system able to run safely and efficient in any real-time conditions

    A Monitoring Language for Run Time and Post-Mortem Behavior Analysis and Visualization

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    UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are compiled into execution monitors that run on a virtual machine supported by the Alamo monitor architecture.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Програмне забезпечення: практикум з англійської мови для студентів фізико-математичного факультету спеціальностей: «Інформатика», «Математика та інформатика», «Фізика та інформатика»

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    Практикум складається з 8 розділів, текстів для самостійного опрацювання, додаткового читання та додатків. Тексти підібрані з оригінальної науково-технічної літератури та містять необхідну термінологію зі спеціальності. До складу розділів входять вправи на закріплення лексико-граматичного матеріалу, тести, запитання. Вправи та тести побудовано на мовному матеріалі, який використовується в текстах розділів. Додається підсумковий тест для перевірки знань всього курсу. Для студентів неспеціальних факультетів денної, заочної та дистанційної форми навчання, які вивчають інформатику. Пізнавальний характер текстів зацікавить не лише зазначене коло студентів, але й усіх тих, хто поглиблено вивчає англійську мову

    A study of System Interface Sets (SIS) for the host, target and integration environments of the Space Station Program (SSP)

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    System interface sets (SIS) for large, complex, non-stop, distributed systems are examined. The SIS of the Space Station Program (SSP) was selected as the focus of this study because an appropriate virtual interface specification of the SIS is believed to have the most potential to free the project from four life cycle tyrannies which are rooted in a dependance on either a proprietary or particular instance of: operating systems, data management systems, communications systems, and instruction set architectures. The static perspective of the common Ada programming support environment interface set (CAIS) and the portable common execution environment (PCEE) activities are discussed. Also, the dynamic perspective of the PCEE is addressed

    The Generic Checkout System Approach to Ground Checkout Systems

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    With the advent of the Space Station, Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle and other projects, NASA has been prompted to critique major ground checkout systems around KSC. This critique is being used as a basis for the development of a central set of functions which are common to all checkout operations throughout the program. A prototyping effort was started over a year ago to implement those central functions, this effort was called the Generic Checkout System(GCS) which, over the past year, has grown into a working model 1 for ground checkout systems. At the Twenty-Third Space Congress a paper was presented which outlined the rudimentary operations of the GCS. Since that time GCS has evolved into a state of the art checkout system which demonstrates flexibility and ease of use. The GCS system has been chosen as the architecture which will support the Partial Paylod Checkout Unit(PPCU), a new system to be installed in early 1990. The development of the GCS system was meant to also address several problems inherent in current checkout systems: lack of flexibility, poor user interfaces and the abscence of an upgrade path from obsolete hardware. The GCS seeks to solve these problems in ways which utilize high technology advances in computer hardware and software. These advances include the use of commercial UNIX operating system based computers which offer vendor independence and portability of software, the use of state of the art user interfaces offering high resolution graphics, mouse interfaces and the ability to create displays interactively without the need to generate code to drive them. The use of other high tech products is also apparent in the GCS such as the support for Artificial intelligence, relational data base technologies, ADA programming language, parallel processing, RISC technology architectures, optical storage media, Local Area Network Connectivity, commercial graphics packages, INMOS transputers and the latest microprocessor technologies. This paper will attempt to explore some of the facets of the GCS prototyping and development effort and mention the future plans for the architecture which has been developed