514 research outputs found

    An Integration of Kano Model, QFD and Six Sigma to Present a New Description of DFSS

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    Business competitiveness is no longer a choice but a matter of survival in global market place. For any company, the continuous and timely development of new products and services, which include creative features that are expected to satisfy customers, is essential to remain competitive. At present, the companies not only focus on customer satisfaction, but also want to please them that ultimately lead them towards loyalty in future. Therefore, in-depth and quick understanding of the dynamic needs of customers can be important in the development of products and markets through a short period of time. However, there have been numerous failures in product development efforts leading towards enormous waste of time and resources. One of the reasons for this is the lack of a structured and comprehensive process for product development that utilizes powerful models and methodologies, such as Kano model, QFD and modern QI methodologies as well as the principles of concurrent engineering including cross-functional teams and timely communication. As all these methodologies share the same goals of pursuing customer satisfaction thus their integration into a common model is possible and beneficial Kano model strengthens the modern QI methodologies such as Six Sigma or Lean Six Sigma approach and further enhances customers’ satisfaction level. Six Sigma is used to achieve high-levels of stability through reduction in process and product variation. This directs to an almost defect free level which is also the focus of DFSS (or DMADV) building quality upstream for existing products and new product development methods. This level is essential to the customer, but not necessarily economic. Therefore, it is important to understand the customer's needs and requirements of the target, and understanding about company's own capabilities and costs. In addition to integrating Kano model and QFD into Six Sigma, the proposed approach extends previous works on these models. This paper presents a new description of the DFSS structured approach including a simple way for calculating the degree of importance for customer requirements with the adoption of Kano factor (K).An integrated approach for DFSS is proposed for practitioners to strategically understand the VOC. It included the use of different powerful tools such as Kano model, QFD, Taguchi’s QLF, TRIZ, AHP, DOE, SIPOC and FMEA. All of these tools are relevant and have consensus in terms of solving customer problems to achieve customer satisfaction. They also complement each other and can be integrated together, within DFSS, to form a better methodology. Therefore, the integration of these tools for the DFSS method is considered to be possible and useful. This work extended the previous works regarding these tools, included new ideas and incorporated them in a new model. Kano model lies in the center of the framework as it forms a basis for a profound understanding of the customer needs. The DFSS methodology utilizes Deming’s PDCA cycle through the DMADV phases for Cl. Kano model strengthens DFSS and brings an intelligent approach to understand and prioritize customer requirements. In addition, a generic case study is used to demonstrate some of the steps in the proposed methodology about how it can be implemented. Keywords: Kano model, QFD, QI, Six Sigma, VOC, DFSS, QLF, FMEA, CI, DMADV, SIPOC, Customer satisfaction, product developmen


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    Manufacturing Quality Function Deployment: Literature Review and Future Trends

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    A comprehensive review of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) literature is made using extensive survey as a methodology. The most important results of the study are: (i) QFD modelling and applications are one-sided; prioritisation of technical attributes only maximise customer satisfaction without considering cost incurred (ii) we are still missing considerable knowledge about neural networks for predicting improvement measures in customer satisfaction (iii) further exploration of the subsequent phases (process planning and production planning) of QFD is needed (iv) more decision support systems are needed to automate QFD (v) feedbacks from customers are not accounted for in current studies

    Product Design

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    Product design is a comprehensive process related to the creation of new products, and the ability to design and develop efficient products are key to success in today’s dynamic global market. Written by experts in the field, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the product design process and its applications in various fields, particularly engineering. Over seven chapters, the authors explore such topics as development of new product design methodologies, implementation of effective methods for integrated products, development of more visualized environments for task-based conceptual design methods, and development of engineering design tools based on 3D photogrammetry, among others

    Reconfigurability Function Deployment in Software Development

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    In the forthcoming highly dynamic and complex business environment high-speed and cost-effective development of software applications for targeting a precise, unique and momentary set of requirements (no more-no less) associated to a customized business case will bring sig-nificant benefits both for producers and users. This requires a life cycle change-oriented ap-proach in software development. In this respect, designing software with intrinsic evolutionary resources for reconfiguration represents the sound approach. A methodology for concurrent deployment of reconfigurability characteristics in software applications is introduced in this paper. Its potential is exemplified in a case study dealing with web-based software tools to support systematic product innovation projects.Reconfigurability, Software Development, Innovation, TRIZ, RAD

    An innovative engineering design model by the aid of TRIZ methodology and CAE technology.

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    This thesis presents research that advocates process, methods and new technology for performance related robustness improvements in product development. Rapid advances in technology in recent years have set new demands on product development. As a consequence, an increasing variety of products are built on heterogeneous technologies. Specialists from different engineering disciplines must cooperate to a greater extent than before in order to understand the products. Increased cooperation and heterogeneous technologies in products set high demands on rapid product development models in order to deliver products of high quality in short lead time, at low cost. One of the most important tasks in robust design is to select an appropriate system output response. The quality of this selection will greatly affect the effectiveness of the robust design project. Currently, this selection process is more like art than science. By using TRIZ Design principle, several new approaches to enhance robust design are developed. These approaches enable us to select the appropriate system output response in a systematic fashion. The approach developed in this paper was successfully applied and verified in two case studies in two different major automotive companies. This research consists of theory development, mainly in the field of engineering design, TRIZ and CAE. The research in the papers provides: (1) An approach to problem solving by combining design object analysis with TRIZ and FEA; (2) Two case studies carried out with the researcher actively taking part in practical problem solving. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .Y82. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-03, page: 1477. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    The potential of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in reducing work-related musculoskeletal disorders

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    Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) frequently affect the health and well-being of workers and can hinder growth in the industrial sector. Research indicates that user requirements to reduce workplace risk factors for MSDs are not always effectively conveyed to practitioners of design. This creates a mismatch between these requirements and what is ultimately produced. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a structured collaborative design approach, widely used in industry. The aim of this research was to explore the potential of a QFD-based design tool to enhance such communication in the design process and help reduce work-related MSDs. In order to evaluate user knowledge and ability to identify workplace risks and the subsequent requirements for design, a multi-methods study was undertaken with cleaners (n= 10), joiners (n= 6) and plumbers (n= 6) and their line managers (n= 6). Methods included semi-structured interviews, task analysis, REBA and body part discomfort maps. The findings revealed that these workers were in general able to identify risks to their musculoskeletal health and make design suggestions related to specific tasks. All of the workers expressed concern about manual handling, and issues related to awkward postures were also identified by the majority. A QFD-based design tool (with guidance material) was then developed to facilitate communication in the design process. It consisted of six features to encompass the design process, and included tools and techniques with supplementary templates to aid practitioners. In order to evaluate its feasibility with respect to current practice, an online questionnaire survey was conducted with a cohort of practitioners of ergonomics and design (n= 32). Of these, the majority rated highly the importance of an integrated approach for participatory design to help reduce work-related MSDs. They also suggested elements to be included in the design tool, which were in congruence with the features already included. To evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the design tool in the field setting, in-depth interviews using a walkthrough approach (n= 8) and case studies of specific work tasks (n= 3) were conducted with practitioners. The findings showed that the design tool would be very useful in managing and presenting design information. In particular, practitioners liked being provided with design principles to help systematically identify design solutions to reduce risks and using the QFD-based matrices to present such information. Limitations of the tool were identified as inadequacy of guidance, the lack of automated procedures and the time required to set up and learn. The design tool (and guidance material) seems to have potential in facilitating the sharing of design information among the stakeholders of the design process

    Analisa dan Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan dari Departemen Pembelian di Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas (Studi Kasus: PT.A)

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    PT. A adalah Perusahaan Minyak dan Gas yang beroperasi di Indonesia, bekerja sama dengan pemasok untuk melakukan kegiatannya melalui kontrak kerjasama. Pengguna menggunakan kontrak melalui Divisi Kontrak dan Pengadaan menentukan kebutuhan akan barang dan jasa. Tujuan dari Divisi C&P adalah untuk memuaskan pengguna melalui pernyataan: "Menyediakan Barang dan Jasa dengan biaya optimal, untuk mencapai operasi yang efektif, efisien dan kepuasan pelanggan". Merujuk dari hasil Customer Satisfaction Survey; Kualitas layanan Departemen Pembelian adalah 68%, oleh karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa dan memperbaiki Kualitas Pelayanan Departemen Pembelian. Dalam penelitian ini, ada 3 kesenjangan terbesar yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pengguna yang telah diidentifikasi: Proses pengadaan yang tercantum dalam kerangka bisnis; Pengetahuan terapan pada operasi OG dalam proses pengadaan; Proses pengadaan yang cepat. Untuk memperbaiki kesenjangan, ada 11 respon teknis sebagai prioritas yang berpotensi meningkatkan kepuasan kualitas layanan, seperti: Melakukan rapat DUET secara regular, Meninjau ulang tujuan pembelian, Spesifikasi PR yang jelas, Melakukan penilaian kompetensi staf C&P, Sosialisasi peraturan terkait, Berbagi pengetahuan (Contact), Meningkatkan kehandalan tim compliance, Melakukan studi lapangan, Mengeluarkan rencana pembelian, Melakukan pelatihan secara regular ke buyer, Memanfaatkan dan meningkatkan REX +, Ensiklo. Setelah mendapat prioritas respons teknis, dengan menggunakan prinsip Altshuller, untuk memperbaiki respons teknis, dengan mempertimbangkan aspek perbaikan dan dampak buruknya dari prinsip Altshuller tersebut. Tindakan perencanaan perbaikan ini direkomendasikan untuk dapat diterapkan dan dipantau secara ketat dan sesuai tujuannya, untuk memperbaiki Layanan Mutu Departemen Pembelian. =================================================================== PT. A is the Oil and Gas Company operated in Indonesia, works with the supplier to do the operations thru contracts agreement. The user, who uses the contract thru Contract and Procurement Division, drive the needs of the service or material. C&P Division objective is to satisfy the users thru the statement: "To provide Goods and Services at optimal cost, in order to achieve effective, efficient operations and customer satisfaction". Refer to the Customer Satisfaction Survey; Purchasing Department's service quality is 68%, therefore this study intends to analyze and to improve Service Quality of Purchasing Department. In this research, there are 3 top biggest gaps effecting the users' satisfaction that identified: The procurement process already included in the business framework; Knowledge on Know-How on the operation in OG applied in the procurement process; Fastest procurement lead-time. To improve the gap that identified, there are 11 technical response as priority that potentially bring up service quality satisfaction, such as: Conduct regular DUET meeting, Review of purchasing objective, Clear specification of PR, Conduct C&P staff competency assessment, Socialization of related regulation, Sharing Knowledge (Contact), Enhance Procurement Compliances, Survey/Visit Field/Workshop/Supplier premises, Issue procurement planning, Regular training for Purchase Engineer, Utilize and enhance REX+, Ensiklo. After having the technical response priorities, using Altshuller’s principles, to improve the technical response, considering the aspect of improving and worsening from those Altshuller’s principles. These actions plan for improvements are recommended to be implemented and to be closely monitor and recommence to its objective, in order to improve the Service Quality of Purchasing Department

    Product development knowledge-processing system

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    This thesis develops a methodology that integrates Quality Function Deployment (QFD), Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and Design Structure Matrix (DSM) to address the problem of analyzing, interpreting, and transforming the knowledge data flow during the product development process. A product development process is the sequence of steps an enterprise takes to conceive, design, and commercialize a product. The general process includes: Planning, Concept Development, System-Level Design, Detail Design, Testing and Refinement, and Production Ramp-Up. One way to think about the development process is as a knowledge-processing system. Prior to this study, there are few articles integrating TRIZ and QFD. QFD is a tool for identifying the needs of the customer and translating the language of the customer into the language of the engineer . The QFD process also identifies engineering contradictions within the existing system. TRIZ can provide solutions for these contradictions. It offers one of the most efficient means to generate creative solutions for the desired improvements prioritized in QFD. Once a creative solution is developed using TRIZ, the corresponding part characteristics can be further decomposed using QFD. If we think of knowledge-processing as a work process, then both rework and iterative design requires additional project resources and time. Iteration is the repetition of activities due to the input of new information. DSM is an effective tool to plan and manage product development processes through information flow analysis by helping managers understand and mitigate unintentional rework or iteration
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