28 research outputs found

    Workshop STEM Robotik Bagi Siswa dan Guru di SMPN 32 Muaro Jambi

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    Pelaksanaan workshop Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Robotik di SMPN 32 Muaro Jambi dilatarbelakangi oleh hasil studi awal yang menunjukkan kesulitan para Guru dalam menyiapkan dan memberikan tugas proyek kepada Siswa. Kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan melalui kolaborasi Dosen Universitas Jambi, Universitas Dinamika Bangsa dan UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman Guru tentang kegiatan proyek terintegrasi STEM Robotik dan motivasi belajar Siswa. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode workshop. Subjek pengabdian terdiri dari 12 Guru dan 31 Siswa kelas VII. Instrumen pengabdian berupa soal tes esai untuk mengetahui pemahaman Guru tentang pembelajaran berbasis proyek terintegrasi STEM robotic dan lembar kuesioner untuk mendapatkan data motivasi belajar Siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah dengan tes dan survei. Analisis data peningkatan pemahaman Guru dilakukan dengan uji N-Gain dan paired t-test, sedangkan motivasi belajar Siswa dikodekan berdasarkan jawaban Siswa pada setiap item dalam kuesioner. Hasil workshop menunjukkan data N-Gain sebesar 0,4 dan paired t test sebesar 0,00, yang artinya kegiatan ini memberikan kontribusi positif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman Guru dalam memahami konsep dan implementasi pembelajaran proyek yang terintegrasi STEM Robotik. Selain itu, data motivasi belajar Siswa menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan wokshop ini menjadikan Siswa termotivasi untuk lebih terlibat aktif dalam belajar

    Pengembangan Instrumen Evaluasi Berbasis Keterampilan Pemecahan Masalah pada Materi Pencemaran Lingkungan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan instrumen evaluasi keterampilan pemecahan masalah pada peserta didik kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Penelitian ini adalah research and development dengan menerapkan model Borg dan Gall yang dimodifikasi oleh sugiyono, dilaksanakan di MTs kota Banda Aceh pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2021/2022, jumlah subjek penelitian sebanyak 60 peserta didik. Pengembangan instrumen disesuaikan dengan materi dan indikator pembelajaran materi pencemaran lingkungan. Instrumen berbentuk tes uraian yang berisi isu dan masalah pencemaran lingkungan yang terdapat disekitar peserta didik, meliputi:  memahami masalah, merencanakan penyelesaian masalah, menyelesaikan masalah, dan mengevaluasi. Instrumen yang telah disusun selanjutnya dilakukan validasi ahli (media dan konten). Hasil validasi ahli diperoleh skor 79,5%, instrumen yang dikembangkan dikategorikan cukup layak dengan sedikit perbaikan. Setelah memperbaiki instrumen berdasarkan masukan dan saran validator selanjutnya dilakukan uji coba lapangan untuk mengetahui validitas dan reabilitas instrumen. Hasil analisis uji lapangan  (validitas dan reablitas) instrumen diperoleh sebanyak 18 dari 20 item instrumen valid dengan nilai reabilitas 0,69  (kategori tinggi)

    The Encouragement of Teacher’s Descriptive Notes in Student Report Card

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    This study aimed to (a) describe aspects in descriptive notes that teachers do on student report cards, (b) describe the efforts of teachers in making descriptive notes on student report cards, and (c) examine the teacher's encouragement power in descriptive notes on report cards against students. The research information was obtained through survey method towards teachers, students, and parents in Gembala Baik Senior High School, SantunUntan Senior High School, and Senior high school in Sukadana, Kayong Utara district, in the form of questionnaire, interview, and documentation. From the result of the study it could be explained that teachers have written the aspects of knowledge, skills, and attitudes in student report cards balanced in the descriptive record, the teacher mentioned: the name of the student, behavior, things that need improvement, attitude, saying "congratulations", avoiding negative labels, and encouraging words. In addition, “Some teachers” let the application provided to make the descriptive notes. Moreover, only "a small part" of the teacher who was convinced that the notes have encouraged students actually. Therefore, the descriptive notes was “less effective


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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic caused many schools to close and forced educators to replace face-to-face learning to online learning overnight. The process of transitioning to the application of distance learning cannot occur in a short time. So that it takes adequate facilities and teacher skills in designing learning. E-learning facilities are still unfamiliar to both teachers and students, especially in Situbondo Regency. So that mentoring and training in the use of e-learning for teachers in physics learning is needed to make it easier for teachers and students in the learning process. Planning activities include making e-learning modules using moddle and camtasia. The training and mentoring process was even attended by 93 physics teachers outside Situbondo Regency. However, those who can participate in the training gradually decrease due to the busyness of each participant. So that at the end of the Moodle e-learning training and mentoring session, there are 25 (18 from Situbondo) participants who can design a complete lesson including assignment features, quizzes (aiken format), labels, lessons, Bigblue buttons, pages, books and forums. Keywords: Abstrak Masa pademi covid-19 menyebabkan banyak sekolah tutup dan memaksa pendidik mengganti pembelajaran tatap muka ke pembelajaran online dalam waktu singkat. Proses transisi penerapan pembelajaran jarak jauh tidak bisa terjadi dalam waktu yang singkat, sehingga dibutuhkan fasilitas dan keterampilan guru yang memadai dalam merancang pembelajaran. Fasilitas e-learning pun masih asing baik bagi guru maupun siswa, khususnya di Kabupaten Situbondo. sehingga pendampingan dan pelatihan penggunaan e-learning untuk guru dalam pembelajaran fisika dirasa sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Perencanaan kegiatan meliputi pembuatan modul e-learning menggunakan moddle dan camtasia. Proses pelatihan dan pendampingan diikuti bahkan oleh guru fisika di luar Kabupaten Situbondo sebanyak 93 peserta. Namun yang dapat mengikuti pelatihan secara bertahap berkurang karena kesibukan masing-masing peserta. Sehingga di akhir sesi pelatihan dan pendampingan e-learning moodle terdapat 25 (18 dari Situbondo) peserta yang dapat merancang pembelajaran secara lengkap meliputi fitur assignment, quiz (aiken format), label, lesson, Bigblue button, page, book dan forum

    Religious Construction in Decision ­Making of Indonesian Customers for Financial Transactions on Syariah Banks

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    This study aims to explain how Islamic concepts, symbols and values have implications for people. Especially when they must make decisions to make financial transactions in Islamic banking. Likewise, the religious trend accompanied by the spirit of city has resulted in the enthusiasm of the community to transact with institutions labelled religion in practice. Data collection used in this study was carried out by observation and distributing questionnaires to respondents (customers). Documentation studies are also conducted to find literature related to this study. There are three findings described in this study. First, the conception and symbol of religion is an essential element in the existence of Islamic banking in Indonesia. Second, the understanding of the religious community has been constructed in the decision to make economic transactions in Islamic banks. Third, the religious trend accompanied by religious zeal makes sharia banks in Indonesia have bright prospects to attract the interest of the public to transact. The enermous potential of Islamic banks in Indonesia will experience an increase if the religious values and symbols are implemented correctly and adequately. Religious construction of economic behaviour has resulted in a shift in the pattern of community transactions in the name of religion. This shift certainly provides not only positive expectations in the religious society, but also provides broad opportunities for the banking business world

    Development and evaluation of an online homework system for high school physics classes

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    This case study used a design-based research approach to examine the development and evaluation of an online homework system to support learning and problem-solving in a high school physics course. Emergent themes included challenges of building the system, strengths and weaknesses of it, and the benefits to students. While the system largely met desired outcomes and was well received by the students, concerns were raised about the quality and timeliness of some feedback/scaffolding provided by the system. Development of other such systems may help to support students and teachers during the current and post-COVID educational transition

    The Effectiveness of Using Some E-Supporting Applications in Developing Digital Empowerment among Public Education Teachers in Light of Quality Standards for the Instructional Design

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    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using some e-supporting apps in developing digital empowerment among public education teachers in light of quality standards for the instructional design. The study employed a semi-experimental approach with one group-pre-post-test. The study sample consisted of 90 teachers in the Summer Training Program at Taibah University in the year 1438-1439. The researchers used the following tools and materials: an achievement test, an observation card, and a scale of instructional design quality. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences between the average scores of teachers in the achievement test, the observation card, and the scale of instructional design quality in the development of digital empowerment in the post-test. The most important recommendations were: That electronic support apps. should be used o develop digital empowerment to become a formula in the development of digital content and the quality of educational design; to prepare teachers to meet the needs of the society, to encourage public education teachers to design new technologies for e-support; and to employ them in the design of all courses for different disciplines in the different academic stages

    A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Role of Web-Based Collaboration Tools and Instructional Scaffolds in the Facilitation of Team Processes

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    Learning has expanded beyond take-home assignments and lectures. Team-based learning, for instance, supports the extended development of students by offering further education through collaborating with others. This type of learning develops teamwork skills that have become essential skills for students in today’s complex work environment. Furthermore, the use of online collaboration tools in virtual teams adds complexity to the collaboration process. This trend calls for valuable insights related to enhancing online team-based collaboration to ensure team success and learning. Scaffolds provide a promising approach because they support team processes online by providing guidance through the use of tools, activities and artifacts that enable virtual student teams to act as a team in a virtual environment. They effectively facilitate the achievement of goals for teams collaborating remotely. However, the extent and manner in which scaffolds actually support specific team processes such as planning, conflict management and coordination need more exploration. We conducted a qualitative study to explore how the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), activities and artifacts supported three types of team processes (transition, action, and interpersonal). In a semester long engineering project, student teams employed web-based collaboration tools and instructional scaffolds to support their collaborative processes. The scaffolds included training and access to a web-based application including a variety of collaboration tools (file repository, video conference, and discussion board) as well as guided collaborative activities (team profile, team building and team identity development, team charter, project plan and peer evaluation). Twenty five students participated voluntarily in one-on-one interview sessions. Interview transcripts were coded and analyzed through a loose qualitative research design to allow emergent constructs to unfold that are related to the research questions. Other sources of data such as records of online team activities, team charters, class update presentations, individual reflection activities and e-mail exchanges with the professor were also used to triangulate the analysis. The results show that the scaffolds supported all types of team processes. However, emergent constructs related to individual, team and organizational characteristics prevented some of the teams from using some of the scaffolds to support their team processes. These characteristics include lack of initiative, lack of writing skills, task orientation, lack of access to the tool, team turnover, teamwork skills, technology familiarity, and perceived ease of use. These findings support existing theories such as the sociotechnical theory (STS) and adaptive structuration theory (AST). Based on the findings, we identified research and practical implications as well as proposed strategies in the implementation of ICTs and instructional scaffolds in virtual teams