199,008 research outputs found

    A Knowledge Compilation Map

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    We propose a perspective on knowledge compilation which calls for analyzing different compilation approaches according to two key dimensions: the succinctness of the target compilation language, and the class of queries and transformations that the language supports in polytime. We then provide a knowledge compilation map, which analyzes a large number of existing target compilation languages according to their succinctness and their polytime transformations and queries. We argue that such analysis is necessary for placing new compilation approaches within the context of existing ones. We also go beyond classical, flat target compilation languages based on CNF and DNF, and consider a richer, nested class based on directed acyclic graphs (such as OBDDs), which we show to include a relatively large number of target compilation languages

    Math Basics Afterschool Club

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    This is a compilation of Lexi Soukup and Meg Williams’ work as Club Leaders in an Afterschool Club run through the University of Nebraska- Lincoln and YMCA Afterschool Programs titled Math Basics. Our club is an interactive, hands-on math exploration where students are challenged to change their perspective of math, and it is meant to occur once weekly. During this club, we try to challenge their current views of math and expand their knowledge on math concepts they learn in class through activities and games. This is meant to make math FUN! Our compilation of lesson plans are sure to give kids grades K-2 a hands-on, interactive math experience where messing is okay and trying again is expected. Our hope is to share our love of math with the next generation of future leaders in STEM. When equipped with this set of skills, children will form a healthier relationship towards math that may not have been possible without our club. Enjoy

    Algebraic model counting

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    Weighted model counting (WMC) is a well-known inference task on knowledge bases, and the basis for some of the most efficient techniques for probabilistic inference in graphical models. We introduce algebraic model counting (AMC), a generalization of WMC to a semiring structure that provides a unified view on a range of tasks and existing results. We show that AMC generalizes many well-known tasks in a variety of domains such as probabilistic inference, soft constraints and network and database analysis. Furthermore, we investigate AMC from a knowledge compilation perspective and show that all AMC tasks can be evaluated using sd-DNNF circuits, which are strictly more succinct, and thus more efficient to evaluate, than direct representations of sets of models. We identify further characteristics of AMC instances that allow for evaluation on even more succinct circuits

    Knowledge, Food and Place: a way of producing a way of knowing

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    The article examines the dynamics of knowledge in the valorisation of local food, drawing on the results from the CORASON project (A cognitive approach to rural sustainable development: the dynamics of expert and lay knowledge), funded by the EU under its Framework Programme 6. It is based on the analysis of several in-depth case studies on food relocalisation carried out in 10 European countries

    Islamicisation of medicine in the 13th century: a case of Ibn Abī Uṣaibia‘s history of physicians

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    One of the challenges in the Islamization of knowledge project is the absence of a ready approach for integrating the existing disciplines within the Islamic knowledge paradigm. Among the constituents of such an approach is an epistemological framework that defines a discipline to serve as reference for further efforts on the operational level. This study intends to fill this gap with a perspective on Islamic epistemological framework in the field of medicine during the Islamic medieval era. The focus of analysis is on the topic of the origin of medicine and the views of ancient Greek physicians in the compilation entitled ‘Uyūn al-anbā’ fī ṭabaqāt al-aṭibba’ or History of Physicians authored by Ibn ’Abī ’Uṣaibia‘. The study used interpretive textual analysis method to arrive at certain constructs for an Islamic medical epistemological framework from the point of view of the author. The analysis concluded that the perspective of the author on the selected topics was suggestive of possible constructs for an Islamic epistemological framework that can serve as a point of reference for further development of an approach for integrating medical disciplines in the Islamization context

    Team Learning, Development, and Adaptation

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    [Excerpt] Our purpose is to explore conceptually these themes centered on team learning, development, and adaptation. We note at the onset that this chapter is not a comprehensive review of the literature. Indeed, solid conceptual and empirical work on these themes are sparse relative to the vast amount of work on team effectiveness more generally, and therefore a thematic set of topics that are ripe for conceptual development and integration. We draw on an ongoing stream of theory development and research in these areas to integrate and sculpt a distinct perspective on team learning, development, and adaptation

    Communication and rational responsiveness to the world

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    Donald Davidson has long maintained that in order to be credited with the concept of objectivity – and, so, with language and thought – it is necessary to communicate with at least one other speaker. I here examine Davidson’s central argument for this thesis and argue that it is unsuccessful. Subsequently, I turn to Robert Brandom’s defense of the thesis in Making It Explicit. I argue that, contrary to Brandom, in order to possess the concept of objectivity it is not necessary to engage in the practice of interpersonal reasoning because possession of the concept is independently integral to the practice of intrapersonal reasoning