68 research outputs found

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationStencil computations are operations on structured grids. They are frequently found in partial differential equation solvers, making their performance critical to a range of scientific applications. On modern architectures where data movement costs dominate computation, optimizing stencil computations is a challenging task. Typically, domain scientists must reduce and orchestrate data movement to tackle the memory bandwidth and latency bottlenecks. Furthermore, optimized code must map efficiently to ever increasing parallelism on a chip. This dissertation studies several stencils with varying arithmetic intensities, thus requiring contrasting optimization strategies. Stencils traditionally have low arithmetic intensity, making their performance limited by memory bandwidth. Contemporary higher-order stencils are designed to require smaller grids, hence less memory, but are bound by increased floating-point operations. This dissertation develops communication-avoiding optimizations to reduce data movement in memory-bound stencils. For higher-order stencils, a novel transformation, partial sums, is designed to reduce the number of floating-point operations and improve register reuse. These optimizations are implemented in a compiler framework, which is further extended to generate parallel code targeting multicores and graphics processor units (GPUs). The augmented compiler framework is then combined with autotuning to productively address stencil optimization challenges. Autotuning explores a search space of possible implementations of a computation to find the optimal code for an execution context. In this dissertation, autotuning is used to compose sequences of optimizations to drive the augmented compiler framework. This compiler-directed autotuning approach is used to optimize stencils in the context of a linear solver, Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG uses sequences of stencil computations, and presents greater optimization challenges than isolated stencils, as interactions between stencils must also be considered. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated by comparing the performance of generated code against manually tuned code, over commercial compiler-generated code, and against analytic performance bounds. Generated code outperforms manually optimized codes on multicores and GPUs. Against Intel's compiler on multicores, generated code achieves up to 4x speedup for stencils, and 3x for the solver. On GPUs, generated code achieves 80% of an analytically computed performance bound

    From Physics Model to Results: An Optimizing Framework for Cross-Architecture Code Generation

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    Starting from a high-level problem description in terms of partial differential equations using abstract tensor notation, the Chemora framework discretizes, optimizes, and generates complete high performance codes for a wide range of compute architectures. Chemora extends the capabilities of Cactus, facilitating the usage of large-scale CPU/GPU systems in an efficient manner for complex applications, without low-level code tuning. Chemora achieves parallelism through MPI and multi-threading, combining OpenMP and CUDA. Optimizations include high-level code transformations, efficient loop traversal strategies, dynamically selected data and instruction cache usage strategies, and JIT compilation of GPU code tailored to the problem characteristics. The discretization is based on higher-order finite differences on multi-block domains. Chemora's capabilities are demonstrated by simulations of black hole collisions. This problem provides an acid test of the framework, as the Einstein equations contain hundreds of variables and thousands of terms.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Scientific Programmin

    Automatic code generation and tuning for stencil kernels on modern shared memory architectures

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    In this paper, we present Patus, a code generation and auto-tuning framework for stencil computations targeted at multi- and manycore processors, such as multicore CPUs and graphics processing units. Patus, which stands for "Parallel Autotuned Stencils,” generates a compute kernel from a specification of the stencil operation and a strategy which describes the parallelization and optimization to be applied, and leverages the autotuning methodology to optimize strategy-specific parameters for the given hardware architectur

    High Performance Code Generation for Stencil Computation on Heterogeneous Multi-device Architectures

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    International audienceHeterogeneous architectures have been widely used in the domain of high performance computing. On one hand, it allows a designer to use multiple types of computing units and each able to execute the tasks that it is best suited for to increase performance; on the other hand, it brings many challenges in programming for novice users, especially for heterogeneous systems with multi-devices. In this paper, we propose the code generator STEPOCL that generates OpenCL host program for heterogeneous multi-device architecture. In order to simplify the analyzing process, we ask user to provide the description of input and kernel parameters in an XML file, then our generator analyzes the description and generates automatically the host program. Due to the data partition and data exchange strategies, the generated host program can be executed on multi-devices without changing any kernel code. The experiment of iterative stencil loop code (ISL) shows that our tool is efficient. It guarantees the minimum data exchanges and achieves high performance on heterogeneous multi-device architecture

    Persistent Kernels for Iterative Memory-bound GPU Applications

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    Iterative memory-bound solvers commonly occur in HPC codes. Typical GPU implementations have a loop on the host side that invokes the GPU kernel as much as time/algorithm steps there are. The termination of each kernel implicitly acts as the barrier required after advancing the solution every time step. We propose a scheme for running memory-bound iterative GPU kernels: PERsistent KernelS (PERKS). In this scheme the time loop is moved inside a persistent kernel, and device-wide barriers are used for synchronization. We then reduce the traffic to device memory by caching a subset of the output in each time step in registers and shared memory to be used as input for the following time step. PERKS can be generalized to any iterative solver: they are largely independent of the solver's implementation. We explain the design principle of PERKS and demonstrate the effectiveness of PERKS for a wide range of iterative 2D/3D stencil benchmarks (geometric mean speedup of 2.292.29x in small domains and 1.531.53x in large domains), and a Krylov subspace solver (geometric mean speedup of 4.674.67x in smaller SpMV datasets from SuiteSparse and 1.391.39x in larger SpMV datasets, for conjugate gradient)

    Accelerating Stencil Computation on GPGPU by Novel Mapping Method Between the Global Memory and the Shared Memory

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    Acceleration of stencil computation can be effectively improved by utilizing the memory resource. In this paper, in order to reduce the branch divergence of traditional mapping method between the global memory and the shared memory, we devise a new mapping mechanism in which the conditional statements loading the boundary stencil computation points in every XY-tile are removed by aligning ghost zone to reduce the synchronization overhead. In addition, we make full use of single XY-tile loaded into registers in every stencil computation point, common sub-expression elimination and software prefetching to reduce overhead. At last detailed performance evaluation demonstrates our optimized policies are close to optimal in terms of memory bandwidth utilization and achieve higher performance of stencil computation
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