2,191 research outputs found

    An Ejectable Data Recorder Subsystem for the Ascent Abort-2 Test Flight of the Orion Launch Abort System

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    The Ejectable Data Record (EDR) subsystem was a unique development opportunity at NASA with challenges that necessitated innovation. EDR employed a skunkworks development approach in which we designed, built, and delivered 47 end items, not including ground support equipment. We used as many COTS components as possible, we looked for process efficiencies to meet our tight deadlines, and the EDR team was involved in the flight operations of the AA-2 test flight and responsible for the recovery operations of the ejected payloads. This paper will discuss the design and development of the EDR subsystem, as well as the results of the system performance during the AA-2 test flight

    Greening Multi-Tenant Data Center Demand Response

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    Data centers have emerged as promising resources for demand response, particularly for emergency demand response (EDR), which saves the power grid from incurring blackouts during emergency situations. However, currently, data centers typically participate in EDR by turning on backup (diesel) generators, which is both expensive and environmentally unfriendly. In this paper, we focus on "greening" demand response in multi-tenant data centers, i.e., colocation data centers, by designing a pricing mechanism through which the data center operator can efficiently extract load reductions from tenants during emergency periods to fulfill energy reduction requirement for EDR. In particular, we propose a pricing mechanism for both mandatory and voluntary EDR programs, ColoEDR, that is based on parameterized supply function bidding and provides provably near-optimal efficiency guarantees, both when tenants are price-taking and when they are price-anticipating. In addition to analytic results, we extend the literature on supply function mechanism design, and evaluate ColoEDR using trace-based simulation studies. These validate the efficiency analysis and conclude that the pricing mechanism is both beneficial to the environment and to the data center operator (by decreasing the need for backup diesel generation), while also aiding tenants (by providing payments for load reductions).Comment: 34 pages, 6 figure

    The End of Slow Networks: It's Time for a Redesign

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    Next generation high-performance RDMA-capable networks will require a fundamental rethinking of the design and architecture of modern distributed DBMSs. These systems are commonly designed and optimized under the assumption that the network is the bottleneck: the network is slow and "thin", and thus needs to be avoided as much as possible. Yet this assumption no longer holds true. With InfiniBand FDR 4x, the bandwidth available to transfer data across network is in the same ballpark as the bandwidth of one memory channel, and it increases even further with the most recent EDR standard. Moreover, with the increasing advances of RDMA, the latency improves similarly fast. In this paper, we first argue that the "old" distributed database design is not capable of taking full advantage of the network. Second, we propose architectural redesigns for OLTP, OLAP and advanced analytical frameworks to take better advantage of the improved bandwidth, latency and RDMA capabilities. Finally, for each of the workload categories, we show that remarkable performance improvements can be achieved

    On the Enhancement of Remote GPU Virtualization in High Performance Clusters

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    Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are being adopted in many computing facilities given their extraordinary computing power, which makes it possible to accelerate many general purpose applications from different domains. However, GPUs also present several side effects, such as increased acquisition costs as well as larger space requirements. They also require more powerful energy supplies. Furthermore, GPUs still consume some amount of energy while idle and their utilization is usually low for most workloads. In a similar way to virtual machines, the use of virtual GPUs may address the aforementioned concerns. In this regard, the remote GPU virtualization mechanism allows an application being executed in a node of the cluster to transparently use the GPUs installed at other nodes. Moreover, this technique allows to share the GPUs present in the computing facility among the applications being executed in the cluster. In this way, several applications being executed in different (or the same) cluster nodes can share one or more GPUs located in other nodes of the cluster. Sharing GPUs should increase overall GPU utilization, thus reducing the negative impact of the side effects mentioned before. Reducing the total amount of GPUs installed in the cluster may also be possible. In this dissertation we enhance one framework offering remote GPU virtualization capabilities, referred to as rCUDA, for its use in high-performance clusters. While the initial prototype version of rCUDA demonstrated its functionality, it also revealed concerns with respect to usability, performance, and support for new GPU features, which prevented its used in production environments. These issues motivated this thesis, in which all the research is primarily conducted with the aim of turning rCUDA into a production-ready solution for eventually transferring it to industry. The new version of rCUDA resulting from this work presents a reduction of up to 35% in execution time of the applications analyzed with respect to the initial version. Compared to the use of local GPUs, the overhead of this new version of rCUDA is below 5% for the applications studied when using the latest high-performance computing networks available.Las unidades de procesamiento gráfico (Graphics Processing Units, GPUs) están siendo utilizadas en muchas instalaciones de computación dada su extraordinaria capacidad de cálculo, la cual hace posible acelerar muchas aplicaciones de propósito general de diferentes dominios. Sin embargo, las GPUs también presentan algunas desventajas, como el aumento de los costos de adquisición, así como mayores requerimientos de espacio. Asimismo, también requieren un suministro de energía más potente. Además, las GPUs consumen una cierta cantidad de energía aún estando inactivas, y su utilización suele ser baja para la mayoría de las cargas de trabajo. De manera similar a las máquinas virtuales, el uso de GPUs virtuales podría hacer frente a los inconvenientes mencionados. En este sentido, el mecanismo de virtualización remota de GPUs permite que una aplicación que se ejecuta en un nodo de un clúster utilice de forma transparente las GPUs instaladas en otros nodos de dicho clúster. Además, esta técnica permite compartir las GPUs presentes en el clúster entre las aplicaciones que se ejecutan en el mismo. De esta manera, varias aplicaciones que se ejecutan en diferentes nodos de clúster (o los mismos) pueden compartir una o más GPUs ubicadas en otros nodos del clúster. Compartir GPUs aumenta la utilización general de la GPU, reduciendo así el impacto negativo de las desventajas anteriormente mencionadas. De igual forma, este mecanismo también permite reducir la cantidad total de GPUs instaladas en el clúster. En esta tesis mejoramos un entorno de trabajo llamado rCUDA, el cual ofrece funcionalidades de virtualización remota de GPUs para su uso en clusters de altas prestaciones. Si bien la versión inicial del prototipo de rCUDA demostró su funcionalidad, también reveló dificultades con respecto a la usabilidad, el rendimiento y el soporte para nuevas características de las GPUs, lo cual impedía su uso en entornos de producción. Estas consideraciones motivaron la presente tesis, en la que toda la investigación llevada a cabo tiene como objetivo principal convertir rCUDA en una solución lista para su uso entornos de producción, con la finalidad de transferirla eventualmente a la industria. La nueva versión de rCUDA resultante de este trabajo presenta una reducción de hasta el 35% en el tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones analizadas con respecto a la versión inicial. En comparación con el uso de GPUs locales, la sobrecarga de esta nueva versión de rCUDA es inferior al 5% para las aplicaciones estudiadas cuando se utilizan las últimas redes de computación de altas prestaciones disponibles.Les unitats de processament gràfic (Graphics Processing Units, GPUs) estan sent utilitzades en moltes instal·lacions de computació donada la seva extraordinària capacitat de càlcul, la qual fa possible accelerar moltes aplicacions de propòsit general de diferents dominis. No obstant això, les GPUs també presenten alguns desavantatges, com l'augment dels costos d'adquisició, així com major requeriment d'espai. Així mateix, també requereixen un subministrament d'energia més potent. A més, les GPUs consumeixen una certa quantitat d'energia encara estant inactives, i la seua utilització sol ser baixa per a la majoria de les càrregues de treball. D'una manera semblant a les màquines virtuals, l'ús de GPUs virtuals podria fer front als inconvenients esmentats. En aquest sentit, el mecanisme de virtualització remota de GPUs permet que una aplicació que s'executa en un node d'un clúster utilitze de forma transparent les GPUs instal·lades en altres nodes d'aquest clúster. A més, aquesta tècnica permet compartir les GPUs presents al clúster entre les aplicacions que s'executen en el mateix. D'aquesta manera, diverses aplicacions que s'executen en diferents nodes de clúster (o els mateixos) poden compartir una o més GPUs ubicades en altres nodes del clúster. Compartir GPUs augmenta la utilització general de la GPU, reduint així l'impacte negatiu dels desavantatges anteriorment esmentades. A més a més, aquest mecanisme també permet reduir la quantitat total de GPUs instal·lades al clúster. En aquesta tesi millorem un entorn de treball anomenat rCUDA, el qual ofereix funcionalitats de virtualització remota de GPUs per al seu ús en clústers d'altes prestacions. Si bé la versió inicial del prototip de rCUDA va demostrar la seua funcionalitat, també va revelar dificultats pel que fa a la usabilitat, el rendiment i el suport per a noves característiques de les GPUs, la qual cosa impedia el seu ús en entorns de producció. Aquestes consideracions van motivar la present tesi, en què tota la investigació duta a terme té com a objectiu principal convertir rCUDA en una solució preparada per al seu ús entorns de producció, amb la finalitat de transferir-la eventualment a la indústria. La nova versió de rCUDA resultant d'aquest treball presenta una reducció de fins al 35% en el temps d'execució de les aplicacions analitzades respecte a la versió inicial. En comparació amb l'ús de GPUs locals, la sobrecàrrega d'aquesta nova versió de rCUDA és inferior al 5% per a les aplicacions estudiades quan s'utilitzen les últimes xarxes de computació d'altes prestacions disponibles.Reaño González, C. (2017). On the Enhancement of Remote GPU Virtualization in High Performance Clusters [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86219TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Data processing of high-rate low-voltage distribution grid recordings for smart grid monitoring and analysis

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    Power networks will change from a rigid hierarchic architecture to dynamic interconnected smart grids. In traditional power grids, the frequency is the controlled quantity to maintain supply and load power balance. Thereby, high rotating mass inertia ensures for stability. In the future, system stability will have to rely more on real-time measurements and sophisticated control, especially when integrating fluctuating renewable power sources or high-load consumers like electrical vehicles to the low-voltage distribution grid. In the present contribution, we describe a data processing network for the in-house developed low-voltage, high-rate measurement devices called electrical data recorder (EDR). These capture units are capable of sending the full high-rate acquisition data for permanent storage in a large-scale database. The EDR network is specifically designed to serve for reliable and secured transport of large data, live performance monitoring, and deep data mining. We integrate dedicated different interfaces for statistical evaluation, big data queries, comparative analysis, and data integrity tests in order to provide a wide range of useful post-processing methods for smart grid analysis. We implemented the developed EDR network architecture for high-rate measurement data processing and management at different locations in the power grid of our Institute. The system runs stable and successfully collects data since several years. The results of the implemented evaluation functionalities show the feasibility of the implemented methods for signal processing, in view of enhanced smart grid operation. © 2015, Maaß et al.; licensee Springer

    Design and Simulation Analysis of Deep Learning Based Approaches and Multi-Attribute Algorithms for Warehouse Task Selection

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    With the growth and adoption of global supply chains and internet technologies, warehouse operations have become more demanding. Particularly, the number of orders being processed over a given time frame is drastically increasing, leading to more work content. This makes operational tasks, such as material retrieval and storage, done manually more inefficient. To improve system-level warehouse efficiency, collaborating Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) are needed. Several design challenges encompass an AV, some critical aspects are navigation, path planning, obstacle avoidance, task selection decisions, communication, and control systems. The current study addresses the warehouse task selection problem given a dynamic pending task list and considering multiple attributes: distance, traffic, collaboration, and due date, using situational decision-making approaches. The study includes the design and analysis of two situational decision-making approaches for multi-attribute dynamic warehouse task selection: Deep Learning Approach for Multi-Attribute Task Selection (DLT) and Situation based Greedy (SGY) algorithm that uses a traditional algorithmic approach. The two approaches are designed and analyzed in the current work. Further, they are evaluated using a simulation-based experiment. The results show that both the DLT and SGY have potential and are effective in comparison to the earliest due date first and shortest travel distance-based rules in addressing the multi-attribute task selection needs of a warehouse operation under the given experimental conditions and trade-offs

    Noninvasive Physiological Measures And Workload Transitions:an Investigation Of Thresholds Using Multiple Synchronized Sensors

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    The purpose of this study is to determine under what conditions multiple minimally intrusive physiological sensors can be used together and validly applied for use in areas which rely on adaptive systems including adaptive automation and augmented cognition. Specifically, this dissertation investigated the physiological transitions of operator state caused by changes in the level of taskload. Three questions were evaluated including (1) Do differences exist between physiological indicators when examined between levels of difficulty? (2) Are differences of physiological indicators (which may exist) between difficulty levels affected by spatial ability? (3) Which physiological indicators (if any) account for variation in performance on a spatial task with varying difficulty levels? The Modular Cognitive State Gauge model was presented and used to determine which basic physiological sensors (EEG, ECG, EDR and eye-tracking) could validly assess changes in the utilization of two-dimensional spatial resources required to perform a spatial ability dependent task. Thirty-six volunteers (20 female, 16 male) wore minimally invasive physiological sensing devices while executing a challenging computer based puzzle task. Specifically, participants were tested with two measures of spatial ability, received training, a practice session, an experimental trial and completed a subjective workload survey. The results of this experiment confirmed that participants with low spatial ability reported higher subjective workload and performed poorer when compared to those with high spatial ability. Additionally, there were significant changes for a majority of the physiological indicators between two difficulty levels and most importantly three measures (EEG, ECG and eye-tracking) were shown to account for variability in performance on the spatial task

    Avanzando en la sostenibilidad del nexo agua-energía. Optimización de la recuperación de energía de gradientes salinos mediante electrodiálisis reversa

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    La energía del gradiente salino (EGS) es una fuente renovable abundante ampliamente desaprovechada para complementar y diversificar el mix energético actual, intensivo en emisiones y uso de agua, y apoyar la sostenibilidad y circularidad del, intensivo en energía, sector del agua. Esta tesis doctoral propone un marco metodológico para avanzar en el diseño óptimo en costes y medioambientalmente sostenible del proceso electrodiálisis reversa (EDR) en la recuperación de EGS de corrientes residuales del sector del agua. Este marco integra un modelo matemático del dispositivo EDR validado experimentalmente, una caracterización medioambiental mediante análisis de ciclo de vida, y un modelo de programación disyuntivo generalizado para la optimización de sistemas EDR a gran escala implementados en plantas desaladoras o estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales. La herramienta de diseño propuesta puede ser de interés en del proceso de toma de decisiones que apoye la promoción y despliegue comercial de la EDR.Salinity gradient energy (SGE) is a vast yet largely untapped renewable source for complementing and diversifying the current carbon- and water-intensive energy mix and supporting the sustainability and circularity of the energy-intensive water sector. This doctoral thesis proposes a methodological framework for advancing the cost-optimal and environmentally sustainable design of reverse electrodialysis (RED) process for SGE recovery from waste streams in the water sector. This framework combines an experimentally validated mathematical model of the RED device, an environmental characterization through life cycle assessment, and a generalized disjunctive programming model to optimize large-scale RED systems deployed in desalination plants or wastewater treatment plants. The proposed design tool may be of interest in the decision-making process that supports the promotion and commercial deployment of RED technology.This research was financially supported through the R&D Projects CTM2017-87850-R and RTI2018-093310-B-I00 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, the R&D Project PDC2021-120786-I00 funded by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR, the R&D Project RM16-XX-046- SODERCAN/FEDER funded by SODERCAN, and the R&D Project LIFE19 ENV/ES/000143 funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. Carolina Tristán acknowledges the financial support from the research fellowship PRE2018-086454 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/501100011033) and “ESF Investing in your future”