39 research outputs found

    A review on design of upper limb exoskeletons

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    RABBIT: A Robot-Assisted Bed Bathing System with Multimodal Perception and Integrated Compliance

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    This paper introduces RABBIT, a novel robot-assisted bed bathing system designed to address the growing need for assistive technologies in personal hygiene tasks. It combines multimodal perception and dual (software and hardware) compliance to perform safe and comfortable physical human-robot interaction. Using RGB and thermal imaging to segment dry, soapy, and wet skin regions accurately, RABBIT can effectively execute washing, rinsing, and drying tasks in line with expert caregiving practices. Our system includes custom-designed motion primitives inspired by human caregiving techniques, and a novel compliant end-effector called Scrubby, optimized for gentle and effective interactions. We conducted a user study with 12 participants, including one participant with severe mobility limitations, demonstrating the system's effectiveness and perceived comfort. Supplementary material and videos can be found on our website https://emprise.cs.cornell.edu/rabbit.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, 19th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI

    Human–Robot Role Arbitration via Differential Game Theory

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    The industry needs controllers that allow smooth and natural physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI) to make production scenarios more flexible and user-friendly. Within this context, particularly interesting is Role Arbitration, which is the mechanism that assigns the role of the leader to either the human or the robot. This paper investigates Game-Theory (GT) to model pHRI, and specifically, Cooperative Game Theory (CGT) and Non-Cooperative Game Theory (NCGT) are considered. This work proposes a possible solution to the Role Arbitration problem and defines a Role Arbitration framework based on differential game theory to allow pHRI. The proposed method can allow trajectory deformation according to human will, avoiding reaching dangerous situations such as collisions with environmental features, robot joints and workspace limits, and possibly safety constraints. Three sets of experiments are proposed to evaluate different situations and compared with two other standard methods for pHRI, the Impedance Control, and the Manual Guidance. Experiments show that with our Role Arbitration method, different situations can be handled safely and smoothly with a low human effort. In particular, the performances of the IMP and MG vary according to the task. In some cases, MG performs well, and IMP does not. In some others, IMP performs excellently, and MG does not. The proposed Role Arbitration controller performs well in all the cases, showing its superiority and generality. The proposed method generally requires less force and ensures better accuracy in performing all tasks than standard controllers. Note to Practitioners—This work presents a method that allows role arbitration for physical Human-Robot Interaction, motivated by the need to adjust the role of leader/follower in a shared task according to the specific phase of the task or the knowledge of one of the two agents. This method suits applications such as object co-transportation, which requires final precise positioning but allows some trajectory deformation on the fly. It can also handle situations where the carried obstacle occludes human sight, and the robot helps the human to avoid possible environmental obstacles and position the objects at the target pose precisely. Currently, this method does not consider external contact, which is likely to arise in many situations. Future studies will investigate the modeling and detection of external contacts to include them in the interaction models this work addresses

    Robotics in health care: Perspectives of robot-aided interventions in clinical practice for rehabilitation of upper limbs

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Rehabilitation Robotics: Recent Advancements and New Perspectives about Training and Assessment of Sensorimotor Functions.Robot-aided systems to support the physical rehabilitation of individuals with neurological impairment is one of the fields that has been widely developed in the last few decades. However, the adoption of these systems in clinical practice remains limited. In order to better understanding the causes of this limitation, a systematic review of robot-based systems focused on upper extremity rehabilitation is presented in this paper. A systematic search and review of related articles in the literature were conducted. The chosen works were analyzed according to the type of device, the data analysis capability, the therapy method, the human–robot interaction, the safety strategies, and the focus of treatment. As a conclusion, self-adaptation for personalizing the treatments, safeguarding and enhancing of patient–robot interaction towards training essential factors of movement generation into the same paradigm, or the use of lifelike environments in fully-immersive virtual reality for increasing the assimilation of motor gains could be relevant factors to develop more accepted robot-aided systems in clinical practice.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness via the ROBOESPASproject (DPI2017-87562-C2-1-R) and in part by the RoboCity2030-DIH-CMMadrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub ("Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, Fase IV"; S2018/NMT-4331), which is funded by the Programas de Actividades I+DComunidad de Madrid and cofunded by the Structural Funds of the EU

    Robotic Platforms for Assistance to People with Disabilities

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    People with congenital and/or acquired disabilities constitute a great number of dependents today. Robotic platforms to help people with disabilities are being developed with the aim of providing both rehabilitation treatment and assistance to improve their quality of life. A high demand for robotic platforms that provide assistance during rehabilitation is expected because of the health status of the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has resulted in countries facing major challenges to ensure the health and autonomy of their disabled population. Robotic platforms are necessary to ensure assistance and rehabilitation for disabled people in the current global situation. The capacity of robotic platforms in this area must be continuously improved to benefit the healthcare sector in terms of chronic disease prevention, assistance, and autonomy. For this reason, research about human–robot interaction in these robotic assistance environments must grow and advance because this topic demands sensitive and intelligent robotic platforms that are equipped with complex sensory systems, high handling functionalities, safe control strategies, and intelligent computer vision algorithms. This Special Issue has published eight papers covering recent advances in the field of robotic platforms to assist disabled people in daily or clinical environments. The papers address innovative solutions in this field, including affordable assistive robotics devices, new techniques in computer vision for intelligent and safe human–robot interaction, and advances in mobile manipulators for assistive tasks

    Operator Impedance During Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Estimation and Validation

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    As the frequency and complexity of physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) increases, so does the need to understand the dynamics of this coupled system in real-time. For haptic displays, which provide information to our senses of touch and proprioception, information regarding the human impedance and intent can drastically improve transparency while maintaining operator safety. Numerous online impedance estimators have been proposed in the literature which make continuous approximations of the coupled dynamics available online, obviating the need for perturbations or cumbersome sensors. However, character- izing and validating the performance of these estimators for pHRI is challenging, since it requires precise knowledge of known, time-varying reference impedances. This thesis explores the characterization of online impedance estimators using two serial manipulators (known as the BURT system), coupled at their end effectors, to physically simulate pHRI. One acts as the human, displaying a reference impedance relative to a desired trajectory, while the other runs the estimation algorithm and tracks a perturbing trajectory. Several least-squared impedance estimation strategies from the literature are validated on the experimental setup, demonstrating its efficacy and utility. The importance of accounting for the desired human trajectory is highlighted, and future research to apply results from the field of human motor control is proposed. A bimanual circle-drawing sensorimotor experiment was also conducted with the BURT systsem. Visual feedback on the task performance was withdrawn from one hand at a time and relationships between subject handedness, visual feedback, tracing speed, and circu- larity were studied. Results show that the non-dominant hand tends to trace less circular trajectories than the dominant hand while both are visible, but inconsistent differences in circularity are present across participants when comparing the performance of each hand in its invisible condition. Both hands showed higher tracing speed when only a single hand was receiving visual feedback, and traced more slowly in the free visual condition

    Smart Exercise Adaptive Control of a Three Degree of Freedom Upper-limb Manipulator Robot

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    An adaptive velocity field controller for robotic manipulators is proposed in this thesis. The control objective is to cause the user to exercise in a manner that optimizes a criterion related to the user’s mechanical power. The control structure allows for passive user-manipulator physical interaction while the adaptive algorithm identifies the user’s biomechanical characteristics as a linear Hill based force-velocity curve defined at each pose of a repetitive exercise motion i.e. a Hill surface. The study of such a surface allows for the characterization of maximal effort exercise tasks and subsequently the control of exercises that is unique to each user. This allows for the intelligent characterization of a user’s abilities such that repetitive exercises defined by velocity fields can be safely performed. Such a study involving a 3DOF manipulator operating in full 3D has not been conducted in literature to the best of author’s knowledge. The proposed control structure is verified through experimentation on a unimanual setup of the BURT rehabilitation manipulator system involving a single user. The manipulator system includes friction, actuator/sensor noise, and unmodelled dynamics

    Adapting robot behavior to user preferences in assistive scenarios

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el 24 de juliol de 2020Robotic assistants have inspired numerous books and science fiction movies. In the real world, these kinds of devices are a growing need in amongst the elderly, who while life continue requiring more assistance. While life expectancy is increasing, life quality is not necessarily doing so. Thus, we may find ourselves and our loved ones being dependent and needing another person to perform the most basic tasks, which has a strong psychological impact. Accordingly, assistive robots may be the definitive tool to give more quality of life by empowering dependent people and extending their independent living. Assisting users to perform daily activities requires adapting to them and their needs, as they might not be able to adapt to the robot. This thesis tackles adaptation and personalization issues through user preferences. We 'focus on physical tasks that involve close contact, as these present interesting challenges, and are of great importance for he user. Therefore, three tasks are mainly used throughout the thesis: assistive feeding, shoe fitting, and jacket dressing. We first describe a framework for robot behavior adaptation that illustrates how robots should be personalized for and by end- users or their assistants. Using this framework, non-technical users determine how !he robot should behave. Then, we define the concept of preference for assistive robotics scenarios and establish a taxonomy, which includes hierarchies and groups of preferences, grounding definitions and concepts. We then show how the preferences in the taxonomy are used with Al planning systems to adapt the robot behavior to the preferences of the user obtained from simple questions. Our algorithms allow for long-term adaptations as well as to cope with misinformed user models. We further integrate the methods with low-level motion primitives that provide a more robust adaptation and behavior while lowering the number of needed actions and demonstrations. Moreover, we perform a deeper analysis in Planning and preferences with the introduction of new algorithms to provide preference suggestions in planning domains. The thesis then concludes with a user study that evaluates the use of the preferences in the three real assistive robotics scenarios. The experiments show a clear understanding of the preferences of users, who were able to assess the impact of their preferences on the behavior of the robot. In summary, we provide tools and algorithms to design the robotic assistants of the future. Assistants that should be able to adapt to the assisted user needs and preferences, just as human assistants do nowadays.Els assistents robòtics han inspirat nombrosos llibres i pel·lícules de ciència-ficció al llarg de la història. Però tornant al món real, aquest tipus de dispositius s'estan tornant una necessitat per a una societat que envelleix a un ritme ràpid i que, per tant, requerirà més i més assistència. Mentre l'esperança de vida augmenta, la qualitat de vida no necessàriament ho fa. Per tant, ens podem trobar a nosaltres mateixos i als nostres estimats en una situació de dependència, necessitant una altra persona per poder fer les tasques més bàsiques, cosa que té un gran impacte psicològic. En conseqüència, els robots assistencials poden ser l'eina definitiva per proporcionar una millor qualitat de vida empoderant els usuaris i allargant la seva capacitat de viure independentment. L'assistència a persones per realitzar tasques diàries requereix adaptar-se a elles i les seves necessitats, donat que aquests usuaris no poden adaptar-se al robot. En aquesta tesi, abordem el problema de l'adaptació i la personalització d'un robot mitjançant preferències de l'usuari. Ens centrem en tasques físiques, que involucren contacte amb la persona, per les seves dificultats i importància per a l'usuari. Per aquest motiu, la tesi utilitzarà principalment tres tasques com a exemple: donar menjar, posar una sabata i vestir una jaqueta. Comencem definint un marc (framework) per a la personalització del comportament del robot que defineix com s'han de personalitzar els robots per usuaris i pels seus assistents. Amb aquest marc, usuaris sense coneixements tècnics són capaços de definir com s'ha de comportar el robot. Posteriorment definim el concepte de preferència per a robots assistencials i establim una taxonomia que inclou jerarquies i grups de preferències, els quals fonamenten les definicions i conceptes. Després mostrem com les preferències de la taxonomia s'utilitzen amb sistemes planificadors amb IA per adaptar el comportament del robot a les preferències de l'usuari, que s'obtenen mitjançant preguntes simples. Els nostres algorismes permeten l'adaptació a llarg termini, així com fer front a models d'usuari mal inferits. Aquests mètodes són integrats amb primitives a baix nivell que proporcionen una adaptació i comportament més robusts a la mateixa vegada que disminueixen el nombre d'accions i demostracions necessàries. També fem una anàlisi més profunda de l'ús de les preferències amb planificadors amb la introducció de nous algorismes per fer suggeriments de preferències en dominis de planificació. La tesi conclou amb un estudi amb usuaris que avalua l'ús de les preferències en les tres tasques assistencials. Els experiments demostren un clar enteniment de les preferències per part dels usuaris, que van ser capaços de discernir quan les seves preferències eren utilitzades. En resum, proporcionem eines i algorismes per dissenyar els assistents robòtics del futur. Uns assistents que haurien de ser capaços d'adaptar-se a les preferències i necessitats de l'usuari que assisteixen, tal com els assistents humans fan avui en dia.Postprint (published version