15,747 research outputs found

    Timing Measurement Platform for Arbitrary Black-Box Circuits Based on Transition Probability

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    Testing self-timed circuits using partial scan

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    Journal ArticleThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing both the control and data path parts of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. Compared with other proposed test methods for testing control paths in self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage under a stuck-at input model than methods using self-checking properties, and requires fewer storage elements to be made scanable than full scan approaches with similar fault coverage. A new method is proposed to test the sequential network in the control path in this partial scan environment. The partial scan approach has also been applied to datapaths, where structural analysis is used to select which latches should be made scannable to break cycles in the circuit. Experimental data is presented to show that high fault coverage is possible using this method with only a subset of storage elements in the control and data paths being made scannable

    A partial scan methodology for testing self-timed circuits

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    technical reportThis paper presents a partial scan method for testing control sections of macromodule based self-timed circuits for stuck-at faults. In comparison with other proposed test methods for self-timed circuits, this technique offers better fault coverage than methods using self-checking techniques, and requires fewer storage elements to be made scannable than full scan approaches with similar fault coverage. A new method is proposed to test the sequential network in this partial scan environment. Experimental data is presented to show that high fault coverage is possible using this method with only a subset of storage elements being made scannable

    Integral equation mei applied to three-dimensional arbitrary surfaces

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    The authors present a new formulation of the integral equation of the measured equation of invariance (MEI) as a confined field integral equation discretised by the method of moments, in which the use of numerically derived testing functions results in an approximately sparse linear system with storage memory requirements and a CPU time for computing the matrix coefficients proportional to the number of unknowns.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Design for testability of a latch-based design

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    Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to decrease the area of digital logic in a power management integrated circuit (PMIC), by replacing selected flip-flops with latches. The thesis consists of a theory part, that provides background theory for the thesis, and a practical part, that presents a latch register design and design for testability (DFT) method for achieving an acceptable level of manufacturing fault coverage for it. The total area was decreased by replacing flip-flops of read-write and one-time programmable registers with latches. One set of negative level active primary latches were shared with all the positive level active latch registers in the same register bank. Clock gating was used to select which latch register the write data was loaded to from the primary latches. The latches were made transparent during the shift operation of partial scan testing. The observability of the latch register clock gating logic was improved by leaving the first bit of each latch register as a flip-flop. The controllability was improved by inserting control points. The latch register design, developed in this thesis, resulted in a total area decrease of 5% and a register bank area decrease of 15% compared to a flip-flop-based reference design. The latch register design manages to maintain the same stuck-at fault coverage as the reference design.SalpaperÀisen piirin testattavuuden suunnittelu. TiivistelmÀ. TÀmÀn opinnÀytetyön tarkoituksena oli pienentÀÀ digitaalisen logiikan pinta-alaa integroidussa tehonhallintapiirissÀ, korvaamalla valitut kiikut salpapiireillÀ. OpinnÀytetyö koostuu teoriaosasta, joka antaa taustatietoa opinnÀytetyölle, ja kÀytÀnnön osuudesta, jossa esitellÀÀn salparekisteripiiri ja testattavuussuunnittelun menetelmÀ, jolla saavutettiin riittÀvÀn hyvÀ virhekattavuus salparekisteripiirille. Kokonaispinta-alaa pienennettiin korvaamalla luku-kirjoitusrekistereiden ja kerran ohjelmoitavien rekistereiden kiikut salpapiireillÀ. Yhdet negatiivisella tasolla aktiiviset isÀntÀ-salpapiirit jaettiin kaikkien samassa rekisteripankissa olevien positiivisella tasolla aktiivisten salparekistereiden kanssa. Kellon portittamisella valittiin mihin salparekisteriin kirjoitusdata ladattiin yhteisistÀ isÀntÀ-salpapireistÀ. Osittaisessa testipolkuihin perustuvassa testauksessa salpapiirit tehtiin lÀpinÀkyviksi siirtooperaation aikana. Salparekisterin kellon portituslogiikan havaittavuutta parannettiin jÀttÀmÀllÀ jokaisen salparekisterin ensimmÀinen bitti kiikuksi. Ohjattavuutta parannettiin lisÀÀmÀllÀ ohjauspisteitÀ. Salparekisteripiiri, joka suunniteltiin tÀssÀ diplomityössÀ, pienensi kokonaispinta-alaa 5 % ja rekisteripankin pinta-alaa 15 % verrattuna kiikkuperÀiseen vertailupiiriin. Salparekisteripiiri onnistuu pitÀmÀÀn saman juuttumisvikamallin virhekattavuuden kuin vertailupiiri

    Bridging the Testing Speed Gap: Design for Delay Testability

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    The economic testing of high-speed digital ICs is becoming increasingly problematic. Even advanced, expensive testers are not always capable of testing these ICs because of their high-speed limitations. This paper focuses on a design for delay testability technique such that high-speed ICs can be tested using inexpensive, low-speed ATE. Also extensions for possible full BIST of delay faults are addresse

    ACT: A DFT tool for self-timed circuits

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    Journal ArticleThis paper presents a Design for Testability (DFT) tool called ACT (Asynchronous Circuit Testing) which uses a partial scan technique to make macro-module based selftimed circuits testable. The ACT tool is the first oFits kind for testing macro-module based self-timed circuits. ACT modifies designs automatically to incorporate partial scan and provides a complete path from schematic capturie to physical layout. It also has a test generation system to generate vectors for the testable design and to compute fault coverage of the generated tests. The test generatioin system includes a module for doing critical hazard free (.est generation using a new 6-valued algebra. ACT has been hilt around commercial tools from Viewlogic and Cascade. A Viewlogic schematic is used as the design entry point and Cascade tools are used for technology mapping

    Plug & Test at System Level via Testable TLM Primitives

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    With the evolution of Electronic System Level (ESL) design methodologies, we are experiencing an extensive use of Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM). TLM is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of the communication among modules are separated from the those of the implementation of functional units. This paper represents a first step toward the automatic insertion of testing capabilities at the transaction level by definition of testable TLM primitives. The use of testable TLM primitives should help designers to easily get testable transaction level descriptions implementing what we call a "Plug & Test" design methodology. The proposed approach is intended to work both with hardware and software implementations. In particular, in this paper we will focus on the design of a testable FIFO communication channel to show how designers are given the freedom of trading-off complexity, testability levels, and cos
