2,841 research outputs found

    Gate Delay Fault Test Generation for Non-Scan Circuits

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    This article presents a technique for the extension of delay fault test pattern generation to synchronous sequential circuits without making use of scan techniques. The technique relies on the coupling of TDgen, a robust combinational test pattern generator for delay faults, and SEMILET, a sequential test pattern generator for several static fault models. The approach uses a forward propagation-backward justification technique: The test pattern generation is started at the fault location, and after successful ÂżlocalÂż test generation fault effect propagation is performed and finally a synchronising sequence to the required state is computed. The algorithm is complete for a robust gate delay fault model, which means that for every testable fault a test will be generated, assuming sufficient time. Experimental results for the ISCAS'89 benchmarks are presented in this pape

    A comprehensive comparison between design for testability techniques for total dose testing of flash-based FPGAs

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    Radiation sources exist in different kinds of environments where electronic devices often operate. Correct device operation is usually affected negatively by radiation. The radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms depending on the operating environment of the device like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). CMOS circuits and Floating gate MOS circuits suffer from an increase in the delay and the leakage current due to TID effect. This may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. Exhaustive testing is needed for devices operating in harsh conditions like space and military applications to ensure correct operations in the worst circumstances. The use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs) for testing is strongly recommended by MIL-STD-883, method 1019, which is the standard describing the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation. However, the difficulty of generating these test vectors hinders their use in radiation testing. Testing digital circuits in the industry is usually done nowadays using design for testability (DFT) techniques as they are very mature and can be relied on. DFT techniques include, but not limited to, ad-hoc technique, built-in self test (BIST), muxed D scan, clocked scan and enhanced scan. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Despite all these recommendations for DFT, radiation testing has not benefited from this reliable technology yet. Also, with the big variation in the DFT techniques, choosing the right technique is the bottleneck to achieve the best results for TID testing. In this thesis, a comprehensive comparison between different DFT techniques for TID testing of flash-based FPGAs is made to help designers choose the best suitable DFT technique depending on their application. The comparison includes muxed D scan technique, clocked scan technique and enhanced scan technique. The comparison is done using ISCAS-89 benchmarks circuits. Points of comparisons include FPGA resources utilization, difficulty of designs bring-up, added delay by DFT logic and robust testable paths in each technique

    Identifying worst case test vectors for FPGA exposed to total ionization dose using design for testability techniques

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    Electronic devices often operate in harsh environments which contain a variation of radiation sources. Radiation may cause different kinds of damage to proper operation of the devices. Their sources can be found in terrestrial environments, or in extra-terrestrial environments like in space, or in man-made radiation sources like nuclear reactors, biomedical devices and high energy particles physics experiments equipment. Depending on the operation environment of the device, the radiation resultant effect manifests in several forms like total ionizing dose effect (TID), or single event effects (SEEs) such as single event upset (SEU), single event gate rupture (SEGR), and single event latch up (SEL). TID effect causes an increase in the delay and the leakage current of CMOS circuits which may damage the proper operation of the integrated circuit. To ensure proper operation of these devices under radiation, thorough testing must be made especially in critical applications like space and military applications. Although the standard which describes the procedure for testing electronic devices under radiation emphasizes the use of worst case test vectors (WCTVs), they are never used in radiation testing due to the difficulty of generating these vectors for circuits under test. For decades, design for testability (DFT) has been the best choice for test engineers to test digital circuits in industry. It has become a very mature technology that can be relied on. DFT is usually used with automatic test patterns generation (ATPG) software to generate test vectors to test application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), especially with sequential circuits, against faults like stuck at faults and path delay faults. Surprisingly, however, radiation testing has not yet made use of this reliable technology. In this thesis, a novel methodology is proposed to extend the usage of DFT to generate WCTVs for delay failure in Flash based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) exposed to total ionizing dose (TID). The methodology is validated using MicroSemi ProASIC3 FPGA and cobalt 60 facility

    Custom Integrated Circuits

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    Contains reports on ten research projects.Analog Devices, Inc.IBM CorporationNational Science Foundation/Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Grant MIP 88-14612Analog Devices Career Development Assistant ProfessorshipU.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research Contract N0014-87-K-0825AT&TDigital Equipment CorporationNational Science Foundation Grant MIP 88-5876

    Design-for-delay-testability techniques for high-speed digital circuits

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    The importance of delay faults is enhanced by the ever increasing clock rates and decreasing geometry sizes of nowadays' circuits. This thesis focuses on the development of Design-for-Delay-Testability (DfDT) techniques for high-speed circuits and embedded cores. The rising costs of IC testing and in particular the costs of Automatic Test Equipment are major concerns for the semiconductor industry. To reverse the trend of rising testing costs, DfDT is\ud getting more and more important

    At-Speed Path Delay Test

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    This research describes an approach to test metastability of flip-flops with help of multiple at-speed capture cycles during delay test. K longest paths per flip-flop test patterns are generated, such that a long path on one clock cycle feeds a long path on the next clock cycle, and so on. Traditional structural delay tests do not test whether time borrowing or stealing is working correctly, since only a single at-speed cycle is tested. To detect path delay faults for the multi-cycle paths, it is necessary to start a path at a register and end at a register while passing through another register, testing the longest paths between each pair of registers. This requires three or more at-speed cycles, rather than the two of traditional Launch on Capture test. This produces power supply noise closer to functional mode, and permits the testing of flip-flop metastability and time-borrowing latches, that cannot be tested by any other structural test technique. The path generation algorithm uses the circuit structure, and then the paths are sequentially justified using Boolean Satisfiability algorithms. The algorithm has been implemented in C++ on an Intel Core i7 machine. Experiments have been performed on various ISCAS benchmark circuits in both robust and non-robust path generation technique to evaluate our approach

    Improved Path Recovery in Pseudo Functional Path Delay Test Using Extended Value Algebra

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    Scan-based delay test achieves high fault coverage due to its improved controllability and observability. This is particularly important for our K Longest Paths Per Gate (KLPG) test approach, which has additional necessary assignments on the paths. At the same time, some percentage of the flip-flops in the circuit will not scan, increasing the difficulty in test generation. In particular, there is no direct control on the outputs of those non-scan cells. All the non-scan cells that cannot be initialized are considered “uncontrollable” in the test generation process. They behave like “black boxes” and, thus, may block a potential path propagation, resulting in path delay test coverage loss. It is common for the timing critical paths in a circuit to pass through nodes influenced by the non-scan cells. In our work, we have extended the traditional Boolean algebra by including the “uncontrolled” state as a legal logic state, so that we can improve path coverage. Many path pruning decisions can be taken much earlier and many of the lost paths due to uncontrollable non-scan cells can be recovered, increasing path coverage and potentially reducing average CPU time per path. We have extended the existing traditional algebra to an 11-value algebra: Zero (stable), One (stable), Unknown, Uncontrollable, Rise, Fall, Zero/Uncontrollable, One/Uncontrollable, Unknown/Uncontrollable, Rise/Uncontrollable, and Fall/Uncontrollable. The logic descriptions for the NOT, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, PI, Buff, Mux, TSL, TSH, TSLI, TSHI, TIE1 and TIE0 cells in the ISCAS89 benchmark circuits have been extended to the 11-value truth table. With 10% non-scan flip-flops, improved path delay fault coverage has been observed in comparison to that with the traditional algebra. The greater the number of long paths we want to test; the greater the path recovery advantage we achieve using our algebra. Along with improved path recovery, we have been able to test a greater number of transition fault sites. In most cases, the average CPU time per path is also lower while using the 11-value algebra. The number of tested paths increased by an average of 1.9x for robust tests, and 2.2x for non-robust tests, for K=5 (five longest rising and five longest falling transition paths through each line in the circuit), using the eleven-value algebra in contrast to the traditional algebra. The transition fault coverage increased by an average of 70%. The improvement increased with higher K values. The CPU time using the extended algebra increased by an average of 20%. So the CPU time per path decreased by an average of 40%. In future work, the extended algebra can achieve better test coverage for memory intensive circuits, circuits with logic black boxes, third party IPs, and analog units

    Efficient Path Delay Test Generation with Boolean Satisfiability

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    This dissertation focuses on improving the accuracy and efficiency of path delay test generation using a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver. As part of this research, one of the most commonly used SAT solvers, MiniSat, was integrated into the path delay test generator CodGen. A mixed structural-functional approach was implemented in CodGen where longest paths were detected using the K Longest Path Per Gate (KLPG) algorithm and path justification and dynamic compaction were handled with the SAT solver. Advanced techniques were implemented in CodGen to further speed up the performance of SAT based path delay test generation using the knowledge of the circuit structure. SAT solvers are inherently circuit structure unaware, and significant speedup can be availed if structure information of the circuit is provided to the SAT solver. The advanced techniques explored include: Dynamic SAT Solving (DSS), Circuit Observability Don’t Care (Cir-ODC), SAT based static learning, dynamic learnt clause management and Approximate Observability Don’t Care (ACODC). Both ISCAS 89 and ITC 99 benchmarks as well as industrial circuits were used to demonstrate that the performance of CodGen was significantly improved with MiniSat and the use of circuit structure

    Observability Driven Path Generation for Delay Test

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    This research describes an approach for path generation using an observability metric for delay test. K Longest Path Per Gate (KLPG) tests are generated for sequential circuits. A transition launched from a scan flip-flop (SFF) is captured into another SFF during at-speed clock cycles, that is, clock cycles at the rated design speed. The generated path is a ‘longest path’ suitable for delay test. The path generation algorithm then utilizes observability of the fan-out gates in the consecutive, lower-speed clock cycles, known as coda cycles, to generate paths ending at a SFF, to capture the transition from the at-speed cycles. For a given clocking scheme defined by the number of coda cycles, if the final flip-flop is not scan-enabled, the path generation algorithm attempts to generate a different path that ends at a SFF, located in a different branch of the circuit fan-out, indicated by lower observability. The paths generated over multiple cycles are sequentially justified using Boolean satisfiability. The observability metric optimizes the path generation in the coda cycles by always attempting to grow the path through the branch with the best observability and never generating a path that ends at a non-scan flip-flop. The algorithm has been developed in C++. The experiments have been performed on an Intel Core i7 machine with 64GB RAM. Various ISCAS benchmark circuits have been used with various KLPG configurations for code evaluation. Multiple configurations have been used for the experiments. The combinations of the values of K [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and number of coda cycles [1, 2, 3] have been used to characterize the implementation. A sublinear rise is run time has been observed with increasing K values. The total number of tested paths rise with K and falls with number of coda cycles, due to the increasing number of constraints on the path, particularly due to the fixed inputs

    Transition Faults and Transition Path Delay Faults: Test Generation, Path Selection, and Built-In Generation of Functional Broadside Tests

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    As the clock frequency and complexity of digital integrated circuits increase rapidly, delay testing is indispensable to guarantee the correct timing behavior of the circuits. In this dissertation, we describe methods developed for three aspects of delay testing in scan-based circuits: test generation, path selection and built-in test generation. We first describe a deterministic broadside test generation procedure for a path delay fault model named the transition path delay fault model, which captures both large and small delay defects. Under this fault model, a path delay fault is detected only if all the individual transition faults along the path are detected by the same test. To reduce the complexity of test generation, sub-procedures with low complexity are applied before a complete branch-and-bound procedure. Next, we describe a method based on static timing analysis to select critical paths for test generation. Logic conditions that are necessary for detecting a path delay fault are considered to refine the accuracy of static timing analysis, using input necessary assignments. Input necessary assignments are input values that must be assigned to detect a fault. The method calculates more accurate path delays, selects paths that are critical during test application, and identifies undetectable path delay faults. These two methods are applicable to off-line test generation. For large circuits with high complexity and frequency, built-in test generation is a cost-effective method for delay testing. For a circuit that is embedded in a larger design, we developed a method for built-in generation of functional broadside tests to avoid excessive power dissipation during test application and the overtesting of delay faults, taking the functional constraints on the primary input sequences of the circuit into consideration. Functional broadside tests are scan-based two-pattern tests for delay faults that create functional operation conditions during test application. To avoid the potential fault coverage loss due to the exclusive use of functional broadside tests, we also developed an optional DFT method based on state holding to improve fault coverage. High delay fault coverage can be achieved by the developed method for benchmark circuits using simple hardware
