40 research outputs found

    A parametric model of Byzantine church domes

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    This paper attempts to analyze, through the use of a flexible parametric model, the majority of cases of dome designs of the Byzantine period. Through interactive experimentation and a review of literary sources and case studies, it theorizes on the variety of refinements that were used in order to achieve the uniformly luminous effect present in most Byzantine church domes over a period of a thousand years. The parametric computer model employs a physics simulation engine and animation methods to trace the path of a sunray as it enters and reflects within a Byzantine dome. Through parametric variation and simulation, the method has the potential to produce endless dome designs as well as accurately derive their qualitative and quantitative lighting characteristics

    Parameterizing the geometry and visualizing the lighting method of Byzantine church domes

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    This paper introduces a computer-based tool for the analysis of the geometry and the daylighting of Byzantine church domes to facilitate experimentation with a number of cases before any fieldwork is undertaken. Starting with a geometric derivation of the relationship between dome parameters, the digital tool builds an interactive three-dimensional model of a Byzantine church dome. The model allows the user to input the properties of the dome, the drum, any windows, and the slope of their sills. The model allows the user to define the dome using three different curvatures since such a case was identified in a Mistras church. A custom ray-tracing algorithm visualizes the path of light rays falling on the windowsills and their reflections within the dome. It was found that several parameters are interrelated and that an optimal set of proportions must be established to achieve the expected behavior of light within the dome

    A parametric model of Byzantine church domes

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    This paper attempts to analyze, through the use of a flexible parametric model, the majority of cases of dome designs of the Byzantine period. Through interactive experimentation and a review of literary sources and case studies, it theorizes on the variety of refinements that were used in order to achieve the uniformly luminous effect present in most Byzantine church domes over a period of a thousand years. The parametric computer model employs a physics simulation engine and animation methods to trace the path of a sunray as it enters and reflects within a Byzantine dome. Through parametric variation and simulation, the method has the potential to produce endless dome designs as well as accurately derive their qualitative and quantitative lighting characteristics

    Çok kubbeli anıtsal yapılarda bağlaşık akustik alanların sayısal ve deneysel yöntemlerle araştırılması.

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    The key concern of this study is to investigate sound fields of single space superstructures sheltered with multiple-domes, in terms of their potential for featuring non-exponential sound energy decay characteristics. In this framework, Süleymaniye Mosque and Hagia Sophia Museum are selected as cases for investigating the effects of different material use and volumetric contribution on multi-slope decay formation. Methodology involves joint use of in-situ acoustical measurements and acoustical simulations. Relevant acoustical parameters including decay rates and decay times are computed by applying Bayesian decay parameter estimation. Analysis results of experimentally acquired and simulated data disclose double or triple decay formation in superstructures of Süleymaniye Mosque and Hagia Sophia Museum. To justify the phenomena and to understand the mechanism of energy exchanges, spatial sound energy distributions and energy flow vectors are studied by Diffusion Equation Model (DEM) simulations and intensity probe measurements over the case of Süleymaniye Mosque. Both computed and in-situ flow vectors highlight the contribution of sound reflective central dome versus absorptive carpeted floor on providing later energy feedback, creating a nondiffuse sound field. On the other hand, for Süleymaniye Mosque trial by DEM simulations the case of floor with marble instead of carpet has resulted in a much diffuse sound field, implying that the use of sound reflective floor material has prevented the multislope decay formation. Results over various acoustical data collection and data analysis techniques proved that energy fragmentation in support of non-exponential energy decay formation is due to both materials’ sound absorption characteristics and their distributions, as well as volumetric inter-space relations.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Interpreting parametric-biomimicry design from cad тo bim software: digital modelling based on a sketch of nandi flame

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    This research represents an application of two digital modelling softwares, first digital modelling software, chosen as representative of Computer-Aided Design – CAD modelling tool was Fusion 360. The representative of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as second digital modelling software was ArchiCAD. The aim of the research was to translate the same parametric-biomimicry design methodology used in CAD process modelling into BIM environment. African species Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv, whose common name in Kenya is Nandi flame, has been selected for the purpose of this digital modelling processes. As one of the most spectacular flowering plants, Nandi flame is indigenous to the tropical dry forests in Kenya. The decorative flower of this species was the basic model, more precisely the botanical sketches of the flower. This sketches were implemented into digital modelling softwares and used for parametric modelling. The results of this processes were represented as urban models or installations (landscape-architectural elements) in open space. This approach of digitally generating conceptual solutions from nature elements has capability to boost the formulation of new creative inventions in the different fields. The unique geometric patterns found in the flower of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv served as a good example of how we may transform these ideas into actual design installations– using CAD or BIM software tools. This research has been carried out with the aim to find the position of BIM tools in parametric biomimicry design

    Edoardo Benvenuto Prize. Collection of papers

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    The promotion of studies and research on the science and art of building in their historical development constitutes the objective that the Edoardo Benvenuto Association has set itself, since its establishment, in order to honor the memory of Edoardo Benvenuto (1940-1998). The Association in recent years has achieved interesting results by developing various activities such as: organization of national and international meetings, conferences, study days; collaborations with national and foreign research institutions; promotion of the editorial series “Between Mechanics and Architecture"; activation of the portal Bibliotheca Mechanica Architectonica, first “open source” digitized library dedicated to historical research on mechanical and architectural texts. But perhaps the most qualifying initiative was the institution of the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize, arrived in 2019 in its twelfth edition, reserved for young researchers in the field of historical studies on science and the art of building. The awarding of the Prize takes place after an in-depth examination of the texts received by the Association by an international commission of experts. The purpose of this book is to collect and present the most recent studies and publications produced by the winners of the various editions of the Edoardo Benvenuto Prize

    Illuminazione nell’architettura antica: ipotesi ricostruttive delle modalità di comunicazione visuale in alcuni contesti di edilizia religiosa tra V e VI secolo d.C.

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    Tema di questa ricerca è lo studio delle modalità di illuminazione artificiale e naturale dello spazio sacro in alcuni contesti di architettura religiosa di V e VI secolo. I contesti architettonici prescelti per questo studio sono la Basilica dell'Acheiropoietos di Salonicco e la Basilica dei Santi Sergio e Bacco, di Costantinopoli, dei quali sono stati realizzati dei modelli tridimensionali con il supporto della grafica computerizzata. Oltre allo studio dei due edifici e delle loro fasi edilizie (nonché delle loro compagini architettoniche e degli apparati di arredo liturgico), si è inteso cercare di ricostruire gli schemi di illuminazione artificiale al loro interno. A tal fine è stato condotto un lavoro preliminare di studio ad ampio raggio su questa classe di manufatti provenienti da scavi di edifici di culto di età tardo antica e protobizantina, con una particolare attenzione a quei siti che hanno restituito informazioni puntuali sul posizionamento dei lumi. Oltre a ciò sono stati considerati anche manufatti fuori contesto, contenuti in collezioni museali o private, nonchè le rappresentazioni iconografiche di questi oggetti nelle fonti documentali (anche più tarde). Un particolare approfondimento è stato dedicato alle fonti scritte che trattano, anche in maniera incidentale, di questi manufatti, soprattutto in relazione ad uno dei due casi scelti, ossia la Basilica dei Santi Sergio e Bacco. Sono stati quindi proposti schemi di distribuzione dei lumi fissi e, in parte, anche mobili per ricostruire l'assetto luminoso delle basiliche durante le celebrazioni liturgiche diurne festive. La seconda parte dello studio, invece, è consistita nel realizzare delle simulazioni virtuali, ottenute con l'ausilio della computer grafica, dell'illuminazione naturale di questi edifici in antico. Grazie ad un particolare applicativo, infatti, è stato possibile impostare la fonte luminosa naturale (sun) nel mondo virtuale calcolandone la posizione in un dato momento/giorno/anno georiferendo i modelli tridimensionali

    Reproduction of Historic Costumes Using 3D Apparel CAD

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    The progress of digital technology has brought about many changes. In the world of fashion, 3D apparel CAD is attracting attention as the most promising product which reduces time and cost in the design process through virtual simulation. This study highlights the potential of its technology and tries to extend the boundaries of its practical use through the simulation of historical dresses. The aim of this study is to identify the desirable factors for digital costume development, to produce accurate reproductions of digital clothing from historical sources and to investigate the implications of developing it for online exhibitory and educational materials. In order to achieve this, this study went through following process. First, the theoretical background of the digital clothing technology, 3D apparel CAD and museum and new media was established through the review of various materials. Second, the desirable concepts for effective digital costume were drawn from the analysis of earlier digital costume projects considering the constraints of costume collections and limitations of the data on museum websites: faithful reproduction, virtual fabrication and Interactive and stereographic display. Third, design development was carried out for the embodiment of the concepts based on two costumes in the Museum of London: (1) preparation which provided foundation data with physical counterparts, (2) digital reproduction which generated digital costumes with simulations and (3) application development where simulations were embodied into a platform. Fourth, evaluation of the outcomes was carried with different groups of participants. The evaluation results indicated that the outcomes functioned as an effective information delivery method and had suitability and applicability for exhibitory and educational use. However, further improvement particularly in the faithfulness of current digital costumes and more consideration for the concerns for virtual and intangible nature were pointed out to be required. Nevertheless digital costumes were reviewed to bring notable benefits in complete or partial replacement of the relics, presentation of invisible features, release of physical constraints on appreciation and provision of integrated and comprehensive information. This study expects that use of digital costumes may assist museums in terms of preservation, documentation and exhibition of costume collections giving new possibility especially to the endangered garments lying in the dark

    Acoustics of Sequential Spaces

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    “Sequential spaces” are spatial systems comprising multiple spaces in sequence connected by openings, common in public spaces with crowd transit (e.g., museums, shopping malls, and transportation hubs). Related to sound diffraction and insulation, this thesis aims to achieve a minor breakthrough in architectural acoustics through establishing disciplines, not focusing on a single or performance space, but targeting large-scale buildings with a listener in motion. The necessity of applying good practice in asymmetric dynamic auditory perception between approaching and receding sound sources, and inconsistent sound attenuation with distance for separating partitions of same construction is demonstrated by subjective and objective outcomes through real and virtual acoustics. The first stage observes dynamic auditory perception of noise as a stationary primary sound source in a museum. The asymmetry of the loudness and listener envelopment between approaching and receding sources occurs with broadband noise. Perceptual priority increases with a rising level. The second stage confirms sound attenuation with distance in accordance with the needs of users (connected room volume, individual room volume, source position, and room absorption) in practice. As connected room volume increases, average sound pressure level is remained for rooms originally connected, while reverberation time generally decreases. The level difference between source and first receiving room is magnified to 1.5 times the sequential one. The third stage explores sound attenuation with distance when parameters of contextual (opening dimension and position, number of rooms), acoustic (absorption coefficient and distribution) and source (directional radiation from the opening and an additional source) factors are efficient in predictions based on finite element method. The final stage examines dynamic auditory perception of voice and music with or without background noise through a validated reproduction of virtual environment. Three perceptual distinctions emerge between approaching or receding sound sources and are defined as approach, plummet, and convergence effect

    Digital 3D Technologies for Humanities Research and Education: An Overview

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    Digital 3D modelling and visualization technologies have been widely applied to support research in the humanities since the 1980s. Since technological backgrounds, project opportunities, and methodological considerations for application are widely discussed in the literature, one of the next tasks is to validate these techniques within a wider scientific community and establish them in the culture of academic disciplines. This article resulted from a postdoctoral thesis and is intended to provide a comprehensive overview on the use of digital 3D technologies in the humanities with regards to (1) scenarios, user communities, and epistemic challenges; (2) technologies, UX design, and workflows; and (3) framework conditions as legislation, infrastructures, and teaching programs. Although the results are of relevance for 3D modelling in all humanities disciplines, the focus of our studies is on modelling of past architectural and cultural landscape objects via interpretative 3D reconstruction methods