13,866 research outputs found

    Two novel evolutionary formulations of the graph coloring problem

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    We introduce two novel evolutionary formulations of the problem of coloring the nodes of a graph. The first formulation is based on the relationship that exists between a graph's chromatic number and its acyclic orientations. It views such orientations as individuals and evolves them with the aid of evolutionary operators that are very heavily based on the structure of the graph and its acyclic orientations. The second formulation, unlike the first one, does not tackle one graph at a time, but rather aims at evolving a `program' to color all graphs belonging to a class whose members all have the same number of nodes and other common attributes. The heuristics that result from these formulations have been tested on some of the Second DIMACS Implementation Challenge benchmark graphs, and have been found to be competitive when compared to the several other heuristics that have also been tested on those graphs.Comment: To appear in Journal of Combinatorial Optimizatio

    How the structure of precedence constraints may change the complexity class of scheduling problems

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    This survey aims at demonstrating that the structure of precedence constraints plays a tremendous role on the complexity of scheduling problems. Indeed many problems can be NP-hard when considering general precedence constraints, while they become polynomially solvable for particular precedence constraints. We also show that there still are many very exciting challenges in this research area

    Log-space Algorithms for Paths and Matchings in k-trees

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    Reachability and shortest path problems are NL-complete for general graphs. They are known to be in L for graphs of tree-width 2 [JT07]. However, for graphs of tree-width larger than 2, no bound better than NL is known. In this paper, we improve these bounds for k-trees, where k is a constant. In particular, the main results of our paper are log-space algorithms for reachability in directed k-trees, and for computation of shortest and longest paths in directed acyclic k-trees. Besides the path problems mentioned above, we also consider the problem of deciding whether a k-tree has a perfect macthing (decision version), and if so, finding a perfect match- ing (search version), and prove that these two problems are L-complete. These problems are known to be in P and in RNC for general graphs, and in SPL for planar bipartite graphs [DKR08]. Our results settle the complexity of these problems for the class of k-trees. The results are also applicable for bounded tree-width graphs, when a tree-decomposition is given as input. The technique central to our algorithms is a careful implementation of divide-and-conquer approach in log-space, along with some ideas from [JT07] and [LMR07].Comment: Accepted in STACS 201

    Exact Localisations of Feedback Sets

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    The feedback arc (vertex) set problem, shortened FASP (FVSP), is to transform a given multi digraph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) into an acyclic graph by deleting as few arcs (vertices) as possible. Due to the results of Richard M. Karp in 1972 it is one of the classic NP-complete problems. An important contribution of this paper is that the subgraphs Gel(e)G_{\mathrm{el}}(e), Gsi(e)G_{\mathrm{si}}(e) of all elementary cycles or simple cycles running through some arc eEe \in E, can be computed in O(E2)\mathcal{O}\big(|E|^2\big) and O(E4)\mathcal{O}(|E|^4), respectively. We use this fact and introduce the notion of the essential minor and isolated cycles, which yield a priori problem size reductions and in the special case of so called resolvable graphs an exact solution in O(VE3)\mathcal{O}(|V||E|^3). We show that weighted versions of the FASP and FVSP possess a Bellman decomposition, which yields exact solutions using a dynamic programming technique in times O(2mE4log(V))\mathcal{O}\big(2^{m}|E|^4\log(|V|)\big) and O(2nΔ(G)4V4log(E))\mathcal{O}\big(2^{n}\Delta(G)^4|V|^4\log(|E|)\big), where mEV+1m \leq |E|-|V| +1, n(Δ(G)1)VE+1n \leq (\Delta(G)-1)|V|-|E| +1, respectively. The parameters m,nm,n can be computed in O(E3)\mathcal{O}(|E|^3), O(Δ(G)3V3)\mathcal{O}(\Delta(G)^3|V|^3), respectively and denote the maximal dimension of the cycle space of all appearing meta graphs, decoding the intersection behavior of the cycles. Consequently, m,nm,n equal zero if all meta graphs are trees. Moreover, we deliver several heuristics and discuss how to control their variation from the optimum. Summarizing, the presented results allow us to suggest a strategy for an implementation of a fast and accurate FASP/FVSP-SOLVER