15 research outputs found

    Analysis of an asymptotic preserving scheme for linear kinetic equations in the diffusion limit

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    We present a mathematical analysis of the asymptotic preserving scheme proposed in [M. Lemou and L. Mieussens, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 31, pp. 334-368, 2008] for linear transport equations in kinetic and diffusive regimes. We prove that the scheme is uniformly stable and accurate with respect to the mean free path of the particles. This property is satisfied under an explicitly given CFL condition. This condition tends to a parabolic CFL condition for small mean free paths, and is close to a convection CFL condition for large mean free paths. Ou r analysis is based on very simple energy estimates

    Asymptotic-preserving projective integration schemes for kinetic equations in the diffusion limit

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    We investigate a projective integration scheme for a kinetic equation in the limit of vanishing mean free path, in which the kinetic description approaches a diffusion phenomenon. The scheme first takes a few small steps with a simple, explicit method, such as a spatial centered flux/forward Euler time integration, and subsequently projects the results forward in time over a large time step on the diffusion time scale. We show that, with an appropriate choice of the inner step size, the time-step restriction on the outer time step is similar to the stability condition for the diffusion equation, whereas the required number of inner steps does not depend on the mean free path. We also provide a consistency result. The presented method is asymptotic-preserving, in the sense that the method converges to a standard finite volume scheme for the diffusion equation in the limit of vanishing mean free path. The analysis is illustrated with numerical results, and we present an application to the Su-Olson test

    Asymptotic-Preserving Monte Carlo methods for transport equations in the diffusive limit

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    We develop a new Monte Carlo method that solves hyperbolic transport equations with stiff terms, characterized by a (small) scaling parameter. In particular, we focus on systems which lead to a reduced problem of parabolic type in the limit when the scaling parameter tends to zero. Classical Monte Carlo methods suffer of severe time step limitations in these situations, due to the fact that the characteristic speeds go to infinity in the diffusion limit. This makes the problem a real challenge, since the scaling parameter may differ by several orders of magnitude in the domain. To circumvent these time step limitations, we construct a new, asymptotic-preserving Monte Carlo method that is stable independently of the scaling parameter and degenerates to a standard probabilistic approach for solving the limiting equation in the diffusion limit. The method uses an implicit time discretization to formulate a modified equation in which the characteristic speeds do not grow indefinitely when the scaling factor tends to zero. The resulting modified equation can readily be discretized by a Monte Carlo scheme, in which the particles combine a finite propagation speed with a time-step dependent diffusion term. We show the performance of the method by comparing it with standard (deterministic) approaches in the literature

    Two-Scale Macro-Micro decomposition of the Vlasov equation with a strong magnetic field

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    In this paper, we build a Two-Scale Macro-Micro decomposition of the Vlasov equation with a strong magnetic field. This consists in writing the solution of this equation as a sum of two oscillating functions with circonscribed oscillations. The first of these functions has a shape which is close to the shape of the Two-Scale limit of the solution and the second one is a correction built to offset this imposed shape. The aim of such a decomposition is to be the starting point for the construction of Two-Scale Asymptotic-Preserving Schemes.Comment: Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 00, 00 (2012) 1 --

    Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for hyperbolic systems and kinetic equations in the diffusion limit

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    We consider Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta (R-K) schemes for hyperbolic systems with stiff relaxation in the so-called diffusion limit. In such regime the system relaxes towards a convection-diffusion equation. The first objective of the paper is to show that traditional partitioned IMEX R-K schemes will relax to an explicit scheme for the limit equation with no need of modification of the original system. Of course the explicit scheme obtained in the limit suffers from the classical parabolic stability restriction on the time step. The main goal of the paper is to present an approach, based on IMEX R-K schemes, that in the diffusion limit relaxes to an IMEX R-K scheme for the convection-diffusion equation, in which the diffusion is treated implicitly. This is achieved by an original reformulation of the problem, and subsequent application of IMEX R-K schemes to it. An analysis on such schemes to the reformulated problem shows that the schemes reduce to IMEX R-K schemes for the limit equation, under the same conditions derived for hyperbolic relaxation. Several numerical examples including neutron transport equations confirm the theoretical analysis

    A Multilevel Monte Carlo Asymptotic-Preserving Particle Method for Kinetic Equations in the Diffusion Limit

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    We propose a multilevel Monte Carlo method for a particle-based asymptotic-preserving scheme for kinetic equations. Kinetic equations model transport and collision of particles in a position-velocity phase-space. With a diffusive scaling, the kinetic equation converges to an advection-diffusion equation in the limit of zero mean free path. Classical particle-based techniques suffer from a strict time-step restriction to maintain stability in this limit. Asymptotic-preserving schemes provide a solution to this time step restriction, but introduce a first-order error in the time step size. We demonstrate how the multilevel Monte Carlo method can be used as a bias reduction technique to perform accurate simulations in the diffusive regime, while leveraging the reduced simulation cost given by the asymptotic-preserving scheme. We describe how to achieve the necessary correlation between simulation paths at different levels and demonstrate the potential of the approach via numerical experiments.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, published in Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2018, correction of minor typographical error

    Asymptotically complexity diminishing schemes (ACDS) for kinetic equations in the diffusive scaling

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    In this work, we develop a new class of numerical schemes for collisional kinetic equations in the diffusive regime. The first step consists in reformulating the problem by decomposing the solution in the time evolution of an equilibrium state plus a perturbation. Then, the scheme combines a Monte Carlo solver for the perturbation with an Eulerian method for the equilibrium part, and is designed in such a way to be uniformly stable with respect to the diffusive scaling and to be consistent with the asymptotic diffusion equation. Moreover, since particles are only used to describe the perturbation part of the solution, the scheme becomes computationally less expensive – and is thus an asymptotically complexity diminishing scheme (ACDS) – as the solution approaches the equilibrium state due to the fact that the number of particles diminishes accordingly. This contrasts with standard methods for kinetic equations where the computational cost increases (or at least does not decrease) with the number of interactions. At the same time, the statistical error due to the Monte Carlo part of the solution decreases as the system approaches the equilibrium state: the method automatically degenerates to a solution of the macroscopic diffusion equation in the limit of infinite number of interactions. After a detailed description of the method, we perform several numerical tests and compare this new approach with classical numerical methods on various problems up to the full three dimensional case