12 research outputs found

    Identifying Trustful Node Using Hybrid Trust Evaluation Method

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    A wireless sensor network referred as (WSN) is defined as a collection of distributed sensor nodes to work together for monitoring the physical and environmental conditions. Trust metrics in the wireless sensor networks is denoted as the important problem and it helps in solving the problem of access control, reliable communication, privacy and secure routing scheme. This paper establishes a new kind of approach to evaluate the trust value in WSN. The proposed algorithm and its evaluation made on the trust value of each node seen in the network depends on the metrics, trust attributesand trust parameters

    Countering Node Misbehavior Attacks using Trust Based Secure Routing Protocol

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    Wireless sensor networks have gained remarkable appreciation over the last few years. Despite significant advantages and tremendous applications, WSN is vulnerable to variety of attacks. Due to resource constraint nature of WSN, applicability of traditional security solutions is debatable. Although cryptography, authentication and confidentiality measures help in preventing specific types of attacks but they cannot safeguard against node misbehavior attacks and come at significant cost. To address this problem, we propose a Trust Based Secure Routing Protocol (TBSRP) which adopts on-demand routing principle and relies on distributed trust model for the detection and isolation of misbehaving nodes. The TBSRP aims to establish shortest path that contain all trusted nodes, identify packet forwarding misbehavior caused by malicious and faulty nodes and reroute the traffic to other reliable paths. The performance of TBSRP is evaluated in terms of packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end delay, normalized routing load and average throughput. Simulations results show that TBSRP can achieve both high delivery ratio and throughput in presence of various numbers of misbehaving and faulty nodes

    Node Activities Learning(NAL)Approach to Build Secure and Privacy-Preserving Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless networks are becoming the most popular in today communication systems, where users prefer to have wireless connectivity regardless of its geographic location. But the open environment of wireless communication increasing threat on the wireless networks under diverse network circumstances. The random and dynamic activity increases the  vulnerability due to the complete dependency on the intermediate nodes which frequently join and leave the network. It is extremely significant to have a secure routing in such a dynamic network to preserve the data privacy. In this paper, we propose a secure and privacy routing based on Node Activities Learning (NAL) approach. This approach knows the runtime activities of the node to predict the probability of activity transformation for the intentional and unintentional activities which interrupt the data communication and affects the privacy. The mean of privacy is decided based on the node individual trust factor. It also suggests a method for the node which loses their trust due to the unintentional activities. A simulation-based evaluation study shows positive improvisation in secure routing in different malicious node environment

    Node activity based trust and reputation estimation approach for secure and QoS routing in MANET

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    Achieving safe and secure communication in MANETs is a key challenge due to its dynamic nature. A number of security studies disclose that reputation management systems are able to be effectual with less overhead. The reputation of a node is calculated by using automated assessment algorithms depend on predefined trust scheme. This paper proposes a Node Activity-based Trust and Reputation estimation (NA-TRE) approach for the security and QoS routing in MANET. NA-TRE aims to find trust estimation and reputation of a node. The NA-TRE approach monitors the activity changes, packet forwarding or dropping in a node to find the status of the node. The various activities of a node like Normal State (NS), Resource Limitation State (RS) and Malicious State (MS) are monitored. This status of a node is helpful in computing trust and reputation. In this paper NA-TRE approach compared with existing protocols AODV, FACE and TMS to evaluate the efficiency of MANET. The experiment results show that 20% increasing of throughput, 10% decrease of overhead and end to end delay

    Subjective logic based trust model for geographic routing in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Uobičajeni modeli pouzdanosti ne uspijevaju izraziti pojam nesigurnosti tijekom uspostavljanja pouzdanih odnosa između pokretnih čvorova. Nadalje, nedostaje im uvažavanje značajki okoline u ocjeni pouzdanosti. U radu se predlaže model pouzdanosti zasnovan na subjektivnoj logici u POR (SLT-POR) koji u modelu integrira pouzdanost zasnovanu na kontekstu i onu zasnovanu na ponašanju. Pouzdanost zasnovana na ponašanju uključuje fuziju evidencije zasnovane na subjektivnoj logici u evaluaciji indirektne pouzdanosti kako bi se eksplicitno predstavilo i upravljalo neznanjem kao nesigurnošću. Odnos pouzdanosti između čvorova ne može uvijek odražavati stvarni odnos te stoga provedena odluka iz izvedenog odnosa pouzdanosti nije uvijek točna. Teorija subjektivne logike uključuje dinamičkog operatora osnovne brzine koji procjenjuje očekivanje mišljenja i bavi se nesigurnošću u skupljanju podataka. U mjerenju pouzdanost zasnovane na obilježjima konteksta, SLT-POR procjenjuje vrijednost pouzdanosti zasnovane na kontekstu uporabom kontekstualnih obilježja svakog čvora u nizu pozitivnog pouzdanog djelovanja. SLT-POR u procjeni pouzdanosti pazi da snaga baterije uključuje vijek trajanja čvora, pridaje važnost pouzdanosti zasnovanoj na kontekstu kao i onoj zasnovanoj na ponašanju kako bi učinkovito izračunao ukupnu pouzdanost čvora. Rezultati simulacije pokazuju da je omjer isporuke paketa predloženog SLT-POR visok, čak i ako je 50 % svih čvorova maliciozno te da je bolji od sustava CAST - Context-Aware Security and Trust.In the past decades, several trust models have been proposed to enhance the security of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). The conventional trust models fail to express the notion of uncertainty during the establishment of trust relationships between mobile nodes. Furthermore, they lack in considering the context attributes in trust evaluation. This paper proposes a subjective logic based trust model in POR (SLT-POR) that integrates both the behavioural and context based trust in trust model. The behavioural based trust incorporates subjective logic based evidence fusion in indirect trust evaluation to explicitly represent and manage ignorance as uncertainty. The trust relationship between nodes cannot always reflect the actual relationship and consequently the executed decision from the extracted trust relationship is not always accurate. The subjective logic theory includes a dynamic base rate operator that evaluates an expectation of an opinion and handles the uncertainty in evidence collection. In context, attributes based trust measurement, the SLT-POR estimates a context based trust value using the contextual attributes of each node in the trusted positive progress set. The SLT-POR considers the battery power to include node’s lifetime in the trustworthiness estimation. It assigns a weight for both behaviour and context based trust to efficiently calculate total trustworthiness of a node. The simulation results demonstrate that the packet delivery ratio of the proposed SLT-POR is high even if 50 % of total nodes are malicious and outperforms Context-Aware Security and Trust (CAST) framework


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    Neighbour Discovery Protocol is a core IPv6 protocol used within the local network to provide functionalities such as Router Discovery and Neighbour Discovery. However, the standard of the protocol does not specify any security mechanism but only recommends the use of either Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) or Secure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) that has drawbacks when used within IPv6 local network. Furthermore, neither is enabled by default in the IPv6 local network; leaving the protocol unsecured. This paper proposes Trust-ND with reduced complexity by combining hard security and soft security approaches to be implemented on securing IPv6 link-local communication. The experimentation results showed that Trust-ND managed to successfully secure the IPv6 Neighbour Discovery. Trust-ND significantly cuts down the time to process NDP messages up to 77.21 ms for solicitation message and 100.732 ms for advertisement message. It also provides additional benefit over regular NDP in terms of data integrity for all Trust-ND messages with the introduction of Trust Option