1,576 research outputs found

    Towards adaptive multi-robot systems: self-organization and self-adaptation

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The development of complex systems ensembles that operate in uncertain environments is a major challenge. The reason for this is that system designers are not able to fully specify the system during specification and development and before it is being deployed. Natural swarm systems enjoy similar characteristics, yet, being self-adaptive and being able to self-organize, these systems show beneficial emergent behaviour. Similar concepts can be extremely helpful for artificial systems, especially when it comes to multi-robot scenarios, which require such solution in order to be applicable to highly uncertain real world application. In this article, we present a comprehensive overview over state-of-the-art solutions in emergent systems, self-organization, self-adaptation, and robotics. We discuss these approaches in the light of a framework for multi-robot systems and identify similarities, differences missing links and open gaps that have to be addressed in order to make this framework possible

    Self-organising multi-agent control for distribution networks with distributed energy resources

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    Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time.Recent years have seen an increase in the connection of dispersed distributed energy resources (DERs) and advanced control and operational components to the distribution network. These DERs can come in various forms, including distributed generation (DG), electric vehicles (EV), energy storage, etc. The conditions of these DERs can be varying and unpredictably intermittent. The integration of these distributed components adds more complexity and uncertainty to the operation of future power networks, such as voltage, frequency, and active/reactive power control. The stochastic and distributed nature of DGs and the difficulty in predicting EV charging patterns presents problems to the control and management of the distribution network. This adds more challenges to the planning and operation of such systems. Traditional methods for dealing with network problems such as voltage and power control could therefore be inadequate. In addition, conventional optimisation techniques will be difficult to apply successfully and will be accompanied with a large computational load. There is therefore a need for new control techniques that break the problem into smaller subsets and one that uses a multi-agent system (MAS) to implement distributed solutions. These groups of agents would coordinate amongst themselves, to regulate local resources and voltage levels in a distributed and adaptive manner considering varying conditions of the network. This thesis investigates the use of self-organising systems, presenting suitable approaches and identifying the challenges of implementing such techniques. It presents the development of fully functioning self-organising multi-agent control algorithms that can perform as effectively as full optimization techniques. It also demonstrates these new control algorithms on models of large and complex networks with DERs. Simulation results validate the autonomy of the system to control the voltage independently using only local DERs and proves the robustness and adaptability of the system by maintaining stable voltage control in response to network conditions over time

    Multi-Agent Systems and Complex Networks: Review and Applications in Systems Engineering

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    Systems engineering is an ubiquitous discipline of Engineering overlapping industrial, chemical, mechanical, manufacturing, control, software, electrical, and civil engineering. It provides tools for dealing with the complexity and dynamics related to the optimisation of physical, natural, and virtual systems management. This paper presents a review of how multi-agent systems and complex networks theory are brought together to address systems engineering and management problems. The review also encompasses current and future research directions both for theoretical fundamentals and applications in the industry. This is made by considering trends such as mesoscale, multiscale, and multilayer networks along with the state-of-art analysis on network dynamics and intelligent networks. Critical and smart infrastructure, manufacturing processes, and supply chain networks are instances of research topics for which this literature review is highly relevant

    Wide-Area Time-Synchronized Closed-Loop Control of Power Systems And Decentralized Active Distribution Networks

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    The rapidly expanding power system grid infrastructure and the need to reduce the occurrence of major blackouts and prevention or hardening of systems against cyber-attacks, have led to increased interest in the improved resilience of the electrical grid. Distributed and decentralized control have been widely applied to computer science research. However, for power system applications, the real-time application of decentralized and distributed control algorithms introduce several challenges. In this dissertation, new algorithms and methods for decentralized control, protection and energy management of Wide Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) and the Active Distribution Network (ADN) are developed to improve the resiliency of the power system. To evaluate the findings of this dissertation, a laboratory-scale integrated Wide WAMPAC and ADN control platform was designed and implemented. The developed platform consists of phasor measurement units (PMU), intelligent electronic devices (IED) and programmable logic controllers (PLC). On top of the designed hardware control platform, a multi-agent cyber-physical interoperability viii framework was developed for real-time verification of the developed decentralized and distributed algorithms using local wireless and Internet-based cloud communication. A novel real-time multiagent system interoperability testbed was developed to enable utility independent private microgrids standardized interoperability framework and define behavioral models for expandability and plug-and-play operation. The state-of-theart power system multiagent framework is improved by providing specific attributes and a deliberative behavior modeling capability. The proposed multi-agent framework is validated in a laboratory based testbed involving developed intelligent electronic device prototypes and actual microgrid setups. Experimental results are demonstrated for both decentralized and distributed control approaches. A new adaptive real-time protection and remedial action scheme (RAS) method using agent-based distributed communication was developed for autonomous hybrid AC/DC microgrids to increase resiliency and continuous operability after fault conditions. Unlike the conventional consecutive time delay-based overcurrent protection schemes, the developed technique defines a selectivity mechanism considering the RAS of the microgrid after fault instant based on feeder characteristics and the location of the IEDs. The experimental results showed a significant improvement in terms of resiliency of microgrids through protection using agent-based distributed communication

    A Review of Active Management for Distribution Networks: Current Status and Future Development Trends

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    Driven by smart distribution technologies, by the widespread use of distributed generation sources, and by the injection of new loads, such as electric vehicles, distribution networks are evolving from passive to active. The integration of distributed generation, including renewable distributed generation changes the power flow of a distribution network from unidirectional to bi-directional. The adoption of electric vehicles makes the management of distribution networks even more challenging. As such, an active network management has to be fulfilled by taking advantage of the emerging techniques of control, monitoring, protection, and communication to assist distribution network operators in an optimal manner. This article presents a short review of recent advancements and identifies emerging technologies and future development trends to support active management of distribution networks

    Distributed decision-making in electric power system transmission maintenance scheduling using Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)

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    In this work, motivated by the need to coordinate transmission maintenance scheduling among a multiplicity of self-interested entities in restructured power industry, a distributed decision support framework based on multiagent negotiation systems (MANS) is developed. An innovative risk-based transmission maintenance optimization procedure is introduced. Several models for linking condition monitoring information to the equipment\u27s instantaneous failure probability are presented, which enable quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of maintenance activities in terms of system cumulative risk reduction. Methodologies of statistical processing, equipment deterioration evaluation and time-dependent failure probability calculation are also described. A novel framework capable of facilitating distributed decision-making through multiagent negotiation is developed. A multiagent negotiation model is developed and illustrated that accounts for uncertainty and enables social rationality. Some issues of multiagent negotiation convergence and scalability are discussed. The relationships between agent-based negotiation and auction systems are also identified. A four-step MAS design methodology for constructing multiagent systems for power system applications is presented. A generic multiagent negotiation system, capable of inter-agent communication and distributed decision support through inter-agent negotiations, is implemented. A multiagent system framework for facilitating the automated integration of condition monitoring information and maintenance scheduling for power transformers is developed. Simulations of multiagent negotiation-based maintenance scheduling among several independent utilities are provided. It is shown to be a viable alternative solution paradigm to the traditional centralized optimization approach in today\u27s deregulated environment. This multiagent system framework not only facilitates the decision-making among competing power system entities, but also provides a tool to use in studying competitive industry relative to monopolistic industry

    Multi Agent Systems

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    Research on multi-agent systems is enlarging our future technical capabilities as humans and as an intelligent society. During recent years many effective applications have been implemented and are part of our daily life. These applications have agent-based models and methods as an important ingredient. Markets, finance world, robotics, medical technology, social negotiation, video games, big-data science, etc. are some of the branches where the knowledge gained through multi-agent simulations is necessary and where new software engineering tools are continuously created and tested in order to reach an effective technology transfer to impact our lives. This book brings together researchers working in several fields that cover the techniques, the challenges and the applications of multi-agent systems in a wide variety of aspects related to learning algorithms for different devices such as vehicles, robots and drones, computational optimization to reach a more efficient energy distribution in power grids and the use of social networks and decision strategies applied to the smart learning and education environments in emergent countries. We hope that this book can be useful and become a guide or reference to an audience interested in the developments and applications of multi-agent systems

    A reconfigurable distributed multiagent system optimized for scalability

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    This thesis proposes a novel solution for optimizing the size and communication overhead of a distributed multiagent system without compromising the performance. The proposed approach addresses the challenges of scalability especially when the multiagent system is large. A modified spectral clustering technique is used to partition a large network into logically related clusters. Agents are assigned to monitor dedicated clusters rather than monitor each device or node. The proposed scalable multiagent system is implemented using JADE (Java Agent Development Environment) for a large power system. The performance of the proposed topology-independent decentralized multiagent system and the scalable multiagent system is compared by comprehensively simulating different fault scenarios. The time taken for reconfiguration, the overall computational complexity, and the communication overhead incurred are computed. The results of these simulations show that the proposed scalable multiagent system uses fewer agents efficiently, makes faster decisions to reconfigure when a fault occurs, and incurs significantly less communication overhead. The proposed scalable multiagent system has been coupled with a scalable reconfiguration algorithm for an electric power system attempting to minimize the number of switch combination explored for reconfiguration. The reconfiguration algorithm reconfigures a power system while maintaining bus voltages within limits specified by constraints

    Attempts to regulate artificial intelligence: regulatory practices from the United States, the European Union, and the People's Republic of China

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    A század egyik legmegdöbbentőbb és előremutató vívmánya a mesterséges intelligencia, vagy röviden az MI. A mesterséges intelligencia a gépek általi intelligencia, ami szemben áll az emberek és más állatok által mutatott természetes intelligenciával. Egyre több iparág alkalmazza a mesterséges intelligenciát, és az elkövetkező években várhatóan tovább fog nőni a számuk. Az MI alkalmazások segíthetnek az embereknek a bonyolult problémák elemzésében és a hatékony megoldások meghatározásában. Emellett az MI technológiákat egyre több iparágban és vállalkozásban tervezik alkalmazni, ami új területek kialakulását és újfajta technológiák fejlesztését ösztönzi. A különböző potenciális előnyök ellenére az MI algoritmusok fejlesztése és alkalmazása néhány jelenlegi és jövőbeli kihívást is felvet. Ezért különösen fontos odafigyelni arra, hogy hogyan történik az algoritmusok fejlesztése és alkalmazása. Ha ezt gondatlanul teszik, a technológiával való helytelen bánásmódnak súlyos következményei lehetnek. Ráadásul további akadályok is felmerülnek, mivel a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos egyik legjelentősebb probléma a növekvő komplexitás, ami megnehezíti az alkalmazott algoritmusok megértését és értékelését. Ennek eredményeképpen a szabályozás kidolgozásakor meg kell vizsgálni a mesterséges intelligenciával kapcsolatos főbb etikai kérdéseket. A túlzott szabályozás továbbá gátolhatja az innovációt és akadályozhatja a jobb MI alkalmazások fejlesztését. Biztosítani kell, hogy a fejlesztés etikusan történjen, és az egész emberiség javát szolgáló módon használják, ha azt akarjuk, hogy a technológia minden előnyét kiaknázzuk. E szempontok alapján a kutatás célja, hogy összehasonlítsa és szembeállítsa az USA, az EU és Kína által elfogadott különböző szabályozási stratégiákat
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