25,820 research outputs found

    A framework for improving the performance of verification algorithms with a low false positive rate requirement and limited training data

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    In this paper we address the problem of matching patterns in the so-called verification setting in which a novel, query pattern is verified against a single training pattern: the decision sought is whether the two match (i.e. belong to the same class) or not. Unlike previous work which has universally focused on the development of more discriminative distance functions between patterns, here we consider the equally important and pervasive task of selecting a distance threshold which fits a particular operational requirement - specifically, the target false positive rate (FPR). First, we argue on theoretical grounds that a data-driven approach is inherently ill-conditioned when the desired FPR is low, because by the very nature of the challenge only a small portion of training data affects or is affected by the desired threshold. This leads us to propose a general, statistical model-based method instead. Our approach is based on the interpretation of an inter-pattern distance as implicitly defining a pattern embedding which approximately distributes patterns according to an isotropic multi-variate normal distribution in some space. This interpretation is then used to show that the distribution of training inter-pattern distances is the non-central chi2 distribution, differently parameterized for each class. Thus, to make the class-specific threshold choice we propose a novel analysis-by-synthesis iterative algorithm which estimates the three free parameters of the model (for each class) using task-specific constraints. The validity of the premises of our work and the effectiveness of the proposed method are demonstrated by applying the method to the task of set-based face verification on a large database of pseudo-random head motion videos.Comment: IEEE/IAPR International Joint Conference on Biometrics, 201

    Markov mezƑk a kĂ©pmodellezĂ©sben, alkalmazĂĄsuk az automatikus kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂĄs terĂŒletĂ©n = Markovian Image Models: Applications in Unsupervised Image Segmentation

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    1) KifejlesztettĂŒnk egy olyan szĂ­n Ă©s textĂșra alapĂș szegmentĂĄlĂł MRF algoritmust, amely alkalmas egy kĂ©p automatikus szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄt elvĂ©gezni. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket az Image and Vision Computing folyĂłiratban publikĂĄltuk. 2) KifejlesztettĂŒnk egy Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo technikĂĄn alapulĂł automatikus kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂł eljĂĄrĂĄst, melyet sikeresen alkalmaztunk szĂ­nes kĂ©pek teljesen automatikus szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄra. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket a BMVC 2004 konferenciĂĄn Ă©s az Image and Vision Computing folyĂłiratban publikĂĄltuk. 3) A modell többrĂ©tegƱ tovĂĄbbfejlesztĂ©sĂ©t alkalmaztuk video objektumok szĂ­n Ă©s mozgĂĄs alapĂș szegmentĂĄlĂĄsĂĄra, melynek eredmĂ©nyeit a HACIPPR 2005 illetve az ACCV 2006 nemzetközi konferenciĂĄkon publikĂĄltuk. SzintĂ©n ehhez az alapproblĂ©mĂĄhoz kapcsolĂłdik HorvĂĄth PĂ©ter hallgatĂłmmal az optic flow szamĂ­tĂĄsĂĄval illetve szĂ­n, textĂșra Ă©s mozgĂĄs alapĂș GVF aktĂ­v kontĂșrral kapcsoltos munkĂĄink. TDK dolgozata elsƑ helyezĂ©st Ă©rt el a 2004-es helyi versenyen, az eredmĂ©nyeinket pedig a KEPAF 2004 konferenciĂĄn publikĂĄltuk. 4) HorvĂĄth PĂ©ter PhD hallgatĂłmmal illetve az franciaorszĂĄgi INRIA Ariana csoportjĂĄval, kidolgoztunk egy olyan kĂ©pszegmentĂĄlĂł eljĂĄrĂĄst, amely a szegmentĂĄlandĂł objektum alakjĂĄt is figyelembe veszi. Az eredmĂ©nyeinket az ICPR 2006 illetve az ICCVGIP 2006 konferenciĂĄn foglaltuk össze. A modell elƑzmĂ©nyekĂ©nt kidolgoztunk tovĂĄbbĂĄ egy alakzat-momemntumokon alapulĂł aktĂ­v kontĂșr modellt, amelyet a HACIPPR 2005 konferenciĂĄn publikĂĄltunk. | 1) We have proposed a monogrid MRF model which is able to combine color and texture features in order to improve the quality of segmentation results. We have also solved the estimation of model parameters. This work has been published in the Image and Vision Computing journal. 2) We have proposed an RJMCMC sampling method which is able to identify multi-dimensional Gaussian mixtures. Using this technique, we have developed a fully automatic color image segmentation algorithm. Our results have been published at BMVC 2004 international conference and in the Image and Vision Computing journal. 3) A new multilayer MRF model has been proposed which is able to segment an image based on multiple cues (such as color, texture, or motion). This work has been published at HACIPPR 2005 and ACCV 2006 international conferences. The work on optic flow computation and color-, texture-, and motion-based GVF active contours doen with my student, Mr. Peter Horvath, won a first price at the local Student Research Competition in 2004. Results have been presented at KEPAF 2004 conference. 4) A new shape prior, called 'gas of circles' has been introduced using active contour models. This work is done in collaboration with the Ariana group of INRIA, France and my PhD student, Mr. Peter Horvath. Results are published at the ICPR 2006 and ICCVGIP 2006 conferences. A preliminary study on active contour models using shape-moments has also been done, these results are published at HACIPPR 2005

    Data Imputation through the Identification of Local Anomalies

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    We introduce a comprehensive and statistical framework in a model free setting for a complete treatment of localized data corruptions due to severe noise sources, e.g., an occluder in the case of a visual recording. Within this framework, we propose i) a novel algorithm to efficiently separate, i.e., detect and localize, possible corruptions from a given suspicious data instance and ii) a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) estimator to impute the corrupted data. As a generalization to Euclidean distance, we also propose a novel distance measure, which is based on the ranked deviations among the data attributes and empirically shown to be superior in separating the corruptions. Our algorithm first splits the suspicious instance into parts through a binary partitioning tree in the space of data attributes and iteratively tests those parts to detect local anomalies using the nominal statistics extracted from an uncorrupted (clean) reference data set. Once each part is labeled as anomalous vs normal, the corresponding binary patterns over this tree that characterize corruptions are identified and the affected attributes are imputed. Under a certain conditional independency structure assumed for the binary patterns, we analytically show that the false alarm rate of the introduced algorithm in detecting the corruptions is independent of the data and can be directly set without any parameter tuning. The proposed framework is tested over several well-known machine learning data sets with synthetically generated corruptions; and experimentally shown to produce remarkable improvements in terms of classification purposes with strong corruption separation capabilities. Our experiments also indicate that the proposed algorithms outperform the typical approaches and are robust to varying training phase conditions

    Fisher Vectors Derived from Hybrid Gaussian-Laplacian Mixture Models for Image Annotation

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    In the traditional object recognition pipeline, descriptors are densely sampled over an image, pooled into a high dimensional non-linear representation and then passed to a classifier. In recent years, Fisher Vectors have proven empirically to be the leading representation for a large variety of applications. The Fisher Vector is typically taken as the gradients of the log-likelihood of descriptors, with respect to the parameters of a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM). Motivated by the assumption that different distributions should be applied for different datasets, we present two other Mixture Models and derive their Expectation-Maximization and Fisher Vector expressions. The first is a Laplacian Mixture Model (LMM), which is based on the Laplacian distribution. The second Mixture Model presented is a Hybrid Gaussian-Laplacian Mixture Model (HGLMM) which is based on a weighted geometric mean of the Gaussian and Laplacian distribution. An interesting property of the Expectation-Maximization algorithm for the latter is that in the maximization step, each dimension in each component is chosen to be either a Gaussian or a Laplacian. Finally, by using the new Fisher Vectors derived from HGLMMs, we achieve state-of-the-art results for both the image annotation and the image search by a sentence tasks.Comment: new version includes text synthesis by an RNN and experiments with the COCO benchmar

    Multi-Target Prediction: A Unifying View on Problems and Methods

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    Multi-target prediction (MTP) is concerned with the simultaneous prediction of multiple target variables of diverse type. Due to its enormous application potential, it has developed into an active and rapidly expanding research field that combines several subfields of machine learning, including multivariate regression, multi-label classification, multi-task learning, dyadic prediction, zero-shot learning, network inference, and matrix completion. In this paper, we present a unifying view on MTP problems and methods. First, we formally discuss commonalities and differences between existing MTP problems. To this end, we introduce a general framework that covers the above subfields as special cases. As a second contribution, we provide a structured overview of MTP methods. This is accomplished by identifying a number of key properties, which distinguish such methods and determine their suitability for different types of problems. Finally, we also discuss a few challenges for future research
