18 research outputs found

    Novel Selective Mapping with Oppositional Hosted Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in 5G UFMC Systems

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    In recent times, there is a continuous requirement of achieving high data rates owing to an increase in the number of devices and significant demand for various services with maximum reliability and minimum delay. It results in the development of fifth generation (5G) to offer better services with enhanced data rate. Recently, a major alternative to OFDM technology for 5G networks called universal filtered multi-carrier (UFMC) is presented where every individual sub-band is filtered that reduces the OOB radiation and eliminates guard band. But high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is a crucial issue which arises from the utilization of several subcarriers to generate the time domain transmission signal. For resolving this issue, this paper presents a novel selective mapping with oppositional hosted cuckoo optimization (SM-OHOCO) algorithm for PAPR reduction in 5G UFMC systems. In the SM-OHOCO algorithm, rather than the generation of several random phase sequences, SM-OHOCO algorithm is performed iteratively to attain a better solution with few searching rounds, showing the novelty of the work. As the optimization of phase sequence in the SLM technique is considered as an NP hard optimization problem, the OHOCO algorithm is applied, which is derived by incorporating the concepts of the HOCO algorithm with oppositional based learning (OBL) strategy. To validate the effective performance of the proposed SM-OHOCO algorithm, an extensive experimental analysis is performed to highlight the improved performance in 5G networks. The resultant values pointed out the superior outcome of the proposed SM-OHOCO algorithm over the other existing methods in terms of distinct measure

    Per Sub-band Tone Reservation scheme for Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier signal

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    Fifth generation (5G) applications like Internet of Things (IoT), Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Cognitive Radios (CR), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication put new demands on the network in terms of low latency, ultra-reliable communication and efficiency when transmitting very small bursts. One new contender that makes its appearance recently is the Universal Filtered MultiCarrier (UFMC). UFMC is a potential candidate to meet the requirements of 5G upcoming applications. This related waveform encounters the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) issue arising from the usage of multi-carrier transmission. In this investigation, two PAPR reduction techniques, called Per Subband Tone Reservation (PSTR) scheme to alleviate PAPR in UFMC systems are suggested. The first one is a pre-filtering PSTR scheme that uses the least squares approximation (LSA) algorithm to calculate the optimization factor(µ) and the second one is a post-filtering method. The concept of this proposal lies on the use of peaks reductions Tone to carry the correctional signal that reduces the high peaks of each sub-band individually. To shed light on UFMC as a potential waveform for 5G upcoming application, a comparison with OFDM modulation is done

    Per Sub-band Tone Reservation scheme for Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier signal

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    Fifth generation (5G) applications like Internet of Things (IoT), Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), Cognitive Radios (CR), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication put new demands on the network in terms of low latency, ultra-reliable communication and efficiency when transmitting very small bursts. One new contender that makes its appearance recently is the Universal Filtered MultiCarrier (UFMC). UFMC is a potential candidate to meet the requirements of 5G upcoming applications. This related waveform encounters the peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) issue arising from the usage of multi-carrier transmission. In this investigation, two PAPR reduction techniques, called Per Subband Tone Reservation (PSTR) scheme to alleviate PAPR in UFMC systems are suggested. The first one is a pre-filtering PSTR scheme that uses the least squares approximation (LSA) algorithm to calculate the optimization factor(µ) and the second one is a post-filtering method. The concept of this proposal lies on the use of peaks reductions Tone to carry the correctional signal that reduces the high peaks of each sub-band individually. To shed light on UFMC as a potential waveform for 5G upcoming application, a comparison with OFDM modulation is done

    A Novel PAPR Reduction in Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC) with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OQAM) Based VLC Systems

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    The peak to average power ratio (PAPR) is one of the major problem with multicarrier-based systems. Due to its improved spectral efficiency and decreased PAPR, Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) has recently become an effective alternative to the orthogonal multiplexing division (OFDM). For filter bank multicarrier communication/offset quadrature amplitude modulation-Visible light communication (FBMC/OQAM-VLC) systems is proposed a PAPR reduction technique. The suggested approach overlaps the proposed FBMC/OQAM-based VLC data signal with the existing signals. Non-redundant signals and data signals do not overlap in the frequency domain because data signals are scattered on odd subcarriers whereas built signals use even subcarriers. To reduce the effects of large-amplitude signal reduction, the suggested technique converts negative signals into positive signals rather than clipping them off as in conventional FBMC-based VLC systems. The PAPR reduction and bit error rate (BER) are realized using a scaling factor in the transformed signals. Complementary cumulative distribution function(CCDF) and BER are used to calculate the performance of the proposed approach. The presented study found that FBMC/OQAM-VLC systems to achieve a good trade-off between PAPR reduction and BER

    PAPR reduction in CP-OFDM (5G) using hybrid technique

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    The Cyclic Prefix Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (CP-OFDM) is a 5G multicarrier waveform that offers great data speeds and improvements in spectrum utilisation. The primary CP-OFDM’s weakness is its excessive peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), which is a characteristic of all multicarrier modulation techniques. We study the application of a hybrid technique approach how to lower the peak to average power ratio (PAPR) in a CP-OFDM system. We also evaluated the outcomes of peak to average power ratio (PAPR) decrease in CP-OFDM, utilising a hybrid technique with Group Codeword Shift (GCS), Median Codeword Shift, Selective Codeword Shift (SCS), and Conventional CP-OFDM. When compared to the non-hybrid technique, the simulation results indicate that the hybrid approach is superior in reducing the peak PAPR by more than 65 percent

    Investigations on Filtered OFDM with Selective Mapping Method and Partial Transmit Sequence Technique for Future Generation Mobile Communication Systems

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    Future generation mobile communication system requires asynchronous transmission of data, reduced out-of-band power emission, low peak-to-average power ratio, low latency, high data transmission rate, better spectrum, energy, and power efficiency, etc. Investigations on suitable waveform candidates for future-generation mobile communication have been reported in this paper. Filtered Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (F- OFDM), F- OFDM with Selective Mapping Method (SLM), and F- OFDM with Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) technique, have been investigated. Its performances have been evaluated in terms of peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), bit error rate (BER), and out-of-band power emissions. F–OFDM is a suitable candidate for future-generation mobile communication systems that can be used with single-rate or multirate filters. It can also be used in combination with other PAPR reduction techniques. F-OFDM with PTS technique requires a smaller number of IFFT operations than F-OFDM with SLM. The result obtained from my present investigations reveals that F-OFDM with the PTS technique has 4.3 dB less PAPR than that of OFDM at the cost of marginal increase in the BER value

    Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony, Square Root Raised Cosine Precoding, and Mu law Compandor for Optimization of MIMO-OFDM System

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    The efficiency and high-speed data transfer rate of the communication system are increased based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The existing research in OFDM involves applying optimization methods to improve the system's efficiency. The high Peak Average Power Ratio (PAPR) value is a major limitation in the OFDM system, and this provides distortion due to the non-linear High-Power Amplifier (HPA). Local optima trap and lower convergence are two main limitations in existing optimization methods. This research proposes Enhanced Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) optimization method with a precoding-compandor technique to increase the efficiency of the OFDM system. Enhanced ABC method is applied with Boltzmann search to increase the exploitation capacity of the optimization efficiency. The selective mapping technique is applied to transform the candidate signal in the system. The ABC method increases exploration, and Boltzmann search increases exploitation. The enhanced ABC method increases the exploitation process that helps to overcome local optima traps and lower convergence. Square Root Raised Cosine (SRRC) precoding and Mu law compandor techniques were applied to reduce the PAPR. The Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) technique is applied for domain conversion in the OFDM system. The proposed method has a convergence rate of 6.4069, and the existing one has a 6.4033 convergence rate. The enhanced ABC method provides higher efficiency in the MIMO-OFDM system regarding Symbol Error Rate (SER), PAPR, and Bit Error Rate (BER)

    A Hybrid Segmentation Pattern of Partial Transmission in Computer Networks to Reduce the Complexity Level

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    Partial transmission sequence (PTS) is seen as a related project in the framework of the Orthogonal Frequency Division ‎Multiplexing (OFDM) to suppress the medium to high Peak-to-Average Power Ratio problem. The PTS chart data is based on dividing the back into subdivisions and their weight by combining step-by-step factors. Despite the fact that PTS can reduce the high specifications. The Computational Complexity Level (CC) limits the scope of application to match PTS use with ground applications. In PTS, there are three main distribution schemes. Interleaving projects (IL-PTS), arbitrary and alternate (PR-PTS) and Ad-PTS. In this paper, another algorithm called the Hybrid Pseudo-Random and Interleaving Cosine Wave Shape ‎‎(H-PRC-PTS) is presented and the PR-PTS equilibrium is established by stabilizing the cousin waveform between languages (S-IL-C- PTS), which was suggested in the previous work. The results showed that the proposed algorithm could reduce the validity of PAPR as a PR-PTS scheme, although the CC level was significantly reduced

    An efficient reconfigurable peak cancellation model for peak to average power ratio reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing communication system

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    The peak to average power ratio (PAPR) in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication system will be reduced using reconfigurable peak cancellation (RPC). RPC will also aid in improves the error vector magnitude (EVM) and reduces adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) in OFDM communication system. The proposed RPC design methodology and practical implementation using field programmable gate array (FPGA) are discussed. The proposed RPC has been demonstrated using VIRTEX-7 XC7Z100 dual-core FPGA device with less hardware difficulty and minimum utilization of FPGA resources. The proposed RPC improves the efficiency of OFDM communication process by reducing complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) with respect to instantaneous power in dB. A comparison analysis was done between the existing selective mapping (SLM) method with proposed RPS method with respect FPGA resource utilization. The proposed RPC is implemented using VIRTEX-7 XC7Z100 dual-core FPGA device. Its effectively utilizing sub-carriers, fast Fourier transform (FFT) filter, bandwidth, and sampling frequency. Due to parallel switching operation, it reduces the PAPR, ACLR and improves EVM in OFDM signal with less hardware complexity

    A hybrid-structure offset-QAM filter-bank multi-carrier MIMO system

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    Offset quadrature amplitude modulation (OQAM) filter-bank multi-carrier (FBMC), has great potential for boosting the spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) of future communication systems. This is due to its superior spectral localization, CP-less transmission and relaxed synchronization requirements. Our research focuses on three main OQAM/FBMC research problems: the computational complexity reduction taking equalization into consideration, its integration with multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) and its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). OQAM/FBMC systems are mainly implemented either using frequency spreading (FS) or polyphase network (PPN) techniques. The PPN technique is generally less complex, but when using frequency domain equalization (FDE) to equalize multipath channel effects at the receiver, there is a computational complexity overhead when using PPN. A novel hybrid-structure OQAM/FBMC MIMO space-frequency block coding (SFBC) system is proposed, to achieve the lowest possible overall complexity in conjunction with FDE at the receiver in frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. The Alamouti SFBC block coding is performed on the complex-orthogonal signal before OQAM processing, which resolves the problems of intrinsic interference when integrating OQAM/FBMC with MIMO. In better multipath channel conditions with a line-of-sight (LOS) path, a zero-forcing (ZF) time domain equalization (TDE) is exploited to further reduce the computational complexity with comparable performance bit-error-rate (BER). On the other hand, to tackle the high PAPR problem of the OQAM/FBMC system in the uplink, a novel single carrier (SC)-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system is proposed. The system uses DFT-spreading applied to the OQAM modulated signal, along with interleaved subcarrier mapping to significantly reduce the PAPR and enhance the BER performance over Rayleigh fading channels, with relatively low additional computational complexity compared to the original complexity of the FBMC system and compared to other FBMC PAPR reduction techniques.The proposed hybrid-structure system has shown significant BER performance in frequency-selective Rayleigh fading channels compared to OFDM, with significantly lower OOB emissions in addition to the enhanced SE due to the absence of CP. In mild multipath fading channels with a LOS component, the PPN OQAM/FBMC MIMO using TDE has a comparable BER performance with significantly less computational complexity. As for the uplink, the SC-OQAM/FBMC MIMO system significantly reduces the PAPR and enhances the BER performance, with relatively low additional computational complexity