36,651 research outputs found

    Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging based on Riemannian Structure of Orientation Distribution Functions

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    In this paper, we propose a novel large deformation diffeomorphic registration algorithm to align high angular resolution diffusion images (HARDI) characterized by orientation distribution functions (ODFs). Our proposed algorithm seeks an optimal diffeomorphism of large deformation between two ODF fields in a spatial volume domain and at the same time, locally reorients an ODF in a manner such that it remains consistent with the surrounding anatomical structure. To this end, we first review the Riemannian manifold of ODFs. We then define the reorientation of an ODF when an affine transformation is applied and subsequently, define the diffeomorphic group action to be applied on the ODF based on this reorientation. We incorporate the Riemannian metric of ODFs for quantifying the similarity of two HARDI images into a variational problem defined under the large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping (LDDMM) framework. We finally derive the gradient of the cost function in both Riemannian spaces of diffeomorphisms and the ODFs, and present its numerical implementation. Both synthetic and real brain HARDI data are used to illustrate the performance of our registration algorithm

    Deformable Registration through Learning of Context-Specific Metric Aggregation

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    We propose a novel weakly supervised discriminative algorithm for learning context specific registration metrics as a linear combination of conventional similarity measures. Conventional metrics have been extensively used over the past two decades and therefore both their strengths and limitations are known. The challenge is to find the optimal relative weighting (or parameters) of different metrics forming the similarity measure of the registration algorithm. Hand-tuning these parameters would result in sub optimal solutions and quickly become infeasible as the number of metrics increases. Furthermore, such hand-crafted combination can only happen at global scale (entire volume) and therefore will not be able to account for the different tissue properties. We propose a learning algorithm for estimating these parameters locally, conditioned to the data semantic classes. The objective function of our formulation is a special case of non-convex function, difference of convex function, which we optimize using the concave convex procedure. As a proof of concept, we show the impact of our approach on three challenging datasets for different anatomical structures and modalities.Comment: Accepted for publication in the 8th International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI 2017), in conjunction with MICCAI 201

    SegICP: Integrated Deep Semantic Segmentation and Pose Estimation

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    Recent robotic manipulation competitions have highlighted that sophisticated robots still struggle to achieve fast and reliable perception of task-relevant objects in complex, realistic scenarios. To improve these systems' perceptive speed and robustness, we present SegICP, a novel integrated solution to object recognition and pose estimation. SegICP couples convolutional neural networks and multi-hypothesis point cloud registration to achieve both robust pixel-wise semantic segmentation as well as accurate and real-time 6-DOF pose estimation for relevant objects. Our architecture achieves 1cm position error and <5^\circ$ angle error in real time without an initial seed. We evaluate and benchmark SegICP against an annotated dataset generated by motion capture.Comment: IROS camera-read

    Consistent ICP for the registration of sparse and inhomogeneous point clouds

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    In this paper, we derive a novel iterative closest point (ICP) technique that performs point cloud alignment in a robust and consistent way. Traditional ICP techniques minimize the point-to-point distances, which are successful when point clouds contain no noise or clutter and moreover are dense and more or less uniformly sampled. In the other case, it is better to employ point-to-plane or other metrics to locally approximate the surface of the objects. However, the point-to-plane metric does not yield a symmetric solution, i.e. the estimated transformation of point cloud p to point cloud q is not necessarily equal to the inverse transformation of point cloud q to point cloud p. In order to improve ICP, we will enforce such symmetry constraints as prior knowledge and make it also robust to noise and clutter. Experimental results show that our method is indeed much more consistent and accurate in presence of noise and clutter compared to existing ICP algorithms