6 research outputs found

    Automated detection and cell density assessment of keratocytes in the human corneal stroma from ultrahigh resolution optical coherence tomograms

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    Keratocytes are fibroblast-like cells that maintain the optical clarity and the overall health of the cornea. The ability to measure precisely their density and spatial distribution in the cornea is important for the understanding of corneal healing processes and the diagnostics of some corneal disorders. A novel computerized approach to detection and counting of keratocyte cells from ultra high resolution optical coherence tomography (UHR-OCT) images of the human corneal stroma is presented. The corneal OCT data is first processed using a state-of-the-art despeckling algorithm to reduce the effect of speckle on detection accuracy. A thresholding strategy is then employed to allow for improved delineation of keratocyte cells by suppressing similarly shaped features in the data, followed by a second-order moment analysis to identify potential cell nuclei candidates. Finally, a local extrema strategy is used to refine the candidates to determine the locations and the number of keratocyte cells. Cell density distribution analysis was carried in 3D UHR-OCT images of the human corneal stroma, acquired in-vivo. The cell density results obtained using the proposed novel approach correlate well with previous work on computerized keratocyte cell counting from confocal microscopy images of human cornea

    Automatic segmentation of closed-contour features in ophthalmic images using graph theory and dynamic programming

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    This paper presents a generalized framework for segmenting closed-contour anatomical and pathological features using graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP). More specifically, the GTDP method previously developed for quantifying retinal and corneal layer thicknesses is extended to segment objects such as cells and cysts. The presented technique relies on a transform that maps closed-contour features in the Cartesian domain into lines in the quasi-polar domain. The features of interest are then segmented as layers via GTDP. Application of this method to segment closed-contour features in several ophthalmic image types is shown. Quantitative validation experiments for retinal pigmented epithelium cell segmentation in confocal fluorescence microscopy images attests to the accuracy of the presented technique

    An efficient system for preprocessing confocal corneal images for subsequent analysis

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    A confocal microscope provides a sequence of images of the various corneal layers and structures at different depths from which medical clinicians can extract clinical information on the state of health of the patient's cornea. Preprocessing the confocal corneal images to make them suitable for analysis is very challenging due the nature of these images and the amount of the noise present in them. This paper presents an efficient preprocessing approach for confocal corneal images consisting of three main steps including enhancement, binarisation and refinement. Improved visualisation, cell counts and measurements of cell properties have been achieved through this system and an interactive graphical user interface has been developed

    Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis of Corneal Tissue

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    Because of the ubiquitous use of contact lenses, there is considerable interest in better understanding the anatomy of the cornea, the part of the eye in contact with an exterior lens. The recent technology developments in high resolution Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) devices allows for the in-vivo observation of the structure of the human cornea in 3D and at cellular level resolution. Prolonged wear of contact lenses, inflammations, scarring and diseases can change the structure and physiology of the human cornea. OCT is capable of in-vivo, non-contact, 3D imaging of the human cornea. In this research, novel image processing algorithms were developed to process OCT images of the human cornea, in order to determine the corneal optical scattering and transmission. The algorithms were applied to OCT data sets acquired from multiple subjects before, during and after prolonged (3 hours) wear of soft contact lenses and eye patches, in order to investigate the changes in the corneal scattering associated with hypoxia. Results from this study demonstrate the ability of OCT to measure the optical scattering of corneal tissue and to monitor its changes resulting from external stress (hypoxia)

    Optical Coherence Tomography Image Analysis of Corneal Tissue

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    Because of the ubiquitous use of contact lenses, there is considerable interest in better understanding the anatomy of the cornea, the part of the eye in contact with an exterior lens. The recent technology developments in high resolution Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) devices allows for the in-vivo observation of the structure of the human cornea in 3D and at cellular level resolution. Prolonged wear of contact lenses, inflammations, scarring and diseases can change the structure and physiology of the human cornea. OCT is capable of in-vivo, non-contact, 3D imaging of the human cornea. In this research, novel image processing algorithms were developed to process OCT images of the human cornea, in order to determine the corneal optical scattering and transmission. The algorithms were applied to OCT data sets acquired from multiple subjects before, during and after prolonged (3 hours) wear of soft contact lenses and eye patches, in order to investigate the changes in the corneal scattering associated with hypoxia. Results from this study demonstrate the ability of OCT to measure the optical scattering of corneal tissue and to monitor its changes resulting from external stress (hypoxia)

    Graph Theory and Dynamic Programming Framework for Automated Segmentation of Ophthalmic Imaging Biomarkers

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    <p>Accurate quantification of anatomical and pathological structures in the eye is crucial for the study and diagnosis of potentially blinding diseases. Earlier and faster detection of ophthalmic imaging biomarkers also leads to optimal treatment and improved vision recovery. While modern optical imaging technologies such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) and adaptive optics (AO) have facilitated in vivo visualization of the eye at the cellular scale, the massive influx of data generated by these systems is often too large to be fully analyzed by ophthalmic experts without extensive time or resources. Furthermore, manual evaluation of images is inherently subjective and prone to human error.</p><p>This dissertation describes the development and validation of a framework called graph theory and dynamic programming (GTDP) to automatically detect and quantify ophthalmic imaging biomarkers. The GTDP framework was validated as an accurate technique for segmenting retinal layers on OCT images. The framework was then extended through the development of the quasi-polar transform to segment closed-contour structures including photoreceptors on AO scanning laser ophthalmoscopy images and retinal pigment epithelial cells on confocal microscopy images. </p><p>The GTDP framework was next applied in a clinical setting with pathologic images that are often lower in quality. Algorithms were developed to delineate morphological structures on OCT indicative of diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic macular edema (DME). The AMD algorithm was shown to be robust to poor image quality and was capable of segmenting both drusen and geographic atrophy. To account for the complex manifestations of DME, a novel kernel regression-based classification framework was developed to identify retinal layers and fluid-filled regions as a guide for GTDP segmentation.</p><p>The development of fast and accurate segmentation algorithms based on the GTDP framework has significantly reduced the time and resources necessary to conduct large-scale, multi-center clinical trials. This is one step closer towards the long-term goal of improving vision outcomes for ocular disease patients through personalized therapy.</p>Dissertatio