70 research outputs found

    On Two Fundamental Problems on APN Power Functions

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    The six infinite families of power APN functions are among the oldest known instances of APN functions, and it has been conjectured in 2000 that they exhaust all possible power APN functions. Another long-standing open problem is that of the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin power family, which is still unknown. Those of Kasami, Niho and Welch functions are known, but not the precise values of their Walsh transform, with rare exceptions. One promising approach that could lead to the resolution of these problems is to consider alternative representations of the functions in questions. We derive alternative representations for the infinite APN monomial families. We show how the Niho, Welch, and Dobbertin functions can be represented as the composition xi∘x1/j of two power functions, and prove that our representations are optimal, i.e. no two power functions of lesser algebraic degree can be used to represent the functions in this way. We investigate compositions xi∘L∘x1/j for a linear polynomial L , show how the Kasami functions in odd dimension can be expressed in this way with i=j being a Gold exponent and compute all APN functions of this form for n≤9 and for L with binary coefficients, thereby showing that our theoretical constructions exhaust all possible cases. We present observations and data on power functions with exponent ∑k−1i=122ni−1 which generalize the inverse and Dobbertin families. We present data on the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin function for n≤35 , and conjecture its exact form. As an application of our results, we determine the exact values of the Walsh transform of the Kasami function at all points of a special form. Computations performed for n≤21 show that these points cover about 2/3 of the field.acceptedVersio

    On two fundamental problems on APN power functions

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    The six infinite families of power APN functions are among the oldest known instances of APN functions, and it has been conjectured in 2000 that they exhaust all possible power APN functions. Another long-standing open problem is that of the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin power family, for which it still remains unknown. We derive alternative representations for theinfinite APN monomial families. We show how the Niho, Welch, and Dobbertin functions can be represented as the composition xix1/jx^i \circ x^{1/j} of two power functions, and prove that our representations are optimal, i.e. no two power functions of lesser algebraic degree can produce the same composition. We investigate compositions xiLx1/jx^i \circ L \circ x^{1/j} for a linear polynomial LL, and compute all APN functions of this form for n9n \le 9 and for LL with binary coefficients, thereby confirming that our theoretical constructions exhaust all possible cases. We present observations and data on power functions with exponent i=1k122ni1\sum_{i = 1}^{k-1} 2^{2ni} - 1 which generalize the inverse and Dobbertin families. We present data on the Walsh spectrum of the Dobbertin function for n35n \le 35, and conjecture its exact form. As an application of our results, we determine the exact values of the Walsh transform of the Kasami function at all points of a special form. Computations performed for n21n \le 21 show that these points cover about 2/3 of the field

    Improved upper bound on root number of linearized polynomials and its application to nonlinearity estimation of Boolean functions

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    To determine the dimension of null space of any given linearized polynomial is one of vital problems in finite field theory, with concern to design of modern symmetric cryptosystems. But, the known general theory for this task is much far from giving the exact dimension when applied to a specific linearized polynomial. The first contribution of this paper is to give a better general method to get more precise upper bound on the root number of any given linearized polynomial. We anticipate this result would be applied as a useful tool in many research branches of finite field and cryptography. Really we apply this result to get tighter estimations of the lower bounds on the second order nonlinearities of general cubic Boolean functions, which has been being an active research problem during the past decade, with many examples showing great improvements. Furthermore, this paper shows that by studying the distribution of radicals of derivatives of a given Boolean functions one can get a better lower bound of the second-order nonlinearity, through an example of the monomial Boolean function gμ=Tr(μx22r+2r+1)g_{\mu}=Tr(\mu x^{2^{2r}+2^r+1}) over any finite field \GF{n}

    Design of Stream Ciphers and Cryptographic Properties of Nonlinear Functions

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    Block and stream ciphers are widely used to protect the privacy of digital information. A variety of attacks against block and stream ciphers exist; the most recent being the algebraic attacks. These attacks reduce the cipher to a simple algebraic system which can be solved by known algebraic techniques. These attacks have been very successful against a variety of stream ciphers and major efforts (for example eSTREAM project) are underway to design and analyze new stream ciphers. These attacks have also raised some concerns about the security of popular block ciphers. In this thesis, apart from designing new stream ciphers, we focus on analyzing popular nonlinear transformations (Boolean functions and S-boxes) used in block and stream ciphers for various cryptographic properties, in particular their resistance against algebraic attacks. The main contribution of this work is the design of two new stream ciphers and a thorough analysis of the algebraic immunity of Boolean functions and S-boxes based on power mappings. First we present WG, a family of new stream ciphers designed to obtain a keystream with guaranteed randomness properties. We show how to obtain a mathematical description of a WG stream cipher for the desired randomness properties and security level, and then how to translate this description into a practical hardware design. Next we describe the design of a new RC4-like stream cipher suitable for high speed software applications. The design is compared with original RC4 stream cipher for both security and speed. The second part of this thesis closely examines the algebraic immunity of Boolean functions and S-boxes based on power mappings. We derive meaningful upper bounds on the algebraic immunity of cryptographically significant Boolean power functions and show that for large input sizes these functions have very low algebraic immunity. To analyze the algebraic immunity of S-boxes based on power mappings, we focus on calculating the bi-affine and quadratic equations they satisfy. We present two very efficient algorithms for this purpose and give new S-box constructions that guarantee zero bi-affine and quadratic equations. We also examine these S-boxes for their resistance against linear and differential attacks and provide a list of S-boxes based on power mappings that offer high resistance against linear, differential, and algebraic attacks. Finally we investigate the algebraic structure of S-boxes used in AES and DES by deriving their equivalent algebraic descriptions

    Revisiting some results on APN and algebraic immune functions

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    We push a little further the study of two characterizations of almost perfect nonlinear (APN) functions introduced in our recent monograph. We state open problems about them, and we revisit in their perspective a well-known result from Dobbertin on APN exponents. This leads us to new results about APN power functions and more general APN polynomials with coefficients in a subfield F_{2^k} , which ease the research of such functions and of differentially uniform functions, and simplifies the related proofs by avoiding tedious calculations. In a second part, we give slightly simpler proofs than in the same monograph, of two known results on Boolean functions, one of which deserves to be better known but needed clarification, and the other needed correction

    A New Angle:On Evolving Rotation Symmetric Boolean Functions

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    Rotation symmetric Boolean functions represent an interesting class of Boolean functions as they are relatively rare compared to general Boolean functions. At the same time, the functions in this class can have excellent properties, making them interesting for various practical applications. The usage of metaheuristics to construct rotation symmetric Boolean functions is a direction that has been explored for almost twenty years. Despite that, there are very few results considering evolutionary computation methods. This paper uses several evolutionary algorithms to evolve rotation symmetric Boolean functions with different properties. Despite using generic metaheuristics, we obtain results that are competitive with prior work relying on customized heuristics. Surprisingly, we find that bitstring and floating point encodings work better than the tree encoding. Moreover, evolving highly nonlinear general Boolean functions is easier than rotation symmetric ones

    Invariants for EA- and CCZ-equivalence of APN and AB functions

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    An (n,m)-function is a mapping from F2n{\mathbb {F}_{2}^{n}} to F2m{\mathbb {F}_{2}^{m}}. Such functions have numerous applications across mathematics and computer science, and in particular are used as building blocks of block ciphers in symmetric cryptography. The classes of APN and AB functions have been identified as cryptographically optimal with respect to the resistance against two of the most powerful known cryptanalytic attacks, namely differential and linear cryptanalysis. The classes of APN and AB functions are directly related to optimal objects in many other branches of mathematics, and have been a subject of intense study since at least the early 90’s. Finding new constructions of these functions is hard; one of the most significant practical issues is that any tentatively new function must be proven inequivalent to all the known ones. Testing equivalence can be significantly simplified by computing invariants, i.e. properties that are preserved by the respective equivalence relation. In this paper, we survey the known invariants for CCZ- and EA-equivalence, with a particular focus on their utility in distinguishing between inequivalent instances of APN and AB functions. We evaluate each invariant with respect to how easy it is to implement in practice, how efficiently it can be calculated on a computer, and how well it can distinguish between distinct EA- and CCZ-equivalence classes.publishedVersio