14 research outputs found

    Functors of Liftings of Projective Schemes

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    A classical approach to investigate a closed projective scheme WW consists of considering a general hyperplane section of WW, which inherits many properties of WW. The inverse problem that consists in finding a scheme WW starting from a possible hyperplane section YY is called a {\em lifting problem}, and every such scheme WW is called a {\em lifting} of YY. Investigations in this topic can produce methods to obtain schemes with specific properties. For example, any smooth point for YY is smooth also for WW. We characterize all the liftings of YY with a given Hilbert polynomial by a parameter scheme that is obtained by gluing suitable affine open subschemes in a Hilbert scheme and is described through the functor it represents. We use constructive methods from Gr\"obner and marked bases theories. Furthermore, by classical tools we obtain an analogous result for equidimensional liftings. Examples of explicit computations are provided.Comment: 25 pages. Final version. Ancillary files available at http://wpage.unina.it/cioffifr/MaterialeCoCoALiftingGeometric

    Upgraded methods for the effective computation of marked schemes on a strongly stable ideal

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    Let J⊂S=K[x0,...,xn]J\subset S=K[x_0,...,x_n] be a monomial strongly stable ideal. The collection \Mf(J) of the homogeneous polynomial ideals II, such that the monomials outside JJ form a KK-vector basis of S/IS/I, is called a {\em JJ-marked family}. It can be endowed with a structure of affine scheme, called a {\em JJ-marked scheme}. For special ideals JJ, JJ-marked schemes provide an open cover of the Hilbert scheme \hilbp, where p(t)p(t) is the Hilbert polynomial of S/JS/J. Those ideals more suitable to this aim are the mm-truncation ideals J‾≥m\underline{J}_{\geq m} generated by the monomials of degree ≥m\geq m in a saturated strongly stable monomial ideal J‾\underline{J}. Exploiting a characterization of the ideals in \Mf(\underline{J}_{\geq m}) in terms of a Buchberger-like criterion, we compute the equations defining the J‾≥m\underline{J}_{\geq m}-marked scheme by a new reduction relation, called {\em superminimal reduction}, and obtain an embedding of \Mf(\underline{J}_{\geq m}) in an affine space of low dimension. In this setting, explicit computations are achievable in many non-trivial cases. Moreover, for every mm, we give a closed embedding \phi_m: \Mf(\underline{J}_{\geq m})\hookrightarrow \Mf(\underline{J}_{\geq m+1}), characterize those ϕm\phi_m that are isomorphisms in terms of the monomial basis of J‾\underline{J}, especially we characterize the minimum integer m0m_0 such that ϕm\phi_m is an isomorphism for every m≥m0m\geq m_0.Comment: 28 pages; this paper contains and extends the second part of the paper posed at arXiv:0909.2184v2[math.AG]; sections are now reorganized and the general presentation of the paper is improved. Final version accepted for publicatio

    A general framework for Noetherian well ordered polynomial reductions

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    Polynomial reduction is one of the main tools in computational algebra with innumerable applications in many areas, both pure and applied. Since many years both the theory and an efficient design of the related algorithm have been solidly established. This paper presents a general definition of polynomial reduction structure, studies its features and highlights the aspects needed in order to grant and to efficiently test the main properties (noetherianity, confluence, ideal membership). The most significant aspect of this analysis is a negative reappraisal of the role of the notion of term order which is usually considered a central and crucial tool in the theory. In fact, as it was already established in the computer science context in relation with termination of algorithms, most of the properties can be obtained simply considering a well-founded ordering, while the classical requirement that it be preserved by multiplication is irrelevant. The last part of the paper shows how the polynomial basis concepts present in literature are interpreted in our language and their properties are consequences of the general results established in the first part of the paper.Comment: 36 pages. New title and substantial improvements to the presentation according to the comments of the reviewer

    Flat families by strongly stable ideals and a generalization of Groebner bases

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    Let J be a strongly stable monomial ideal in S=K[x_1,...,x_n] and let Mf(J) be the family of all homogeneous ideals I in S such that the set of all terms outside J is a K-vector basis of the quotient S/I. We show that an ideal I belongs to Mf(J) if and only if it is generated by a special set of polynomials, the J-marked basis of I, that in some sense generalizes the notion of reduced Groebner basis and its constructive capabilities. Indeed, although not every J-marked basis is a Groebner basis with respect to some term order, a sort of normal form modulo I (with the ideal I in Mf(J)) can be computed for every homogeneous polynomial, so that a J-marked basis can be characterized by a Buchberger-like criterion. Using J-marked bases, we prove that the family Mf(J) can be endowed, in a very natural way, with a structure of affine scheme that turns out to be homogeneous with respect to a non-standard grading and flat in the origin (the point corresponding to J), thanks to properties of J-marked bases analogous to those of Groebner bases about syzygies.Comment: This paper includes and extends the paper posed at arXiv:1005.0457. Revised version for publication. Added reference

    The close relation between border and Pommaret marked bases

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    Given a finite order ideal O\mathcal O in the polynomial ring K[x1,…,xn]K[x_1,\dots, x_n] over a field KK, let ∂O\partial \mathcal O be the border of O\mathcal O and PO\mathcal P_{\mathcal O} the Pommaret basis of the ideal generated by the terms outside O\mathcal O. In the framework of reduction structures introduced by Ceria, Mora, Roggero in 2019, we investigate relations among ∂O\partial\mathcal O-marked sets (resp. bases) and PO\mathcal P_{\mathcal O}-marked sets (resp. bases). We prove that a ∂O\partial\mathcal O-marked set BB is a marked basis if and only if the PO\mathcal P_{\mathcal O}-marked set PP contained in BB is a marked basis and generates the same ideal as BB. Using a functorial description of these marked bases, as a byproduct we obtain that the affine schemes respectively parameterizing ∂O\partial\mathcal O-marked bases and PO\mathcal P_{\mathcal O}-marked bases are isomorphic. We are able to describe this isomorphism as a projection that can be explicitly constructed without the use of Gr\"obner elimination techniques. In particular, we obtain a straightforward embedding of border schemes in smaller affine spaces. Furthermore, we observe that Pommaret marked schemes give an open covering of punctual Hilbert schemes. Several examples are given along all the paper.Comment: 17 pages; presentation improved, some references adde