234 research outputs found

    Computing periods of rational integrals

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    A period of a rational integral is the result of integrating, with respect to one or several variables, a rational function over a closed path. This work focuses particularly on periods depending on a parameter: in this case the period under consideration satisfies a linear differential equation, the Picard-Fuchs equation. I give a reduction algorithm that extends the Griffiths-Dwork reduction and apply it to the computation of Picard-Fuchs equations. The resulting algorithm is elementary and has been successfully applied to problems that were previously out of reach.Comment: To appear in Math. comp. Supplementary material at http://pierre.lairez.fr/supp/periods

    Computing topological zeta functions of groups, algebras, and modules, II

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    Building on our previous work (arXiv:1405.5711), we develop the first practical algorithm for computing topological zeta functions of nilpotent groups, non-associative algebras, and modules. While we previously depended upon non-degeneracy assumptions, the theory developed here allows us to overcome these restrictions in various interesting cases.Comment: 33 pages; sequel to arXiv:1405.571

    Two-loop Integral Reduction from Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curves

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    We show that for a class of two-loop diagrams, the on-shell part of the integration-by-parts (IBP) relations correspond to exact meromorphic one-forms on algebraic curves. Since it is easy to find such exact meromorphic one-forms from algebraic geometry, this idea provides a new highly efficient algorithm for integral reduction. We demonstrate the power of this method via several complicated two-loop diagrams with internal massive legs. No explicit elliptic or hyperelliptic integral computation is needed for our method.Comment: minor changes: more references adde

    Standard model plethystics

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    We study the vacuum geometry prescribed by the gauge invariant operators of the minimal supersymmetric standard model via the plethystic program. This is achieved by using several tricks to perform the highly computationally challenging Molien-Weyl integral, from which we extract the Hilbert series, encoding the invariants of the geometry at all degrees. The fully refined Hilbert series is presented as the explicit sum of 1422 rational functions. We found a good choice of weights to unrefine the Hilbert series into a rational function of a single variable, from which we can read off the dimension and the degree of the vacuum moduli space of the minimal supersymmetric standard model gauge invariants. All data in Mathematica format are also presented

    Groebner.jl: A package for Gr\"obner bases computations in Julia

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    We introduce the Julia package Groebner.jl for computing Gr\"obner bases with the F4 algorithm. Groebner.jl is an efficient, lightweight, portable, thoroughly tested, and documented open-source software. The package works over integers modulo a prime and over the rationals and supports various monomial orderings. The implementation incorporates modern symbolic computation techniques and leverages the Julia type system and tooling, which allows Groebner.jl to be on par in performance with the leading computer algebra systems. Our package is freely available at https://github.com/sumiya11/Groebner.jl .Comment: 10 page

    A verified Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm in ACL2

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    In this article, we present the formal verification of a Common Lisp implementation of Buchberger's algorithm for computing Gröbner bases of polynomial ideals. This work is carried out in ACL2, a system which provides an integrated environment where programming (in a pure functional subset of Common Lisp) and formal verification of programs, with the assistance of a theorem prover, are possible. Our implementation is written in a real programming language and it is directly executable within the ACL2 system or any compliant Common Lisp system. We provide here snippets of real verified code, discuss the formalization details in depth, and present quantitative data about the proof effort

    Explicit formula for the generating series of diagonal 3D rook paths

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    Let ana_n denote the number of ways in which a chess rook can move from a corner cell to the opposite corner cell of an n×n×nn \times n \times n three-dimensional chessboard, assuming that the piece moves closer to the goal cell at each step. We describe the computer-driven \emph{discovery and proof} of the fact that the generating series G(x)=∑n≥0anxnG(x)= \sum_{n \geq 0} a_n x^n admits the following explicit expression in terms of a Gaussian hypergeometric function: G(x) = 1 + 6 \cdot \int_0^x \frac{\,\pFq21{1/3}{2/3}{2} {\frac{27 w(2-3w)}{(1-4w)^3}}}{(1-4w)(1-64w)} \, dw.Comment: To appear in "S\'eminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire

    A Computer Algebra System for R: Macaulay2 and the m2r Package

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    Algebraic methods have a long history in statistics. Apart from the ubiquitous applications of linear algebra, the most visible manifestations of modern algebra in statistics are found in the young field of algebraic statistics, which brings tools from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry to bear on statistical problems. Now over two decades old, algebraic statistics has applications in a wide range of theoretical and applied statistical domains. Nevertheless, algebraic statistical methods are still not mainstream, mostly due to a lack of easy off-the-shelf implementations. In this article we debut m2r, an R package that connects R to Macaulay2 through a persistent back-end socket connection running locally or on a cloud server. Topics range from basic use of m2r to applications and design philosophy
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