60 research outputs found

    The design and implementation of a relational programming system.

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    The declarative class of computer languages consists mainly of two paradigms - the logic and the functional. Much research has been devoted in recent years to the integration of the two with the aim of securing the advantages of both without retaining their disadvantages. To date this research has, arguably, been less fruitful than initially hoped. A large number of composite functional/logical languages have been proposed but have generally been marred by the lack of a firm, cohesive, mathematical basis. More recently new declarative paradigms, equational and constraint languages, have been advocated. These however do not fully encompass those features we perceive as being central to functional and logic languages. The crucial functional features are higher-order definitions, static polymorphic typing, applicative expressions and laziness. The crucial logic features are ability to reason about both functional and non-functional relationships and to handle computations involving search. This thesis advocates a new declarative paradigm which lies midway between functional and logic languages - the so-called relational paradigm. In a relationallanguage program and data alike are denoted by relations. All expressions are relations constructed from simpler expressions using operators which form a relational algebra. The impetus for use of relations in a declarative language comes from observations concerning their connection to functional and logic programming. Relations are mathematically more general than functions modelling non-functional as well as functional relationships. They also form the basis of many logic languages, for example, Prolog. This thesis proposes a new relational language based entirely on binary relations, named Drusilla. We demonstrate the functional and logic aspects of Drusilla. It retains the higher-order objects and polymorphism found in modern functional languages but handles non-determinism and models relationships between objects in the manner of a logic language with notion of algorithm being composed of logic and control elements. Different programming styles - functional, logic and relational- are illustrated. However, such expressive power does not come for free; it has associated with it a high cost of implementation. Two main techniques are used in the necessarily complex language interpreter. A type inference system checks programs to ensure they are meaningful and simultaneously performs automatic representation selection for relations. A symbolic manipulation system transforms programs to improve. efficiency of expressions and to increase the number of possible representations for relations while preserving program meaning

    Parallelism in declarative languages

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    Imperative programming languages were initially built for uniprocessor systems that evolved out of the Von Neumann machine model. This model of storage oriented computation blocks parallelism and increases the cost of parallel program development and porting. Declarative languages based on mathematical models of computation, seem more suitable for the development of parallel programs. In the first part of this thesis we examine different language families under the declarative paradigm: functional, logic, and constraint languages. Functional languages are based on the abstract model of functions and (lamda)-calculus. They were initially developed for symbolic computation, but today they are commonly used in numerical analysis and many other application areas. Pure lisp is a widely known member of this class. Logic languages are based on first order predicate calculus. Although they were initially developed for theorem proving, fifth generation operating systems are written in them. Most logic languages are descendants or distant relatives of Prolog. Constraint languages are related to logic languages. In a constraint language you define a program object by placing constraints on its structure and its behavior. They were initially used in graphics applications, but today researchers work on using them in parallel computation. Here we will compare and contrast the language classes above, locate advantages and deficiencies, and explain different choices made by language implementors. In the second part of thesis we describe a front end for the CONSUL, a prototype constraint language for programming multiprocessors. The most important features of the front end are compact representation of constraints, type definitions, functional use of relations, and the ability to split programs into multiple files

    Proof planning for logic program synthesis

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    The area of logic program synthesis is attracting increased interest. Most efforts have concentrated on applying techniques from functional program synthesis to logic program synthesis. This thesis investigates a new approach: Synthesizing logic programs automatically via middle-out reasoning in proof planning.[Bundy et al 90a] suggested middle-out reasoning in proof planning. Middleout reasoning uses variables to represent unknown details of a proof. Unifica¬ tion instantiates the variables in the subsequent planning, while proof planning provides the necessary search control.Middle-out reasoning is used for synthesis by planning the verification of an unknown logic program: The program body is represented with a meta-variable. The planning results both in an instantiation of the program body and a plan for the verification of that program. If the plan executes successfully, the synthesized program is partially correct and complete.Middle-out reasoning is also used to select induction schemes. Finding an appropriate induction scheme in synthesis is difficult, because the recursion in the program, which is unknown at the outset, determines the induction in the proof. In middle-out induction, we set up a schematic step case by representing the constructors applied to the induction variables with meta-variables. Once the step case is complete, the instantiated variables correspond to an induction appropriate to the recursion of the program.The results reported in this thesis are encouraging. The approach has been implemented as an extension to the proof planner CUM [Bundy et al 90c], called Periwinkle, which has been used to synthesize a variety of programs fully automatically

    Type Safe Extensible Programming

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    Software products evolve over time. Sometimes they evolve by adding new features, and sometimes by either fixing bugs or replacing outdated implementations with new ones. When software engineers fail to anticipate such evolution during development, they will eventually be forced to re-architect or re-build from scratch. Therefore, it has been common practice to prepare for changes so that software products are extensible over their lifetimes. However, making software extensible is challenging because it is difficult to anticipate successive changes and to provide adequate abstraction mechanisms over potential changes. Such extensibility mechanisms, furthermore, should not compromise any existing functionality during extension. Software engineers would benefit from a tool that provides a way to add extensions in a reliable way. It is natural to expect programming languages to serve this role. Extensible programming is one effort to address these issues. In this thesis, we present type safe extensible programming using the MLPolyR language. MLPolyR is an ML-like functional language whose type system provides type-safe extensibility mechanisms at several levels. After presenting the language, we will show how these extensibility mechanisms can be put to good use in the context of product line engineering. Product line engineering is an emerging software engineering paradigm that aims to manage variations, which originate from successive changes in software.Comment: PhD Thesis submitted October, 200

    Toatie : functional hardware description with dependent types

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    Describing correct circuits remains a tall order, despite four decades of evolution in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Many enticing circuit architectures require recursive structures or complex compile-time computation — two patterns that prove difficult to capture in traditional HDLs. In a signal processing context, the Fast FIR Algorithm (FFA) structure for efficient parallel filtering proves to be naturally recursive, and most Multiple Constant Multiplication (MCM) blocks decompose multiplications into graphs of simple shifts and adds using demanding compile time computation. Generalised versions of both remain mostly in academic folklore. The implementations which do exist are often ad hoc circuit generators, written in software languages. These pose challenges for verification and are resistant to composition. Embedded functional HDLs, that represent circuits as data, allow for these descriptions at the cost of forcing the designer to work at the gate-level. A promising alternative is to use a stand-alone compiler, representing circuits as plain functions, exemplified by the CλaSH HDL. This, however, raises new challenges in capturing a circuit’s staging — which expressions in the single language should be reduced during compile-time elaboration, and which should remain in the circuit’s run-time? To better reflect the physical separation between circuit phases, this work proposes a new functional HDL (representing circuits as functions) with first-class staging constructs. Orthogonal to this, there are also long-standing challenges in the verification of parameterised circuit families. Industry surveys have consistently reported that only a slim minority of FPGA projects reach production without non-trivial bugs. While a healthy growth in the adoption of automatic formal methods is also reported, the majority of testing remains dynamic — presenting difficulties for testing entire circuit families at once. This research offers an alternative verification methodology via the combination of dependent types and automatic synthesis of user-defined data types. Given precise enough types for synthesisable data, this environment can be used to develop circuit families with full functional verification in a correct-by-construction fashion. This approach allows for verification of entire circuit families (not just one concrete member) and side-steps the state-space explosion of model checking methods. Beyond the existing work, this research offers synthesis of combinatorial circuits — not just a software model of their behaviour. This additional step requires careful consideration of staging, erasure & irrelevance, deriving bit representations of user-defined data types, and a new synthesis scheme. This thesis contributes steps towards HDLs with sufficient expressivity for awkward, combinatorial signal processing structures, allowing for a correct-by-construction approach, and a prototype compiler for netlist synthesis.Describing correct circuits remains a tall order, despite four decades of evolution in Hardware Description Languages (HDLs). Many enticing circuit architectures require recursive structures or complex compile-time computation — two patterns that prove difficult to capture in traditional HDLs. In a signal processing context, the Fast FIR Algorithm (FFA) structure for efficient parallel filtering proves to be naturally recursive, and most Multiple Constant Multiplication (MCM) blocks decompose multiplications into graphs of simple shifts and adds using demanding compile time computation. Generalised versions of both remain mostly in academic folklore. The implementations which do exist are often ad hoc circuit generators, written in software languages. These pose challenges for verification and are resistant to composition. Embedded functional HDLs, that represent circuits as data, allow for these descriptions at the cost of forcing the designer to work at the gate-level. A promising alternative is to use a stand-alone compiler, representing circuits as plain functions, exemplified by the CλaSH HDL. This, however, raises new challenges in capturing a circuit’s staging — which expressions in the single language should be reduced during compile-time elaboration, and which should remain in the circuit’s run-time? To better reflect the physical separation between circuit phases, this work proposes a new functional HDL (representing circuits as functions) with first-class staging constructs. Orthogonal to this, there are also long-standing challenges in the verification of parameterised circuit families. Industry surveys have consistently reported that only a slim minority of FPGA projects reach production without non-trivial bugs. While a healthy growth in the adoption of automatic formal methods is also reported, the majority of testing remains dynamic — presenting difficulties for testing entire circuit families at once. This research offers an alternative verification methodology via the combination of dependent types and automatic synthesis of user-defined data types. Given precise enough types for synthesisable data, this environment can be used to develop circuit families with full functional verification in a correct-by-construction fashion. This approach allows for verification of entire circuit families (not just one concrete member) and side-steps the state-space explosion of model checking methods. Beyond the existing work, this research offers synthesis of combinatorial circuits — not just a software model of their behaviour. This additional step requires careful consideration of staging, erasure & irrelevance, deriving bit representations of user-defined data types, and a new synthesis scheme. This thesis contributes steps towards HDLs with sufficient expressivity for awkward, combinatorial signal processing structures, allowing for a correct-by-construction approach, and a prototype compiler for netlist synthesis

    Verified compilation of a purely functional language to a realistic machine semantics

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    Formal verification of a compiler offers the ultimate understanding of the behaviour of compiled code: a mathematical proof relates the semantics of each output program to that of its corresponding input. Users can rely on the same formally-specified understanding of source-level behaviour as the compiler, so any reasoning about source code applies equally to the machine code which is actually executed. Critically, these guarantees demand faith only in a minimal trusted computing base (TCB). To date, only two general-purpose, end-to-end verified compilers exist: CompCert and CakeML, which compile a C-like and an ML-like language respectively. In this dissertation, I advance the state of the art in general-purpose, end-to-end compiler verification in two ways. First, I present PureCake, the first such verified compiler for a purely functional, Haskell-like language. Second, I derive the first compiler correctness theorem backed by a realistic machine semantics, that is, an official specification for the Armv8 instruction set architecture. Both advancements build on CakeML. PureCake extends CakeML's guarantees outwards, using it as an unmodified building block to demonstrate that we can reuse verified compilers as we do unverified ones. The key difference is that reuse of a verified compiler must consider not only its external implementation interface, but also its proof interface: its top-level theorems and TCB. Conversely, a realistic machine semantics for Armv8 strengthens the root of CakeML's trust, reducing its TCB. Now, both CakeML and the hardware it targets share a common understanding of Armv8 behaviour which is derived from the same official sources. Composing these two advancements fulfils the title of this dissertation: PureCake has an end-to-end correctness theorem which spans from a purely functional, Haskell-like language to a realistic, official machine semantics

    Programming Language Evolution and Source Code Rejuvenation

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    Programmers rely on programming idioms, design patterns, and workaround techniques to express fundamental design not directly supported by the language. Evolving languages often address frequently encountered problems by adding language and library support to subsequent releases. By using new features, programmers can express their intent more directly. As new concerns, such as parallelism or security, arise, early idioms and language facilities can become serious liabilities. Modern code sometimes bene fits from optimization techniques not feasible for code that uses less expressive constructs. Manual source code migration is expensive, time-consuming, and prone to errors. This dissertation discusses the introduction of new language features and libraries, exemplifi ed by open-methods and a non-blocking growable array library. We describe the relationship of open-methods to various alternative implementation techniques. The benefi ts of open-methods materialize in simpler code, better performance, and similar memory footprint when compared to using alternative implementation techniques. Based on these findings, we develop the notion of source code rejuvenation, the automated migration of legacy code. Source code rejuvenation leverages enhanced program language and library facilities by finding and replacing coding patterns that can be expressed through higher-level software abstractions. Raising the level of abstraction improves code quality by lowering software entropy. In conjunction with extensions to programming languages, source code rejuvenation o ers an evolutionary trajectory towards more reliable, more secure, and better performing code. We describe the tools that allow us efficient implementations of code rejuvenations. The Pivot source-to-source translation infrastructure and its traversal mechanism forms the core of our machinery. In order to free programmers from representation details, we use a light-weight pattern matching generator that turns a C like input language into pattern matching code. The generated code integrates seamlessly with the rest of the analysis framework. We utilize the framework to build analysis systems that find common workaround techniques for designated language extensions of C 0x (e.g., initializer lists). Moreover, we describe a novel system (TACE | template analysis and concept extraction) for the analysis of uninstantiated template code. Our tool automatically extracts requirements from the body of template functions. TACE helps programmers understand the requirements that their code de facto imposes on arguments and compare those de facto requirements to formal and informal specifications
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